Best way to reference an object property - javascript

Let say I have an object with
let product =
{ id:1,
I can reference the id by
const productId =
Or I can also do
const newProductCreated = Object.assign({}, product)
then reference by
Which would be the best way for me to reference the id?

If you are working with the Redux/'Flux' methedology, the second method makes sense, it is not how you should be using it.
Assuming you are trying to create a shallow copy of the object, you can simply do this:
const productCopy = { ...product };
// or const productCopy = Object.assign({}, product) if you can't support ES6
From there, you can make respective changes to the properties within productCopy without affecting the original product.
productCopy.model = 3;
// console.log(productCopy) prints out the modified object
// console.log(product) prints out the original object
This will be conform to the immutable update patterns.


How to update a value in destructing and loop

What I try to achieve:
I want to update a value in an obj, which is part of the element of array. See the code below will give you better idea.
There is an issue that I update the value of object, via reference, instead of making a copy. This causes the state behave strangely.
I try to change it to making a copy, but I am not sure.
const returnObj = {
fields: [{name, value}, {name, value}, {name, value_update_this_only}, ...],
// This is the current code
export function* onChange(action) {
// get partial state from redux state
const list = yield select((state) => state.list);
let objs = list[action.index];
// * e.g. objs.fields === [{name, value}, {name, value}, ...]
// * basically following, find the correct field and update its value
// * following has problem, beause we change the value of a reference,
// * instead we should make a new copy, so redux can react => {
if ( === action.fieldName) {
field["value"] = action.fieldValue;
return field;
// fire to redux reducer
yield put({
type: "UPDATE",
prop: obj,
docIndex: action.index,
// the problem: I don't know how to do it in destructing manner.
const returnObj = {
fields: [],
I think rather than try and come up with a single destructuring statement that makes this work, it's easier to digest (and arguably more readable) in smaller steps:
Make a shallow copy of objs; call it copy for now
Recreate fields array and every item within it
For the desired array item, update its value
Set the copy.fields to the array created in 2
// Step 1: Shallow copy
let copy = { ...objs }
// Step 2: Recreate fields and every item
let fields = => ({
// Step 3: Update value of desired item
fields.forEach((field) => {
if ( === action.fieldName)
field.value = action.fieldValue
// Step 4: Reassign fields to the copy
copy.fields = fields
Refactoring this, steps 2-4 can be combined into one step without sacrificing that much readability:
let copy = { ...objs }
copy.fields = => ({
value: === action.fieldName ? action.fieldValue : field.value,
It's been a long time since I've used redux or sagas, so I'm not sure whether fields needs to be an entirely new array or if just the changed object within fields needs to be new, but the above can be modified to accommodate either need.

How to copy object to new variable

Let's say I have class called Person, which have firstName, lastName, and Array of addresses fields.
And in one of my angular components I am getting Person object to do some operation on them. But I would like to create two copies of this obj. To do that I am using Object.assign. But after that when I am manipulating firstName from firstCopyPerson all other objects are changed too.
How can I assign object to new variable without making reference to orginal object, but instead just creating new separate object?
mainPerson: Person;
firstCopyPerson: Person;
secondCopyPerson: Person;
ngOnInit() {
this.mainPerson = someCache.getPerson();
this.firstCopyPerson: Object.assign({}, this.mainPerson);
this.secondCopyPerson: Object.assign({}, this.mainPerson);
You can add this re-usable function so you can reuse this function everytime
const copyObject = (obj) => {
let result = {};
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, value]) => {
result[key] = value;
return result;
// Test the function
const obj1 = {name: 'notebook', price: 100};
objCopy = copyObject(obj1);
You can also use this way
const obj = {name: 'laptop', price: 100};
// This is the implementation line
let objCopy = {...obj};
whenever you use this code you are assigning a new reference to the object and both variables assigning to the same object so when you edit one of them the other will change too. you can solve this by destructing the object for example you can try this :
let personCopy = {...person}
Object.assign would only make a shallow copy of the object, that means all attributes are assigned to the same data objects.
You may want to read about deep copies which are the safe way to go.
Fenton already posted a brilliant answer to this, take a look at option 4 in his answer:

issues with redux payload in reducers

I have the following code for one of the CASES in reducers
const {method,copiedArray} = payload;
let ref = copiedArray
let swapped = bubblesort(copiedArray) //<------here
The question is this, as you can see here I assigned the variable ref before involving the bubblesort function. But when I run the program, ref variable has the same value with the swapped variable. Why is that?
In javascript objects (arrays are objects) are assigned by reference, so copiedArray and ref are referring (pointing) to the same object. If you change the contents of the object (and your bubblesort function seems to sort in place - that is mutate/change the array internally), the changes are visible in all of the variables: copiedArray, ref and swapped.
const copiedArray = [3,2,1];
const ref = copiedArray;
const swapped = copiedArray.sort();

Alternate/better ways to initialize JavaScript object that needs multiple static values?

I have a JavaScript object with some static attribute values, dynamic attribute values and methods. Each time I need one of these objects, I will need 10 of them. Each of the 10 objects gets initialized by a dedicated object literal. That happens under 3 different contexts of a user doing something on a data entry form. User actions can cause the contexts to happen in any order, any number of times, but the same 10 objects will always be created in each context. By "same" I mean the static values for a "no_matl" object will be identical each time a "no_matl" object is created ... only a few dynamic attribute values (field value, previous value, date/time, context ID) are different for each context.
Is there a smarter way to do the initialization currently done with the const object literal? Originally I passed a bunch of params to the constructor and initialized the static attributes from those. The object literal approach seemed cleaner. Maybe there's a better way?
// object literals used to initialize a each of the 10
// different type objects.
DispName: 'No Material',
TrueVal: 'Yes',
InitVal: '',
DispWhenSet: 'yes',
DispWhenNotSet: ''
const FIELD_CPCAT = { ... same attributes, different values ...};
const FIELD_HCN = { ... same attributes, different values ...};
// ... 7 more like this ...
// context 1
var no_matl = new MyField(FIELD_NOMATERIAL),
cpcap = new MyField(FIELD_CPCAT),
hcn = new MyField(FIELD_HCN) .... 7 more like this
// object definition
function MyField() {
if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof(arguments[0]) === 'object' ) {
this.DispName = arguments[0].DispName ;
this.DbName = arguments[0].DbName ;
// .... etc for rest of static attributes ...
Sounds like what you want is a copy of the original object that can change values without changing the original. Try this:
DispName: 'No Material',
TrueVal: 'Yes',
InitVal: '',
DispWhenSet: 'yes',
DispWhenNotSet: ''
function getFreshCopy(original) {
return Object.assign({}, original);
var no_matl = getFreshCopy(FIELD_NOMATERIAL);
Using Object.assign({}, obj) will create a new copy that can be changed without the original values changing. no_matl can be adjusted and FIELD_NOMATERIAL remains in its original state.
Note that const means the variable cannot be assigned a new value. It does not mean that the contents of the object cannot be changed. That means the following is true:
const noChange = { a: 7 };
noChange.a = 8; // this is fine because 'a' is allowed to change
noChange = "hello"; // this gives TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

reactjs changing object attributes inside the state object

I get an object as response from a get.
Now I assign the object to a state var (object) like this:
Is there a way to change the values within this object?
I thought about something like this:
this.setState({editData.[var]: [value]})
Firstly you have to remember that you should never mutate state object directly. So first you shold make a copy of state object and mutate the copy. Then set this copy as state. You can use spread syntax to achieve it:
this.setState((prevState) => ({editData: {...prevState.editData, [var]: value}}));
Here is working example showing that source object is not mutated:
let state = {
editData: {
age: 22
let age = "age";
let stateCopy = {editData: {...state.editData, [age]: 100}};

