Test failing after adding then and catch to promise - javascript

I have the following (simplified for the sake of scoping down problem) code:
function pushPromises() {
const promises = [];
return promises;
export default handlePromises(async (c) => {
const results = await Promise.all(pushPromises())
My test mocks those firstPromise and secondPromise to check if they were called with the right arguments. This works (assume mock set up is properly done):
describe('test', () => {
let firstMock;
let secondMock;
beforeEach(() => {
require('src/firstPromise').default = firstMock;
require('src/secondPromise').default = secondMock;
it('test', async () => {
await handlePromises(context);
Now, if I add handlers to the promises such as:
function pushPromises() {
const promises = [];
.then(r => console.log(r))
.catch(e => console.log(e))
.then(r => console.log(r))
.catch(e => console.log(e))
return promises;
The first expectation passes, but the second one doesn't. It looks like the second promise is no longer called.
How can I modify the test/code so that adding handlers on the promises don't make the test break? It looks like it is just finishing the execution on the first promise handler and does never get to the second one.
I have modified the function to return a Promise.all without await:
export default handlePromises(async (c) => {
return Promise.all(pushPromises())
But I'm having the exact same issue. The second promise is not called if the first one has a .then.

In your edit, your handlePromises is still not a promise..
Try the following. ->
it('test', async () => {
await Promise.all(pushPromises());

Your handlePromises function accepts a callback but you are handling it as it returns a promise, it is not a good way to go but you can test your method using callback as following
Modify your Test as=>
it('test', (done) => {
context.success = (results) => {
Or modify your code as =>
function pushPromises() {
const promises = [];
return promises;
export default handlePromises = (context) => {
return Promise.all(pushPromises()).then((data) => context.success(data))
//with async
export default handlePromises = async (context) => {
let data = await Promise.all(pushPromises());


Node.js and Jest: Testing promise loop, count how many times function has been called

I want to test my code using JEST, but I'm having some issues. I want to check, if restart() function has been called.
My code works like this, it's waiting for the data, and if there's no data it's calling the same function again. Basically something like a loop.
myCode.js file:
module.exports = {
getSomething: async () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
doSomething: async () => {
const data = await module.exports.getSomething();
if (!data) {
return module.exports.restart();
return data;
restart: async () => {
return module.exports.doSomething();
myCode.test.js file:
const myCode = require("./exampleCode")
describe("test", () => {
test("Is it doing something more than once?", async () => {
const restartSpy = jest.spyOn(myCode, 'restart');
My problem is that expect(restartSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); is returning false.
The question is - what I'm doing wrong? Is there a way to test this code?
The main problem here is the lack of await before myCode.doSomething(). All your functions are asynchronous, so you need to wait for them to finish before checking the spy:
await myCode.doSomething();
Another issue is the fact that it's an infinite recursion loop - jest will timeout after 5000ms (by default) if you won't modify the code that is calling restart, for example:
doSomething: async (restartCounter = 0) => {
const data = await module.exports.getSomething();
if (!data && ++restartCounter < 2) {
return module.exports.restart(restartCounter);
return data;
restart: async (restartCounter) => {
return module.exports.doSomething(restartCounter);
Actually, I've found a workaround.
describe("test", () => {
test("Is it doing something more than once?", async () => {
myCode.restart = jest.fn()
const restartSpy = jest.spyOn(myCode, 'restart');
await myCode.doSomething()
I'm overwriting restart() function. So now, I'm able to add await to doSomething() function and it will no longer be inifinite loop. Now I can check if the restart function has been called

Promises being executed when they shouldn't be

I have several db mutations that I would like to execute all at once, instead of synchronously. The problem that I'm running into, is that when I try to push these promises into an array, they execute.
What am I doing wrong here? I've also tried pushing anonymous functions, like this,
async () => await someDbMutation1({ someForeignKey: "10" }),
but they aren't execute during Promise.all.
import * as React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
const someDbMutation1 = async ({ someForeignKey }) => {
return await new Promise((resolve) => {
console.log("should not enter");
return setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
const someDbMutation2 = async ({ someParameter }) =>
await new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
export default function App() {
const [loaded, setLoaded] = React.useState(false);
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const init = React.useCallback(async () => {
const promises = [
someDbMutation1({ someForeignKey: "10" }),
someDbMutation2({ someParameter: "abc" })
// await Promise.all(promises);
}, []);
return <div className="App">{loaded && <div>done</div>}</div>;
I would expect these promises in the promises array to be executed during a call to Promise.all, but clearly that's not the case here. I've noticed this only recently, when I passed null as a value to a foreign key, at which point the key constraint in my db picked it up and threw an error.
Now I'm worried, because I frequently use a promises array and loop over db objects and push mutation queries into promises -- this means, that each request is executed twice! I'm not sure what I'm missing here.
For the first part of your question where you say that it's not executing:
async () => await someDbMutation1({ someForeignKey: "10" }),
it's because you are pushing an anonymous function not a promise - They are two different things. Based on your array name, I think expected behavior would be for you to do this instead:
someDbMutation1({ someForeignKey: "10" })
If you want all promises to be executed at a single point in time then you could do this instead:
async () => await someDbMutation1({ someForeignKey: "10" }),
/ ** -- some point later -- ** /
const promises = queries.map(q => q()) // Execute queries
const results = await Promise.all(promises) // Wait for queries to finish
In addition, you have a misunderstanding on how Promise.all works here:
I would expect these promises in the promises array to be executed during a call to Promise.all
Promise.all doesn't execute the promises, it waits for the promises to resolve. There is a reference here.
So in this part:
const promises = [
someDbMutation1({ someForeignKey: "10" }),
someDbMutation2({ someParameter: "abc" })
You are actually executing the functions so that if you were to console.log the promises array it would look something like this:
Promise (unresolved),
Promise (unresolved)
And then after await Promise.all(), the promises array would look like this:
Promise (resolved: value),
Promise (resolved: value)
Issue 1: Promises must be awaited in the block that actually awaits for them.
const someDbMutation1 = async ({ someForeignKey }) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
console.log("should not enter");
return setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
const someDbMutation2 = async ({ someParameter }) =>
await new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
The problem is you are executing the promises. You should instead add them into an array as anonymous functions that call your function with the parameters you want. So this should look like this. :
const init = React.useCallback(async () => {
const promises = [
async () => someDbMutation1({ someForeignKey: "10" }),
async () => someDbMutation2({ someParameter: "abc" })
await Promise.all(promises);
}, []);
I hope this is the answer you are looking for.

Mocha Dynamic test generation in before block not getting executed

As suggested in this post , I tried the steps to create dynamic tests , but I see the actual test(test.getMochaTest()in my below implementation) not getting executed. What's that I'm missing here, the call on test.getMochaTest() does not get executed in the before block.
describe('Dynamic Tests for Mocha', async () => {
let outcome ;
before(async() => {
await init().catch(() => console.error('Puppeteer environment initialization failed'));
return collectTests().then(async(collectTests) => {
console.info('4.Executing tests :');
describe('Dynamic test execution', async() => {
collectTests.forEach(async(test) => {
console.info(`\tModule under test : ${test.name}`);
// impl. of test.getMochaTest() DOES NOT get executed.
it(test.name, async() => outcome = await test.getMochaTest().catch(async () => {
console.error(`error while executing test:\t${test.name}`);
}) ;
after(async () => {
console.info('5. Exiting tests...');
await HelperUtils.delay(10000).then(async () => { await browser.close(); });
console.log('executing after block');
it('placeholder', async() => {
console.log('place holder hack - skip it');
Array of tests is returned here :
async function collectTests():Promise<Array<ITest>> {
console.info('3.Collecting tests to execute ...');
testArray = new Array<ITest>();
const login:ITest = new SLogin('Login Check');
return testArray;
The below implementation of getMochaTest in SLogin -> does not get executed .
export default class SLogin extends BTest implements ITest {
constructor(name: string) {
async getMochaTest():Promise<Mocha.Func> {
return async () => {
console.log('Running Login check');
It doesn't look like you're actually invoking the test.
Calling test.getMochaTest() only returns the async test function in a Promise, it doesn't execute it. So your catch block is catching errors while obtaining the function, not while executing it.
Breaking it out across multiple lines will hopefully make things clearer.
Here's what your code sample does. Notice it never executes the returned test function:
it(test.name, async () => {
const testFn = await test.getMochaTest().catch(() =>
console.error(`error while ***obtaining*** test: \t${test.name}`));
// oops - testFn never gets called!
And here's a corrected version where the test actually gets called:
it(test.name, async () => {
const testFn = await test.getMochaTest().catch(() =>
console.error(`error while ***obtaining*** test: \t${test.name}`));
const outcome = await testFn().catch(() =>
console.error(`error while ***executing*** test: \t${test.name}`));
Note: I wrote it that way with await and catch() to better match the format of your code sample. However, it's worth pointing out that it mixes async/await and Promise syntax. More idiomatic would be to catch errors with a try/catch block when using async/await.

Get data using await async without try catch

I am trying to use await-async without try-catch for this:
const getUsers = async (reject, time) => (
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (reject) {
}, time);
module.exports = {
getUsers ,
With try-catch block it looks like this:
const { getUsers } = require('./users');
const users = async () => {
try {
const value = await getUsers(1000, false);
} catch (error) {
How can I write the same code without using the try-catch block?
Using the promise functions then-catch to make the process simpler I use this utils :
// utils.js
const utils = promise => (
.then(data => ({ data, error: null }))
.catch(error => ({ error, data: null }))
module.exports = utils;
And then
const { getUsers } = require('./api');
const utils = require('./utils');
const users = async () => {
const { error, data } = await utils(getUsers(2000, false));
if (!error) {
Without using the try-catch block I got the same output, this way makes it better to understand the code.
In Extension to L Y E S - C H I O U K H's Answer:
The Utils Function is actually correct but, make sure to add the return keyword before the promise as shown down below:
// utils.js
const utils = promise => (
return promise
.then(data => { [data, null]; })
.catch(error => { [null, error]; });
module.exports = utils;
When Calling in Main Code:
let resonse, error; // any variable name is fine make sure there is one for error and the response
[response, error] = await utils(any_function()); // Make sure that inside the tuple, response is first and error is last like: [response, error].
if (error) console.log(error);
// -- Do Whatever with the Response -- //
Using My Method Would Give you Benefits like:
Your Own Variable Names.
Not Running into Type Safety issues when using Typescript.
Good Reason to Strong Type your code.
Personally, I have been using this in my code lately, and has reduced some many headaches, my code is cleaner, I don't have to stick with the same variable names, especially when working on a large codebase.
Happy Coding :)
See Ya!
If you have a valid default for the error case you can use the catch method on the getUsers promise and then await a promise whose error will be handled
const users = async () => {
const value = await getUsers(1000, false).catch(e => null);
While this approach should work it should be noted that this may mask the case when getUsers returns null vs when it raises an error, and you will still need to check for the null or get a null access error. All in all I would stick with the try { .. } catch (e) { ... } for most casses
A package I found called await-to-js can also help it.
import to from 'await-to-js';
const [err, users] = await to(getUsers());
if(err) doSomething();
The idea is like Lyes CHIOUKH's method, just a wrapper. Copied the source code here.
* #param { Promise } promise
* #param { Object= } errorExt - Additional Information you can pass to the err object
* #return { Promise }
export function to<T, U = Error> (
promise: Promise<T>,
errorExt?: object
): Promise<[U | null, T | undefined]> {
return promise
.then<[null, T]>((data: T) => [null, data])
.catch<[U, undefined]>((err: U) => {
if (errorExt) {
Object.assign(err, errorExt);
return [err, undefined];
export default to;
If you have such above single line async/await function, then this would have been clean code for you:
const getUsers = async (time, shouldReject=false) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (shouldReject) {
} else {
resolve(["User1", "User2"]);
}, time);
const userOperation = users => {
console.log("Operating user", users);
// Example 1, pass
.then(users => userOperation(users))
.catch(e => console.log(e.message));
// Example 2, rejected
getUsers(100, true)
.then(users => userOperation(users))
.catch(e => console.log(e.message));
And for multiple await in a single async function, it would good to have try/catch block as below:
const users = async () => {
try {
const value = await getUsers(1000, false);
const value1 = await getUsers2(1000, false);
} catch (error) {

how to wait untill chain of asyc calls is succeeded

I have a function which is making an async call
and upon sucess, its making another async call
function1 = () => {
/*Some required Logic*/
return fetch("myurl")
.then((json) => {
.catch((error) => {
function2 = () => {
/*Some required Logic*/
return fetch("myurl2")
.then((json) => {
.catch((error) => {
now here is the function 3
in which i am dependent on the success of function1
function3 = () => {
/*Some required Logic*/
function1().then(() => {
Issue is it is only waiting untill the function1's asyc call is succeeded its not waiting for function2's async call to succeed
I know i can write like chain of asyn call but its not possible because of unavoidable circumstances
Any suggesstion or leads in this regard would be of great help
If you used async await as you mentioned in your tags, you could just use it like that:
await function1();
await function2();
await function3();
while adding the async keyword to the function declarations:
function1 = async () => {
Another option is to promisify your functions, and then call them like that:
.catch() {}
If you want one promise to depend on another promise, you need to return the dependent promise from then.
Your code doesn't do anything with the result of function2:
return fetch("myurl")
.then((json) => {
That should read
.then((json) => {
return function2(json)
The whole point of then is that it allows chaining of subsequent promises by returning them from the callback.
Promises get chained only if you return them. In the below example
function resolveAfter2Seconds(x) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
async function add1(x) {
const a = await resolveAfter2Seconds(20);
const b = await resolveAfter2Seconds(30);
return x + a + b;
Notice the return keyword inside resolveAfter2Seconds. Make sure that when you call a method that fires a promise, you add the 'return' keyword

