I'm creating a custom mouse cursor per component (e.g. a custom mouse cursor on a figure element). I'm writing a custom hook for this. This is the hook so far:
const useMouseCoords = () => {
let [coords, setCoords] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0 })
// I need to calculate the coordinates from the parents offset. Here is where I'm stuck.
let offsetParent = parentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect()
function handleCoords(e) {
x: e.clientX - offsetParent.x,
y: e.clientY - offsetParent.y,
useEffect(() => {
if (typeof window === `undefined`) return // escape gatsby build process
window.addEventListener('mousemove', handleCoords)
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleCoords)
}, [])
return coords
The mousecursor component is quite simple:
const MouseCursor = (props) => {
let { x, y } = useMouseCoords()
return (
transform: `translate(${x}px, ${y}px)`,
<div className="mouse-cursor-button__text">Click to play</div>
Code of course doesn't work but is rather to illustrate what I'm trying to achieve.
So I need the parent of the MouseCursor component to calculate the offset. I'm stuck at the part where I want to reference the parent component. I was hoping I could pass it as an argument to the hook.
So the question is how can I access the parent component in the hook?
Can you not just pass the ref down like:
function Parent() {
const ref = useRef()
return <div ref={ref}><MouseCursor parentRef={ref} /></div>
const MouseCursor = (props) => {
let { x, y } = useMouseCoords(props.parentRef)
return (
transform: `translate(${x}px, ${y}px)`,
<div className="mouse-cursor-button__text">Click to play</div>
See https://codesandbox.io/s/0y46034oyl?fontsize=14 for example
You can have a function in the parent component that interacts with it's state and then the uses its state in the props of the children.
class Parent extends Component{
this.state = {
x: 0,
function setCoords(x, y){
x: x,
y: y
actions={ {setParentCoords: this.setCoords.bind(this)} }
x={ this.state.x }
y={ this.state.y }
Now in your child you have access to props.actions.setParentCoords()
I currently have a parent class (App) and a child component (FoodItem). The App component maps a list of FoodItem components.
Each individual FoodItem component has a state called clickCount which increments each time its clicked by the user. However, I need the reset button in my App component to reset the FoodItem state to 0 onClick for all FoodItem components in the map.
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Update - I have managed to get the reset button to update the FoodItem child component, however it only updates the last item in the mapped list, whereas I require it to update all items in the list.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.myRef = React.createRef();
this.state = {
foods: FoodCards,
calorieCount: 0,
vitaminACount: 0,
vitaminDCount: 0,
this.increment = this.increment.bind(this);
increment = (calories = 0, vitaminA = 0, vitaminD = 0) => {
calorieCount: Math.round(this.state.calorieCount + calories),
vitaminACount: Math.round((this.state.vitaminACount + vitaminA) * 100) / 100,
vitaminDCount: Math.round((this.state.vitaminDCount + vitaminD) * 100) / 100
resetCounters = () => {
calorieCount: 0,
vitaminACount: 0,
vitaminDCount: 0,
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<main className="products-grid flex flex-wrap">
{this.state.foods.map((item, i) => {
return <FoodItem key={item.id} ref={this.myRef} name={item.name} img={item.img} calories={item.calories} vitamin_a={item.vitamin_a} vitamin_d={item.vitamin_d} updateTotals = {this.increment} />
<div className="reset" onClick={() => this.resetCounters()}>Reset</div>
export default App;
class FoodItem extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
clickCount: 0
handleUpdateTotals = (calories, vitamin_a, vitamin_d) => {
this.props.updateTotals(calories, vitamin_a, vitamin_d);
clickIncrement = () => {
clickCount: this.state.clickCount + 1
resetClickCount = () => {
clickCount: 0
render() {
return (
<div className="product" onClick={() => this.handleUpdateTotals(this.props.calories, this.props.vitamin_a, this.props.vitamin_d)}>
{this.state.clickCount > 0 ? <p>Selected: {this.state.clickCount}</p> : <p>Not Selected</p>}
<img src={this.props.img} alt="" />
You should lift the state up per the react docs. When two children affect the same state (reset button and clickCount), the state should be lifted up to the parent that contains both of these children. So your count should be stored in the parent.
But... to answer your question, you can easily do something like this to trigger a render each time the button is clicked (not recommended though):
const [resetCount, setResetCount] = useState(false);
const resetCountClicked = () => setResetCount(!resetCount);
<Child resetCount={resetCount}></Child>
<button onClick={() => resetCountClicked()}>Reset Count</button>
And in the child include:
useEffect(() => setCount(0), [resetCount]);
This is using hooks with function components and useEffect to run an event each time the prop resetCount changes.
With classes you can use a ref passed to the child as shown in this post.
const { Component } = React;
class Parent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.child = React.createRef();
onClick = () => {
render() {
return (
<Child ref={this.child} />
<button onClick={this.onClick}>Reset Count</button>
And in the child...
resetCount() {
clickCount: 0
Note: I want a solution for react-native.I want to make a tooltip and a draggable cursor on the area chart in which there is a line which shows the datapoint of the area chart through draggable cursor. I just want to mark the datapoint which is from the data set only not the and y value of touch point of the screen, just only x and y value on the graph when touching on a screen it gives the nearest value of the data set corresponding to the screen.
I search on the internet I found something similar but it was for the react and used a scatter graph as I am very new to victory native library and react-native can someone tell how to make a react-native equivalent of it with the area chart. Here is the link where I was referring to see..
Click me
I just want to make a similar thing with the area chart in victory native with draggable cursor and tooltip which only mark the data point on the chart only not on the screen coordinates.
Can anyone provide me with the react-native code how to implement it as similar to the link provided above as per my requirement with a victory area chart?
Also including react code which I want to convert to react-native.
Please, someone, help me out.
/* Victory requires `react#^15.5.0` and `prop-types#^15.5.0` */
const {
VictoryLine, VictoryChart, VictoryCursorContainer, VictoryLabel, VictoryScatter
} = Victory;
const { range, first, last } = _; // lodash
const mountNode = document.getElementById('app');
const allData = range(750).map((x) => ({x, y: x + 30 * Math.random()}));
const findClosestPointSorted = (data, value) => {
// assumes 3 things:
// 1. data is sorted by x
// 2. data points are equally spaced
// 3. the search is 1-dimentional (x, not x and y)
if (value === null) return null;
const start = first(data).x;
const range = (last(data).x - start);
const index = Math.round((value - start)/range * (data.length - 1));
return data[index];
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
activePoint: null
handleCursorChange(value) {
activePoint: findClosestPointSorted(allData, value)
render() {
const { activePoint } = this.state;
const point = activePoint ?
<VictoryScatter data={[activePoint]} style={{data: {size: 100} }}/>
: null;
return (
cursorLabel={cursor => `${activePoint.x}, ${Math.round(activePoint.y)}`}
<VictoryLine data={allData} style={{data: {stroke: '#999'} }}/>
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Text, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'
import {VictoryArea,VictoryChart,createContainer,VictoryTooltip,VictoryScatter,VictoryLine } from 'victory-native';
import {range, first, last,maxBy } from 'lodash';
import Svg,{Line} from 'react-native-svg';
const VictoryZoomVoronoiContainer = createContainer( "cursor","voronoi");
const data = range(20,81).map((x) => ({x, y: x*x}));
const findClosestPointSorted = (data, value) => {
if (value === null) return null;
const start = first(data).x;
const range = (last(data).x - start);
const index = Math.round((value - start)/range * (data.length - 1));
return data[index];
export default class Chart extends Component {
this.setState({ymax:maxBy(data,function(o) { return o.y; }).y})
state = {
ymax :0
handleCursorChange(value) {
activePoint: findClosestPointSorted(data, value)
render() {
const { activePoint } = this.state;
const point = activePoint ?
<VictoryScatter name = "scatter" data={[activePoint]} style={{data: {size: 200,fill:'#ffffff',stroke:'#1bad53',strokeWidth:2} }}/>
: null;
return (
labelComponent={<VictoryTooltip style={{fill:'red'}} flyoutStyle={{
fill: 'rgba(52, 52, 52, 0.8)',}}/>}
labels={cursor => {
try {
return(activePoint.x?`${activePoint.x}, ${Math.round(activePoint.y)}\ndjh`:null)
} catch (error) {
name = "area"
data: {
fill: '#1bad53',
stroke: '#05a543',
strokeWidth: 2
{activePoint?<Line x1= {50} x2="300" y1={250-(200/this.state.ymax)*activePoint.y} y2={250-(200/this.state.ymax)*activePoint.y} stroke="black" strokeWidth="1"/>:null}
See working code below:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
var images = [
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { imgPath: "url(" + images[1] + ")" };
componentDidMount() {
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
this.setState({ imgPath: "url(" + images[0] + ")" })
}, 1000);
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<div className='dynamicImage' style={{ backgroundImage: this.state.imgPath }} >
</div >
I'm trying to use setInterval() to change the image dynamically every X seconds.
I just don't understand where setInterval is supposed to be placed within the code, or what its output is supposed to be.
My current code is:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
// Paths to my images
var images = [
var imgPath = "url(" + images[1] + ")" // Set original value of path
function f1() {
imgPath = "url(" + images[0] + ")" // Change path when called ?
class App extends Component {
render() {
setInterval(f1, 500); // Run f1 every 500ms ?
return (
<div className="App">
<div className='dynamicImage' style={{ backgroundImage: imgPath }} > // Change background image to one specified by imgPath
</div >
export default App;
The current code outputs the first imgPath's URL, but fails to update it to the one specified within the function f1. To the best of my knowledge, the function f1 does appear to run, as removing it, or setting an undefined variable does return an error. I just can't get it to change imgPath.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong, or how I could improve my code?
Edit: Commented code + removed unnecessary lines
I would move all your variables into your component and as Akash Salunkhe suggests, use componnentDidMount to setInterval. Don't forget to clear the interval when the component unmounts.
This answer will also work with using any number of images.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
const images = [
this.state = {
currentImg: 0
componentDidMount() {
this.interval = setInterval(() => this.changeBackgroundImage(), 1000);
componentWillUnmount() {
if (this.interval) {
changeBackgroundImage() {
let newCurrentImg = 0;
const {images, currentImg} = this.state;
const noOfImages = images.length;
if (currentImg !== noOfImages - 1) {
newCurrentImg = currentImg + 1;
this.setState({currentImg: newCurrentImg});
render() {
const {images, currentImg} = this.state;
const urlString = `url('${images[currentImg]}')`;
return (
<div className="App">
<div className='dynamicImage' style={{backgroundImage: urlString}} >
</div >
You might want to use this.props or this.state to store the imgPath, otherwise React doesn't know you have changed anything.
Put image path in state and in componentDidMount, use setInterval and inside it use setState to change image path.
#Anurag is correct. You need to use setInterval in componentDidMount and ensure that you call this.setState if you want the render method to rerender. This of course requires that you store the image path in this.state
You can create an endless loop similar to this, you might want to use an array of image urls and write some logic for that. But as you can see I have an endless loop created for the function setImage():
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
image1: props.imageUrls[0],
image2: props.imageUrls[1],
changeImage: true
setImage() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ changeImage: !this.state.changeImage }, this.setImage());
}, 3000);
You need to use componentDidMount() React Lifecycle method to register your setInterval function.
Here is a working example
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./styles.css";
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
images: [
selectedImage: "https://picsum.photos/200/300/?image=523"
componentDidMount() {
let intervalId = setInterval(() => {
this.setState(prevState => {
if (prevState.selectedImage === this.state.images[0]) {
return {
selectedImage: this.state.images[1]
} else {
return {
selectedImage: this.state.images[0]
}, 1000);
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<img src={this.state.selectedImage} alt={"images"} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
You can change around the code and can find live demo here:
Using react-native, I'm creating sub-Components within the parent App and providing their position to the array this.state.objLocation within the parent App.
I can get the initial location data into the array straight after the render, but because my subcomponents are draggable, each time they re-render on drag, it adds a new position object to the array.
I'd like to avoid this, and I thought that creating this.state = { firstRender: true } in the constructor and then using componentDidMount = () => { this.setState({ firstRender: false }) } after the first render would allow me to create a 'gate' to stop the addition of the extra position objects.
I can see that if I comment out //componentDidMount = () => { this.setState({ firstRender: false }) } then I will get multiple entries to my array but if it's included in the class I get absolutely none.
So possibly my interpretation of the render lifecycle and componentDidMount is incorrect?
Here is my code.
// App
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text, } from 'react-native';
import styles from './cust/styles';
import Draggable from './cust/draggable';
const dataArray = [{num: 1,id: 'A',},{num: 2,id: 'B',},{num: 3,id: 'Z',}]
export default class Viewport extends Component {
this.state = {
dID : null,
objLocation: [],
firstRender: true,
return (
<View style={styles.mainContainer}>
<View style={styles.draggableContainer}>
<Text>Draggable Container</Text> {dataArray.map( d => { return(
onLayout={ e=> this.onLayout(e)}
onPanResponderGrant={(dID) =>this.setState({ dID })}
onPanResponderRelease={() => this.setState({dID: null})} /> ) })}
<View style={[styles.findPoint ]} />
<View style={styles.infoBar}>
<Text>{this.state.dID ? this.state.dID : ''}</Text>{this.compFrame()}
onLayout = (e) => {
if ( e && this.state.firstRender) {
const n = e.nativeEvent.layout;
const position = {
width: n.width,
height: n.height,
x: n.x,
y: n.y
objLocation: this.state.objLocation.concat([position])
componentWillMount = () => {
compFrame = () => {
this.state.objLocation.map( d => {<View style={[styles.findPoint2,{left: d.x, top: d.y, width: d.width, height: d.height} ]} ></View>})
componentDidMount = () => {
this.setState({firstRender: true })
// Draggable
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Text, PanResponder, Animated } from 'react-native';
import styles from './styles';
class Draggable extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
pan: new Animated.ValueXY(),
this.panResponder = PanResponder.create({
onStartShouldSetPanResponder: () => true,
onPanResponderGrant: () => {
onPanResponderMove: Animated.event([ null, {
dx: this.state.pan.x,
dy: this.state.pan.y,
onPanResponderRelease: () => {
Animated.spring(this.state.pan, { toValue: { x: 0, y: 0 } }).start();
render() {
return (
onLayout={ (e) => this.props.onLayout(e) }
style={[this.state.pan.getLayout(), styles.circleAlt, styles.position]}>
<Text style={styles.textAlt}>Drag me!</Text>
<Text style={styles.textNum}>{this.props.id}</Text>
componentDidMount = () => {
export default Draggable;
// Output of console.log
You could set the firstRender state in onLayout function
onLayout = (e) => {
if ( e && this.state.firstRender) {
const n = e.nativeEvent.layout;
const position = {
width: n.width,
height: n.height,
x: n.x,
y: n.y
firstRender: false,
objLocation: this.state.objLocation.concat([position])
According to the information provided by you, your onLayout function is called by the component so its not included in the component lifecycle process, so when the component completes its lifecycle it goes into componentDidMount after mounting (which is not calling onLayout func) & thus changed the firstRender state to false and hence when you drag the component each time it goes from true to false.
I hope this explains
I feel like I've hacked this, to get it to work, so please correct me as to correct procedure.
This is the onLayout method from the App. I've included an if statement that checks if the new positions array length is equal too the dataArray length that the draggable items are based on.
It looks like this.
onLayout = (e) => {
if ( this.state.objLocation.length != dataArray.length ) {
if ( e ) {
const n = e.nativeEvent.layout;
const position = {
width: n.width,
height: n.height,
x: n.x,
y: n.y
objLocation: this.state.objLocation.concat([position])
What I'm trying to achieve is a textarea that starts out as a single line but will grow up to 4 lines and at that point start to scroll if the user continues to type. I have a partial solution kinda working, it grows and then stops when it hits the max, but if you delete text it doesn't shrink like I want it to.
This is what I have so far.
export class foo extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
textareaHeight: 38
handleKeyUp(evt) {
// Max: 75px Min: 38px
let newHeight = Math.max(Math.min(evt.target.scrollHeight + 2, 75), 38);
if (newHeight !== this.state.textareaHeight) {
textareaHeight: newHeight
render() {
let textareaStyle = { height: this.state.textareaHeight };
return (
<textarea onKeyUp={this.handleKeyUp.bind(this)} style={textareaStyle}/>
Obviously the problem is scrollHeight doesn't shrink back down when height is set to something larger. Any suggestion for how I might be able to fix this so it will also shrink back down if text is deleted?
ANOTHER SIMPLE APPROACH (without an additional package)
export class foo extends React.Component {
handleKeyDown(e) {
e.target.style.height = 'inherit';
e.target.style.height = `${e.target.scrollHeight}px`;
// In case you have a limitation
// e.target.style.height = `${Math.min(e.target.scrollHeight, limit)}px`;
render() {
return <textarea onKeyDown={this.handleKeyDown} />;
The problem when you delete the text and textarea doesn't shrink back is because you forget to set this line
e.target.style.height = 'inherit';
Consider using onKeyDown because it works for all keys while others may not (w3schools)
In case you have padding or border of top or bottom. (reference)
handleKeyDown(e) {
// Reset field height
e.target.style.height = 'inherit';
// Get the computed styles for the element
const computed = window.getComputedStyle(e.target);
// Calculate the height
const height = parseInt(computed.getPropertyValue('border-top-width'), 10)
+ parseInt(computed.getPropertyValue('padding-top'), 10)
+ e.target.scrollHeight
+ parseInt(computed.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'), 10)
+ parseInt(computed.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-width'), 10);
e.target.style.height = `${height}px`;
I hope this may help.
you can use autosize for that
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import autosize from 'autosize';
class App extends Component {
const style = {
return (
<div>Textarea autosize <br/><br/>
placeholder="type some text"
rows={1} defaultValue=""/>
or if you prefer react modules https://github.com/andreypopp/react-textarea-autosize
Just use useEffect hook which will pick up the height during the renderer:
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState} from "react";
const defaultStyle = {
display: "block",
overflow: "hidden",
resize: "none",
width: "100%",
backgroundColor: "mediumSpringGreen"
const AutoHeightTextarea = ({ style = defaultStyle, ...etc }) => {
const textareaRef = useRef(null);
const [currentValue, setCurrentValue ] = useState("");// you can manage data with it
useEffect(() => {
textareaRef.current.style.height = "0px";
const scrollHeight = textareaRef.current.scrollHeight;
textareaRef.current.style.height = scrollHeight + "px";
}, [currentValue]);
return (
//to do something with value, maybe callback?
export default AutoHeightTextarea;
Really simple if you use hooks "useRef()".
.text-area {
resize: none;
overflow: hidden;
min-height: 30px;
react componet:
export default () => {
const textRef = useRef<any>();
const onChangeHandler = function(e: SyntheticEvent) {
const target = e.target as HTMLTextAreaElement;
textRef.current.style.height = "30px";
textRef.current.style.height = `${target.scrollHeight}px`;
return (
you can even do it with react refs. as setting ref to element
<textarea ref={this.textAreaRef}></textarea> // after react 16.3
<textarea ref={textAreaRef=>this.textAreaRef = textAreaRef}></textarea> // before react 16.3
and update the height on componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate as your need. with,
if (this.textAreaRef) this.textAreaRef.style.height = this.textAreaRef.scrollHeight + "px";
actually you can get out of this with useState and useEffect
function CustomTextarea({minRows}) {
const [rows, setRows] = React.useState(minRows);
const [value, setValue] = React.useState("");
React.useEffect(() => {
const rowlen = value.split("\n");
if (rowlen.length > minRows) {
}, [value]);
return (
<textarea rows={rows} onChange={(text) => setValue(text.target.value)} />
<CustomTextarea minRows={10} />
I like using this.yourRef.current.offsetHeight. Since this is a textarea, it wont respond to height:min-content like a <div style={{height:"min-content"}}>{this.state.message}</div> would. Therefore I don't use
uponResize = () => {
this.timeout = setTimeout(
this.getHeightOfText.current &&
heightOfText: this.getHeightOfText.current.offsetHeight
componentDidMount = () => {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.uponResize, /*true*/)
componentWillUnmount = () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.uponResize)
but instead use
componentDidUpdate = () => {
on a hidden div
whiteSpace: "pre-line"
Using hooks + typescript :
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import type { DetailedHTMLProps, TextareaHTMLAttributes } from 'react';
// inspired from : https://stackoverflow.com/a/5346855/14223224
export const AutogrowTextarea = (props: DetailedHTMLProps<TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement>, HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
const ref = useRef<HTMLTextAreaElement>(null);
let topPadding = 0;
let bottomPadding = 0;
const resize = () => {
ref.current.style.height = 'auto';
ref.current.style.height = ref.current.scrollHeight - topPadding - bottomPadding + 'px';
const delayedResize = () => {
window.setTimeout(resize, 0);
const getPropertyValue = (it: string) => {
return Number.parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(ref.current).getPropertyValue(it));
useEffect(() => {
[topPadding, bottomPadding] = ['padding-top', 'padding-bottom'].map(getPropertyValue);
}, []);
return <textarea ref={ref} onChange={resize} onCut={delayedResize} onPaste={delayedResize} onDrop={delayedResize} onKeyDown={delayedResize} rows={1} {...props} />;
import { useRef, useState } from "react"
const TextAreaComponent = () => {
const [inputVal, setInputVal] =useState("")
const inputRef = useRef(null)
const handleInputHeight = () => {
const scrollHeight = inputRef.current.scrollHeight;
inputRef.current.style.height = scrollHeight + "px";
const handleInputChange = () => {
return (
onKeyDown={(e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
inputRef.current.style.height = "40px";
Extremely simple solution:
function allowTextareasToDynamicallyResize() {
let textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
for (let i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++) {
textareas[i].style.height = textareas[i].scrollHeight + 'px';
textareas[i].addEventListener('input', (e) => {
e.target.style.height = textareas[i].scrollHeight + 'px';
// Call this function in the componentDidMount() method of App,
// or whatever class you want that contains all the textareas
// you want to dynamically resize.
This works by setting an event listener to all textareas. For any given textarea, new input will trigger a function that resizes it. This function looks at any scrollHeight, i.e. the height that is overflowing out of your existing container. It then increments the textarea height by that exact height. Simple!
As mentioned in the comment, you have to call this function in some method, but the important part is that you call it AFTER everything is mounted in React / populated in JS. So the componentDidMount() in App is a good place for this.