Tree json "menu" with nested items : check the "branch" - javascript

I have this JSON tree view that represents a menu :
var menus = [
label : "1",
items: [
label : "1.1"
label : "1.2",
items : [
label : "1.2.1"
label : "1.2.2"
label : "1.3"
label : "2"
I want to mutate this JSON by adding for each item a selected property. This property, a boolean, will be set to true if the label is the right one or this is the tricky part if the descendant is the right one.
For instance, if I'm looking for label 1.2, all labels 1 and 1.2 will be selected. So I will get this JSON :
var menus = [
label : "1",
selected : true,
items: [
label : "1.1"
selected : false
label : "1.2",
selected : true,
items : [
label : "1.2.1"
selected : false
label : "1.2.2",
selected : false
label : "1.3",
selected : false
label : "2",
selected : false
the selected : false is not necessary.
Lodash is OK for me;)!
Any suggestions?
edit : where I am ! -->
edit 2 : finding elements must not be based on the way I wrote the labels. The labels can be any string... Sorry...

This solution uses a for loop to iterate recursively the menu items and their children. If an item is selected, it adds selected: true to the item and it's parents:
const selectMenuItems = menus => selectedLabel => {
const internal = arr => {
let selected = false
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const item = arr[i]
const childrenSelected = !!item.items && internal(item.items)
item.selected = childrenSelected || item.label === selectedLabel
selected = selected || item.selected
return selected
return menus
const menus = [{"label":"1","items":[{"label":"1.1"},{"label":"1.2","items":[{"label":"1.2.1"},{"label":"1.2.2"}]},{"label":"1.3"}]},{"label":"2"}]
const menuSelector = selectMenuItems(menus)
const result = menuSelector('1.2')
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }

I would simply check labels this way:
var menus = [{
label: "1",
items: [{
label: "1.1"
label: "1.2",
items: [{
label: "1.2.1"
label: "1.2.2"
label: "1.3"
label: "2"
var checkSelected = function(items, search) {
for (var key in items) {
items[key].selected = search.startsWith(items[key].label) && items[key].label.length<=search.length;
if (items[key].items) {
checkSelected(items[key].items, search);
var test = "1.2";
checkSelected(menus, test);
Also on JSFiddle.
The startsWith() method determines whether a string begins with the
characters of a specified string, returning true or false as
quoted from here

You can use some recursive approach to implement this.
let str = '1.2.1';
function checkItem(arr, strArr) {
// iterate over the array
arr.forEach((obj) => {
// set selected property based on matching every digit in label in same order
// if digits would be single then you can use startsWith and no need to split string
obj.selected = obj.label.split('.').every((it, i) => it === strArr[i]);
// if nested item is there then call recursively
obj.items && checkItem(obj.items, strArr);
return arr;
checkItem(menus, str.split('.'));
var menus = [{
label: "1",
items: [{
label: "1.1"
label: "1.2",
items: [{
label: "1.2.1"
label: "1.2.2"
label: "1.3"
label: "2"
let str = '1.2.1';
function checkItem(arr, strArr) {
arr.forEach((obj) => {
obj.selected = obj.label.split('.').every((it, i) => it === strArr[i]);
obj.items && checkItem(obj.items, strArr);
return arr;
checkItem(menus, str.split('.'));
UPADATE : Since you want to update selected property completely independent of label you can do something like follows. I assume you want to
update based on position in the array.
let str = '1.2.1';
function checkItem(arr, prefixArray, strArr) {
// iterate over the array
arr.forEach((obj, i) => {
// generate new prefix array for checking
let pa = [...prefixArray, i + 1];
// compare prefix array with the string array to check matches
obj.selected = pa.every((it, i) => it == strArr[i]);
// if items defined do it recursively
obj.items && checkItem(obj.items, pa, strArr);
return arr;
checkItem(menus,[], str.split('.'));
var menus = [{
label: "1",
items: [{
label: "1.1"
label: "1.2",
items: [{
label: "1.2.1"
label: "1.2.2"
label: "1.3"
label: "2"
let str = '1.2.1';
function checkItem(arr, prefixArray, strArr) {
arr.forEach((obj, i) => {
let pa = [...prefixArray, i + 1];
obj.selected = pa.every((it, i) => it == strArr[i]);
obj.items && checkItem(obj.items, pa, strArr);
return arr;
checkItem(menus,[], str.split('.'));


Update the data from spliced array of object

So, I have splice the data and I want to update it's object from disabled = true to disabled = false .. I have looking for another answer and cant find one..
Any Advice is appreciated. Thank you
this is my dropdown
const newDrop = [
{ key: "1", label: "Monthly GMV", sublabel: "Max.1" },
{ key: "2", label: "AOV", sublabel: "Max.1" },
{ key: "3", label: "Monthly Order", sublabel: "Max.1" },
{ key: "4", label: "Last Purchase", sublabel: "Max.1" },
{ key: "5", label: "Has Purchase" },
{ key: "6", label: "Has Purchase Spesific Product" },
{ key: "7", label: "Located In", sublabel: "Max.1" },
selected function : when selected the dropdown, it will add new attribute disabled:true
newInput({ key }) {
const {
form: { selectedDrop, newDrop, data },
} = this.props;
itemIndex = => {
let x = itm.key === key;
return x && itm.key !== "6" && itm.key !== "5" ? { ...itm, disabled: true } : { ...itm };
newDrop: itemIndex,
delete function: this is onClick function, when clicked, it should splice the data, and check, if the spliced data have disabled === true change it to disabled:false . the spliced have working properly, but not change the attribute to disabled = false
deleteInput(index) {
const {
form: { selectedDrop },
} = this.props;
let selected = selectedDrop || [];
selected.splice(index, 1).map((e) => {return e.disabled === true ? false:true })
changeFormAttribute({ selectedDrop: selected });
Your splice function not returning the element. You may need to change it to
selected.splice(index, 1).map((e) => {
e.disabled === true ? false:true
return e;

Add/Update a property in a deeply nested array of objects based on a given key and value

I've got a deeply nested array that looks like this:
const elements = [
type: "section",
id: "basic-section",
title: "Basic information",
children: [
type: "select",
label: "Entity type",
id: "entity-type",
options: [
{ value: "person", label: "Person" },
{ value: "company", label: "Company" },
{ value: "organisation", label: "Organisation" },
type: "group",
conditions: [
{ type: "isEqual", variable: "entity-type", value: ["person"] },
children: [
{ type: "text", label: "First name", id: "entity.firstName" },
{ type: "text", label: "Last name", id: "entity.lastName" },
{ type: "number", label: "Age", id: "entity.age" },
type: "select",
label: "Gender",
id: "entity.gender",
defaultValue: "female",
options: [
{ value: "male", label: "Male" },
{ value: "female", label: "Female" },
type: "group",
conditions: [
type: "isEqual",
variable: "entity-type",
value: ["company", "organisation"],
children: [
{ type: "text", label: "Name", id: "" },
{ type: "text", label: "Address", id: "entity.address" },
I'm trying to add and update a property based on a given key and value.
Example 1: Add an option to the options list of entity-type
Example 2: Update the defaultValue of entity.gender to male
My current steps to accomplish this actions are:
1) Find the element based on the id key and id value
const element = findObject(elements, 'id', 'entity-type');
function findObject(object, key, value) {
if(object.hasOwnProperty(key) && object[key] === value) {
return object;
for(let i = 0; i < Object.keys(object).length; i++){
if(typeof object[Object.keys(object)[i]] == "object") {
const o = findObject(object[Object.keys(object)[i]], key, value);
if(o !== null) return o;
return null;
2) Create new option
const newOption = { value: 'government', label: 'Government' };
3) Add the new option to the found element
const updatedElement = Object.assign({}, element, { options: [...element.options, newOption] });
4) Replace the old element with the updatedElement
const newElementsList = // Stuck
5) Update the state with the updatedElementsList
I don't see how I can replace the original element with the updated one based on the key and value.
Can someone help me out?
This is not recommended, but you can keep track of parent. Once you find the element, update the parent data with update value. But you loose immutability.
A better approach would be found and update the same time.
const elements = [{"type":"section","id":"basic-section","title":"Basic information","children":[{"type":"select","label":"Entity type","id":"entity-type","options":[{"value":"person","label":"Person"},{"value":"company","label":"Company"},{"value":"organisation","label":"Organisation"}]},{"type":"group","conditions":[{"type":"isEqual","variable":"entity-type","value":["person"]}],"children":[{"type":"text","label":"First name","id":"entity.firstName"},{"type":"text","label":"Last name","id":"entity.lastName"},{"type":"number","label":"Age","id":"entity.age"},{"type":"select","label":"Gender","id":"entity.gender","defaultValue":"female","options":[{"value":"male","label":"Male"},{"value":"female","label":"Female"}]}]},{"type":"group","conditions":[{"type":"isEqual","variable":"entity-type","value":["company","organisation"]}],"children":[{"type":"text","label":"Name","id":""},{"type":"text","label":"Address","id":"entity.address"}]}]}];
// console.log("%j", elements);
function findObject(element, key, value, { parent = null, index = -1 }) {
if (element.hasOwnProperty(key) && element[key] === value) {
return { element: element, parent, index };
let keys = Object.keys(element);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (typeof element[keys[i]] == "object") {
const o = findObject(element[Object.keys(element)[i]], key, value, {
parent: element,
index: i,
if (o !== null) return o;
return { element: null };
const { element, parent, index } = findObject(
const newOption = { value: "government", label: "Government" };
const updatedElement = Object.assign({}, element, {
options: [...element.options, newOption],
if (parent && index !== -1) parent[index] = updatedElement;
console.log(JSON.stringify(elements, null, 4));

How to filter array of objects in javascript?

Here is my input :
const data = [
{ group: [{ label: "Can View" }, { label: "Can Create" }] },
{ topgroup: [{ label: "Can View" }, { label: "Can Create" }] },
{ emptyGorup: [] }
I am converting array of object to object by using this code
method 1 :
let permissions =
data &&
data.reduce((a, b) => {
const onlyKey = Object.keys(b)[0];
a[onlyKey] = b[onlyKey].map(i => i.value);
return a;
}, {});
//Output : {group:["can view","can create"],topgroup:["can view","can create"],emptygroup:[]}
My question is that I don't want to get object property if Object property is empty []. For example, In my output, I can see object property emptygroup is [].
My expected output will be if emptygroup is []
//Output : {group:["can view","can create"],topgroup:["can view","can create"]}
How can I do this ?
Try checking the length of the array
const permissionData = [
{ group: [{ label: "Can View" }, { label: "Can Create" }] },
{ topgroup: [{ label: "Can View" }, { label: "Can Create" }] },
{ emptyGorup: [] }
let permissions =
permissionData &&
permissionData.reduce((a, b) => {
const onlyKey = Object.keys(b)[0];
if(b[onlyKey].length) {
a[onlyKey] = b[onlyKey].map(i => i.label);
return a;
}, {});
You can extend your current code. After you get the object you can filter out the key with empty array using filter and build object again from filtered values
let obj = {
group: ["can view"],
topgroup: ["can view", "can create"],
emptygroup: []
let finalObj = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(([key, value]) => Array.isArray(value) && value.length))
You can add a condition in reduce:
let permissions =
permissionData &&
permissionData.reduce((a, b) => {
const onlyKey = Object.keys(b)[0];
if (a[onlyKey]) {
a[onlyKey] = b[onlyKey].map(i => i.value);
return a;
}, {});

Delete specific object with id

I have an array of objects, I need to delete a complete object based on the id
Input :
filters: [
key: "status",
label: "En attente",
value: "waiting",
id: 0
key: "dateDue[min]",
label: "15/12/2019",
value: "15/12/2019",
id: 1
key: "dateDue[max]",
label: "02/02/2020",
value: "02/02/2020",
id: 2
key: "bien",
values: [
label: "Studio Bordeaux",
value: 36,
id: 3
label: "Studio 2",
value: 34,
id: 184
key: "type",
values: [
type: "receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
type: "receipts",
label: "APL",
value: "apl",
id: 5
type: "spending",
label: "taxes",
value: "taxes",
id: 6
So I created a removeItem method with the id that must be deleted in parameters
removeItem method :
removeItem = (e, id) => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const remove = _.reject(filters, el => {
if (!_.isEmpty(el.values)) {
return el.values.find(o => === id);
if (_.isEmpty(el.values)) {
return === id;
filters: remove
I use lodash to make my job easier and more specifically _.reject
My issue is the following :
I manage to correctly delete the classic objects for example
key: "status",
label: "En attente",
value: "waiting",
id: 0
but my method however does not work for objects of the following form
key: "bien",
values: [
label: "Studio Bordeaux",
value: 36,
id: 3
label: "Studio 2",
value: 34,
id: 184
currently the whole object is deleted and not only the object in the values array according to its id
Here is my codesandbox!
thank you in advance for your help
I found a solution with lodash (compact), I share my solution here :
removeIdFromCollection = id => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const newFilters = [];, filter => {
if (filter.values) {
const valuesTmp = _.compact(, value => {
if ( !== id) return value;
if (!_.isEmpty(valuesTmp)) {
return newFilters.push({
key: filter.key,
values: valuesTmp
if ( && !== id) return newFilters.push(filter);
return newFilters;
removeItem = id => e =>
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(id)
The values false, null, 0, "", undefined, and NaN are removed with lodash compact (_.compact(array))
Here is my updated codesandbox
You will need to filter the filters array and each values separately. Below is a recursive function which will remove items with the given id from the filters array and from the values property.
PS. This example is not using Lodash as I think it is not needed in this case.
removeIdFromCollection = (collection, id) => {
return collection.filter(datum => {
if (Array.isArray(datum.values)) {
datum.values = this.removeIdFromCollection(datum.values, id);
return !== id;
removeItem = (e, id) => {
const { filters } = this.state;
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(filters, id),
The problem would be the structure of the object. You'll need to refactor for that inconvenient array out of nowhere for uniformity:
// Example
filters: [
key: "type",
values: [
type: "receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
// could be
filters: [
key: "type-receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
Repeat the pattern on all of it so you could just use the native array filter like this:
const newFilters = filters.filter(v => !== id);
filters: newFilters,
I found a solution with lodash, I share it with you here :
removeIdFromCollection = id => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const newFilters = [];, filter => {
if (filter.values) {
const valuesTmp = _.compact(, value => {
if ( !== id) return value;
if (!_.isEmpty(valuesTmp)) {
return newFilters.push({
key: filter.key,
values: valuesTmp
if ( && !== id) return newFilters.push(filter);
return newFilters;
removeItem = id => e =>
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(id)
Here is my updated codesandbox

Group Multiple Objects Based on Type Using lodash

I want to group unordered-list-item and ordered-list-item.
Below is the original structure:
data: {
areas: [{
sections: [{
rjf: [
type: "unordered-list-item",
text: "Item 1",
type: "unordered-list-item",
text: "Item 2",
type: "paragraph",
text: "This is text",
Now I want to group all list items into a new object.
So the expected structure is:
data: {
areas: [{
sections: [{
rjf: [
type: "list",
items: [{
type: "unordered-list-item",
text: "Item 1",
type: "unordered-list-item",
text: "Item 2",
type: "paragraph",
text: "This is text",
So I wanted to move all the unordered-list-item and ordered-list-item to items array and the following object type like paragraph shouldn't be impacted.
I created a solution in TypeScript, but the code was too long:
const areas = data.areas;
const listItemTypes = ['unordered-list-item', 'ordered-list-item'];
return => {
return => {
let lastHeadingIndex = -1;
return section.rjf.reduce((acc, current, index) => {
if (!current.type || !listItemTypes.includes(current.type)) {
lastHeadingIndex = acc.length;
return [...acc, current];
let listObject = acc.find((el, i) => i > lastHeadingIndex && i < index && el.type === 'list');
if (!listObject) {
listObject = {
type: 'list',
items: [current]
return [...acc, listObject];
listObject.items = [...listObject.items, current];
return acc;
}, []);
How can I achieve the same functionality using lodash?
I tried with lodash, but dosen't seems to work.
var content = {
data: {
areas: [{
sections: [{
rjf: [{
type: "unordered-list-item",
text: "Item 1",
type: "unordered-list-item",
text: "Item 2",
type: "paragraph",
text: "This is text",
var result = => {
return => {
section.rfj = _.groupBy(section.rfj, 'type');
document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, null, ' ') + '</pre>';
<script src=""></script>
return => {
return => {
return section.rfj = _.groupBy(section.rfj, 'type')
You may need some more little tweaking on the result if you need a more specific structure, but this should do most of the work
You could simplify your code to something like this.
Use nested map on areas and sections.
You are returrning the arrays from both map. Return objects with sections and rjf property instead (Assuming both structures are objects with just one property)
When looping through rjf, create 2 arrays: items and others
Group each object to these 2 arrays based on whether types array includes the current object's type.
Create an array with one list object ({ type: "list", items }) and remaining objects from others array
const types = ['unordered-list-item', 'ordered-list-item'],
input = {data:{areas:[{sections:[{rjf:[{type:"unordered-list-item",text:"Item 1",},{type:"unordered-list-item",text:"Item 2",},{type:"paragraph",text:"This is text",}]}]}]}}
const areas = => {
return {
sections: => {
const items = [], others = [];
s.rjf.forEach(o =>
types.includes(o.type) ? items.push(o) : others.push(o)
return { rjf: [{ type: "list", items }, ...others] }
console.log({ data: { areas } })
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
You could use another approach by copying each object leven and map all arrays and group the last level by using a function for grouping.
This approach uses am iter function which gets all functions for each level and the starting object.
At the end, it returns a new object with the given structure and the grouped items.
function copy(source, fn) {
return Object.assign({}, ...Object
.map(([k, v]) => ({ [k]: fn(v) }))
function map(array, fn) {
function group(array) {
var items;
return array.reduce((r, o) => {
if (listItemTypes.includes(o.type)) {
if (!items) {
items = [];
r.push({ type: 'list', items });
} else {
items = undefined;
return r;
}, []);
function iter([fn, ...fns], object) {
return fn ? fn(object, iter.bind(null, fns)) : object;
var object = { data: { areas: [{ sections: [{ rjf: [{ type: "unordered-list-item", text: "Item 1" }, { type: "unordered-list-item", text: "Item 2" }, { type: "paragraph", text: "This is text" }] }] }] } },
listItemTypes = ['unordered-list-item', 'ordered-list-item'],
result = iter([copy, copy, map, copy, map, copy, group], object);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

