I've created a React wrapper to render an array of log messages into a terminal but resizing is giving a weird output (see screenshot). (There is a React-Wrapper on NPM but that wasn't working for my use-case - caused screen flickering)
I'm working on a feature for Guppy where I'm adding Xterm.js for the terminal output.
The PR can be found here.
I've added xterm because of hyperlink scanning/parsing and that is working.
But I'm stuck with getting resize to work. If I'm starting the devServer in the app and wait for some text it will display with correct letter width.
If I reduce the size I'm getting an output with an incorrect letter width.
Like in the following screenshot:
It is always looking correct in the not resized state but after resize it will get the wrong display - so this will happen for enlarging & shrinking the screen width.
The output should look similar to the following screenshot (maybe with some wrapped lines):
I think this is caused by Fit addon or the way I'm handling resizing with the resize observer but I'm not sure.
The span style of xterm letter are getting a width of NaNpx like in the following screenshot:
Is this caused by a media query I'm using? I haven't seen that yet maybe I have to temporarily disable all media queries to see if that's causing the behaviour.
What I have tried so far:
Wrapped into a setTimeout(func, 0) but with-out an effect
Modified some of the styles I'm using but I haven't found the cause.
The code I'm using can be found on Github branch feature-terminal-links but here I'd like to extract the parts I've added to get Xterm to work with React:
I created a styled-component XtermContainer as a div so I can add Xterm styles and own styling. The following code is inside render and will be our xterm.js container (innerRef will be used later in ComponentDidMount to intialize Xterm with that container):
innerRef={node => (this.node = node)}
Init xterm in componentDidMount with the container above:
componentDidMount() {
this.xterm = new Terminal({
convertEol: true,
fontFamily: `'Fira Mono', monospace`,
fontSize: 15,
rendererType: 'dom', // default is canvas
this.xterm.setOption('theme', {
foreground: COLORS.white,
/* ... some addon setup code here (not relevant for the problem) ... */
Added react-resize-observer inside of the wrapper that is also containing the terminal container so I can trigger if the size changes (in the repo there is a setTimeout wrapper around for testing).
<ResizeObserver onResize={() => this.xterm &&} />
Using componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) to update the terminal and scroll the terminal to the bottom if the component is getting new logs:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (prevProps.task.logs !== this.state.logs) {
if (this.state.logs.length === 0) {
for (const log of this.state.logs) {
We need to track what we have added to xterm - feels hacky but it's working.
`this.xterm.clear()` and re-render everything caused screen flicker that's why I decided to not use it.
Todo: Check if there is a react-xterm wrapper that is not using xterm.clear or
create a wrapper component that can render the logs array (with-out flicker).
if (!this.renderedLogs[]) {
this.renderedLogs[] = true;
Ideas I have to find the cause:
Check ResizeObserver code. (see update below)
Try to find why xterm css is getting a NaN width. Is Xterm.js using the style width of the container? If yes, maybe that's not correctly set.
OK, the resize obeserver is probably not needed as I'm getting the same behaviour after commenting out the <ResizeObserver/> in render. So I think it's caused by xterm.js or the css in Guppy.
I have a fix for the issue. It's now working in the above mentioned feature branch. Not sure if there is a better solution but it's working for me.
I like to explain how I have fixed the resizing issue:
The problem was the OnlyOn component that was used in DevelopmentServerPane. It always rendered two TerminalOutput components. One terminal was hidden with display: none and the other was displayed with display: inline - the style change was handled with a media query inside a styled-component.
After replacing OnlyOn with React-responsive and using the render props to check mdMin breakpoint it was working as expected. React-responsive is removing the not displayed mediaquery component from DOM so only one terminal in DOM at the same time.
I still don't know why there was a problem with the letter width but probably the two instances collided somehow. I couldn't create a minimal reproduction. I tried to recreate the issue in this Codesandbox but I have only resized one Terminal at a time and so I haven't got the issue there.
The code that fixed the problem (simplified version from the above mentioned repo):
import MediaQuery from 'react-responsive';
sm: 900,
mdMin: `(min-width: ${ + 1}px)`,
const DevelopmentServerPane = () => (
<MediaQuery query={BREAKPOINTS['mdMin']}>
{matches =>
matches ? (
<div>{/* ... render Terminal for matching mdMin and above */}</div>
) : (
<div> {/* ... render Terminal for small screens */}</div>
When you scroll on a page, the page shows an element, I want to be able to specify this element and
do code with it using JS, is this possible? I tried something but it had another problem..
What I tried was,
let section = document.getElementById('out');
window.onscroll = function() {
if (window.scrollY >= 678) {
document.getElementById('out').style.color = "red";
} else {
document.getElementById('out').style.color = "black"
I didn't use animate here, I just made sure it works, and it did, well almost, because if you zoom in/out it ruins it, I think that's because I got the 678 by going to the button and printing scrollY manually, is there anyway to make that automatic, so it works on any element I need?
I searched a lot and can't seem to find what I need, the solutions need jQuery, I need a solution only with html, css, and javascript.
In the future the solution will be css scroll timelines, but as that feature is at the time of writing experimental and is not supported by major browsers you can use intersection observers.
Quoted from MDN:
The Intersection Observer API lets code register a callback function that is executed whenever an element they wish to monitor enters or exits another element (or the viewport), or when the amount by which the two intersect changes by a requested amount.
To animate a component when it is in or out of view, you can give animated elements a .hidden class in your html markup and create an intersection observer which appends the .shown class to .hidden elements when they are in view.
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
entries.forEach(entry =>“shown”, entry.isIntersecting))
const hiddenElements = document.querySelectorAll(“.hidden”)
hiddenElements.forEach((el) => observer.observe(el))
Then you can just apply transitions under a <selector>.shown css rule.
Some answers of our chatbot are very long. The webchat scrolls automatically to the bottom so users have to scroll up to get to the top of the bubble and start reading.
I've implemented a custom renderer (react) to wrap the answers into a custom component which simply wraps the answer into a div-tag. I also implemented a simple piece of code to scroll to the top of the bubble.
const MyCustomActivityContainer = ({ children }) => {
const triggerScrollTo = () => {
if (scrollRef && scrollRef.current) {
(scrollRef.current as any).scrollIntoView({
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'start',
const scrollRef: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement> = React.createRef()
return (
<div ref={ scrollRef } onClick={ triggerScrollTo }>
{ children }
export const activityMiddleware = () => next => card => {
if (/* some conditions */) {
return (
{ next(card) }
} else {
return (
{ next(card) }
But this only works if the scrollbar slider is not at its lowest position (there is at least 1 pixel left to scroll down, see here). The problem is the useScrollToBottom hook which always scrolls to bottom automatically if the scrollbar is completely scrolled down.
Is there any way to overwrite the scroll behavior or to temporarily disable the scrollToBottom feature?
As there is no reproducible example I can only guess.
And I'll have to make some guesses on the question too.
Because it's not clear what exactly in not working:
Do you mean that click on the <div> of MyCustomActivityContainer and subsequent call to triggerScrollTo doesn't result into a scroll?
That would be strange, but who knows. In this case I doubt anyone will help you without reproducible example.
Or do you mean that you can scroll the message into view, but if it is already in the view then new messages can result into a scroll while user is still reading a message.
That's so, but it contradicts with you statement that your messages are very long, because that would be the problem with short messages, not with the long ones.
But anyway, you should be able to fix that.
If it works fine with 1 pixel off the lowest position, then just scroll that 1 pixel. You'll need to find the scrollable element. And do scrollable_element.scrollTop -= 1. I tested this approach here. And it worked (there the scrollable element is the grandparent of <p>'s)
Or do you try to scroll automatically at the moment the message arrives? Аnd that is the real issue, but you forgot to mention it, and didn't posted the code that tries to auto-scroll?
In that case you can try to use setTimeout() and defer the scroll by, let's say, 200ms.
This number in based on what I gathered from the source:
BotFramework-WebChat uses react-scroll-to-bottom
In react-scroll-to-bottom there are some timeouts 100ms and 34ms
BotFramework-WebChat doesn't redefine them
There are some heuristics in react-scroll-to-bottom that probably coursing the trouble
Currently, there are no reliable way to check if the "scroll" event is trigger due to user gesture, programmatic scrolling, or Chrome-synthesized "scroll" event to compensate size change. Thus, we use our best-effort to guess if it is triggered by user gesture, and disable sticky if it is heading towards the start direction.
For what we observed, #1 is fired about 20ms before #2. There is a chance that this stickyCheckTimeout is being scheduled between 1 and 2. That means, if we just look at #1 to decide if we should scroll, we will always scroll, in oppose to the user's intention.
That's why I think you should use setTimeout()
Since there isn't a reproducible code for me tweak and show you. My suggestion is tweak your code slightly. Chatbot requires constant streaming of data when a new message arrives calculate the height of the div element created for the message. If the div element is greater than the widget height scroll to the top else you can choose to leave it as it is.
I'm reading this article and the author points out the following :
In app/app.js adjust the ApplicationView so that it doesn’t insert the
wrapping ember-view div under the body — it interferes with the height
of the canvas div that jasny-bootstrap uses.
App = Ember.Application.extend({
modulePrefix: config.modulePrefix,
podModulePrefix: config.podModulePrefix,
Resolver: Resolver,
The thing is that i'm running Emberjs 2.6 with no views. How can i accomplish the same thing?
Like locks said in comment, you can't remove root div under the body.
You please add the following CSS, this will remove need for setting tagName='' to application view. I tried this, it's working well.
.ember-application>div {
height: 100%;
Does anyone know how can we achieve this kind of view in React Native, or is there any available components out there that can help on this issue?
I've seen in F8 2016 app too, been searching on how to achieve the transition and the carousel-like view with horizontal scrolling.
I know that the question is old, but a co-worker and I recently had to create a component that answers this particular need. We ended up open-sourcing it, so it's all yours to try: react-native-snap-carousel.
The plugin is now built on top of FlatList (versions >= 3.0.0), which is great to handle huge numbers of items. It also provides previews (the effect you were after), snapping effect, parallax images, RTL support, and more.
You can take a look at the showcase to get a grasp of what can be achieved with it. Do not hesitate to share your experience with the plugin since we're always trying to improve it.
Edit : two new layouts have been introduced in version 3.6.0 (one with a stack of cards effect and the other with a tinder-like effect). Enjoy!
You can achieve this using ScrollView with paging enabled on iOS and ViewPagerAndroid on Android.
F8 being an open source app,
you can see that's what it's actually using:
This component renders all pages.
If you only want to have the visible and left and right pages rendered to save memory, there's another component built on top of it that does it:
There are various other similar implementations available:
However I'm not recommending as I've had several issues with it.
Speaking about the swiper-component claiming the best of the world, it still does not work out of the box (as of November 2018) as described in the official swiper-react-native documentation. The issue and a workaround is described in the swiper issue 444:
The error message (on Android) states console.error: "fontFamily 'Arial' is not a system font and has not been loaded through Exponent.Font.loadAsync.
Zach Dixon provided an elegant quick-fix which I repeat here for everybody's convenience. Simply use the following JSX-snippet inside your render()-function to avoid that a new font is required:
<Swiper style={styles.wrapper} showsButtons={true}
nextButton={<Text>></Text>} prevButton={<Text><</Text>}>
<View style={styles.slide1}><Text style>Slide 1</Text></View>
<View style={styles.slide2}><Text style>Slide 2</Text></View>
<View style={styles.slide3}><Text style>Slide 3</Text></View>
For those interested in explanations on how to implement carousel with Scroll-View only, I recommend a tutorial on a simple image carousel with ScrollView. The tutorial is straight forward and elaborates on the things one has to take care of, but you cannot use it out of the box within or on top of other View-elements. In particular the snapping does not work to well (on Android).
You can create your own custom carousel. The Carousel end result looks like this-
goToNextPage = () => {
const childlenth = this.getCustomData().length;
selectedIndex = selectedIndex + 1;
if (selectedIndex === childlenth) {
this.scrollRef.current.scrollTo({ offset: 0, animated: false, nofix: true });
selectedIndex = 1;
animated: true,
x: this.props.childWidth * selectedIndex,
// pushing 1st element at last
getCustomData() {
const {data} = this.props;
const finaldata = [];
return finaldata;
This is the main logic used behind looped carousel.
Here we are pushing the first item at last in the list again and then when scroll reaches at last position we are making the scrollview to scroll to first position as first and last element are same now and we scroll to first position with animation like this
this.scrollRef.current.scrollTo({ offset: 0, animated: false, nofix: true });
For further reference go through the link provided.
When using javascript to swap images the HTML is updated fine but what Opera actually displays is not unless you scroll or resize the window. A picture of what happens when you scroll explains it best.
alt text
Any ideas?
EDIT: The source of the problem seems to be that the image is inside a div that has float right.
EDIT2: This would suggest that it's a bug that was fixed and is back again.
Odd, I've never experienced problems like that before. I think that is a combination between browser and the graphics card / GUI, I've had exactly this behaviour before but in all sorts of applications (OpenOffice), not only the browser.
Ideas on how to maybe trick it into updating:
Set opacity to .99 and then back to 1
Change position by 1px (jerky though)
Set display to none and to block again (flickers, not nice, but to see whether it works)
Move it off the screen for a (milli)second and back again (probably flickers)
I have faced the same problem. This seems to be a bug related with Presto based Opera versions (< 12.5). The src attribute of the img elements seems to be updating correctly but the changes are not reflected to DOM. Triggering reflows are sadly not working. Only detaching and reattaching the node seems to fix the problem. I have tried following that led to no avail:
Change src to null, and then to new value,
Change src to null, change position (top/left etc), change width/height,
Trigger above with delay (i.e. 100ms delay between null and new value)
Performing various combination of above with any order.
The only way that correctly fixed the problem was detaching related node from DOM and reinserting. Here is the piece of code if anyone needs:
var isOperaPresto = this.navigator.userAgent.includes("Opera") && this.navigator.userAgent.includes("Presto");
/* if browser is opera presto, updating image elements' sources will not upload the DOM visual.
So we need to do some hacking. Only thing that works is to remove and reAppend the relevant node... */
Object.defineProperty(HTMLImageElement.prototype, "src", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function() {
return this.getAttribute("src");
set: function(newSrc)
/*max-size confinement is required for presto if parent is display flex. Image will go out of its available size otherwise*/ =; =;
this.setAttribute("src", newSrc);
/*we have to put this node back to exactly where we rip it from*/
var parent = this.parentNode;
if(this.nextElementSibling != null)
var reference = this.nextElementSibling;
reference.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", this);