Cannot import Amplitude SDK in a Ionic 3 app - javascript

I'm trying to use Amplitude SDK to get statistics from my Ionic 3 app. However, since the app is written in TypeScript with a certain file architecture, it is not as simple as in the official documentation.
However, I found the #types/amplitude-js package and I thought it would resolve all my problems. But unfortunately, when I compile my app on my device using ionic cordova run android --device, the app doesn't load and I get the following error message:
Uncaught Error: Encountered undefined provider!
Usually this means you have a circular dependencies (might be caused by using 'barrel' index.ts files.
Note: this error also appears when I run ionic serve.
Here is what I did, step by step:
I installed the #types/amplitude-js by running npm install --save #types/amplitude-js.
I installed the original Amplitude SDK by running npm install amplitude-js. I noticed it was necessary to do that, otherwise my app wouldn't compile with only the #type package (which makes sense).
I added the following lines to my app.module.ts
import { AmplitudeClient } from 'amplitude-js';
providers: [
I also created an AmplitudeProvider, which will manage all my Amplitude events throughout my app:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { HttpServiceProvider } from "../http-service/http-service";
import { AmplitudeClient } from 'amplitude-js';
* AmplitudeProvider
* #description Handles Amplitude statistics
export class AmplitudeProvider {
public http: HttpServiceProvider,
public amplitude: AmplitudeClient
) {
* logEvent
* #description Logs an event in Amplitude
* #param eventTitle Title of the event
public logEvent(title) {
// Do things not relevant here
I'm certain that I'm doing something wrong with my dependency injection and/or my imports, but I don't understand what. And I don't see any circular dependency, since the amplitude-js package is not made by me and does not import any of my providers.
Thanks in advance to anyone who will point me in the right direction!

AmplitudeClient is not a Ionic Provider, therefore, you can't import it and put in your Class constructor.
To use amplitude in your Provider you want to import amplitude. Your code should be similar to this.
import amplitude, { AmplitudeClient } from 'amplitude-js';
export class AmplitudeProvider {
private client: AmplitudeClient;
public http: HttpServiceProvider,
public database: DatabaseProvider
) {
this.client = amplitude.getInstance();


Angular class is not an Angular module

When I build my Angular library, publish it to npm, and use it as a dependency in another project, whenever I try to import on of my module classes into my app.module.ts, and get this error Class TekButtonModule is not an Angular module. I have followed steps from multiple different sites on how to create, build, and publish angular libraries, and I can't figure out why it won't recognize the class as a valid module class.
In my app.module.ts, this is how I am importing the module:
import { TekButtonModule } from "tek-angular-uimodules";
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
My library project follows the standard directory structure outlined by Angular. I did not change anything with the build, or path settings when I setup the library project. My built library project has a bundles, esm5, esm2015, fesm5, fesm2015, lib (where my custom modules, and components are), as well as a package.json, public-api.d.ts (exports everything in the lib directory),, tek-angular-uimodules.d.ts (exports the public api), and a tek-angular-uimodules.metadata.json file.
Is there some extra configuration that it needed that isn't setup by default to get modules to work correctly?
Here is my button module class:
import { CommonModule } from "#angular/common";
import { NgModule } from "#angular/core";
import { TekButton } from "./button";
declarations: [
exports: [
imports: [
export class TekButtonModule {}
Here are some of the files that are generated when I build the project:
* Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
export * from './public-api';
export * from "./lib/button";
export * from "./lib/button-group";
export * from "./lib/nav-bar";
export declare class TekButtonModule {
If I import the generated javascript module file from the esm5 directory manually in my app.module.ts file, then it works just fine. But I have to manually do that, when it should just work with the standard module import that WebStorm auto imports for me like any other package.
This is the generated module js file under the esm5 directory:
* #fileoverview added by tsickle
* #suppress {checkTypes,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc
import { CommonModule } from "#angular/common";
import { NgModule } from "#angular/core";
import { TekButton } from "./button";
var TekButtonModule = /** #class */ (function () {
function TekButtonModule() {
TekButtonModule.decorators = [
{ type: NgModule, args: [{
declarations: [
exports: [
imports: [
},] }
return TekButtonModule;
export { TekButtonModule };
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64
Any help is appreciated. I can provide more code, and screenshots if needed.
This is the error I get when trying to import my module:
So I figured out what was causing my specific issue. It was two things. Point two is the direct reason for my issue, point one was making much more confusing to debug.
In order to test my built package, I would run ng build, and then cd into the built project in the dist directory, and run npm pack. I would then install my built package as a file dependency in an entirely separate project to ensure I did everything correctly. What I found out was (or I'm assuming) that there was a caching mechanism going on even when doing local file dependency installations. This caching seemed to be tied to the file name of the tgz file that is generated from npm pack. This caching was causing the very first version to be constantly reinstalled not matter how many changes I made to the built library. The fix, for me, was to simply rename the tgz file to something different each time. You should also change the library version number, and that should also work.
My file structure looked like this:
- public-api.ts
- lib
-- button
--- index.ts
--- public-api.ts
--- button.component.ts
--- button.module.ts
-- another-module
-- yet-another-module
The public-api.ts file directly in src looked like this:
export * from './lib/button'
// Other exports
The public-api.ts, and the index.ts file under src\lib\button looked like this:
// public-api.ts
export * from './button.component.ts'
export * from './button.module.ts'
// index.ts
export * from './public-api.ts'
I had assumed that by adding the index.ts files to each directory, the export line in the root public-api.ts would find the index file, and export the files accordingly, but somewhere along the line, this implicit resolution does not work, and, instead, an explicit export is needed. The fix was to change export * from './lib/button' to export * from './lib/button/index.ts' or export * from './lib/button/public-api.ts'.
Point two was the direct reason for my issue, point one just made it really confusing when trying to debug.
So I had the same issue with a different solution, so I thought I would share it here.
I had just updated my library to Angular 9. And everything seemed fine except the strange "Class my-module is not an Angular module" error.
What worked for me was to up tsconfig.lib.ts file with:
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"enableIvy": false
Don't know if this will help anyone, but for me it was caused by the NgModule import path autocompleting with #angular/core/src/metadata/*, rather than #angular/core.

Cannot instantiate pubnub sdk in angular 2 + typescript application

I am trying to use the pubnub javascript 4.0 sdk within my Angular 2 application that is using Typescript. I have successfully installed the library through npm and linked the module using SystemJS, and I can import it into my service that I'm using for chat. The problem comes when I try to access it within the service itself, I get a Error: CompileMetadataResolver. There are no type definitions for this library, so I found an open source .d.ts file someone posted online. Am I missing a type file (hence the metadata resolve)?
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {PUBNUB} from 'pubnub';
export class ChatService {
private pnService: PUBNUB.PUBNUB;
constructor(private pubNub: PUBNUB){
//trying to access or create object here results in error
this.pnService = new
initialize(subkey:string, pubKey:string) {
//this.pubNub.init({subscribe_key : subKey, publish_key : pubKey, ssl: true, origin: ''});

How to use Phoenix Channels / Sockets in an Angular 2 app?

I have a backend built with Elixir / Phoenix and a frontend built with Angular 2 (Typescript, Brunch,io for building, ES6). I now want to use Phoenix Channels. And I'm a bit desperate trying to use the Phoenix Javascript Client in my frontend.
When I install via npm install phoenix-js and then try to inject it into a service in angular like this:
import { Socket } from "phoenix-js";
I always get the error Cannot find module phoenix-js during compilation.
I'm a bit stuck and every hint on how to get this to work would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I'm going to leave the old answer below - even though it is a bit emberassing. Getting everything to work and using the most recent version of the Phoenix JS Client with Angular 2 was even easier than I thought and I was just terribly confused.
The Phoenix JS client has been extracted as an npm package and can be found here. Install it with npm install --save phoenix. Then load it as additional dependency. In my setup with SystemJS it was just a matter of adding the necessary configuration:
import { join } from 'path';
import { SeedConfig } from './seed.config';
import { InjectableDependency } from './seed.config.interfaces';
export class ProjectConfig extends SeedConfig {
PROJECT_TASKS_DIR = join(process.cwd(), this.TOOLS_DIR, 'tasks', 'project');
constructor() {
// this.APP_TITLE = 'Put name of your app here';
let additional_deps: InjectableDependency[] = [
// {src: 'jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', inject: 'libs'},
// {src: 'lodash/lodash.min.js', inject: 'libs'},
{src: 'phoenix/priv/static/phoenix.js', inject: 'libs'}
const seedDependencies = this.NPM_DEPENDENCIES;
this.NPM_DEPENDENCIES = seedDependencies.concat(additional_deps);
Now we have it in the global scope and just need to use declare var in the Angular 2 service typescript file where we want to use it. Here was where I made a crucial mistake. I tried to access Socket directly and therefor used declare var Socket: any. Which always led to the error Socket is undefined. But this issue got me in the right direction: If you use the transpiled ES5 version (and not ES6) you have to use Phoenix.Socket (because of namespacing I guess).
So this is how my service looks like now:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
declare var Phoenix: any;
export class PhoenixChannelService {
socket: any;
constructor() {
this.socket = new Phoenix.Socket("ws://localhost:4000/socket", {
logger: ((kind, msg, data) => { console.log(`${kind}: ${msg}`, data) }),
transport: WebSocket
Now everything works like a charm.
If you don't want to install the client via npm, there is a more basic way: Just get the latest version of the JS Client from GitHub from /priv/static, store it in the folder where you keep your static assets and include it directly in your index.html:
<script src="/path/to/static/js/phoenix.js"></script>
The rest stays the same.
Note: If you want to use it with typescript type definitions, this npm package might be a good starting point - even though it is a bit old.
Old and embarrassing answer: So I think I figured it out. Writing my own definition file wasn't an option. And since all the documented code on how to use the phoenix client is in ES6 I got stuck including the transpiled ES5 version directly in my index.html. But the first clue was this article.
I then found this issue on GitHub which is about extracting the Phoenix Client. Via this I then found this npm package, which is a bit outdated but seems to work. I install it with npm insall --save phoenix-js and then load the dependency in my project. Since my Angular App is based on this seed it goes into my project definition (and make sure to load the Globals version of the phoenix client:
import { join } from 'path';
import { SeedConfig } from './seed.config';
import { InjectableDependency } from './seed.config.interfaces';
export class ProjectConfig extends SeedConfig {
PROJECT_TASKS_DIR = join(process.cwd(), this.TOOLS_DIR, 'tasks', 'project');
constructor() {
// this.APP_TITLE = 'Put name of your app here';
let additional_deps: InjectableDependency[] = [
// {src: 'jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', inject: 'libs'},
// {src: 'lodash/lodash.min.js', inject: 'libs'},
{src: 'phoenix-js/dist/glob/main.js', inject: 'libs'}
const seedDependencies = this.NPM_DEPENDENCIES;
this.NPM_DEPENDENCIES = seedDependencies.concat(additional_deps);
Now I can use it in my angular 2 service:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
declare var Socket: any;
declare var Channel: any;
export class PhoenixChannelService {
socket: any;
channel: any;
constructor() {
this.socket = new Socket("/socket", {
logger: ((kind, msg, data) => { console.log(`${kind}: ${msg}`, data) })
this.socket.connect({user_id: "123"});
Depending on your build process (I use gulp) and other factors you might have to adapt. But I hope this provides some help to other people stuck with this issue.
Edit: This is the official extracted JS client for Phoenix. But I didn't get it to work in my setup, probably because of Typescript.

Angular2 dependency not injecting correct path

I am getting the following errors in my browser console, from trying to use localStorage with Angular2. It seems that the path it is generating isn't referring to the node_modules, but rather assuming that there is a localstorage.js in my site root (which there isn't). I am just referring to it normally (see my user.service below), so how do I get around this? All my other dependencies are working fine.
Error loading http://localhost:3000/localStorage.js as "localStorage" from http://localhost:3000/client/dev/user/services/user.service.js
import { Injectable } from 'angular2/core';
import { Headers } from 'angular2/http';
import { loalStorage } from 'localStorage';
export class UserService {
private loggedIn = false;
constructor(private http: Http) {
this.loggedIn = !!localStorage.getItem('auth_token');
NB: I am fairly sure there isn't an actual problem with the localStorage installation, as if I run npm list localStorage, then it tells me I have localStorage#1.0.3 instaled.
If you want to use localStorage from an import, you need to configure it within SystemJS as described below:
map: {
localStorage: 'node_modules/localStorage/lib/localStorage.js'
This way, you will be able to use the following import:
import loalStorage from 'localStorage';
See this question for more details since it's similar to the way to configure Lodash:
Lodash in angular2, declare var_:any not working

How to import Parse JS sdk into ionic 2 beta

am trying to import JS sdk into ionic 2 app, but i keep getting parse is undefined
In ionic 1.x ,parse js sdk is loaded via
<script ..parse.js </script>
and exposed as a global var, how do import in ionic 2 ,am using the npm module ,and tried
import * as parse from 'parse'
Do npm install parse --save in your project directory
Then import parse using
import { Parse } from 'parse';
It is better to create an parse provider.
You can use this starter template as a guide. It is a simple GameScores application in ionic to get you started.
It shows how to create and read data from parse server. I also includes paging with ion-infinite-scroll scrolling.
After searching for a solution I came up with my own.
After installing the package and the typings, I opened the index.js of the node-module ionic-gulp-scripts-copy and added 'node_modules/parse/dist/parse.min.js' to the defaultSrc array.
Then, in my index.html, I included the script above the cordova.js.
Now I just need to declare var Parse: any; in every Component I want to use the SDK in.
For example, in my app.ts:
import {Component} from '#angular/core';
import {Platform, ionicBootstrap} from 'ionic-angular';
import {StatusBar} from 'ionic-native';
import {TabsPage} from './pages/tabs/tabs';
import{LoginPage} from './pages/login/login';
declare var Parse: any;
template: '<ion-nav [root]="rootPage"></ion-nav>',
export class MyApp {
private rootPage: any;
private parse;
constructor(private platform: Platform) {
//this.rootPage = TabsPage;
this.rootPage = LoginPage;
platform.ready().then(() => {
console.log("Platform ready!");
// Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
// Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.
Parse.initialize('myStartUp', 'someKey');
Parse.serverURL = 'http://localhost:1337/parse';
I do not think this is the way it should be used, but in the end I can use the SDK pretty easy and without much lines of implementation code.

