submit button get checkbox input safed in object jquery - javascript

I'm new to jquery and I have a question about how i can save the input from my checkboxes in an object when clicking on a button.
For now i just want it to see it in the console.
my code looks something like this:
let UserInput = [];
const addUserInput = (ev) => {
let TextInput = {
Name: document.getElementById('exampleInputName').value, //this is working
InfoElektronik: $('#Info-Elektronik').click(function() { //this is not?
console.log("Checkbox1 = " + $('#Info-Elektronik').prop('checked'));
<div class="form-check">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" name="agree" value="" id="Info-Elektronik">
<label class="form-check-label" for="defaultCheck1">Elektronik</label>

The issue is that InfoElektronik stores a function, not the actual return value.
Also in your click function, you log the value to the console.
I would do it like this:
const TextInput = {
Name: document.getElementById('exampleInputName').value
$('#Info-Elektronik').click(function() {
textInput.InfoElektronik = ("Checkbox1 = " + $('#Info-Elektronik').prop('checked')).val();


Dynamically loop through checkboxes and get their value and isChecked

I am dynamically printing out checkboxes depending on list from database, called in the code 'coachProperties'. Each coachProperty will get their own checkbox appended with the text which is unique.
I want to add this to another object 'properties'. Something like 'properties{text1 : "false, text2 : "true"} to then later on take it to server-side to do some filtering. I dont want any sumbit button since i want it to dynimcally update which i have js code for. All values in 'properties' will start with "false" which should update when checkbox is clicked. The problem is, sometimes when I uncheck a box it still displays as true and vice versa.
<div data-id="coachPropertiesCheckbox">
<% coachProperties.get('coachProperties').forEach(function (coachProperty) { %>
<div class="checkboxes">
<input type="checkbox" data-id="test" value="<%= coachProperty.text %>"> <%= coachProperty.text %>
<% }); %>
Js code:
function setProp(obj,prop,value){
obj[prop] = value;
var properties = {};
coachProperties.get('coachProperties').forEach(function (coachProperty) {
properties[coachProperty.text] = "false";
view.$el.find('[data-id="coachPropertiesCheckbox"] div.checkboxes input').change(function () {
var isCheckboxedChecked = view.$el.find('[data-id="test"]').is(':checked');
var valueCheckbox = $(this).attr("value");
setProp(properties, valueCheckbox, isCheckboxedChecked );
$.each( properties, function( key, value ) {
console.log( key + ": " + value );
Use value property to hold data that you would like to associate with the checkbox and do not use it to toggle true and false. Whether checkbox is checked or not, you can know from the checked property.
A piece of advice, most probably, you'll NOT want to use checkbox label same as value because values are for internal purpose, for any data manipulation, and labels have sole purpose of display in the UI.
Please try the following solution direction:
$('.checkboxes input').on('change', (event) => {
const checked = $('checked')
const value = $('value')
console.log(checked, ':', value)
<script src=""></script>
<div class="checkboxes">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1-id" value="checkbox-1" /><label for="checkbox1-id">Checkbox 1</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox2-id" value="checkbox-2" /><label for="checkbox2-id">Checkbox 2</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox3-id" value="checkbox-3" /><label for="checkbox3-id">Checkbox 3</label>
view.$el.find('div.checkboxes input').change(function (event) {
var id = $('data-id');
if ($('checked')) {
} else {
var index = resultSetParameters.get('filter').coachProperties.indexOf(id);
if (index > -1) {
resultSetParameters.get('filter').coachProperties.splice(index, 1);

How get the Count of Empty Input fields?

How can I check the Number of Incomplete Input fields in Particular ID, (form1, form2).
If 2 input fields are empty, in i want a msg saying something like "Incomplete Input 2"
How is it Possible to do this in JS ?
<div id="form1">
<span>Number of Incomplete Input: 2</span>
<input type="text" value="">
<input type="text" value="">
<div id="form2">
<span>Number of Incomplete Input: 1</span>
<input type="text" value="Test">
<input type="text" value="">
This is the JS, which is working, i have have multiple JS with class named assigned to each inputs and get the value, but i need to make this check all the Input fields inside just the ID.
$(document).on("click", "#form1", function() {
var count = $('input').filter(function(input){
return $(this).val() == "";
Your html structure, especially form structure is not correct, so you should first add some submit button to form that can be clicked. Then you can add event listener on form's submission. In the event handler you should select children inputs inside the form tag using $(this).children("input"). Now you can filter them.
$(document).on("submit", "#form1", function (e) {
var count = $(this)
.filter(function (input) {
return $(this).val() == "";
<script src=""></script>
<form id="form1">
<span>Number of Incomplete Input: 2</span>
<input type="text" value="">
<input type="text" value="">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
This is the JS, which is working, if I have have multiple JS with class named assigned to each inputs and Im getting the value, but i have multiple JS for this to work.
How can i make this Simpler say like, when user clicks on Div, it only checks the input fields inside that div.
$(document).on("click", "#form1", function() {
var count = $('.input_field1').filter(function(input){
return $(this).val() == "";
<div id="form1">
<span>Number of Incomplete Input: 2</span>
<input type="text" value="" class="input_field1">
<input type="text" value=""class="input_field1">
<div id="form2">
<span>Number of Incomplete Input: 1</span>
<input type="text" value="Test" class="input_field2">
<input type="text" value="" class="input_field2">
See snippet below:
It has commented and if you put some effort on it, you can have a jQuery plugin out of it.
(function () {
'use strict';
// this use to prevent event conflict
namespace = 'customValidation',
submitResult = true;
writableInputTypes = ['text', 'password'],
checkboxInputType = 'checkbox';
errorContainerCls = 'error-container';
// Add this function in global scope
// Change form status with this function
function changeFormStatus(status) {
submitResult = submitResult && status;
// Check if a radio input in a
// group is checked
function isRadioChecked(form, name) {
if(!form || !name) return true;
var radio = $(form).find('input[type="radio"][name="' + name.toString() + '"]:checked');
return typeof radio !== 'undefined' && radio.length
? true
: false;
function eachInputCall(inp, isInSubmit) {
input = $(inp);
inputType = input.attr('type');
// assume that we have a name placeholder in
// attributes named data-name-placeholder
inputNamePlaceholder = input.attr('data-name-placeholder');
// if it is not present,
// we should have backup placeholder
inputNamePlaceholder = inputNamePlaceholder ? inputNamePlaceholder : 'input';
if(!inputType) return;
// you have three type of inputs in simple form
// that you can make realtime validation for them
// 1. writable inputs ✓
// 2. checkbox inputs ✓
// 3. radio inputs ✕
// for item 3 you should write
// another `else if` condition
// but you should have it for
// each name (it was easier if it was a plugin)
// radio inputs is not good for realtime
// unchecked validation.
// You can check radios through submit event
// let make it lowercase
inputType = inputType.toLowerCase();
// first check type of input
if ($.inArray(inputType, writableInputTypes) !== -1) {
if(!isInSubmit) {
input.on('input.' + namespace, function () {
} else {
} else if ('checkbox' == inputType) { // if it is checkbox
if(!isInSubmit) {
input.on('change.' + namespace, function () {
} else {
// Check if an input has some validation
// (here we have just required or not empty)
function writableInputChange(inp) {
// I use $(this) instead of input
// to prevent conflict if selector
// is a class for an input
if('' == $.trim($(inp).val())) {
// your appropriate message
// you can use bootstrap's popover
// to modefy just input element
// and make your html structure
// more flexible
// or
// if your inputs are in
// separate containers do
// somthing like below
inputParent = $(inp).parent();
if(!inputParent.children('.' + errorContainerCls).length) {
inputParent.append($('<div class="' + errorContainerCls + '" />').text('Please fill ' + inputNamePlaceholder));
} else {
// I assume we have separate
// containers for each input
inputParent = $(inp).parent();
inputParent.children('.' + errorContainerCls).remove();
// Check if an checkbox is checked
function checkboxInputChange(chk) {
if(!$(chk).is(':checked')) {
// if your inputs are in
// separate containers do
// somthing like below
inputParent = $(chk).parent();
if(!inputParent.children('.' + errorContainerCls).length) {
inputParent.append($('<div class="' + errorContainerCls + '" />').text('Please check ' + inputNamePlaceholder));
} else {
// I assume we have separate
// containers for each input
inputParent = $(chk).parent();
inputParent.children('.' + errorContainerCls).remove();
$(function () {
form = $('#form'),
// you can change this selector with your classes
formInputs = form.find('> .input-group > input');
formInputs.each(function () {
form.submit(function () {
submitResult = true;
// check all inputs after form submission
formInputs.each(function () {
eachInputCall(this, true);
// Because of radio grouping by name,
// we should select them separately
var selectedGender = isRadioChecked($(this), 'gender');
var parent;
if(selectedGender) {
parent = $(this).find('input[type="radio"][name="gender"]').parent();
parent.children('.' + errorContainerCls).remove();
} else {
// I assume that all radios are in
// a separate container
parent = $(this).find('input[type="radio"][name="gender"]').parent();
if(!parent.children('.' + errorContainerCls).length) {
parent.append($('<div class="' + errorContainerCls + '" />').text('Please check your gender'));
if(!submitResult) {
console.log('There are errors during validations!');
return submitResult;
<script src=""></script>
<form id="form">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" name="input1" data-name-placeholder="name">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="checkbox" name="input2" data-name-placeholder="agreement">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="radio" name="gender">
<input type="radio" name="gender">
<button type="submit">

clicking through saved checkbox states

The below works to save the states of my checkboxes, then sets the items saved back to checked when called in my load__() function; however I need to instead of just setting to checked, I need to actually have them .click() through in my load__() function as the data is not being served otherwise.
function checkSaver() {
user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(user));
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]');
user.userAchkData = [];
user.userAchkData.push({ id:, checked: input.checked });
localStorage.setItem(username, JSON.stringify(user));
function load_() {
// get saved latest checkbox states, recheck
user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(user));
var inputs = user.userAchkData;
if ( {
// I need to click through the found checked here
document.getElementById( = input.checked;
You can check if they're checked and then programmatically trigger a click:
if ( {
// I need to click through the found checked here
const element = document.getElementById(;
element.checked = input.checked;
if (input.checked);
I fiddled around a bit and got to a simple working example for checking saved checkboxes. Maybe you can adapt this to your needs:
const container = document.getElementById('checkboxes');
const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('checkboxes')) || new Array(3).fill(false);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
[...container.children].forEach((child, i) => { child.checked = data[i]; });
container.onchange = ({ target }) => {
data[] = target.checked;
localStorage.setItem('checkboxes', JSON.stringify(data));
<div id="checkboxes">
<input type="checkbox" data-id="0">
<input type="checkbox" data-id="1">
<input type="checkbox" data-id="2">

Store multiple checkbox inputs in local storage

I have multiple checkbox inputs that look like this:
<input type="checkbox" id="box-1">
<input type="checkbox" id="box-2">
<input type="checkbox" id="box-3">
I want to store their values (checked or unchecked) in the browser's local store.
The javascript that I'm using to do this is:
function onClickBox() {
let checked = $("#box-1").is(":checked");
let checked = $("#box-2").is(":checked");
let checked = $("#box-3").is(":checked");
localStorage.setItem("checked", checked);
function onReady() {
let checked = "true" == localStorage.getItem("checked");
$("#box-1").prop('checked', checked);
$("#box-2").prop('checked', checked);
$("#box-3").prop('checked', checked);
The first part saves the checkbox's state on the click and the second part loads it when the page refreshes.
This works well if the lines for box 2 and 3 are removed, but I need it to work with all the checkboxes.
Your main issue here is that you're only storing a single value in localStorage, checked, which will be overwritten every time you check a different box. You instead need to store the state of all boxes. An array is ideal for this, however localStorage can only hold strings, so you will need to serialise/deserialise the data when you attempt to read or save it.
You can also simplify the logic which retrieves the values of the boxes by putting a common class on them and using map() to build the aforementioned array. Try this:
<input type="checkbox" id="box-1" class="box" />
<input type="checkbox" id="box-2" class="box" />
<input type="checkbox" id="box-3" class="box" />
jQuery($ => {
var arr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('checked')) || [];
arr.forEach((c, i) => $('.box').eq(i).prop('checked', c));
$(".box").click(() => {
var arr = $('.box').map((i, el) => el.checked).get();
localStorage.setItem("checked", JSON.stringify(arr));
Working example
function onClickBox() {
let checked1 = $("#box-1").is(":checked");
let checked2 = $("#box-2").is(":checked");
let checked3 = $("#box-3").is(":checked");
localStorage.setItem("checked1", checked1);
localStorage.setItem("checked2", checked2);
localStorage.setItem("checked3", checked3);
function onReady() {
let checked1 = "true" == localStorage.getItem("checked1");
let checked2 = "true" == localStorage.getItem("checked2");
let checked3 = "true" == localStorage.getItem("checked3");
$("#box-1").prop('checked', checked1);
$("#box-2").prop('checked', checked2);
$("#box-3").prop('checked', checked3);
Of course you could simplify it further by doing
function onClickBox(boxNumber) {
let checked = $("#box-" + boxNumber).is(":checked");
localStorage.setItem("checked" + boxNumber, checked);
function onReady() {
[1, 2, 3].forEach( function(boxNumber) {
$("#box-" + boxNumber).prop(
localStorage.getItem("checked" + boxNumber)
$("#box-" + boxNumber).click( function() {
"checked" + boxNumber,
$("#box-" + boxNumber).is(":checked")
Your check variable is getting overwritten, you can put it inside for loop.
So your code becomes,
function onClickBox() {
for(var i=1;i<=3;i++){
let checked=$("#box-"+i).is(":checked");
localStorage.setItem("checked-"+i, checked);
function onReady() {
for(var i=1;i<=3;i++){
var checked=true;
var checked=false;
$("#box-"+i).prop('checked', checked);
Please follow the below Code (Very Simple Javascript works)
<input type="checkbox" id="box">checkbox</input>
<button type="button" onClick="save()">save</button>
function save() {
var checkbox = document.getElementById("box");
localStorage.setItem("box", checkbox.checked);
//for loading...
var checked = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("box"));
document.getElementById("box").checked = checked;
with simple modification, you can use it without save button..
Hope this Helps you..

Select all radio buttons which are checked with prototype

I have several input elements which look like this:
<input type="radio" checked="checked" value="1" name="handle[123]" />
<input type="radio" checked="checked" value="2" name="handle[456]" />
The number inside the name attribute is an object id i need. Now what I want to do is:
Fetch all input which are of type="radio" and are checked with prototype
Put all ids and values in an associative array the resulting array looks something like this:
array{ 1 => 123, 2 => 456 }
Any ideas?
Here's what I came up with:
var results = [];'input[type=radio]:checked').each(function (element) {
var object = {};
object[element.value] =\d+/)[0];
new Ajax.Request('/some_url', {
method: 'post',
parameters: results
To get the checked radio button given a form id, and the name of the radio group:
function RF(el, radioGroup) {
if($(el).type && $(el).type.toLowerCase() == 'radio') {
var radioGroup = $(el).name;
var el = $(el).form;
} else if ($(el).tagName.toLowerCase() != 'form') {
return false;
var checked = $(el).getInputs('radio', radioGroup).find(
function(re) {return re.checked;}
return (checked) ? $F(checked) : null;
var value = RF('form_id', 'radio_grp_name');
Hope it helps
$$('input:checked[type=radio]').each(function (ele) {
output[\d+/)[0]] = ele.value;
This would give the desired output using prototype

