Capture quoted string in comma separated string using regular expression - javascript

I am trying to match all the string withing double quotes which is separated by comma
For eg in the sample string
i want to match
Regular expression (?<=").*?(?=") is matching the comma seperator as well which is not required. How can i exclude commas in the string.

There are a few different workarounds you could use for this; for example using capture groups as suggested in the comments by The fourth bird. But for me personally, I try to avoid using .*.
For this type of example, I would honestly recommend just using a character set of valid characters you will use and looking for more than one character (2 or more) because you will effectively skip lone separators such as a single ,. You can even add a comma to that character set and it will still work.

For this format of string you could just use :
var str = '"COUNT","count(1)","crmuser.accounts"' ;
var separated = str.split('","') ;
for(var i in separated){
i.replace('"','') ;
} ;


RegEx to replace variable quantity of characters with single character

Given this string
var d = 'The;Quick;;Brown;Fox;;;;;;Jumps';
What RegEx would I need to convert to this string:
I need to replace 1-n characters (e.g. ';') with a single character (e.g. ',').
And because I know that sometimes you like to know "what are you trying to accomplish??"
I need to condition a string list of values that can be separated with a combination of different methods:
'The , Quick \r\n Brown , \r\n Fox ,Jumps,'
My approach was to convert all known delimiters to a standard character (e..g ';') and then replace that with the final desired ', ' delimiter
as Josh Crozier says, you can use
d = d.replace(/;+/g, ',');
You can also to the whole thing in one operation with something like
d = d.replace(/[,; \r\n]+/g, ',');
The [,; \r\n]+ part will find groups that are made of commas, semicolons, spaces etc.. Then the replace will replace them all with a single comma. You can add any other characters you want to treat as delimiters in with the brackets.
EDIT: actually, it's probably better to use something like this. The \s will match any whitespace character.
d.replace(/[,;\s]+/g, ',');
This should do the trick:
d.replace(/[;]+/g, ',')
It just replaces all group of semicolons together for a comma

Replace multiple spaces, multiple occurrences of a comma

I am trying to clean an input field client side.
Current Value
string = 'word, another word,word,,,,,, another word, ,,;
Desired Value after cleaning
string = 'word,another word,word,another word;
Simplified version of what I have tried
You can use
var str = 'word,word,word,,,,,new word, , another word';
document.body.innerHTML = str.replace(/(?:\s*,+)+\s*/g, ',');
You need to use g modifier to find and replace all instances
You need to also match optional whitespace between commas and on both sides of them.
Regex explanation:
(?:\s*,+)+ - 1 or more sequences of
\s* - 0 or more whitespace characters
,+ - 1 or more commas.
string = 'word, another word,word,,,,,, another word, ,,';
console.log(string.replace(/(,)[,\s]+|(\s)\s+/g ,'$1').replace(/^,|,$/g,''));
Try using split and trim and map and join rather than regex being that regex can be a bit clunky.
return item.trim()
So split the string by the , and then use the map function to combine them. If the item has value after being trimmed then keep the value. Then after it has been mapped to a array of the valid values join them with a comma.

Remove entire word from string if it contains numeric value

What I'm trying to accomplish is to auto-generate tags/keywords for a file upload, basing these keywords from the filename.
I have accomplished auto-generating titles for each upload, as shown here:
But I have now moved on to trying to auto-generate keywords. Similar to titles, but with more formatting. First, I run the string through this to remove commonly used words from the filename (such as this,that,there... etc)
I am happy with it, but I need to not include words that have numbers in it. I have not found a solution on how to remove a word entirely if it contains a number. The solutions I have found like here only works for a certain match, while this one removes numbers alone. I would like to remove the entire word if it contains ANY numeric digit.
To remove all words which contain a number, use:
string = string.replace(/[a-z]*\d+[a-z]*/gi, '');
Try this expression:
var regex = /\b[^\s]*\d[^\s]*\b/g;
var str = "normal 5digit dig555it digit5 555";
console.log( str.replace(regex,'') );​ //Result-> normal
Apply a simple regular expression to you current filename strings, replacing all occurrences with the empty string. The regular expression matches "words" containing any digits.
Javascript example:
'asdf 8bit jawesome234 mayhem 234'.replace(/\s*\b\w*\d\w*\b/g, '')
Evaluates to:
"asdf mayhem"
Here the regular expression is /\s*\b\w*\d\w*\b/g, which matches maximal sequences consisting of zero or more whitespace characters (\s*) followed by a word-boundary transition (\b), followed by zero or more alphanum characters (\w*), followed by a digit (\d), followed by zero or more alphanum characters, followed by a word-boundary transition (\b). \b matches the empty string at the transition to an alphanumeric character from either the beginning or end of the word or a non-alphanumeric character. The g after the final / of the regular expression means replace all occurrences, not just the first.
Once the digit-words are removed, you can split the string into keywords however you want (by whitespace, for example).
"asdf mayhem".split(/\s+/);
Evaluates to:
["asdf", "mayhem"]
('Apple Cover Photo 23s423 of your 543634 moms').match(/\b([^\d]+)\b/g, '')
Apple Cover Photo , of your , moms
use this to Remove words containing numeric :
hope this helps.
Edited :
check this :
var str = 'one 2two three3 fo4ur 5 six';
var result = str.match(/(^[\D]+\s|\s[\D]+\s|\s[\D]+$|^[\D]+$)+/g).join('');

Javascript Regex For Comma Delimited String

I need a regex expression that performs a "contains" function on a input/type=hidden field's value. This hidden field stores unique values in a comma delimited string.
Here's a scenario.
The value: "mix" needs to be added to the hidden field. It will only be added if it does not exist as a comma delimited value.
With my limited knowlege of regex, I can't prevent the search from returning all ocurrences of the "mix" value. For example if: hiddenField.val = 'mixer, mixon, mixx', the regex always returns true, because the all three words contain the "mix" characters.
Thanks in advance for the help
You can use \b metacharacter to set word boundaries:
var word = "mix";
new RegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b").test(hidden.value);
UPDATE. In order to protect our regular expression of possible problems when using variable instead of hardcoding (see comments below), we need to escape special characters in word variable. One possible solution is to use the following method:
RegExp.escape = function(text) {
return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
UPDATE 2. Following #Porco's answer we can combine regular expressions and string splitting to get another universal solution:
hidden.value.split(/\s*,\s*/).indexOf(word) != -1;
hiddenField.val.split(',').indexOf('mix') >= 0
Could also use a regex(startofstring OR comma + mix + endofstring OR comma):
How about:
It matches mix, either if it is at the beginning of a string or at the end or in between commas. If each entry in the list can consist of multiple words, you might want to remove the \s*.

Javascript split regex question

hello I am trying what I thought would be a rather easy regex in Javascript but is giving me lots of trouble.
I want the ability to split a date via javascript splitting either by a '-','.','/' and ' '.
var date = "02-25-2010";
var myregexp2 = new RegExp("-.");
dateArray = date.split(myregexp2);
What is the correct regex for this any and all help would be great.
You need the put the characters you wish to split on in a character class, which tells the regular expression engine "any of these characters is a match". For your purposes, this would look like:
date.split(/[.,\/ -]/)
Although dashes have special meaning in character classes as a range specifier (ie [a-z] means the same as [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]), if you put it as the last thing in the class it is taken to mean a literal dash and does not need to be escaped.
To explain why your pattern didn't work, /-./ tells the regular expression engine to match a literal dash character followed by any character (dots are wildcard characters in regular expressions). With "02-25-2010", it would split each time "-2" is encountered, because the dash matches and the dot matches "2".
or just (anything but numbers):
you could just use
Say your string is:
let str = `word1
You want to split the string by the following delimiters:
New line
You could split the string like this:
let rawElements = str.split(new RegExp('[,;\n]', 'g'));
Finally, you may need to trim the elements in the array:
let elements = => element.trim());
Then split it on anything but numbers:
or just use for date strings 2015-05-20 or 2015.05.20
try this instead

