How to read Blob (octet-stream) to JSON object? - javascript

From a http request, a blob (b) (type application/octet-stream) is downloaded and then needs to be processed, it contains a json object.
I tried the following:
var reader = new FileReader();
var readResult = <string> reader.result;
var obj = JSON.parse(readResult);
It doesn´t work, and readResult is null.
How can you process a blob that contains a json into a json object?

When the request has responseType: 'blob' it returns binary, but if an error occurs message is returned as JSON inside Blob.
This is how you can decode JSON messages from blob:
(response) => {
return response;
async (error) => {
if ( instanceof Blob) {
const blob = new Blob([]);
const data = await blob.text();
const { message, details } = JSON.parse(data);
//display message and details to the user

You will need an onload event like so:
var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify({"test": "Hello from JSON!"})], {type : "application/json"}),
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function() {
document.body.innerText = JSON.parse(this.result).test;

Code example :
await this.exampleservice.MygetRequest().then(httpResponse => {
httpResponse.body.text().then(text => {
obj = JSON.parse(text);
//console.log('obj after parse:' ,obj);
let data =;
console.log('My data:' ,data);
}catch (error) {
if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
type: 'error',
title: this.errorsService.getErrorMessage(error.status),
showConfirmButton: false,
timer: 1500
this.feedback_errors = error.error.errors;
this.feedback_errors_keys = this.feedback_errors ? Object.keys(this.feedback_errors) : null;


Unable to upload file to S3 using Lambda written in NodeJS

I'm trying to upload a file (pdf/jpg) using a Lambda function written in NodeJS by triggering the request from PostMan but the code is not working at all. How should I apply the file? Is it in base64 format or using the type as 'File' in the body?
Here is my defective code:-
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const logger = require('./logger').logger;
const moment = require('moment');
const fileType = ('file-type');
const { Buffer } = require('buffer');
//const { fileTypeFromFile } = 'file-type';
const ddbTable = process.env.RUNTIME_DDB_TABLE_FREE_USER_DOCUMENT;
const s3TempBucket = process.env.RUNTIME_S3_TEMP_BUCKET;
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const getFile = (fileMime, buffer, userId) => {
let fileExt = fileMime.ext;
let hash = sha1(new Buffer(new Date().toString()));
let now = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
let filePath = hash + '/';
let fileName = unixTime(now) + '.' + fileExt;
let fileFullName = filePath + fileName;
let fileFullPath = s3TempBucket + userId + fileFullName;
const params = {
Body: buffer,
Bucket: s3TempBucket,
Key: fileName
let uploadFile = {
size: buffer.toString('ascii').length,
type: fileMime.mime,
name: fileName,
fullPath: fileFullPath
return {
'params': params,
'uploadFile': uploadFile
exports.lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {"Event::", event);'Uploading file to bucket::', s3TempBucket);
let body, data;
let statusCode = 200;
const headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': '*'
//const user = event.body.user;
let request = event.body;
let base64String = request.base64String;
//let buffer = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(base64String), 'base64');
let buffer = new Buffer(base64String, 'base64');
let fileMime = fileType(buffer);;
if (fileMime === null) {
return'String supplied is not file type');
//let file = getFile(fileMime, buffer,;
let file = getFile(fileMime, buffer, 'b06eb6f4-0ff0-5cb5-a41c-e000af66c8e9');
let params = file.params;
try {
//await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
s3.putObject(params, (err, results) => {
if (err) reject(err);
else {
body = results;
// });
} catch (err) {;
statusCode = 400;
body = err.message;
return err;
} finally {
body = JSON.stringify(data);
return {
Following error is coming on CloudWatch at this line const buffer = Buffer.from(selectedFile, 'base64'):-
2022-01-30T07:20:33.019Z 4c916aca-93e2-4846-84a2-d7f048f1de52 ERROR Invoke Error
"errorType": "TypeError",
"errorMessage": "The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined",
"stack": [
"TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined",
" at new NodeError (internal/errors.js:322:7)",
" at Function.from (buffer.js:334:9)",
" at Runtime.exports.lambdaHandler [as handler] (/var/task/app.js:62:18)",
" at Runtime.handleOnce (/var/runtime/Runtime.js:66:25)"
From Postman, I'm trying to send the document (in the base64 format) in the file attribute and name of the document in the name attribute as shown in the below screenshot:-
info: Event::

Sharp JS: Error with input as Buffer made from base64

I was trying to create an API endpoint for rotating images uploaded from client side. I'm sending images as base64 type, converted from blob (from simple <input tag), as follows:
const addImageBase64 = async (fileData) => {
const file = fileData;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (event) => {
reader.onerror = (err) => {
Then, on the server side, that's how the endpoint looks like:"/api/rotate-image", async (req, res) => {
try {
let buffer = Buffer.from(req.body.imageData, "base64"); //not working
let array = new Uint8Array(buffer); //not working
const image = await sharp(buffer)
.png({ quality: 100 })
success: true,
result: image,
} catch (e) {
And here, every my attempt is ending up with '[Error: Input buffer contains unsupported image format]' - either for Buffer or Uint8Array. Can anyone help me with this issue? What is the right input type for Sharp that acctually works?
Error with logged buffer obj:

Create File object using file path

With the given file path, create a file object. new File(file_path) doesn't work. (WIN/MAC)
When tried creating a new file object using File constructor. There occurs an error.
new File(decodeURI(file_path))
when the above approach is followed File constructor err comes up.
File API needs a Blob here is work-arround
var GetFileBlobUsingURL = function (url, convertBlob) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url);
xhr.responseType = "blob";
xhr.addEventListener('load', function() {
var blobToFile = function (blob, name) {
blob.lastModifiedDate = new Date(); = name;
return blob;
var GetFileObjectFromURL = function(filePathOrUrl, convertBlob) {
GetFileBlobUsingURL(filePathOrUrl, function (blob) {
convertBlob(blobToFile(blob, 'testFile.jpg'));
var FileURL="test/test.jpg"
GetFileObjectFromURL(FileURL, function (fileObject) {
Had the exact same issue today, so I'll provide an answer in TypeScript(3.7.5) based on what worked out for me.
FileAPI needs a Blob to work with (as others have also stated), it won't work with a file path.
The function:
static async createFile(path: string, name: string, type: string): Promise<File> {
let response = await fetch(path);
let data = await response.blob();
let metadata = {
type: type
return new File([data], name, metadata);
The call:
await createFile('../assets/images/someInterestingPNGImage.png', 'iAmAFile.png', 'image/png')
.then((file) => {
//do something with ur file.
Here is a simple alternative solution using axios:
const srcToFile = async (src, fileName) => {
const response = await axios.get(src, {
responseType: "blob",
const mimeType = response.headers["content-type"];
return new File([], fileName, { type: mimeType });

error code 2, security Error: typescript blob

I am trying to convert an image file to blob but get the error below:
{"code":2, "message":"SECURITY_ERR"}
Any idea why this might be happening? I tried a lot of online resources but really could not find out what is going on.
I have the following code:
let dirPath = newurl.nativeURL;
let dirPathsegments = dirPath.split('/')
dirPath = dirPathsegments.join('/');
let blob = new Blob([buffer], {type: "image/jpeg"});
alert('blob creation success');
}, Error=>{
alert('Blob Error '+ JSON.stringify(Error));
alert('Error Choosing File ' + Error);
Is there any other way to convert the file into a blob?
The current APIs that I am using only accepts Binary or Multipart attachments
It works. Tested on ionic 2 & 3
uploadFile() { => {
(<any>window).FilePath.resolveNativePath(url, (nativeFilepath) => {
readFileFromStorage(nativeFilepath) {
let fileName = this.getfilename(nativeFilepath);
let fileExt = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
let blogType = { type: 'image/'+fileExt };
(<any>window).resolveLocalFileSystemURL(nativeFilepath, (res) => {
res.file((resFile) => {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = (evt: any) => {
var imgBlob = new Blob([], blogType);
//Upload blob to firebase
let fileName : string;
fileName = filePath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
return fileName;
uploadToFirebase(fileBlob, name) {
let storage =;
storage.ref('images/' + name).put(fileBlob).then((d) => {
}).catch((error) => {
alert("Error: " + JSON.stringify(error));

Angular 2 Synchronous File Upload

I am trying to upload a file to web api which takes the file as byte array using angular 2 application.
I am not able to pass the byte array from angular 2 page to web api. It looks like the File Reader read method is asynchronous. How do I make this as synchronous call or wait for the file content to be loaded before executing the next line of code?
Below is my code
//attachment on browse - when the browse button is clicked
//It only assign the file to a local variable (attachment)
fileChange = (event) => {
var files =;
if (files.length > 0) {
this.attachment = files[0];
//when the submit button is clicked
onSubmit = () => {
//Read the content of the file and store it in local variable (fileData)
let fr = new FileReader();
let data = new Blob([this.attachment]);
fr.onloadend = () => {
this.fileData = fr.result; //Note : This always "undefined"
//build the attachment object which will be sent to Web API
let attachment: Attachment = {
AttachmentId: '0',
FileName: this.form.controls["attachmentName"].value,
FileData: this.fileData
//build the purchase order object
let order: UpdatePurchaseOrder = {
SendEmail: true,
PurchaseOrderNumber: this.form.controls["purchaseOrderNumber"].value,
Attachment: attachment
//call the web api and pass the purchaseorder object
.updatePurchaseOrder(this.form.controls["purchaseOrderRequestId"].value, order)
.subscribe(data => {
if (data) {
this.saveSuccess = true;
else {
this.saveSuccess = false;
error => this.errors = error,
() => this.res = 'Completed'
Any hint would be useful.
You cannot make this async call synchronous. But you can take advantage of the observables to wait for the files to be read:
//when the submit button is clicked
onSubmit = () => {
let file = Observable.create((observer) => {
let fr = new FileReader();
let data = new Blob([this.attachment]);
fr.onloadend = () => {;
fr.onerror = (err) => {
fr.onabort = () => {
}); => {
//build the attachment object which will be sent to Web API
let attachment: Attachment = {
AttachmentId: '0',
FileName: this.form.controls["attachmentName"].value,
FileData: fileData
//build the purchase order object
let order: UpdatePurchaseOrder = {
SendEmail: true,
PurchaseOrderNumber: this.form.controls["purchaseOrderNumber"].value,
Attachment: attachment
return order;
.switchMap(order => this.updatePoService.updatePurchaseOrder(this.form.controls["purchaseOrderRequestId"].value, order))
.subscribe(data => {
if (data) {
this.saveSuccess = true;
} else {
this.saveSuccess = false;
error => this.errors = error,
() => this.res = 'Completed'
I arrived here looking for a solution for a similar issue. I'm performing requests to an endpoint which can response a binary blob if anything goes well or a JSON file in event of error., bodyRequest,
{responseType: 'blob', headers: headers})
.pipe(map((response: Response) => response),
catchError((err: Error | HttpErrorResponse) => {
if (err instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
// here, err.error is a BLOB containing a JSON String with the error message
} else {
return throwError(ErrorDataService.overLoadError(err, message));
As FileReaderSync apparently doesn't work in Angular6 I took n00dl3's solution (above) to throw the error after parsing the Blob content:
return, bodyRequest,
{responseType: 'blob', headers: headers})
.pipe(map((response: Response) => response),
catchError((err: Error | HttpErrorResponse) => {
const message = `In TtsService.getTts(${locale},${outputFormat}). ${err.message}`;
if (err instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
const $errBlobReader: Observable<HttpErrorResponse> = Observable.create((observer) => {
const fr = new FileReader();
const errorBlob = err.error;
fr.readAsText(errorBlob, 'utf8');
fr.onloadend = () => {
const errMsg = JSON.parse(fr.result).message;
const msg = `In TtsService.getTts(${locale},${outputFormat}). ${errMsg}`;
observer.error(ErrorDataService.overLoadError(err, msg));
fr.onerror = (blobReadError) => {
fr.onabort = () => {
return $errBlobReader;
} else {
return throwError(ErrorDataService.overLoadError(err, message));
Thanks! You really saved my day!

