push elements of each object inside each object inside another array - javascript

I have two arrays, one is my original one called data which consists of :
const datas = [
name: 'core Test',
item: [
name: 'test/core/core.js',
item: "item1"
name: 'users Test',
item: [
name: 'test/users/user.js',
item: "item2"
And i have another array called replace, which i'm trying to push each of its elements inside my original one, inside the
const replace = [
type: "test1",
number: "1",
type: "test2",
number: "2",
Here is my code :
const transformedData = datas.map(data => {
data.item = data.item.map(x => ({
name: x.name,
type: replace.map(y=>{return y;})
return data
The output i get :
"name": "core Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/core/core.js",
"type": [
{ "type": "test1", "number": "1" },
{ "type": "test2", "number": "2" }
"name": "users Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/users/user.js",
"type": [
{ "type": "test1", "number": "1" },
{ "type": "test2", "number": "2" }
The output i want :
"name": "core Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/core/core.js",
"type": { "type": "test1", "number": "1" }
"name": "users Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/users/user.js",
"type": { "type": "test2", "number": "2" }

This is because you're mapping all the way through the replace array every single time for each time you're inside of a value inside of datas. Instead you want to keep track of the index with your original map so then you only have one instance each time.
Try something like:
const transformedData = datas.map((data, index) => {
data.item = data.item.map(x => ({
name: x.name,
type: replace[index]
return data;


javascript print nested array to screen

I have a data array, there are multiple objects in this array, and the data object is an array. There may be more than one object in this array. How can I copy these objects under a single array?
const test = []
const data = [
"_id": "124141",
"name": "test",
"data": [
"title": "sda"
"_id": "2525",
"name": "test2",
"data": [
"title": "asdas"
"title": "sda"
"title": "asdas"
If this is the output I expect, it should be like this. how can I do that
const data = [
"_id": "124141",
"name": "test",
"data": [
"title": "sda"
"_id": "2525",
"name": "test2",
"data": [
"title": "asdas"
console.log(data.map(e => e.data).flat());
// OR
console.log(data.flatMap(e => e.data));

Generate dynamic payload as per nested array item click javascript

I have this JSON data:
"data": [
"category": {
"documentId": "c8kr0cv012vtr8vm3iug",
"title": "Art"
"subcategories": [
"documentId": "c8kr7nv012vtr8vm3l8g",
"title": "Architecture"
"documentId": "c8kr7nv012vtr8vm3lag",
"title": "Dance"
"documentId": "c8kr7nv012vtr8vm3lbg",
"title": "Fashion"
"category": {
"documentId": "c8kr0cv012vtr8vm3iqg",
"title": "Business"
"subcategories": [
"documentId": "c8kr3d7012vtr8vm3jjg",
"title": "Crypto"
"documentId": "c8kr3d7012vtr8vm3jj0",
"title": "Finance"
"documentId": "c8kr3d7012vtr8vm3jkg",
"title": "Marketing"
I have tagview in my mobile screen so user can select multiple subcategory at a same time by select deselect so if i choose 2 subcategory from Art and 2 from Business then expected post payload should be like below
"data": [
"category": "c8kr0cv012vtr8vm3iug",
"subcategories": [
"category": "c8kr0cv012vtr8vm3iqg",
"subcategories": [
So my code is like below
const tempDefaultPayload = dataPayload.map(x => {
if (x.category) {
if (userData?.userInterests?.map(v => v.category.documentId === category)) {
const arrayNewData: any = [];
const newData: any = userData?.userInterests?.map(i =>
i.subcategories?.map(k => {
return k?.documentId;
return x;
return x;
When I run above code payload is not passing correct
"category": "c8kr0cv012vtr8vm3iug",
"subcategories": [
"category": "c8kr0cv012vtr8vm3iqg",
"subcategories": [
It is passing all selected subcategory in both array any idea how can I solve this ?
If you have the selected tag ids in the array selectedTags and your json as a variable called data:
const tempDefaultPayload = {
data: data.data.map(x => {
"category": x.category.documentId,
"subcategories": x.subcategories.map(subcat =>
subcat.documentId).filter(item => selectedTags.includes(item))
Playground example

How to order an array of objects in array of categories in javascript?

I have the following array of objects
"nome": "jose",
"categoria": [
{ "id": "1" },
{ "id": "3" },
"nome": "maria",
"categoria": [
{ "id": "2" },
"nome": "pedro",
"categoria": [
{ "id": "1" },
I have to reorder in another array of categories. Something like this:
"id": "1",
"pessoas": [
"nome": "jose",
"categoria": [
{ "id": "1" },
{ "id": "3" },
"nome": "pedro",
"categoria": [
{ "id": "1" },
"id": "2",
"pessoas": [
"nome": "maria",
"categoria": [
{ "id": "2" }
I have try with the function reduce(), but I couldn't because it is not an object, but a array of objects (categoria)
const group = data.reduce((r, array) => {
r[array.categoria.id] = [...r[array.categoria.id] || [], array];
return r;
}, {});
Someone can help me please?
You could take an object for grouping by id. Inside of reduce, categoria is iterated as well for getting the needed id.
var data = [{ nome: "jose", categoria: [{ id: "1" }, { id: "3" }] }, { nome: "maria", categoria: [{ id: "2" }] }, { nome: "pedro", categoria: [{ id: "1" }] }],
result = Object.values(data.reduce((r, o) => {
o.categoria.forEach(({ id }) => {
if (!r[id]) r[id] = { id, pessoas: [] };
return r;
}, {}));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

replace value of each object inside array

I want to change the value of each objects inside the array. I want to do a path.parse(name).name on the name object inside of the item array and return this array with the new values
My array is like this :
"name": "core Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/core/core.js",
"item": []
"name": "users Test",
"item": [
"name": "test/users/user.js",
"item": []
here is my code :
array.forEach((element) => {
const { item } = element;
item.forEach((i) => {
const { name } = i;
const newname = path.parse(name).name;
The output i want is :
"name": "core Test",
"item": [
"name": "core",
"item": []
"name": "users Test",
"item": [
"name": "user",
"item": []
This will give you your desired output
const path = require('path')
const datas = [
name: 'core Test',
item: [
name: 'test/core/core.js',
item: []
name: 'users Test',
item: [
name: 'test/users/user.js',
item: []
const transformedData = datas.map(data => {
data.item = data.item.map(x => ({
name: path.parse(x.name).name,
item: x.item
return data
console.log(transformedData )

Ramda to loop over array

Loop may be the wrong term, but it kind of describes what I am attempting.
I want to give structure to flat data, but I also need to keep track of the array it came from.
Basically my rules are (per array):
If level 1 exists- give it the name of the item, and a typechild array. EACH time a level 1 appears (even in the same array) it should create a new entry.
Inside typechild, put the any items with level >1
If NO level 1 exists- give it the name of the item, and a typechild array.
My code below is almost there, with the exception that it should create an array EVERYTIME it sees a level 1. My example will make sense:
Input data
"title": "Test 1",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
"name": "Food",
"level": 1
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
"title": "Test 2",
"type": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
Note: Animal and Food are both LEVEL 1 items. So it should create two ARRAYS like so...
Desired output
name: "Animal",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Chicken"
name: "Food",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Chicken"
name: "NoName",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Foo"
Ramda attempt (try here: https://dpaste.de/JQHw):
const levelEq = (n) => pipe(prop('level'), equals(n));
const topLevel = pipe(prop('type'), find(levelEq(1)));
const topLevelName = pipe(topLevel, propOr('NoName', 'name'));
const extract2ndLevel = pipe(pluck('type'), flatten, filter(levelEq(2)));
const convert = pipe(
map(zipObj(['name', 'typechild']))
Something like this?
var output = [{
"name": "Animal",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"name": "Dog",
"level": 2
}, {
"name": "Food",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"name": "No name",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
}, {
"name": "Baz",
"level": 2
let out = {},
typechild = {},
const data = [{
"title": "Test 1",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Food",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"title": "Test 2",
"type": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
}, {
"title": "Test 3",
"type": [{
"name": "Baz",
"level": 2
}, {
"title": "Test 4",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Dog",
"level": 2
data.forEach((node) => {
k = false;
typechild[node.title] = [];
node.type && node.type.forEach((t, i) => {
if (t.level == 1) {
k = true;
!out[t.name] ? out[t.name] = {
name: t.name,
typechild: typechild[node.title]
} : out[t.name].typechild = out[t.name].typechild.concat(typechild[node.title]);
} else {
if (i == node.type.length - 1 && !k && typechild[node.title].length) {
out['No name'] = out['No name'] || {
name: 'No name',
typechild: []
out['No name'].typechild = out['No name'].typechild.concat(typechild[node.title]);

