Vue, filter property on Observable - javascript

I'm pretty new to Vue, what I'm doing now is the following.
I receive an Item prop in my component, I spread this Item prop out over a Form data object that's defined in my component (as to have reactivity)
data() {
return {
form: {}
mounted () {
this.form = {
translations: { ...this.item.translations }
Now my local form data holds the information, including reactive translations, right?
Next thing I try to do is filter this data, but then it's failing me.
If I console.log(this.form). It is an Observable (see screenshot)
Is there a way to filter, reduce, map on this 'Observable'?
Am I doing 'reactivity' the right way?

Try clone/deepClone, before assigning the item to this.form.

You can access props from data() directly.
data() {
return {
form: {
translations: { ...this.item.translations }
computed: {
getForm() {
// use filter/map method here, e.g.
// return this.form.filter((item) => { ... })


Assigning Axios fetched data to Vuex State from Vuex Action

As per the Axios documentation, I concurrently fetch two data sources from my backed (block.json and type.json) within actions of my Vuex store. In my Vuex State, I declare myBlocks and myTypes as data. The data is fetched fine, but I cannot seem to assign the fetched data to the variables in the Vuex state. I seem to have troubles referencing the state, because console.log(state.sample) yields undefined rather than foo. However, console.log(state) yields the following as in the photograph below. Any leads would be great.
state: {
sample: 'foo',
myBlocks: [],
myTypes: []
actions: {
fetchElementColors: function(state) {
function getElementBlockColors() { return axios.get('/element-data/block.json'); }
function getCategoryDataColors() { return axios.get('/element-data/type.json'); }
axios.all([getElementBlockColors(), getCategoryDataColors()])
.then(axios.spread(function(blockData, categoryData) {
In your actions, you are not provided with state but context.
So you need to do as follows:
actions: {
fetchElementColors: function(context) {
function getElementBlockColors() { return axios.get('/element-data/block.json'); }
function getCategoryDataColors() { return axios.get('/element-data/type.json'); }
axios.all([getElementBlockColors(), getCategoryDataColors()])
.then(axios.spread(function(blockData, categoryData) {

Updating data from Vuex get a infinite loop in watcher

I have a "dumb" component that just get props from a parent. The user can change a selector which fires an action (using Vuex) to get new data. When this new data has been received I want to pass it to the child and re-render that component with the new data. Unfortutalely I keep getting this warning in my watcher. Please help :slight_smile:
export default {
name: 'bubbles',
props: {
awesomeData: {
type: Array,
required: true
data () {
return {
title: 'Best component ever'
watch: {
awesomeData (newData) {
console.log('hello world')
methods: {
refreshSomethingAwesome (newData) {}
101 hello world
[Vue warn]: You may have an infinite update loop in watcher with expression "awesomeData"
I'm trying a solution pretty much exactly the same as this: Vuex Examples
But can't seem to get it working... hmmm
Found out the reason I was getting the loop was because I was actually trying to sort mutable data from the property (thought it was immutable)
let options = {
children: newData.sort((a, b) => a.value - b.value)
I changed it to something like:
const sortedNewData = [...newData].sort((a, b) => a.value - b.value)
let options = {
children: sortedNewData
Note: To prevent this across my app, I might wrap my initial state in a Map from immutable.js
import { Map, fromJS } from 'immutable'
const initialState = Map({
awesomeData: fromJS([])
Helpful article:

Vue this inside data() factory function

Can I rely on this used inside data factory function as it was current component object instance? I couldn't find in docs what this is in data().
data() {
return {
results: [],
apiResource: this.$resource('url...'), // <-- this used here
loading: true,
Simple test shows that this is VueComponent instance here, but the question is if the framework allows using it this way.
Yes, you can rely on this in the data factory function pointing to the component, depending on how you define the function. It's the primary way of initializing local data with values from properties, for example.
return {
localValue: this.value
If, however, you defined your data function with an arrow function, this will not be the component.
data: () => {
// 'this' is NOT the component
return {
localValue: this.value // results in undefined
I think no
Perhaps you need
data() {
return {
results: [],
set apiResource(v){},
get apiResource()( return this.$resource('url...')), // <-- this used here
loading: true,

Unable to access props values in data method in vuejs

I have the code (vuejs2) -
Vue.component('competetion-list', {
template: `<div>{{totalCompetetions}}</div>`,
props: ['values'],
data: function () {
return { totalCompetetions: this.values.length}
Nothing is printed on the page but if I change the template value to
template: `<div>{{this.values.length}}</div>`
it prints 15. What am I doing wrong and how can I pass the props to the data?
Any help is much appreciated.
I was unable to assign the prop values to data totalCompetetions in the following way -
data: function () {
return { totalCompetetions: this.values.length}
But I was able to do it using the watch, computed, and methods properties.
With watch property -
watch: {
values: function(){
this.totalCompetitions = this.values;
With computed property -
get: function(){
return this.values.length;
With methods property -
competitionn: function(){
return this.values.length;
But for computed and methods properties, I needed to set totalCompetetions in the following way -
For computed -
template: `<div><p>{{totalCompetitions = competition}}</p></div>` //without parenthesis
For methods -
template: `<div><p>{{totalCompetitions = competition()}}</p></div>` //with parenthesis
You code does work.
I guess the problem is your parent component. Did you pass the values correctly? for example:
<competetion-list :values="[1, 2, 3]"></competetion-list>
Besides, for your case I'd say computed properties is a better solution.
computed: {
totalCompetetions () {
return this.values.length
From the data() method, you should be able to reference the component's properties using this.
Try following:
Vue.component('competetion-list', {
template: `<div>{{totalCompetetions}}</div>`,
props: ['values'],
data: function () {
var data = { totalCompetetions: this.values.length}
return data
As validly mentioned in the comment, if values array is changing later, you may have to put a watcher on the prop and inside watcher, set totalCompetetions as this.values.length.

What's the correct way to pass props as initial data in Vue.js 2?

So I want to pass props to an Vue component, but I expect these props to change in future from inside that component e.g. when I update that Vue component from inside using AJAX. So they are only for initialization of component.
My cars-list Vue component element where I pass props with initial properties to single-car:
// cars-list.vue
export default {
data: function() {
return {
cars: [
color: 'red',
maxSpeed: 200,
color: 'blue',
maxSpeed: 195,
<template v-for="car in cars">
<single-car :initial-properties="car"></single-car>
The way I do it right now it that inside my single-car component I'm assigning this.initialProperties to my on created() initialization hook. And it works and is reactive.
// single-car.vue
export default {
data: function() {
return {
properties: {},
created: function(){ = this.initialProperties;
<div>Car is in {{properties.color}} and has a max speed of {{properties.maxSpeed}}</div>
But my problem with that is that I don't know if that's a correct way to do it? Won't it cause me some troubles along the road? Or is there a better way to do it?
Thanks to this I know the answer now.
Method 1
Pass initial prop directly to the data. Like the example in updated docs:
props: ['initialCounter'],
data: function () {
return {
counter: this.initialCounter
But have in mind if the passed prop is an object or array that is used in the parent component state any modification to that prop will result in the change in that parent component state.
Warning: this method is not recommended. It will make your components unpredictable. If you need to set parent data from child components either use state management like Vuex or use "v-model".
Method 2
If your initial prop is an object or array and if you don't want changes in children state propagate to parent state then just use e.g. Vue.util.extend [1] to make a copy of the props instead pointing it directly to children data, like this:
props: ['initialCounter'],
data: function () {
return {
counter: Vue.util.extend({}, this.initialCounter)
Method 3
You can also use spread operator to clone the props. More details in the Igor answer:
But have in mind that spread operators are not supported in older browsers and for better compatibility you'll need to transpile the code e.g. using babel.
[1] Have in mind this is an internal Vue utility and it may change with new versions. You might want to use other methods to copy that prop, see How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?.
My fiddle where I was testing it:
In companion to #dominik-serafin's answer:
In case you are passing an object, you can easily clone it using spread operator(ES6 Syntax):
props: {
record: {
type: Object,
required: true
data () { // opt. 1
return {
recordLocal: {...this.record}
computed: { // opt. 2
recordLocal () {
return {...this.record}
But the most important is to remember to use opt. 2 in case you are passing a computed value, or more than that an asynchronous value. Otherwise the local value will not update.
Vue.component('card', {
template: '#app2',
props: {
test1: null,
test2: null
data () { // opt. 1
return {
test1AsData: {...this.test1}
computed: { // opt. 2
test2AsComputed () {
return {...this.test2}
new Vue({
el: "#app1",
data () {
return {
test1: {1: 'will not update'},
test2: {2: 'will update after 1 second'}
mounted () {
setTimeout(() => {
this.test1 = {1: 'updated!'}
this.test2 = {2: 'updated!'}
}, 1000)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app1">
<card :test1="test1" :test2="test2"></card>
<template id="app2">
test1 as data: {{test1AsData}}
<hr />
test2 as computed: {{test2AsComputed}}
I believe you are doing it right because it is what's stated in the docs.
Define a local data property that uses the prop’s initial value as its initial value
Second or third time I run into that problem coming back to an old vue project.
Not sure why it is so complicated in vue, but it can we done via watch:
export default {
props: ["username"],
data () {
return {
usernameForLabel: "",
watch: {
username: {
immediate: true,
handler (newVal, oldVal) {
this.usernameForLabel = newVal;
Just as another approach, I did it through watchers in the child component.
This way is useful, specially when you're passing an asynchronous value, and in your child component you want to bind the passed value to v-model.
Also, to make it reactive, I emit the local value to the parent in another watcher.
data() {
return {
properties: {},
props: {
initial-properties: {
type: Object,
default: {},
watch: {
initial-properties: function(newVal) { = {...newVal};
properties: function(newVal) {
this.$emit('propertiesUpdated', newVal);
This way I have more control and also less unexpected behaviour. For example, when props that passed by the parent is asynchronous, it may not be available at the time of created or mounted lifecycle. So you can use computed property as #Igor-Parra mentioned, or watch the prop and then emit it.
Following up on Cindy's comment on another answer:
Be carful. The spread operator only shallow clones, so for objects
that contain objects or arrays you will still copy pointers instead of
getting a new copy.
Indeed this is the case. Changes within objects inside arrays will still propagate to your components even when a spread operator is employed.
Here was my solution (using Composition API):
setup() {
properties = ref([])
onMounted(() => {
properties.value = => ({ ...obj }));
This worked to set the values and prevent them from getting changed, even if the data was changed in the parent component.

