jQuery DateRangePicker - When changing start date, the end date also changes - why? - javascript

When I change the start date, the end date on my calendar changes to be the same. I want the start date to have no effect on the end date.
<input id="date" name="range">
$(function() { $("#date").daterangepicker(); });

If you set up your calendar as in the jQuery docs, you wont have this issue - you need two separate inputs for the date range:
Currently it appears to be changing the end date so it is no earlier than the start date range.


Set EndDate value in SharePoint 13 to equal start date selected value

Working on a project in SP13 where calendar events are being set to all day events by default and all fields bar start date and title are hidden.
Issue is using the datepicker to select a start date in the future does not update the end date text field value, meaning it errors out when saving as end date cannot be earlier than start date. End date needs to be hidden so users can't manually set it to days other than the start date.
No success using jQuery so far. Looking for help.
You could use the below script to set end date to equal start date:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function PreSaveAction(){
var startDate = $('input[title="Start Time Required Field"]').val();
$('input[title="End Time Required Field"]').val(startDate);
return true;

jquery datepicker defaultdate will not automatically set to next available date when graphical calendar is persistent on a page

The jquery datepicker defaultdate will not automatically set to next available date when the graphical calendar is persistent on a page. the initial date the calendar selects can be a date that i have disabled. Many suggestions on workaround work when the calendar is a popup to an input field, but do not work when the calendar is persistently shown as a div. doesn't matter if the dates disabled are by noWeekends, by the day of week, or individually set days, the initial date value can be a disabled and unclickable date. I am using the alternate1 input field (which i normally hide) to pass data onto a PHP page. What i have almost works, but the next available date shows as highlighted when minDate happens to land on an available date, but when minDate lands on an unselectible date, the highlight is hidden. The temporary fix i used of setDate null - clears the initial selection value regardless of the highlight, so a visitor may think the a date is already selected when it is not. My PHP page reports back to the visitor that they have to go back and actually select a date. My use of datepicker is geared toward mobile, so popup or flyout calendar to make use of well known workarounds is unfavorable, the calendar GUI needs to be persistent on the page. To recreate my issue for yourself, on the jsfiddle, comment out the last javascript line, disallow a date mid-week in the var selections, and then set the minDate so that it will land on the disallowed date. you'll notice the alternate1 input gets prefilled with the disallowed date.
html code:
<div id="dp1"></div>
<input type="text" id="alternate1" name="alternate1"/> <!-- style="display:none;" this is the field that passes on to php -->
javascript code:
var selections = [
function bansingle(date) {
var excerpt = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date);
return [ selections.indexOf(excerpt) == -1 ]
// somehow combine this function later.
//function bandow(date) {
// var day = date.getDay();
// return [(day != 0 && day != 6)];
// }
beforeShowDay: bansingle,
altFormat: 'm-d-yy',
fielddateFormat: 'm-d-yy',
minDate: "+0d",
//maxDate: "+1m", // set latest selectable date
$('#dp1').datepicker("setDate", null); //clears alternate1 input field value
Here is the jsfiddle it does contain more dates and a little CSS. I recommend opening it in a new tab, to be able to return to this page after editing code.
the progress of my other question here has negated the need for an answer to this question. pursuing multiple changes to input, styling, and options - will workaround this question's problem.

How to set default date in Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker based on current input value so it appears on first use

I am trying to integrate the Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker v4.17.42 into a webpage. I have a text field that is pre-populated with a date prior to calling the datepicker.
The field is as follows;
<input value="19/02/1986" class="form-control datepicker" type="text" name="patient[date_of_birth]" id="patient_date_of_birth">
and I call the datepicker like so;
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
useCurrent: false,
maxDate: new Date(),
minDate: now.setFullYear(now.getFullYear() - 110)
When I click in the text field the datepicker appears, but it shows the current month rather than February 1986. If I click out of the field and then back in, the datepicker disappears then reappears set correctly to February 1986.
What do I have to do to so the correct month appears the first time the datepicker is opened?
You can force a refresh programatically after the initialize:
$('.datepicker').datetimepicker('setDate', new Date(1986, 02, 19));
You can also add a property to the object when initalizing:
setDate: new Date(1986, 02, 19)
To use default data just try this
$("#datepicker").datepicker("setDate", new Date());
In this script new Date() returns the current value that will be assigned to setDate attribute.
Like you said, this is a bug in the latest versions, tracked here: github.com/Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker/issues/1831
However, I found a work around that might be helpful in the meantime (if you don't want to use version 4.17.37):
var selectedDate = moment($('#patient_date_of_birth').val(), 'DD/MM/YYYY');
Do this after your datepicker initialization.
This is the syntax needed hard refresh the view for this particular datepicker. You access the picker via data('DateTimePicker'), and the viewDate() method updates the date displayed by the picker.

How do I programmatically change the selected month in JQuery datepicker

I have a jQuery datepicker and I cannot figure out how to programmatically change the month back to the current month. After making a POST request to save the user's dates I need to return the calendar back to the current month. The calendar may be on a different month from the user playing around with different dates. I have tried setting the mindate again but that did not work.
This is not a popup calendar.
Setting the datepicker back to today
$('#myDatePicker').datepicker('setDate', new Date());
setting just the month back
var date = $('#myDatePicker').datepicker('getDate');
date.setMonth( (new Date()).getMonth() );
$('#myDatePicker').datepicker('setDate', date);
You can also use .val() to set the date

bootstrap-datepicker.js and jquery.maskedinput.js don't play nice

I have to use bootstrap-datepicker.js for my project but it doesn't work well with mask.
problem 1:
It you you are tabbing through fields it will auto populate the date field with today's date. Ideally it won't populate it at all.
Problem 2:
It's difficult to blank-out a the date field once it's populated.
first name: <input type="text">
birthdate: <input type="text" class="date">
city: <input type="text">
$(function() {
format: 'mm/dd/yyyy'
The problem is all originates from the fact that mask is populating the field with example format characters( "_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _" ) during focus and when the focus leaves datepicker is attempting to parse the example characters BEFORE mask has a chance to remove them. datepicker can't parse these special characters into a date therefore it is selecting today's date.
I think that if I can figure out a way to remove the example characters before bootstrap-datepicker attempts to parse them my problem would be fixed.
I would provide a jsfiddler example but I can't figure out how to add bootstrap-datepicker.js and jquery.maskedinput.js on their site.
Thanks for your help.
I stumbles across this option:
format: 'mm/dd/yyyy',
forceParse: false
Surprising that force parse is true by default. darn bootstrap. Problem fixed.
Late answer but this was the only one that worked for me after deconstructing the sequence of events handled by both plugins (as of this date).
var $date = $('.date');
format: 'mm/dd/yyyy'
$date.on('keyup', function(){
if ($date.val() == '__/__/____'){
// this only happens when a key is released and no valid value is in the field. Eg. when tabbing into the field, we'll make sure the datepicker plugin does not get '__/__/____' as a date value
Long Explanation
Turns out that the datepicker plugin calls an update function on keyup, which in this case is the keyup event triggered when you release the TAB key. This update function calls a DPGlobal.parseDate() function that roughly behaves like this:
DPGlobal.parseDate(''); // returns new Date(); aka. now
DPGlobal.parseDate('10/10/1983'); // returns a Date instance that points to 10/10/1983
DPGlobal.parseDate('__/__/____'); // is generated by the maskedinput plugin and is interpreted as an ilegal date, so the datepicker goes back to the origin of unix time, 1970
This could easily be fixed by changing the parseDate function on the datepicker lib but this is a big no no if you want to keep your code maintainable. We are left then with a hackish way to intercept the foul value and correct it before maskedinput hands it over to the datepicker.
Hope it helps!
Try use other class name to datepicker and mix in your html
$(function() {
format: 'mm/dd/yyyy'
birthdate: <input type="text" class="date date2">

