Component is somehow rendering despite conditional statement - javascript

On my Home component, on initial load, I loop through an object of URLs, and use Promise.all to make sure they all resolve at the same time. I construct an object, and push it into state. At the start of this I have loading: true, then set to false when done pushing that object into state:
Home Component:
class Home extends Component {
state = {
searchTerm: null,
movies: {
trending: {},
topRated: {},
nowPlaying: {},
upcoming: {}
loading: false
componentDidMount() {
getInitalMovies = () => {
const API_KEY = process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY;
//set loading to true
this.setState({ loading: true });
//create an object with all movie URLs
const allMovieURLs = {
trending: `${API_KEY}`,
topRated: `${API_KEY}&language=en-US&page=1`,
nowPlaying: `${API_KEY}&language=en-US&page=1`,
upcoming: `${API_KEY}&language=en-US&page=1`
//break down the movieURL object into entries, fetch the URL, and reassign entries with actual data
//encapsulate within a Promise.all to ensure they all resolve at the same time.
const moviePromises = Promise.all(
Object.entries(allMovieURLs).map(entry => {
const [key, url] = entry;
return fetch(url).then(res => res.json().then(data => [key, data]));
//with the returned promise from Promise.all, reconstruct the array of entries back into an object with relevant key pair values
const movies = moviePromises.then(movieArr => {
const dataObj = {};
for (const [movie, movieData] of movieArr) {
dataObj[movie] = movieData;
return dataObj;
//with the returned object, push it into current state, then turn off loading
movies.then(movieObj =>
this.setState({ movies: movieObj, loading: false })
render() {
const { movies } = this.state;
return (
<div className='App'>
<HeroImage />
{this.state.loading ? <Loader /> : <MovieDisplay movies={movies} />}
MovieDisplay Component:
export default class MovieDisplay extends Component {
render() {
const { movies } = this.props;
return (
<MovieRow movies={movies.trending.results} movieType='trending' />
<MovieRow movies={movies.topRated.results} movieType='top rated' />
<MovieRow movies={movies.nowPlaying.results} movieType='now playing' />
<MovieRow movies={movies.upcoming.results} movieType='upcoming' />
MovieRow Component:
export default class MovieRow extends Component {
render() {
const { movieType, movies } = this.props;
return (
<div className='row-title'>{movieType}</div>
{console.log(movies)} //This part seems to somehow mount even when conditional rendering says it shouldn't!
<Slider {...settings} />
I then have the body do a conditional render like so, so that if the loading is complete (loading: false), then my MovieDisplay component should render, otherwise it's still loading, so show the Loader component.
I confimed that this part is working (if I search the React Devtools for Loader when loading: false it does not exist, but MovieDisplay does exist.
I'm passing down a data object via props from Home > MovieDisplay > MovieRow, and then looping through the array to display more components.
However, on initial load, it seems the MovieRow (last, nested child component) is somehow being mounted for a quick second, because in the console it's logging 4 undefined statements briefly, before resolving with the proper data.
Main question: If the Parent Component is not rendered to the DOM, then the child components inside of the Parent should also not be rendered, right?
Secondary question: Is it possible that all the components in my app are rendering briefly for a second on initial load, despite having a conditional in the render() function? That's the only thing I can think of that's causing this.
Example: If MovieDisplay is not rendered, then everything inside of it like MovieRow should also not be rendered, correct?
Hope this isn't too confusing...please let me know if I need to edit my problem or elaborate.

.then does not resolve a promise. It lets you get the value after the promise was resolved
This is because of the asynchronous nature of JS. Initially, when componentDidMount is called, you set loading = true.
Before the promise is completed(loading = true) react renders the HOME component, this is the reason it calls MovieDisplay component.
Try adding an extra condition where you call MovieDisplay
{this.state.loading && "check your data is filled in movies object" ? <Loader /> : <MovieDisplay movies={movies} />}

Can you try this:
{this.state.loading && <Loader />}
{!this.state.loading && <MovieDisplay movies={movies} />}


ReactJS what is the proper way to wait for prop to load to avoid crashing my page?

I am building a local website for myself for stocks. Currently I have a store that communicates with my tomcat instance to get stock market data, this works flawlessly.
on my frontend I am attempting to display my data but sometimes it works, sometimes it does not work and I get an "this child prop does not exist" so this is what I implemented:
cellRend = this.cellRenderer;
columnLen = this.props.selectedStock.Revenue.length;
this.state.isLoading = false
cellRend = this.cellRendererEmpty;
columnLen = 10;
if (this.state.isLoading === true){
return <div>Loading!</div>
where cellRenderer is my table, cellRendererEmpty is an empty table.
this kind of works and some times it will just display Loading! forever. so my question is what is the correct way to wait for a prop?
here is my full code:
const dispatchToProps = dispatch => {
getSelStock: (stockId) => dispatch(stockActions.getSelStock(stockId))
class stockPage extends React.Component{
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
this.cellRenderer = this.cellRenderer.bind(this);
this.render = this.render.bind(this);
cellRenderer({ columnIndex, key, rowIndex, style }) {
return (
<div className={"app"} key={key} style={style}>
{rowIndex === 0 ? (`${this.props.selectedStock.Revenue[columnIndex].date}`) : (
cellRendererEmpty({ columnIndex, key, rowIndex, style }) {
return (
<div className={"app"} key={key} style={style}>
{rowIndex === 0 ? (`${columnIndex}`) : (
render() {
var cellRend, columnLen
cellRend = this.cellRenderer;
columnLen = this.props.selectedStock.Revenue.length;
this.state.isLoading = false
cellRend = this.cellRendererEmpty;
columnLen = 10;
if (this.state.isLoading === true){
return <div>Loading!</div>
<AutoSizer disableHeight>
{({ width }) => (
enableFixedColumnScroll ={1}
enableFixedRowScroll ={1}
export default connect(mapStateToProps, dispatchToProps)(stockPage);
From your title, I assume that when your page loads, you are fetching data then you use that data in the page. However, during initial load and when your fetching is still in process, your data is still null and your app will crash because the code is expecting data to have a value which it needs to use...
What you can do is while the data is fetching, then do not display the rest of the page yet (ie. you can just display a giant spinner gif), then once the fetching is complete then update isLoading state... Or you can set an initial value for the data so the page won't crash on load...
so using react lifecycle fixed your problem as per your comment... anyways just wanna add that you may want to use async/await instead of setTimeout like you did in your comment.. This is what the code might look like for async/await in lifecycles...
componentDidMount() {
const fetchData = async () {
await this.props.getSelStock() // your dispatch
// the state you want to update once the dispatch is done
this.setState({isLoading: false})

React functional component not updating on setState from parent component

My React component uses apollo to fetch data via graphql
class PopUpForm extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {
shoptitle: "UpdateMe",
popupbodyDesc: "UpdateMe"
return (
<Query query={STORE_META}>
{({ data, loading, error, refetch }) => {
if (loading) return <div>Loading…</div>;
if (error) return <div>{error.message}</div>;
if (!data) return (
<p>Could not find metafields :(</p>
//loop over data
var loopedmetafields =
loopedmetafields.forEach(element => {
if (element.node.value === "ExtraShopDescription"){
shoptitle: element.node.value
if (element.node.value === "bodyDesc"){
popupbodyDesc: element.node.value
return (
<AddTodo mkey="ExtraShopDesc" namespace="ExtraShopDescription" desc={this.state.shoptitle} onUpdate={refetch} />
<AddTodo mkey="body" namespace="bodyDesc" desc={this.state.popupbodyDesc} onUpdate={refetch} />
export default PopUpForm
Frustratingly the functional component renders before the state is set from the query. Ideally the functional component would only render after this as I thought was baked into the apollo library but seems I was mistaken and it seems to execute synchronous rather than asynchronous
As you can see I pass the props to the child component, in the child component I use these to show the current value that someone might amend
The functional component is here
function AddTodo(props) {
let input;
const [desc, setDesc] = useState(props.desc);
useEffect( () => {
console.log('props updated');
}, [props.desc])
const [addTodo, { data, loading, error }] = useMutation(UPDATE_TEXT, {
refetchQueries: [
'STORE_META' // Query name
if (loading) return 'Submitting...';
if (error) return `Submission error! ${error.message}`;
return (
onSubmit={e => {
const newmetafields = {
key: props.mkey,
namespace: props.namespace,
ownerId: "gid://shopify/Shop/55595073672",
type: "single_line_text_field",
value: input.value
addTodo({ variables: { metafields: newmetafields } });
input.value = input.value
<p>This field denotes the title of your pop-up</p>
<input className="titleInput" defaultValue={desc}
ref={node => {
input = node;
<button className="buttonClick" type="submit">Update</button>
Now I need this component to update when the setState is called on PopUpForm
Another stack overflow answer here gives me some clues
Passing the intial state to a component as a prop is an anti-pattern
because the getInitialState (in our case the constuctor) method is
only called the first time the component renders. Never more. Meaning
that, if you re-render that component passing a different value as a
prop, the component will not react accordingly, because the component
will keep the state from the first time it was rendered. It's very
error prone.
Hence why I then implemented useEffect however the console.log in useEffect is still "updateMe" and not the value as returned from the graphql call.
So where I'm at
I need the render the functional component after the the grapql call
and I've manipulated the data, this seems to be the best approach in terms of design patterns also
I need setState to pass/render the functional component with the new value
As an aside if I do this
<AddTodo mkey="ExtraShopDesc" namespace="ExtraShopDescription" desc={[0].node.value} onUpdate={refetch} />
It will work but I can't always expect the value to be 0 or 1 as metafields might have already defined
I think there is a simpler way than using setState to solve this. You can for example use find like this:
const shopTitleElement = loopedmetafields.find(element => {
return element.node.value === "ExtraShopDescription"
const shopBodyElement = loopedmetafields.find(element => {
return element.node.value === "bodyDesc"
return (
<AddTodo mkey="ExtraShopDesc" namespace="ExtraShopDescription" desc={shopTitleElement.node.value} onUpdate={refetch} />
<AddTodo mkey="body" namespace="bodyDesc" desc={shopBodyElement.node.value} onUpdate={refetch} />

React how to call componentDidMount every time when switching between ListItem

When initializing widget component which loads various charts it works as it should, but when switching to another ListItem , componentDidMount do not load when switch to another item. I need to load it, because it fetch required data for it. But the thing is when I am switching between ListItem did not initialize componentDidMount
class DashboardSidebar extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
tabLocation: this.props.tabLocation
this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this);
onChange(event) {
render() {
const { classes } = this.props;
const { path } = this.props.match;
const { reports = [], sites = [] } = this.props;
let fromFilterString = "-"
let toFilterString = "-"
return (
paper: classes.drawerPaper,
{ => (
onClick={this.onChange} button key={}>
<DashboardIcon />
<Typography type="body2">
<Link to={`${path}/${report.slug}`} style={{ color: "#000" }}>
<Divider light />
This component seems run correct, but when clicking on other ListItem run componentDidUpdate which do not fetch required data for charts. Also I find out that when I changed in MainDashboard component key={i} to key={} is started to hit componentDidMount, but then widget's do not load, but from Console I can see that it hit componentDidMount and fetch data which I console.log() .
class MainDashboard extends Component {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if ( === {
return true;
let widgets = {};
let data = {};
let layout = {};
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
this.setState({dashboard: data, isLoading: false, layouts: layout });
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ mounted: true, isLoading: true });
let widgets = {};
let data = {};
let layout = {};
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
this.setState({dashboard: data, isLoading: false, layouts: layout });
sortWidgets(widgets) {
return widgets;
generateDOM() {
return, function(l, i) {
return (
<div key={i}>
render() {
return (
You have three option:
1- Use another life cycle such as componentDidUpdate, fetch the new data if there is particular change in props or state
2- Use a new Key, if you use a new key on a component, it will trigger a componentDidMount, because the component is rendered again as a new entity
3- Use react.ref
I think you should read up on all three choices and choose one that will fit you the best.
So componentDidMount is actually being hit but nothing is happening in terms of data updates? in that case, your component loads/mounts first and whatever needs to happen doesn't trigger a re-render, I would look into using another lifecycle method to ensure that your data is updated.
I'm not sure if you're working on a legacy system but if upgrading to functional components is an option, I would recommend using the lifecycle method useEffect because it replaces many lifecycle methods like componentDidMount , componentDidUpdate and the unsafe componentWillUnmount and will make your life a whole lot easier and more efficient.
componentDidMount is only executed when a component is mounted.
A state update in DashboardSidebar would not cause BaseDashboard to be re-mounted so componentDidMount will not be re-executed for BaseDashboard.
Have you tried fetching the data in the onChange event handler (for switching to another ListItem) instead?

Getting a Objects are not valid as a React child error even though I am not trying to render an object

As the title states, I am making an api request, and then returning a component with the contents of the api request as the prop. However, idk why I keep getting this error.
showPicture = async () =>{
const response = await picOfTheDay.get('',{
params: {,
hd: true,
api_key: 'KEY'
this.setState({picDayFullDescription: response}, ()=>{
return <PictureOfTheDay date = {} picture= {this.state.picDayFullDescription.url} description={this.state.picDayFullDescription.explanation} />
{/* <PictureOfTheDay date = {} picture= {this.state.picDayFullDescription.url} description={this.state.picDayFullDescription.explanation}/> */}
class PictureOfTheDay extends React.Component{
Can someone please point me to the right direction
Instead of calling the function in the render, I would rather put the component on the render and then call the fetch function on some lifecycle hook like componentDidMount.
This updates the state, hence re-rendering the component and the PictureOfTheDay... If the component does not work with an empty description etc which might be a cause of you wanting to make sure the fields are there, render it conditionally based on the needed information e.g {this.state.picDayFullDescription && ...}
// App.js
componentDidMount() {
showPicture = async () => {
const response = await picOfTheDay.get("", {
params: {
hd: true,
api_key: "KEY",
this.setState({ picDayFullDescription: response });
render() {
return (

React router problem fetching data when needed

I have a tricky situation with react router 4.
Imagine I have a route
<Route path='/search/:term?' render={(props) => {
return (<ProductList
}} />
Now you can see I am using render in Route which means it will not unmount this component at each render rather update the old instance with new props.
However, at some point inside the ProductList the user calls setFlag function which you can see updates some property in parent.
Because of this, a rerender of the parent is caused. Which also calls componentWillReceiveProps(CWRP) of ProductList. Inside CWRP of ProductList I am always (unconditionally) fetching items with new props.
This causes my problem. You can see that when user updated flag, there was no need to fetch data again in CWRP, because updating that flag wasn't related to my data.
You could say that I should put some condition in CWRP that would do some check and fetch data only when it is necessary. However, I find it impossible to come up with such check. Because for example, ProductList receives a search term. I could, for example, compare a search term from the previous render to search term of new render and if they are different then to fetch data, however, that is incorrect, because even in case of same search term a fetch should be issued (maybe the data was updated on a server).
What solution do you see in such a situation?
So that my product list doesn't fetch data everytime the flag of parent changes?
Elevate your state and move your logic out of the render method and into a parent container-component, then utilize this.setState() to stop state updates OR use shouldComponentUpdate() to continue to allow state updates BUT stop re-renders when the flag hasn't been changed (either one will prevent ProductList from being updated):
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ProductList from './ProductList';
export default class SearchTerms extends Component {
state = { flag: '' };
shouldComponentUpdate = (nextProps, nextState) => ( this.state.flag !== nextState.flag )
handleFlag = flag => this.setState(prevState => { return this.state.flag !== flag ? { flag } : null })
render = () => ( <ProductList setFlag={this.handleFlag} {...this.state} {...this.props} /> )
Then the route will change to:
<Route path='/search/:term?' component={SearchTerms} />
In addition, I'd avoid using componentWillReceiveProps() altogether and instead use componentDidUpdate().
Here's an example of a parent container-component controlling several component children. The children can update the parent via a passed down parent method.
In this simple example, searchForPlayer's onChange and onSubmit updates the parent's searchTerm state and changes the URL query via parent's handleSubmit method. The URL query change triggers the parent's componentDidUpdate method, which then fetches new data and updates the displayPlayerList component.
URL before:
URL after form submit:
So if a user types out the URL to:
and hits enter, it'll load a filtered list because it's only looking for a number query.
If they go to:
or anything without a number query, then it'll just fetch all the players instead (this can be handled differently, but was done for simplicity).
Working example:
containers/PlayersList.js (parent container-component)
import isEmpty from "lodash/isEmpty";
import React, { Component, Fragment } from "react";
import qs from "qs";
import DisplayPlayerList from "../components/displayPlayerList";
import NoPlayerFound from "../components/noPlayerFound";
import SearchForPlayer from "../components/searchForPlayer";
import ServerError from "../components/serverError";
import Spinner from "../components/spinner";
export default class PlayersList extends Component {
state = {
err: "",
isLoading: true,
searchTerm: "",
players: [],
noplayer: "",
number: ""
componentDidMount = () => this.fetchPlayers();
componentDidUpdate = (prevProps, prevState) => !== && this.fetchPlayers();
fetchPlayers = () => {
const { number } = qs.parse(, { ignoreQueryPrefix: true })
fetch(`${number ? `/${number}` : ""}`)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(players =>
err: "",
players: !number ? [...players] : [players],
noplayer: isEmpty(players) ? true : false,
isLoading: false,
searchTerm: ""
.catch(err => this.setState({ err: err.toString() }));
handleChange = e => this.setState({ searchTerm: });
handleSubmit = e => {
render = () => (
this.state.isLoading // (if isLoading is true..)
? <Spinner /> // (then show a spinner)
: <div style={{ padding: 20, width: 500 }}> // (otherwise...)
<SearchForPlayer // (show player search form and...)
{ this.state.err // (if there's an error...)
? <ServerError {...this.state} /> // (show the error)
: this.state.noplayer // (otherwise, if there's no player...)
? <NoPlayerFound {...this.state} /> // (show no player found)
: <DisplayPlayerList {...this.state} /> // (otherwise, display updated list)
components/searchForPlayer.js (child component)
import React from "react";
export default ({ handleChange, handleSubmit, searchTerm }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
placeholder="Search for player by number..."
style={{ width: 300, marginRight: 10 }}
className="uk-button uk-button-primary"
components/displayPlayerList.js (child component)
import map from "lodash/map";
import React from "react";
export default ({ players }) => (
<ul style={{ listStyleType: "none" }}>
{map(players, ({ id, name, username, email }) => (
<li style={{ margin: "10px 0" }} key={id}>
<strong>Player # {id}</strong>
<span> - {name}</span>
components/noPlayerFound.js (child component)
import React from "react";
export default ({ number }) => (
<div style={{ color: "red", padding: 20 }}>
No player was found matching #{number}!
component/serverError.js (child component)
import React from "react";
export default ({ err }) => (
<div style={{ color: "red", padding: 20 }}>
<i style={{ marginRight: 5 }} className="fas fa-exclamation-circle" /> {err}

