pushing an object into an array of objects - javascript

i want to push my retrieved results which is an inline string result to my array object item
Here is my code :
arrayObject.push({ type: "type", item: itemArray });
arrayObject.forEach((elementItem) => {
global.forEach((element) => {
const { items } = element;
for (const item in items) {
const title = items[item].title;
elementItem.item.push({ title });
And here is my json file that i retrieve from global, items and title
global: [
items: {
xxx: {
title: 'result1',
The result i want is like this :
[ { type: 'xxx', item: [ {name: result1 } ] } ]

Here i've used reduce and object.values to produce your expected outcome.
const global = [{
way: 'type1',
items: {
get: {
title: 'result1',
post: {
title: 'result2',
put: {
title: 'result3',
way: 'type2',
items: {
get: {
title: 'test1',
post: {
title: 'test2',
put: {
title: 'test3',
function mapJsonToTypes(arr) {
const typeAndTitles = (acc, {items, way: type}) => {
return [...acc, {type, item: getTitlesFromItems(items)}]
return arr.reduce(typeAndTitles, []);
function getTitlesFromItems(items = {}) {
return Object.values(items).map(({ title }) => title)


Modify array to stop object from being nested

I have an example array
const array = [
{ obj: [{ fields: { title: 'titleValue1' } }, { fields: { title: 'titleValue2' } }] },
{ obj: [{ fields: { title: 'titleValue3' } }, { fields: { title: 'titleValue4' } }] },
I'm looking to modify the array to:
const modifiedArray = [
{ obj: [{ title: 'titleValue1' }, { title: 'titleValue2' }] },
{ obj: [{ title: 'titleValue3' }, { title: 'titleValue4' }] },
So when I loop over the modified array I can call 'obj.title' instead of 'obj.fields.title'
I think this can be achieved using .map. So far I have tried:
const ammendedArray = array.map(item => ({ ...item, title: item.map(e => e.fields) }))
But returning 'item.map is not a function'
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
In your code you are trying to use map for an item in the top level array. Which is like this for the first item,
{ obj: [{ fields: { title: 'titleValue1' } }, { fields: { title: 'titleValue2' } }] }
As you can see item is an object. You can not map through an object. What you can do is map through item.obj
const ammendedArray = array.map(item => ({ ...item, title: item.obj.map(e => e.fields) }))
But it will not solve your problem you will get a wrong array of objects like this,
obj: [{ fields: { title: 'titleValue1' } }, { fields: { title: 'titleValue2' } }],
title: [{ title: 'titleValue1' }, { title: 'titleValue2' }]
You will have to update the obj key instead. What you need to do is the following,
const array = [
{ obj: [{ fields: { title: 'titleValue1' } }, { fields: { title: 'titleValue2' } }] },
{ obj: [{ fields: { title: 'titleValue3' } }, { fields: { title: 'titleValue4' } }] },
const res = array.map((item) => {
return {
obj: item.obj.map(i => {
return i.fields
I could reach to that like this :)
const array = [
{ obj: [{ fields: { title: 'titleValue1' } }, { fields: { title: 'titleValue2' } }] },
{ obj: [{ fields: { title: 'titleValue3' } }, { fields: { title: 'titleValue4' } }] },
// pass a function to map
const map1 = array.map((x)=>{
const filedsArray = [...x.obj]
x.obj = []
return x

How to convert array of objects into enum like key value pair in javascript?

I have an array
const a = [
{ name: "read-web-courses" },
{ name: "example" },
{ name: "t_gql" },
{ name: "ddddd" },
I am trying it to reduce it to the below given output , However I am stuck
You could map the wanted property and assign the pairs to the object.
array = [{ name: "read-web-courses" }, { name: "example" }, { name: "t_gql" }, { name: "ddddd" }],
result = Object.assign({}, array.map(({ name }) => name));
You can use Array.reduce like below.
const a = [
{ name: "read-web-courses" },
{ name: "example" },
{ name: "t_gql" },
{ name: "ddddd" },
const convert = arr => (
arr.reduce((total, value, index) => {
total[index] = value.name;
return total;
}, {})
This is accomplished using Array#reduce, where you can use the index from the reduce callback as the key of the new object:
const a = [ { name: "read-web-courses" }, { name: "example" }, { name: "t_gql" }, { name: "ddddd" }];
const res = a.reduce((r, o, i) => {
r[i] = o.name;
return r;
}, {});
Also one more approach using Object#fromEntries and Array#map, where each object is converted to an array of key, value pairs:
const a = [ { name: "read-web-courses" }, { name: "example" }, { name: "t_gql" }, { name: "ddddd" }];
const res = Object.fromEntries(a.map((o, i) => [i, o.name]));

Algorithm from folderstring to correct folderstructure in javascript

I have an array of data which is a string of folders:
var data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, { name: "/X/k" }]
For a component to display this items I need them sorted nested like these:
var data = [{ name: "/X", sub: [{ name: "/Y" }, { name: "/k" }]}, { name: "/X2" }, sub: [{ name: "/Z" }] }]
These items are just examples, the item count is 1000+ and the nested items can be unlimited too.
Any ideas how to do that?
You could do this with forEach and reduce methods and use one object to keep track of level based on the current part of the name property value.
const data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, {name: '/X/K/1'}, {name: '/X/K/2'}]
const result = []
const level = {result}
data.forEach(({ name, ...rest }) => {
name.split('/').filter(Boolean).reduce((r, k) => {
if (!r[k]) {
r[k] = { result: [] }
name: `/${k}`,
sub: r[k].result
return r[k]
}, level)
Using reduce() and Map()
var data = [{ name: "/X" }, { name: "/X/Y" }, { name: "/X2" }, { name: "/X2/Z" }, { name: "/X/k" }]
var res = data.reduce((a, i) => {
let s = i.name.match(/\/\w+/g) || []
if (a.has(s[0])) {
let path = a.get(s[0])
i.name = s[1]
path.sub = path.sub || []
} else {
a.set(i.name, i)
return a
}, new Map())

Filtrer array recursive

I'm looking to filter my table recursively with the key "excludeInMenu". I can filter the first table but not the second content in "Items"
With this code
{routes.filter(route => !route.excludeInMenu)
Here is the Array I want to filter :
const routes: MenuRoute[] = [
key: 'invoice_show',
excludeInMenu: true
key: 'invoice_new'
key: 'template',
text: 'Template',
items: [
key: 'template_contract',
excludeInMenu: true
key: 'template_invoice'
I would like to filter it and get this as result :
key: 'invoice_new'
key: 'template',
text: 'Template',
items: [
key: 'template_invoice'
function filterItems(items){
return items.filter(item => !item.excludeInMenu)
filterItems(routes).forEach(route => {
route.items = filterItems(route.items)

Setting array keys dynamically based on length

Given an array in this format:
name: "name",
value: "My-name"
name: "qty",
value: "1"
name: "url",
value: "test.com"
name: "comment",
value: "my-comment"
name: "name",
value: "My-name2"
name: "qty",
value: "3"
name: "url",
value: "test2.com"
name: "name",
value: "My-name3"
name: "qty",
value: "1"
name: "url",
value: "test3.com"
name: "comment",
value: "my-comment3"
I'm looking to switch that to:
{ name: "My-name" },
{ qty: "1" },
{ url: "test.com" },
{ comment: "my-comment", }
{ name: "My-name2" },
{ qty: "3" },
{ url: "test2.com",
{ name: "My-name3", },
{ qty: "1", },
{ url: "test3.com", },
{ comment: "my-comment3", }
In other words, swapping out the array keys but maintaining the object structure within each array element.
I've tried looping over each element and can swap the keys out using something like:
newArray[iCount][item.name] = item.value;
However I'm then struggling to preserve the object order. Note that the comment field may or may not appear in the object.
With Array.map() function:
var arr = [
result = arr.map(function(a){
return a.map(function(obj){
var o = {};
o[obj.name] = obj.value
return o;
Check my moreBetterOutput value. I think will be better.
If you still need a result like your example in the question then you can check output value.
const input = [
const output = input.map(arr => arr.map(obj => ({[obj.name]: obj.value})))
const moreBetterOutput = output.map(arr => arr.reduce((acc, item, index) => {
acc[Object.keys(item)[0]] = item[Object.keys(item)[0]];
return acc;
}, {}) )
Another map function:
const result = array.map( subarray =>
Object.assign(...subarray.map( ({name, value}) => ({ [name] : value }) ))

