Create an arrays inside of another (main) array out of separated values - javascript

I have a string of numerical values separated by commas, and I want to include them in an array, and also each pair of them to be an array nested inside of the main array to be my drawing vertices.
How do I solve this problem?
var vertices = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10";
what I want them to be is:
var V_array = [[24,13],[47,20],[33,9],[68,18],[99,14],[150,33],[33,33],[34,15],[91,10]];

You could Split on every second comma in javascript and map the splitted pairs by converting the values to number.
var vertices = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10",
result = vertices.match(/[^,]+,[^,]+/g).map(s => s.split(',').map(Number));

You can use the function reduce which operates over the splitted-string and check for the mod of each index.
let str = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10";
let result = str.split(',').reduce((a, s, i) => {
if ((i + 1) % 2 === 0) {
a.curr = [];
return a;
}, {arr: [], curr: []}).arr;
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

You can split string into array and use reduce method. Take a look at the code below
const vertices = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10";
const numbers = vertices.split(',').map(Number)
const res = numbers
.reduce((acc, number, index, srcArray) => {
if (index % 2) {
return acc
return [
[ number, srcArray[index + 1] ],
}, [])

My two cents :) [new version]
str = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10",
pair = [],
triplet = [];
JSON.parse(`[${str}]`).forEach((e,i)=>{pair.push( (i%2)?[pair.pop(),e]:e)})
console.log ( 'pair:', JSON.stringify(pair) )
// bonus => same idea for triplet :
if ( (i%3)===2 ) triplet.push( [triplet.shift(),triplet.pop(),e] )
else if ( (i%3)===0 ) triplet.unshift(e)
else triplet.push(e)
console.log ( 'triplet:', JSON.stringify(triplet) )

You can use exec and JSON.parse
var vertices = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10";
var array1;
var reg = /[^,]+,[^,]+/g
let op = []
while((array1 = reg.exec(vertices))!== null){

Split on the , and use Array.reduce to group the pair into a new 2-D array:
var vertices = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10";
const pair = vertices.split(",").reduce((acc, ele, idx, arr) => {
if(idx === 0 || idx%2 === 0) {acc.push([+ele, +arr[idx + 1]]);}
return acc;
}, []);
Same can be done using, if the index is odd skip the element and filter out the undefined elements:
var vertices = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10";
const pair = vertices.split(",").map((ele, idx, arr) => (idx === 0 || idx%2 === 0) ? [+ele, +arr[idx + 1]] : undefined).filter(e => e);

My two cents :)
( thanks to Code Maniac for the idea of using JSON.parse )
let str = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10";
let result = JSON.parse(`[${str}]`).reduce((acc, cur, i) => {
if (i===1) return [[acc,cur]]
if (i%2) acc.push( [acc.pop(), cur] )
else acc.push( cur )
return acc
console.log ( result )

Here is my solution.
var vertices = "24,13,47,20,33,9,68,18,99,14,150,33,33,33,34,15,91,10";
vertices = vertices.split(",");
function convertToMultiArray (arr, length) {
var nArr = [];
while(arr.length > 0) {
return nArr;
const res = convertToMultiArray(vertices, 2);
console.log('res', res);


Information about to Array in JAvascript

I would like to get find elements having same characters but in different order in an array. I made javascript below,is there any way to create Javascript function more basic? Can you give me an idea? Thank you in advance..
<p id="demo"></p>
const arr1 = ["tap", "pat", "apt", "cih", "hac", "ach"];
var sameChars = 0;
var subArr1 = [];
for(var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++){
for(var j = i+1; j < arr1.length; j++){
if(!subArr1.includes(arr1[i]) && !subArr1.includes(sortAlphabets(arr1[i]))){
if(sortAlphabets(arr1[i]) == sortAlphabets(arr1[j])){
function sortAlphabets(text1) {
return text1.split('').sort().join('');
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = sameChars;
I would just use reduce. Loop over split the string, sort it, join it back. Use it as a key in an object with an array and push the items onto it.
const arr1 = ["tap", "pat", "apt", "cih", "hac", "ach"];
const results = arr1.reduce((obj, str) => {
const key = str.split('').sort().join('');
obj[key] = obj[key] || [];
return obj;
}, {});
You can get the max frequency value by building a map and getting the max value of the values.
const frequencyMap = (data, keyFn) =>
(acc, val) =>
(key => acc.set(key, (acc.get(key) ?? 0) + 1))
new Map());
const groupMap = (data, keyFn) =>
(acc, val) =>
(key => acc.set(key, [...(acc.get(key) ?? []), val]))
new Map());
data = ["tap", "pat", "apt", "cih", "hac", "ach"],
sorted = (text) => text.split('').sort().join(''),
freq = frequencyMap(data, sorted),
max = Math.max(...freq.values()),
groups = groupMap(data, sorted);
document.getElementById('demo').textContent = max;
.as-console-wrapper { top: 2em; max-height: 100% !important; }
<div id="demo"></div>
Maybe split the code into two functions - one to do the sorting and return a new array, and another to take that array and return an object with totals.
const arr = ['tap', 'pat', 'apt', 'cih', 'hac', 'ach'];
// `sorter` takes an array of strings
// splits each string into an array, sorts it
// and then returns the joined string
function sorter(arr) {
return => {
return [...str].sort().join('');
// `checker` declares an object and
// loops over the array that `sorter` returned
// creating keys from the strings if they don't already
// exist on the object, and then incrementing their value
function checker(arr) {
const obj = {};
for (const str of arr) {
// All this line says is if the key
// already exists, keep it, and add 1 to the value
// otherwise initialise it with 0, and then add 1
obj[str] = (obj[str] || 0) + 1;
return obj;
// Call `checker` with the array from `sorter`
<p id="demo"></p>
Additional documentation
Loops and iteration
Spread syntax

Is there a way to make this Javascript code more efficient?

It is a simple exercise that I am doing for mere practice and leisure, I have done it in various ways but I was wondering if there is an even more practical way or to reduce the lines of code making use of the many methods of JavaScript.
The exercise is about receiving an array (arr) and a number (target) and returning another array with a pair of numbers found in 'arr' whose sum is equal to 'target'.
function targetSum3(arr, target) {
let newArr = [];
let copyArray = arr;
for (let i of copyArray) {
let x = Math.abs(i - target);
if (copyArray.includes(x) && (copyArray.indexOf(x) != copyArray.indexOf(i))) {
return newArr;
return newArr;
If you are fine with a function that just returns a pair of numbers (the first match so to speak) whose sum equals the targets value, this might be enough:
function sumPair (arr, target) {
while(arr.length) {
let sum1 = arr.shift();
let sum2 = arr.find(val => sum1 + val === target);
if (sum2) return [sum2, sum1];
return null;
const targetSum = (arr, target) => {
const first = arr.find((v,i,a) => arr.includes(target-v) && (arr.indexOf(target-v) !== i));
return first ? [first, target - first] : null;
const values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
console.log(targetSum(values, 1)); // null
console.log(targetSum(values, 2)); // null
console.log(targetSum(values, 3)); // [1, 2]
console.log(targetSum(values, 15)); // [6, 9]
console.log(targetSum(values, 20)); // null
I changed for loop with forEach (more efficient) and there is no need for the copyArray array so I removed it. I also changed pop() with shift(), I think you want to shift the array and not pop-it (if I understand the task correctly).
function targetSum3(arr, target) {
let newArr = [];
arr.forEach(element => {
let x = Math.abs(element - target); // calc x
arr.shift(); // removes first element from arr (current element)
if (arr.includes(x) && (arr.indexOf(x) != arr.indexOf(element))) {
return newArr;
use Array.filter to find the target sum for all values in an given array. See comments in the snippet.
evt => === `redo` && sumsForTargetInArray());
function sumsInArray(arr, target) {
// clone the array
const clone = arr.slice();
let result = [];
while (clone.length) {
// retrieve the current value (shifting it from the clone)
const current = clone.shift();
// filter arr: all values where value + sum = target
const isTarget = arr.filter(v => current + v === target);
// add to result.
// Sorting is to prevent duplicates later
if (isTarget.length) {
result = [...result, => [current, v].sort())];
// weed out duplicates (e.g. 0 + 3, 3 + 0)
const unique = new Set();
result.forEach(r => unique.add(`${r[0]},${r[1]}`));
// return array of array(2)
return [...unique].map(v => v.split(`,`).map(Number));
function sumsForTargetInArray() {
const testArr = [...Array(20)].map((_, i) => i);
const target = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30);
document.querySelector(`pre`).textContent = `testArray: ${
JSON.stringify(testArr)}\ntarget: ${target}\nResult: ${
JSON.stringify(sumsInArray(testArr, target))}`;
<button id="redo">Again</button>

Delete all occurrence of duplicate values in an array in javascript/jquery

I am trying to work on a problem where I want to remove all the occurrences of similar value in an array
var sampleArr = ["mary","jane","spiderman","jane","peter"];
and I am trying to get result as => ["marry","spiderman","peter"]
how do I get this?
You can use filter()
var arr = ["mary","jane","spiderman","jane","peter"];
var unique = arr.filter((x, i) => arr.indexOf(x) === i);
var sampleArr = ["mary","jane","spiderman","jane","peter"];
var unique = [];
var itemCount = {};
itemCount[item] = 1;
for(var prop in itemCount){
Check this.
You can count the frequency of the character and just pick the character whose frequency is 1.
const arr = ["mary","jane","spiderman","jane","peter"];
frequency = arr.reduce((o,ch) => {
o[ch] = (o[ch] || 0) + 1;
return o;
}, {}),
unique = Object.keys(frequency).reduce((r,k) => frequency[k] === 1? [...r, k]: r, []);
You can use filter:
var sampleArr = ["mary","jane","spiderman","jane","peter"];
var result = sampleArr.filter((e,_,s)=>s.filter(o=>o==e).length<2);
// or with reduce and flatmap
const result1 = Object.entries(sampleArr.reduce((a,e)=>(a[e]??=0, a[e]++, a),{})).flatMap(([k,v])=>v==1 ? k: []);
lot of solution, here easy solution to understand using match to have the occurence and filter to eliminate:
var arr = ['ab','pq','mn','ab','mn','ab'];
var st = arr.join(",");
result = arr.filter(it => {
let reg = new RegExp(it, 'g');
return st.match(reg).length == 1;
console.log(result);// here ["pq"]
filter seems to be your best bet here if you need extremely robust performance. No real need for jQuery in this instance. Personally, I would opt for readability for something like this and instead sort, set duplicates to null, and then remove all null values.
var sampleArr = ["mary","jane","spiderman","jane","peter"];
var result = sampleArr.sort().forEach((value, index, arr) => {
// if the next one is the same value,
// set this one to null
if(value === arr[value + 1])
return arr[index] = null;
// if the previous one is null, and the next one is different,
// this is the last duplicate in a series, so should be set to null
if(arr[value - 1] === arr[index + 1] !== value)
return arr[index] = null;
.filter(value => value === null) //remove all null values

How to collapse an array by joining all strings, but leaving objects

While I'm sure I'm waay over-complicating things, I'm curious to know how I would "collapse" an array by combining all adjacent strings, but leaving objects as objects so that:
array = ["I","want","to",[Obj],"come","together"]
["I want to", [Obj], "come together"];
I feel like array.reduce() might be the ticket here, but I'm still wrapping my head around that function.
Reduce the array. If the current item and the last item in the accumulator (r) are strings, concatenate them. If not, push the current item to the accumulator:
const array = ["I","want","to",[{}],"come","together"]
const isString = s => typeof s === 'string'
const result = array.reduce((r, o) => {
if(isString(o) && isString(r[r.length - 1])) {
r[r.length - 1] = `${r[r.length - 1]} ${o}`
} else {
return r
}, [])
I would do this:
const array = ["I","want","to",{},"come","together"];
let outputArr = [];
let strArr = [];
array.forEach(elem => {
if (typeof elem === 'string') {
return strArr.push(elem);
outputArr.push(strArr.join(' '));
strArr = [];
outputArr.push(strArr.join(' '));
In case you wanna go with the plain old for-loop :)
var result = [], array = ["I","want","to",{a: 1, b:2},"come","together"];
var i=0;var str = "";
for(; i< array.length; i++){
if(typeof array[i] === 'object' ){
str = str+" "+ array[i];

in the easiest and most concise way as possible

I want to sort an array values in an ascending or descending order without using sort().
I have created a function, however I am not satisfied with it.
I believe the code below could be much shorter and more concise.
Please let me know where to modify or you may entirely change the code too. Thank you in advance.
const func = arg => {
let flip = false;
let copy = [];
for(let val of arg) copy[copy.length] = val;
for(let i=0; i<arg.length; i++) {
const previous = arg[i-1];
const current = arg[i];
if(previous > current) {
flip = true;
copy[i] = previous;
copy[i-1] = current;
if(flip) return func(copy);
return copy;
If your input is composed of whole numbers, as in the example, pne option is to reduce the array into an object, whose keys are the numbers, and whose values are the number of times those values have occured so far. Then, iterate over the object (whose Object.entries will iterate in ascending numeric key order, for whole number keys), and create the array to return:
const func = arr => {
const valuesObj = {};
arr.forEach((num) => {
valuesObj[num] = (valuesObj[num] || 0) + 1;
return Object.entries(valuesObj)
([num, count]) => Array(count).fill(num)
This runs in O(N) time.
To account for negative integers as well while keeping O(N) runtime, create another object for negatives:
const func = arr => {
const valuesObj = {};
const negativeValuesObj = {};
arr.forEach((num) => {
if (num >= 0) valuesObj[num] = (valuesObj[num] || 0) + 1;
else negativeValuesObj[-num] = (negativeValuesObj[-num] || 0) + 1;
return [
([num, count]) => Array(count).fill(-num)
([num, count]) => Array(count).fill(num)
func([5,2,8,1,-5, -1, 9,10,10,11,4,7,3,6, -10])
For non-integer items, you'll have to use a different algorithm with higher computational complexity.

