Adding new rows & columns to an existing table + keeping functionality of table - javascript

Here is a link to my JS fiddle
*new working link
what I'm trying to do is add a new row to my table(that has empty cells which I can write in ) calculate the average of the new row and output it to the last cell in that row.(This is challenging because the first 3 rows should be ignored, as it has Student info like name student number etc)
At the moment when creating a new row it just creates a new single empty cell
Can't seem to figure out how to add a column for the whole table aswell
Any help is greatly appreciated, also almost completely new to JS please excuse any stupidness
function appendRow() {
var tbl = document.getElementById('my-table'), // table reference
row = tbl.insertRow(tbl.rows.length), // append table row
// insert table cells to the new row
for (i = 0; i < tbl.rows[0].cells.length; i++) {
createCell(row.insertCell(i), i, 'row');
function createCell(cell, text, style) {
var div = document.createElement('div'), // create DIV element
txt = document.createTextNode(text); // create text node
div.appendChild(txt); // append text node to the DIV
div.setAttribute('class', style); // set DIV class attribute
div.setAttribute('className', style); // set DIV class attribute for IE
cell.appendChild(div); // append DIV to the table cell
function appendColumn() {
var tbl = document.getElementById('my-table'), // table reference
// open loop for each row and append cell
for (i = 0; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) {
createCell(tbl.rows[i].insertCell(tbl.rows[i].cells.length), i, 'col');


set id using setAttribute to td of last row of element

I am generating a table row which has two columns dynamically in html containing values from the database.
I want every td of the first column to have an unique id which i have done but i cant set the id to the td of last row in the table.
Here's the code to set id
var i=0;
var id=1;
document.getElementsByTagName("td")[i].setAttribute("id", id);
Any help will be appreciated
but i cant set the id to the td of last row in the table.
You need to get to the last row in the table first.
var allRows = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
var lastRow = allRows[allRows.length - 1];
now set Id to the first td of last row
lastRow.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].setAttribute("id" , allRows.length + 1 );
DOM Selectors are provided for a reason. :)
var tds = $('tr td:first-child');
var i=0;
$.each(tds, function(){
Using pure javascript
var tds = document.querySelectorAll('tr td:first-child');
var i = 0;
for(var td in tds){
// or
You can use querySelectorAll to get all first td's withing given table using :first-child;
It will return NodeList which need to be convert into in an Array.
var arrTD = document.querySelectorAll("#list-notification tr td:first-child");
arrTD =;
var i =0;

Creating Table from Google Spreadsheets: How to Manipulate Data?

Currently, I'm working on a project to pull data from a Google Form/Spreadsheet and have it appear on a website using JQuery/DataTables. I had received help on getting the data to appear on the site, but I've hit a new issue.
Previous Question: Is it possible to create a public database (spreadsheet) search with Google Scripts?
On Google, I have a form which outputs eight columns:
Of these, I don't need the timestamp to appear, and I would like the title to link to the URL if the URL exists. Since I'm not quite fluent with Javascript or DataTables, I made a second sheet which I tried to simplified it down to the following six:
Title (currently being formatted as an <a> tag using the URL)
This almost works, except that the script I'm using to construct the table renders the Title field as it is in the cell with the being visible in the table. See the table under the title "Actual Output" for the current situation; the table under "Target Table Appearance" is what I'm aiming for.
Current Output:
Table Creation Script:
Thus, is there a way to have the be given as a link despite being put together in a Google Spreadsheet cell? Alternatively, is there a way to edit the current script to a) ignore the timestamp column and b) make the Title output a link to the URL from the URL column (with proper conditionals)?
EDIT: I'm focusing on the links now; I have a solution for the timestamp which involves copying the data to a new spreadsheet (since forms are strict with copy/pasting information). The current issue is getting each entry to have a link assuming the URL is in the first column, and the Title is in the second column. Please read Mogsdad's answer and my first comment for more information.
Solution: First, my thanks to Mogsdad for the "spark" of inspiration and insight which led me in the correct direction towards the solution. To explain the general idea, I wanted to not display one column (URL) from a Google Spreadsheet on the target website, yet use it's content to create a link in another (Title). Then, once the table was made, DataTables is used to format it. All cells in the table must contain something, so if the cell is to be blank, it must be filled with "None".
function cellEntries(json, dest, divId) {
var table = document.createElement('table');
table.setAttribute("id", divId + "table"); //Assign ID to <table> from the <div> name.
var thead = document.createElement('thead');
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
var thr;
var tr;
var entries = json.feed.entry;
var cols =$colCount.$t; //The number of columns in the sheet.
var link; //Teporary holder for the URL of a row.
for (var i=0; i <cols; i++) { //For the first row of cells (column titles),
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
if ($cell.col == '1') { //For First Column / URL Column, (1)
if (thr != null) {
thr = document.createElement('tr'); //Create <thr>/<tr> (???).
else { //For all other columns,
var th = document.createElement('th');
th.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entry.content.$t)); //Create title for each column.
for (var i=cols; i < json.feed.entry.length; i++) { //For all remaining cells,
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
if ($cell.col == '1') { //For First Column / URL Column, (1)
if (tr != null) {
tr = document.createElement('tr'); //Create <tr>.
hlink = entry.content.$t; //Put URL content into hlink.
else if ($cell.col == '2') { //For Title Column,(2)
var td = document.createElement('td');
if (hlink != "None") { //If there is a link,
var alink = document.createElement('a'); //Make <a>
alink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entry.content.$t)); //Put content in <a>
alink.setAttribute('href',hlink); //Assign URL to <a>.
td.appendChild(alink); //Put <a> in <td>.
else { //If there is no link,
td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entry.content.$t)); //Put content in <td>.
else { //For all other columns,
var td = document.createElement('td');
if (entry.content.$t != "None") { //If content is not "None",
td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entry.content.$t)); //Output the content.
else { //Else,
td.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")); //Output a blank cell.
$(dest + "table").dataTable();
function importGSS(json){
var divId = "targetdivid" //ID of the target <div>.
cellEntries(json, "#" + divId, divId);
Around this bit in tablescript.js:
var th = document.createElement('th');
You can add a hyperlink by doing this:
...with <link> set to the hyperlink for the particular publication.
To make this work, you could rework your spreadsheet source to have the link in one column, and the Title in another. Then modify tablescript.js to combine the link and text, something like this:
var hlink = null; // Temporary storage for hyperlink
for (var i=0; i <cols; i++) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
if ($cell.col == '1') {
if (thr != null) {
thr = document.createElement('tr');
// Element 0 assumed to have hyperlink
if (i == 0) {
hlink = entry.content.$t;
else {
var th = document.createElement('th');
// If we have an hlink, set the href attribute.
if (hlink !== null) {
hlink = null;

Deleting all the clone node of a table row in javascript

function newRow(t) {
var parent = t.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
var row = t.parentNode.parentNode.cloneNode(true);
row.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.setAttribute('value', 'sumit');
function removeRow(t) {
var y = t.parentNode.parentNode;
the above code is working fine but i want to delete all the clones at once which are created by above code on a onchange event of a select box
Just add a class name to the cloned elements which would allow you to search for them and delete them later:
var row = t.parentNode.parentNode.cloneNode(true);
row.className += ' clonedrow';
// Remove all the cloned rows
var clonedRows = document.querySelectorAll('.clonedrow');
for (var i = 0; i < clonedRows.length; i++) {
Once the cloned rows have been added to the DOM, they look (to JavaScript) just like the original rows.
Since you're just appending cloned rows to the table body, what I would do is as follows:
Outside the functions, as soon as the document loads, use .childNodes.length to get the number of rows in your table and store it globally in, say, lastpos.
When you need to delete the clones, start at .childNodes[lastpos] and remove nodes until the table has lastpos rows again.

Switching cell background color of a table created with javascript

I have a problem:
I need a table 7x48 cells, those cells have a background color (grey) which have to be switchable when clicked (green) and then switchable again with another click.
I created the table with the following js function:
function createGrid(){
// get the reference for the body
var grid = document.getElementById("grid");
var green="#33CC66";
var grey="#DEDEDE";
// creates a <table> element and a <tbody> element
var tbl = document.createElement("table");
var tblBody = document.createElement("tbody");"timegrid";;
// creating all cells
for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
// creates a table row
var row = document.createElement("tr");
for (var i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
// Create a <td> element and a text node, make the text
// node the contents of the <td>, and put the <td> at
// the end of the table row
var cell = document.createElement("td");
// add the row to the end of the table body
// put the <tbody> in the <table>
// appends <table> into <div id="grid">
tbl.setAttribute("cellPadding", "7");
tbl.setAttribute("cellSpacing", "0");
tbl.setAttribute("border", "1");}
The problem is: it works the first time (from grey the cell switches to green) but I can't turn back to the original color the second time I click on the same cell.
Any suggestion?
The problem is that the browser doesn't keep the same value that you set.
For example, if you do = '#33cc66'
You get rgb(51, 204, 102) returned. (And let it be known that StackOverflow is hideous with a green background.)
This value is the functional notation for colour.
You probably need to store the value that you've set it to, because browsers are inconsistent in how they report the current colour value.
if(background !== grey) {;
background = grey;
} else {;
background = green;

HTML how to move through columns

I have the following code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var id = 'cbx';
var idPrefix = 'Arrow';
var html = '<img .../>';
// query parent row
var rowq = $('#' + id);
if (rowq.length < 1) {
rowq = $('.' + id);
VersionHeader = true;
if (rowq[0]) {
// set to 0 for header
var index = 0;
var row = rowq.parents('.g')[0].insertRow(index);
// assign id for new row = idPrefix + id;
// assign classes for style and tree
row.className = 'srcrow' + id;
// insert new cell
var cell = row.insertCell(0);
// assign html result
cell.innerHTML = html;
// set colspan
cell.colSpan = 1;
Now my problem is it adds the cell but it adds it under the first column. Is there a way to move through the columns? Granted I'm not an html expert at all. Just a beginner trying to get some stuff to work and would appreciate some help since I'm totally lost. I didn't include the html just ... through it.
I'm not sure I'm understanding your question entirely correctly (I gather you are attempting to insert a cell into a new row, and you want to select into which column it is inserted?). Assuming that's what you meant:
This is your problem. The insertCell method takes as an argument the index of the column into which the cell should be inserted. Index 0 is the first column, index 1 is the second column, and so on. So try replacing the 0 with the appropriate index.

