how do I make chart.js smaller? (html, chart.js) - javascript

I am trying to make my chart smaller but couldn't figure out how.
<canvas id="myChart"
style="position: relative" width="200" height="100">
My chart.js html code.
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
and the js script.
So the width and height in my canvas is set to 200 and 100 (been trying out different values but not success).
I want it to be smaller so i can put it next to my div but it just gets way to big.
thanks in advance.

Wrap it in a <div>, i.e:
<div style="width:100px; height:100px">
<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
Example below:
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
<script src=""></script>
<div style="width:300px; height:300px">
<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>


How i can use chart.js script in function.php as a short code, Please fixed the issue in my code

I want to create a shortcode for chart.js, when I add this code without function in a page then it works fine, however, When I add this code in fuction.php it breaks the site. I already have tried my methods.
function chartJS_shortcode(){
?><canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas><?php
const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
const myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Orange'],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true
add_shortcode("chartJS", "chartJS_shortcode");
Always use return with shortcodes, try following it will work
<?php function chartJS_shortcode(){
?><canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
const myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Orange'],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode("chartJS", "chartJS_shortcode"); ?>

How can I show texts only if they fit in the arc in Chart.Js 2.8.0?

I have a doughnut chart in Chart.Js with the chartjs-plugin-datalabels enabled. How can I write the string into the segments only if they fit into the segment of the chart?
At the moment, my code looks like this:
let ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
let myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
plugins: [ChartDataLabels],
type: 'doughnut',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 0.3, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
plugins: {
datalabels: {
formatter: function(value) {
return value + " kWh";
rotation: 1 * Math.PI,
circumference: 1 * Math.PI
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
The following image shows my problem:
May be this can work? Only adding a label when the value is above a certain threshold?
let data = [12, 19, 3, 5, 0.3, 3];
let sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
sum += data[i]
let ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
let myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
plugins: [ChartDataLabels],
type: 'doughnut',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: data,
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
plugins: {
datalabels: {
formatter: function(value) {
percentage = (value / sum) * 100;
if (percentage < 1) {
return "";
return value + " kWh";
rotation: 1 * Math.PI,
circumference: 1 * Math.PI
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Chart Js reduce text size for label on X axis

I'm using Chart.js ( and it's working fine, but I have too big X labels also with 45 degrees orientation (is auto adjusting).
I would like to reduce the size of that text, is it possible to do only for X axis?
Yes in the ticks.fontSize configuration you can do it only for the x-axis. For example
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
xAxes: [{
ticks: {
fontSize: 8
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>

How to shorten Chart.js label

The problem I'm facing is I have 2 charts, made with Chart.js, them contains dynamics labels descriptions, if some label descriptions is too long, chart is turning smaller, but I need that both charts contain same height.
How can I configure Chart.js to shorten labels, and shows complete label like HTML title when mouse hover, to maintain the label area height?
What I need is maintain height of chart area, no matter how long the label is.
var options = {
//maintainAspectRatio: false,
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
var ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas1");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue yjfid ", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: options
var ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas2");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: options
display: inline-block;
width: 49%;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myCanvas1" ></canvas>
<canvas id="myCanvas2"></canvas>
This answer reference from post.On mouse hover you can see tooltip showing full label name
var options = {
scales: {
xAxes: [{
ticks: {
callback: function(value) {
if (value.length > 4) {
return value.substr(0, 4) + '...'; //truncate
} else {
return value
yAxes: [{}]
tooltips: {
enabled: true,
mode: 'label',
callbacks: {
title: function(tooltipItems, data) {
var idx = tooltipItems[0].index;
return 'Title:' + data.labels[idx]; //do something with title
label: function(tooltipItems, data) {
//var idx = tooltipItems.index;
//return data.labels[idx] + ' €';
return tooltipItems.xLabel + ' €';
var ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas1");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue mbkjbjkbjlkbk", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: options
var ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas2");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: options
div {
display: inline-block;
width: 49%;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myCanvas1"></canvas>
<canvas id="myCanvas2"></canvas>

ChartJS 'Hello World' not animating

I've been trying to get the ChartJS example from working, but I'm running into two unexpected issues:
The graph is not animating
The graph is huge (it seems to be ignoring the height/width properties on the canvas element).
Snippet (copied from the documentation) is here:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
function load() {
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
<body onload="load()">
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
here is working code
keep canvas inside div and set height and width for div and make chart as responsive
function load() {
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
maintainAspectRatio: false,
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
backgroundColor: [
'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)'
borderColor: [
'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
'rgba(153, 102, 255, 1)',
'rgba(255, 159, 64, 1)'
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<body onload="load()">
<div style="width:400px;height:400px">
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>

