Encode letter to number - javascript

I feel like I am failing everything this semester. but I was wondering if you all could help me with a JS project. We have been tasked with essentially converting numbers to letters and vica versa using textareas in HTML. I was able to do the numbers to letters function, but am having difficulties going the other way. what I have for all is:
var $ = function(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
window.onload = function() {
$("btnDecode").onclick = fnDecode;
$("btnEncode").onclick = fnEncode;
$("btnClear").onclick = fnClear;
function fnDecode() {
var msg = $("textin").value;
if (msg === "") {
$("textin_span").innerHTML = "* Please enter a message to decode *";
} else {
$("textin_span").innerHTML = "";
var nums = msg.split(",");
var outstr = "";
for(var i=0; i < nums.length; i++) {
var n2 = parseInt(nums[i]);
if (isNaN(n2)) {
outstr += "?";
} else if (isNallN(nums[i])) {
} else if (n2 === 0) {
outstr += " ";
} else if (n2 < 1 || n2 > 26) {
outstr += "?";
} else {
outstr += String.fromCharCode(n2+64);
$("textout").value = outstr;
function isNallN(s) {
//parse string to check all characters are digits
function fnEncode() {
var msg = $("textin").value.toUpperCase();
$("textin").value = msg;
if (msg === "") {
$("textin_span").innerHTML = "* Please enter numberse to decode *";
} else {
$("textin_span").innerHTML = "";
var c;
var outstr = "";
for (var i=0; i<msg.length; i++);
c = msg.charCodeAt(i);
if (typeof c === "number") {
outstr += "99";
}else if (c === " ") {
outstr += 0;
/*} else if (c[i] >= "A" && c[i] <= "Z") {
outstr += "99";*/
} else {
outstr += String.charCodeAt(c - 64);
$("textout").value = outstr;
//var x = msg.charAT(i);
obviously isNallN is not complete, but he promised us if we could figure out fnEncode we should be able to do isNallN with no issues (which I am hoping is true lol) What am doing wrong though in fnEncode? Every time I run it, it gives me "99" even when I put letters in.


Getting variables outside a bracket and adding it into the variables inside the bracket

i am currently doing a random minterm maxterm mini program.
var totalvar = getRandomInt(3,5);
var main = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= totalvar; i++) {
var test = getRandomInt(1,4);
var myArray = ["A","B","C","D","A&apos;","B&apos;","C&apos;","D&apos;"];
var text ="";
for (var a = 1; a <= test; a++) {
function random(array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
var testing = random(myArray);
if (testing =="A") {
var testing2 ="A&apos;";
} else if (testing =="A&apos;") {
var testing2 ="A";
} else if (testing =="B") {
var testing2 ="B&apos;";
} else if (testing =="B&apos;") {
var testing2 ="B";
}else if (testing =="C") {
var testing2 ="C&apos;";
} else if (testing =="C&apos;") {
var testing2 ="C";
}else if (testing =="D") {
var testing2 ="D&apos;";
} else if (testing =="D&apos;") {
var testing2 ="D";
text += testing
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing2);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var impt = totalvar - i;
var frontbracket = main.split("(").length;
var backbracket = main.split(")").length;
if (impt >= 2) {
var brackets = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances1 = getRandomInt(1,3);
var lastLetter = main.charAt(main.length - 1);
if (frontbracket == backbracket) {
if (brackets == 1) {
text = "(" + text;
if (main == "") {
main = text;
main += "+" + text;
} else {
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
else if (frontbracket != backbracket){
text = text + ")";
main += "+" + text;
} else if (frontbracket != backbracket){
text = text + ")";
main += "+" + text;
else {
var brackets = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances = getRandomInt(1,3);
var lastLetter = main.charAt(main.length - 1);
if (brackets == 1) {
text = "(" + text + ")";
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== '1') {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
} else {
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
Currently i am trying to create random questions like
So based on this 4 questions, i can solve qn 2, qn 3, qn 5 by using the replace function but for qn1 and qn4,
i have to check if there is a plus sign inside the bracket and if there are variables outside the bracket, i will need to add the variables inside.
If there are no variables outside of the bracket like Qn5, i will just remove the brackets.
like this qn5
For example qn4 should look like this after the function is done with it
May i ask for some advice regarding this please?
on a function that checks whether there is a plus sign inside the bracket then check whether there are any variables directly outside the bracket and if there is, the variable outside must be added to the variables inside the bracket

javascript function to add values outside of bracket into values inside the bracket

i am trying to create a function that automatically create questions to do.
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var totalvar = getRandomInt(2,4);
var main = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= totalvar; i++) {
var test = getRandomInt(1,3);
// alert(test);
var myArray = ["A","B","C","A&apos;","B&apos;","C&apos;"];
var text ="";
for (var a = 1; a <= test; a++) {
function random(array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
var testing = random(myArray);
if (testing =="A") {
var testing2 ="A&apos;";
} else if (testing =="A&apos;") {
var testing2 ="A";
} else if (testing =="B") {
var testing2 ="B&apos;";
} else if (testing =="B&apos;") {
var testing2 ="B";
}else if (testing =="C") {
var testing2 ="C&apos;";
} else if (testing =="C&apos;") {
var testing2 ="C";
text += testing
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing2);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var brackets = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances = getRandomInt(1,3);
var lastLetter = main.charAt(main.length - 1);
if (brackets == 1) {
text = "(" + text + ")";
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
} else {
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
I have manage to get it to display questions that i want
I am stucked as i couldnt get the function for the next step where it multiples the value outside the bracket
The above is what i hope to achieve but im unable to create the function out
any tips guys?
use replace:
var str = "B'C'+(A'C'B')+BCA";
var response = str.replace(/([\(\)]+)/g, '');
// output: "B'C'+A'C'B'+BCA"

Remove duplicate words from a string without converting it into array

from the below code I'm trying to get common words(from two strings given) without converting the strings into array. The below code is getting and displaying the common words but the problem is, this code is not removing all the duplicates as it shows all the common words without removing duplicates. I tried searching, but the solution is to use split() and filter(). Is there any other way to remove duplicates.
Thanks so much in advance.
function common() {
var str1 = "is hello and he is the only hello is"
var str2 = "is hello you and is and he and is the only";
var min = 0;
var max = 0;
var count = 0;
var count1 = 0;
var count2 = 0;
var out = '';
var out2 = '';
var out3 = '';
var len1 = str1.length;
var len2 = str2.length;
var output = '';
var temp = 0;
var temp1 = 0;
for (m = 0; m < str1.length; m++) {
temp1 = 0;
if (str1.charAt(m) == " " || m == str1.length - 1) {
if (m == str1.length - 1) {
out1 = str1.slice(temp, m + 1);
} else {
out1 = str1.slice(temp, m);
for (i = temp1; i < str2.length; i++) {
if (str2.charAt(i) == " " || i == str2.length - 1) {
if (i == str2.length - 1) {
out2 = str2.slice(temp1, i + 1);
} else {
out2 = str2.slice(temp1, i);
temp1 = i + 1;
if (out1 == out2) {
if (out3.indexOf(out1) == -1) {
out3 += out1 + ' ';
} else if (out3.indexOf(out1) >= 0) {
var r = out3.indexOf(out1);
while (out3.charAt(r) != " ") {
if (r != out1.length) {
out3 += out1 + ' ';
temp = m + 1;
out = document.getElementById("tarea3");
out.value = out3;
<textarea id="tarea"></textarea>
<textarea id="tarea2"></textarea>
<textarea id="tarea3"></textarea>
<button type="button" onclick="common()">Run</button>
No arrays no regex you can get the common words like this. The rest is up to your processing.
var str1 = "is hello and he is the only hello is",
str2 = "is hello you and is and he and is the only",
lut = {},
stc = "",
i = 0;
while (i <= str1.length) {
if (str1[i] !== " " && i < str1.length) {
} else {
lut[stc] = "unmatch";
stc = "";
i = 0;
stc = "";
while (i <= str2.length) {
if (str2[i] !== " " && i < str2.length) {
} else {
lut[stc] = lut[stc] ? "common" : "unmatch";
stc = "";

Translating jQuery to javascript [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm new to SO and to JS. I want to translate this code to pure JS but I'm really struggling. May someone help me please?
var displayFix = function(num) {
if (num.length > 9) {
var number = "";
var newNumber = "";
var operator = "";
var total = $(".display");
$(".numbers span").not(".clear, .dot").click(function(){
number += $(this).text();
$(".dot").click(function() {
if ( number.length == 0)
{ number = "0.";
} else {
number += $(this).text();
$(".operators span").not(".igual").click(function(){
operator = $(this).text();
newNumber = number;
number = "";
number = "";
newNumber = "";
if (operator === "+"){
number = (parseFloat(newNumber,10) + parseFloat(number,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "-"){
number = (parseFloat(newNumber,10) - parseFloat(number,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "/"){
number = (parseFloat(newNumber,10) / parseFloat(number,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "*"){
number = (parseFloat(newNumber,10) * parseFloat(number,10)).toString(10);
number = "";
newNumber = "";
var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which);
if (keycode === 49) {
} else if (keycode === 50) {
} else if (keycode === 51) {
I suppose I can replace the following lines:
var total = $(".display") with var total = document.querySelector(".display")
total.text("0") with total.innerHTML="0"
$(".dot").click(function() { with document.querySelector(".dot").onclick = function() {
Also, the browser I'm using is a updated Chrome and I don't need it to support other browsers.
youmightnotneedjquery is your friend.
You'll see that you can define your own replacement for jQuery.ready():
function ready(fn) {
if (document.readyState != 'loading'){
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn);
Then you'll need to get used to do without jQuery wrapper, which means dealing with array indexes and possibly empty results. So for instance document.querySelector(".dot").onclick = function() { is not going to be enough, you want to do
var dots = document.querySelector(".dot");
for(var i=0; i<dots.length; i++ ){
dots[i].onclick = function() { ... }
Finally, you need to discard elements manually since you have no jQuery .not():
var operators = document.querySelector(".operators span");
for(var i=0; i<operators.length; i++ ){
var operator = operators[i];
if(operator.className.indexOf("igual") < 0){
//do stuff
Note: you may want to use document.getElementById() and document.getElementsByClassName when your selector is just an id or a class.
Hope this short guidance is enough for you to start.
The Javascript equivalent will almost look like this for your jquery code,
(function() {
var displayFix = function(num) {
if (num.length > 9) {
total.innerHTML = num.substr(0, 9);
var number = "";
var newNumber = "";
var operator = "";
var total = document.getElementsByClassName("display");
total.innerHTML = "0";
var sel1 = document.querySelector(".numbers span");
for (var i = sel1.length; i--;) {
if (sel1[i].className != 'clear' && sel1[i].className != 'dot') {
var arg = sel1[i].innerHTML;
sel1[i].onclick = function(arg) {
return function() {
number += arg;
total.innerHTML = number;
var sel2 = document.querySelector(".dot");
sel2.onclick = function() {
if (number.length == 0) {
number = "0.";
} else {
number += sel2.innerHTML;
total.innerHTML = number;
var sel3 = document.querySelector(".operators span");
for (var i = sel3.length; i--;) {
if (sel3[i].className != 'igual') {
var arg = sel3[i].innerHTML;
sel3[i].onclick = function(arg) {
return function() {
operator = arg;
newNumber = number;
number = "";
total.innerHTML = "0";
document.querySelector(".clear").onclick = function() {
number = "";
total.innerHTML = "0";
newNumber = "";
document.querySelector(".igual").onclick = function() {
if (operator === "+") {
number = (parseFloat(newNumber, 10) + parseFloat(number, 10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "-") {
number = (parseFloat(newNumber, 10) - parseFloat(number, 10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "/") {
number = (parseFloat(newNumber, 10) / parseFloat(number, 10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "*") {
number = (parseFloat(newNumber, 10) * parseFloat(number, 10)).toString(10);
total.innerHTML = number;
number = "";
newNumber = "";
document.querySelector(".igual").onkeypress = function(event) {
var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which);
var elm = "";
if (keycode === 49) {
elm = document.getElementById("num1");
} else if (keycode === 50) {
elm = document.getElementById("num2");
} else if (keycode === 51) {
elm = document.getElementById("num3");
Disclaimer: The code is just converted to the JavaScript equivalent, not tested with any values.

Nothing happens after Prompt

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I need it to list all the numbers from 0 to the number inputted by the prompt into the HTML. I made some suggested changes but now I only get the result for the specific number inputted, not all the numbers up to that number. I am just starting out so please be gentle. Thanks!
$(function() {
var number = parseInt(prompt("Let me see a number:"));
var result;
for(var i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
if ( i %15 == 0) {
result = "Ping-Pong";
else if (i %5 == 0) {
result = "Pong";
else if (i %3 == 0) {
result = "Ping";
else {
result = number;
document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = result;
You can do either:
for(var i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
var digit = number[i]; // or any other assigment to new digit var
if ( digit % 5 == 0) {
return "Ping-Pong";
.... rest of your code here.
if ( number % 5 == 0) {
return "Ping-Pong";
.... rest of your code here.
Problem is you did nothing after the return keyword. Also you didn't declared variable as digit. I hope this is what you are looking for.
With loop:
$(function() {
var number = parseInt(prompt("Let me see a number:"));
var result;
for (var i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
if (i % 15 == 0) { // replaced `digit` with `i`
result = "Ping-Pong";
} else if (i % 5 == 0) {
result = "Pong";
} else if (i % 3 == 0) {
result = "Ping";
} else {
result = number;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Without loop:
$(function() {
var number = parseInt(prompt("Let me see a number:"));
var result;
if (number % 15 == 0) { // replaced `digit` with `number`
result = "Ping-Pong";
} else if (number % 5 == 0) {
result = "Pong";
} else if (number % 3 == 0) {
result = "Ping";
} else {
result = number;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Ok, I figured it out. For future reference, this is what I was trying to do:
$(function() {
var number = parseInt(prompt("Let me see a number:"));
var i
var text = "";
for(i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
if ( i %15 == 0) {
text += "<br>" + "Ping Pong" + "<br>";
else if (i %5 == 0) {
text += "<br>" + "Pong" + "<br>";
else if (i %3 == 0) {
text += "<br>" + "Ping" + "<br>";
else {
text += "<br>" + i + "<br>";
document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = text;

