How to "fix" flow types when you know from the logic that the type is correct? - javascript

Well considering a function that takes/creates a maybe type (for say a number); Then another function that doesn't take this maybe type. To make it "work" I guard the function that doesn't take a maybe-type by adding a conditional around it.
A simple example:
/* #flow */
export function nullOrUndefined(val: mixed): boolean {
return val === null || val === undefined;
function foo(x: ?number) {
console.log(!nullOrUndefined(x) ? addOne(x) : null);
function addOne(x: number) {
return x + 1;
The nullOrUndefined would be a generic guard, I created it to have a simple utility function that is expressive, so I don't have to constantly type the "complex" test in line.
The above functionality would work, and would not throw an error. (So long as foo receives a number, undefined or null.
However flow gives the following error:
8: console.log(!nullOrUndefined(x) ? addOne(x) : null);
^ Cannot call `addOne` with `x` bound to `x` because null or undefined [1] is incompatible with number [2].
7: function foo(x: ?number) {
^ [1]
12: function addOne(x: number) {
^ [2]
A small test
I understand why this error occurs (flow can't look into any arbitrary function, and nullOrUndefined wouldn't even be in the same file.
But, how can I fix this? Other than // $FlowFixMe ? Or is this the case where explicit "ignore line" is correct usage?

Ah, flow has first-class support for your case. Your error can be resolved by the addition of one token: %checks.
export function nullOrUndefined(val: mixed): boolean %checks {
(try link)
%checks is used to indicate to flow that the indicated function is a type refinement predicate. Be advised, refinement in flow is pretty basic and will be very easily confused by a function basically any more complex than yours.


Is it possible to let the interpreter know my method checks for undefined/null in TypeScript

For example I have a method isEmpty that checks if anything is empty, null, or undefined and returns true if so.
However in TypeScript it doesn't let the interpreter know that this is the case and I get a red underline in my IDE (WebStorm)
Example code
let str: string | undefined = undefined
if (!isEmpty(str)) {
doSomeWorkFunction(str) // this line is shows the error 'string | undefined is not assignable to type string
However if the code is
let str: string | undefined = undefined
if (str) {
doSomeWorkFunction(str) // no error because the interpreter knows I checked the value
The fix I would like to avoid is
let str: string | undefined = undefined
if (!isEmpty(str)){
// #ts-ignore
doSomeWorkFunction(str) // no error since ts is now ignoring this error
How might I go about still keeping the TypeScript strict null checks in place without having to ignore issues like this.
TypeScript has a feature called "type guards" that helps in this situation: Specifically, it lets you tell the compiler that the return type is not just a boolean, but a boolean that means something specific about the types of the inputs. For example, you can convert a function like this
function isDefinedString(input: string | undefined): boolean
into a function like this:
function isDefinedString(input: string | undefined): input is string
The return type is still a boolean, but now the compiler will assume that the input is specifically a string and not any other type allowed by the argument declaration (in this case undefined).
Try using this signature on your existing isEmpty function declaration. Although not required to make it work, because you are adding this additional context to the function signature I'd recommend changing the name of isEmpty to reflect its dual purpose of checking emptiness and whether the variable is defined.
One caveat to returning type information is that returning false will make the compiler assume that the object is not that type. In the above example, if isDefinedString returns false then the compiler will assume that it is not a string. This runs into problems with any or generic parameters, because returning false effectively tells the compiler that there is no type (or in the compiler's words, there is "never" a type) that satisfies your criteria. While this doesn't result in an error directly, the fact that the compiler has no type that works with your object means you can't do anything meaningful with the object in the if/else branch triggered by your type guard returning false. As such, if you are using a broad type such as any or a generic, you will want to limit what your type guard says to something like input is (null | undefined) or input is MySpecificInterface if you plan to do something meaningful in both true and false cases. This trickiness may also be a sign that you want to separate your validation into two checks:
if(typeGuard(myObject)) {
if(isValid(myObject)) {
// do something with valid object
} else {
// do something with invalid object
// do nothing without an object to act upon

Flow Generic type <T> 'incompatible with object type'

Here is a simplified example for the Flow errors i'm getting when trying to annotate with generics:
// #flow
function component<T>(state: T) {
let model = deepFreeze(state);
// ^ Cannot call `deepFreeze` with `state` bound to `o`
// because `T` [1] is incompatible with object type [2].
return {
update: (state: T) => {
// etc.
function deepFreeze(o: Object) {
// etc.
return o;
It seems to me that <T> should simply track the type, whatever it is.
In this example i've used the least specific type I could find, about which the docs say: "if you need to opt-out of the type checker, and don’t want to go all the way to any, you can instead use Object".
So how is it possible to use polymorphic types, when they inevitably end up being used in a more specific way elsewhere?
Narrowing the Generic type removes the errors:
function component<T: {}>(state: T) {
From the docs:
...generics have an “unknown” type. You’re not allowed to use a generic as if it were a specific type.
You could add a type to your generic... This way you can keep the behavior of generics while only allowing certain types to be used.

Explain generics using Javascript's Flowtype

I have never written in statically typed language before. I'm mostly developing in Javascript and lately I've been interested in learning more about FB's Flowtype.
I find the documentation nicely written and I understand most of it. However I don't quite get the concept of generics. I've tried googling some examples / explanations but with no luck.
Could someone please explain what generics are, what are they mostly used for and perhaps provide an example?
Let's say I want to write a class that just stores a single value. Obviously this is contrived; I'm keeping it simple. In reality this might be some collection, like an Array, that can store more than one value.
Let's say I need to wrap a number:
class Wrap {
value: number;
constructor(v: number) {
this.value = v;
Now I can create an instance that stores a number, and I can get that number out:
const w = new Wrap(5);
So far so good. But wait, now I also want to wrap a string! If I naively just try to wrap a string, I get an error:
const w = new Wrap("foo");
Gives the error:
const w = new Wrap("foo");
^ string. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of
constructor(v: number) {
^ number
This doesn't work because I told Flow that Wrap just takes numbers. I could rename Wrap to WrapNumber, then copy it, call the copy WrapString, and change number to string inside the body. But that is tedious and now I have two copies of the same thing to maintain. If I keep copying every time I want to wrap a new type, this will quickly get out of hand.
But notice that Wrap doesn't actually operate on the value. It doesn't care whether it is number or string, or something else. It only exists to store it and give it back later. The only important invariant here is that the value you give it and the value you get back are the same type. It doesn't matter what specific type is used, just that those two values have the same one.
So, with that in mind we can add a type parameter:
class Wrap<T> {
value: T;
constructor(v: T) {
this.value = v;
T here is just a placeholder. It means "I don't care what type you put here, but it's important that everywhere T is used, it is the same type." If I pass you a Wrap<number> you can access the value property and know that it is a number. Similarly, if I pass you a Wrap<string> you know that the value for that instance is a string. With this new definition for Wrap, let's try again to wrap both a number and a string:
function needsNumber(x: number): void {}
function needsString(x: string): void {}
const wNum = new Wrap(5);
const wStr = new Wrap("foo");
Flow infers the type parameter and is able to understand that everything here will work at runtime. We also get an error, as expected, if we try to do this:
20: needsString(wNum.value);
^ number. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of
11: function needsString(x: string): void {}
^ string
(tryflow for the full example)
Generics among statically typed languages are a method of defining a single function or class that can be applied to any type dependency instead of writing a separate function/class for each possible data type. They ensure that the type of one value will always be the same at the type of another that are assigned to the same generic value.
For example, if you wanted to write a function that added two parameters together, that operation (depending on the language) could be entirely different. In JavaScript, since it is not a statically typed language to begin with, you can do this anyway and type check within the function, however Facebook's Flow allows for type consistency and validation in addition to single definitions.
function add<T>(v1: T, v2: T): T {
if (typeof v1 == 'string')
return `${v1} ${v2}`
else if (typeof v1 == 'object')
return { ...v1, ...v2 }
return v1 + v2
In this example we define a function with a generic type T and say that all parameters will be of the same type T and the function will always return the same type T. Inside of the function since we know that the parameters will always be of the same type, we can test the type of one of them using standard JavaScript and return what we perceive and "addition" for that type to be.
When in use later in our code, this function can then be called as:
add(2, 3) // 5
add('two', 'three') // 'two three'
add({ two: 2 }, { three: 3 }) // { two: 2, three: 3 }
But will throw typing errors if we attempt:
add(2, 'three')
add({ two: 2 }, 3)
// etc.
Basically, it's just a placeholder for a type.
When using a generic type, we are saying that any Flow type can be used here instead.
By putting <T> before the function arguments, we're saying that this function can (but doesn't have to) use a generic type T anywhere within its arguments list, its body, and as its return type.
Let's look at their basic example:
function identity<T>(value: T): T {
return value;
This means that the parameter value within identity will have some type, which isn't known in advance. Whatever that type is, the return value of identity must match that type as well.
const x: string = identity("foo"); // x === "foo"
const y: string = identity(123); // Error
An easy way to think about generics is to imagine one of the primitive types instead of T and see how that would work, then understand that this primitive type can be substituted for any other.
In terms of identity: think of it as a function that accepts a [string] and returns a [string]. Then understand that [string] can be any other valid flow type as well.
This means identity is a function that accepts T and returns a T, where T is any flow type.
The docs also have this helpful analogy:
Generic types work a lot like variables or function parameters except that they are used for types.
Note: Another word for this concept is polymorphism.

Optional leading parameters in TypeScript

While converting a JavaScript library protocol into TypeScript, I stumbled upon use of leading optional parameters, as opposed to regular / trailing ones.
A method in JavaScript:
db.task(function (context) {
// executing task
has an optional name for the task that can be injected in front:
db.task('myTaskName', function (context) {
// executing task
This is done to make the code more readable, having the task name up in front, as opposed to somewhere in the end, which would look wrong / unintuitive.
How does one code around such parameters in TypeScript?
I know I can declare both parameters as optional, but this wouldn't be the case, because the callback function is required as either the first or the second parameter. And if it makes this any simpler, we could say - the last parameter must be a callback function.
The accepted answer uses a few hacky things:
Type Assertion : Do not use this unless you have to. It is dangerous : Instead one should use a type guard :
Leaves the method open for erroneous calls (e.g. myDefinedMethod('test') i.e. no callback is provided). Instead one should use function overloading :
The right way to do this
Here is an example:
type Cb = (context: any) => any;
function task(cb: Cb);
function task(name: string, cb: Cb);
function task(nameOrCb: string | Cb, cb?: Cb) {
if (typeof nameOrCb === 'string') {
const name = nameOrCb; // You can see that `name` has the inferred type `string`
// do something
else {
const cb = nameOrCb; // You can see that `cb` has inferred type `Cb`
// do something
// Tests
task((a) => null); // Ok
task('test', (a) => null) // Ok
// Type Safety
task((a, b) => null); // Error: function does not match type cb
task('test'); // Error: `cb` must be provided for this overload
If you mean when you are defining parameters in your function you would mark them with the ? symbol for optional and use the | to show the various types that could be injected. In the function itself you have to see what was passed in to which function. RequireJS does this in their define functions and they have a .d.ts (definitely typed) file that shows this.
Example with a method/function
// definition
function myDefinedMethod(callback: (someVar:any)=>any):void;
function myDefinedMethod(name: string, callBack: (someVar: any) => any): void;
function myDefinedMethod(nameOrCallback: string | ((someVar:any)=>any), callBack ?: (someVar: any) => any): void {
var name = "";
if (typeof nameOrCallback === 'string') {
name = nameOrCallback;
else {
callBack = nameOrCallback;
// both name and callback are now defined although name can be empty
// do something
This approach uses method overloading to ensure type safety, this will prevent a caller from calling the method with only a string at transpile time (as typescript is not compiled).
In the 3rd function definition the parameter nameOrCallback could be either the function or the name of the parameter. If it is a string then the callback cannot be undefined.
Thank you #basarat, I have updated my answer based on your feedback. This is indeed a better structure as you are ensuring the caller cannot execute your method without supplying the expected mandatory parameters like the callback. I did use Function before but only as a placeholder for whatever function definition that the OP would want to use and was not intended as a final type parameter. To clarify this I have updated the code with an inline callback definition like yours.
Again, thank you for your input. This does indeed make the code better by ensuring type safety and ensuring that a caller can only call the method as intended.

How best to determine if an argument is not sent to the JavaScript function

I have now seen 2 methods for determining if an argument has been passed to a JavaScript function. I'm wondering if one method is better than the other or if one is just bad to use?
function Test(argument1, argument2) {
if (Test.arguments.length == 1) argument2 = 'blah';
function Test(argument1, argument2) {
argument2 = argument2 || 'blah';
As far as I can tell, they both result in the same thing, but I've only used the first one before in production.
Another Option as mentioned by Tom:
function Test(argument1, argument2) {
if(argument2 === null) {
argument2 = 'blah';
As per Juan's comment, it would be better to change Tom's suggestion to:
function Test(argument1, argument2) {
if(argument2 === undefined) {
argument2 = 'blah';
There are several different ways to check if an argument was passed to a function. In addition to the two you mentioned in your (original) question - checking arguments.length or using the || operator to provide default values - one can also explicitly check the arguments for undefined via argument2 === undefined or typeof argument2 === 'undefined' if one is paranoid (see comments).
Using the || operator has become standard practice - all the cool kids do it - but be careful: The default value will be triggered if the argument evaluates to false, which means it might actually be undefined, null, false, 0, '' (or anything else for which Boolean(...) returns false).
So the question is when to use which check, as they all yield slightly different results.
Checking arguments.length exhibits the 'most correct' behaviour, but it might not be feasible if there's more than one optional argument.
The test for undefined is next 'best' - it only 'fails' if the function is explicitly called with an undefined value, which in all likelyhood should be treated the same way as omitting the argument.
The use of the || operator might trigger usage of the default value even if a valid argument is provided. On the other hand, its behaviour might actually be desired.
To summarize: Only use it if you know what you're doing!
In my opinion, using || is also the way to go if there's more than one optional argument and one doesn't want to pass an object literal as a workaround for named parameters.
Another nice way to provide default values using arguments.length is possible by falling through the labels of a switch statement:
function test(requiredArg, optionalArg1, optionalArg2, optionalArg3) {
switch(arguments.length) {
case 1: optionalArg1 = 'default1';
case 2: optionalArg2 = 'default2';
case 3: optionalArg3 = 'default3';
case 4: break;
default: throw new Error('illegal argument count')
// do stuff
This has the downside that the programmer's intention is not (visually) obvious and uses 'magic numbers'; it is therefore possibly error prone.
If you are using jQuery, one option that is nice (especially for complicated situations) is to use jQuery's extend method.
function foo(options) {
default_options = {
timeout : 1000,
callback : function(){},
some_number : 50,
some_text : "hello world"
options = $.extend({}, default_options, options);
If you call the function then like this:
foo({timeout : 500});
The options variable would then be:
timeout : 500,
callback : function(){},
some_number : 50,
some_text : "hello world"
This is one of the few cases where I find the test:
if(! argument2) {
works quite nicely and carries the correct implication syntactically.
(With the simultaneous restriction that I wouldn't allow a legitimate null value for argument2 which has some other meaning; but that would be really confusing.)
This is a really good example of a stylistic difference between loosely-typed and strongly-typed languages; and a stylistic option that javascript affords in spades.
My personal preference (with no criticism meant for other preferences) is minimalism. The less the code has to say, as long as I'm consistent and concise, the less someone else has to comprehend to correctly infer my meaning.
One implication of that preference is that I don't want to - don't find it useful to - pile up a bunch of type-dependency tests. Instead, I try to make the code mean what it looks like it means; and test only for what I really will need to test for.
One of the aggravations I find in some other peoples' code is needing to figure out whether or not they expect, in the larger context, to actually run into the cases they are testing for. Or if they are trying to test for everything possible, on the chance that they don't anticipate the context completely enough. Which means I end up needing to track them down exhaustively in both directions before I can confidently refactor or modify anything. I figure that there's a good chance they might have put those various tests in place because they foresaw circumstances where they would be needed (and which usually aren't apparent to me).
(I consider that a serious downside in the way these folks use dynamic languages. Too often people don't want to give up all the static tests, and end up faking it.)
I've seen this most glaringly in comparing comprehensive ActionScript 3 code with elegant javascript code. The AS3 can be 3 or 4 times the bulk of the js, and the reliability I suspect is at least no better, just because of the number (3-4X) of coding decisions that were made.
As you say, Shog9, YMMV. :D
In ES6 (ES2015) you can use Default parameters
function Test(arg1 = 'Hello', arg2 = 'World!'){
alert(arg1 + ' ' +arg2);
Test('Hello', 'World!'); // Hello World!
Test('Hello'); // Hello World!
Test(); // Hello World!
url = url === undefined ? location.href : url;
There are significant differences. Let's set up some test cases:
var unused; // value will be undefined
Test("test1", "some value");
Test("test3", unused);
Test("test4", null);
Test("test5", 0);
Test("test6", "");
With the first method you describe, only the second test will use the default value. The second method will default all but the first (as JS will convert undefined, null, 0, and "" into the boolean false. And if you were to use Tom's method, only the fourth test will use the default!
Which method you choose really depends on your intended behavior. If values other than undefined are allowable for argument2, then you'll probably want some variation on the first; if a non-zero, non-null, non-empty value is desired, then the second method is ideal - indeed, it is often used to quickly eliminate such a wide range of values from consideration.
I'm sorry, I still yet cant comment, so to answer Tom's answer...
In javascript (undefined != null) == false
In fact that function wont work with "null", you should use "undefined"
There is a tricky way as well to find, whether a parameter is passed to a function or not. Have a look at the below example:
this.setCurrent = function(value) {
this.current = value || 0;
This necessary means that if the value of value is not present/passed - set it to 0.
Pretty cool huh!
Why not using the !! operator? This operator, placed before the variable, turn it to a boolean (if I've understood well), so !!undefined and !!null (and even !!NaN, which can be quite interesting) will return false.
Here is an exemple:
function foo(bar){
foo("hey") //=> will log true
foo() //=> will log false
Sometimes you want undefined as a possible argument but you still have situations where the argument may not be passed. In that case you can use arguments.length to check how many arguments were passed.
// Throw error if the field is not matching our expectations
function testField(label, fieldValue, expectedValue) {
console.log(arguments) // Gives: [Arguments] { '0': 'id', '1': 1, '2': undefined }
if(arguments.length === 2) {
if(!fieldValue) {
throw new Error(`Field "${label}" must have a value`)
else if(expectedValue === undefined) {
if(fieldValue !== undefined) {
throw Error(`Field "${label}" must NOT have a value`)
// We stringify so our check works for objects as well
else {
if(JSON.stringify(fieldValue) !== JSON.stringify(expectedValue)) {
throw Error(`Field "${label}" must equal ${expectedValue} but was ${fieldValue}`)
testField('id', 12) -> Passes, we don't want id to be blank
testField('id', undefined, undefined) -> Passes, we want id to be undefined
testField('id', 12, undefined) -> Errors, we wanted id to be undefined
It can be convenient to approach argument detection by evoking your function with an Object of optional properties:
function foo(options) {
var config = { // defaults
list: 'string value',
of: [a, b, c],
optional: {x: y},
objects: function(param){
// do stuff here
if(options !== undefined){
for (i in config) {
if (config.hasOwnProperty(i)){
if (options[i] !== undefined) { config[i] = options[i]; }
Some times you may also want to check for type, specially if you are using the function as getter and setter. The following code is ES6 (will not run in EcmaScript 5 or older):
class PrivateTest {
constructor(aNumber) {
let _aNumber = aNumber;
//Privileged setter/getter with access to private _number:
this.aNumber = function(value) {
if (value !== undefined && (typeof value === typeof _aNumber)) {
_aNumber = value;
else {
return _aNumber;
function example(arg) {
var argumentID = '0'; //1,2,3,4...whatever
if (argumentID in arguments === false) {
console.log(`the argument with id ${argumentID} was not passed to the function`);
Because arrays inherit from Object.prototype. Consider ⇑ to make the world better.
fnCalledFunction(Param1,Param2, window.YourOptionalParameter)
If above function is called from many places and you are sure first 2 parameters are passed from every where but not sure about 3rd parameter then you can use window.
window.param3 will handle if it is not defined from the caller method.

