Remove wrapper div from document.createElement - javascript

I've been stuck on this for the longest time and it's driving me nuts. I've tried a dozen different methods and can't figure out how to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks
Here's my code:
function runScript() {
//get parent of script element
var element = document.currentScript.parentElement;
//my html string that needs to be inserted inside the original div
var item = "<div>test1</div><div>test2</div>";
//My current method. this method works but creates another wrapper div. I need a way to remove the wrapper div or a different method altogether without any wrapper divs.
var z = document.createElement('div');
z.innerHTML = item;
<div id="main-wrapper">

function runScript() {
//get parent of script element
var element = document.currentScript.parentElement;
//my html string that needs to be inserted inside the original div
var item = "<div>test1</div><div>test2</div>";
element.innerHTML = item;
<div id="main-wrapper">

As you've tagged with jQuery, you can create the element as follow:
<script src=""></script>
function runScript() {
var item = "<div>test1</div><div>test2</div>";
<div id="main-wrapper">

You can use the insertAdjacentHTML method.
function runScript() {
//get parent of script element
var element = document.currentScript.parentElement;
//my html string that needs to be inserted inside the original div
var item = "<div>test1</div><div>test2</div>";
element.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', item);
<div id="main-wrapper">
Or use a template instead of a DIV.
function runScript() {
//get parent of script element
var element = document.currentScript.parentElement;
//my html string that needs to be inserted inside the original div
var item = "<div>test1</div><div>test2</div>";
var z = document.createElement('template');
z.innerHTML = item;
<div id="main-wrapper">


appendChild where javascript is included

I want to be able to create a JavaScript element where the script is included.
<script src='addDiv.js'></script>
The addDiv.js simply adds a customized div as below:
var element = document.createElement("div");
element.setAttribute("id", "myspecialdiv");
I want to add this div wherever this script is included instead of at the end of body. Is there a way to achieve this ?
In most modern browsers you can use document.currentScript;
function replaceScript(el, text) {
let p = document.createElement('p')
p.innerText = text;
replaceScript(document.currentScript, 'Test 1');
replaceScript(document.currentScript, 'Test 2');

how can I show a hidden text to frame 2 when div in frame 1 is clicked?

i'm having trouble with iframes. what i want to happen is that, everytime i will click a div layer from the frame1 i want the content of that(the hidden text from frame1) to be displayed inside the frame2, but i can't. i don't know. any help is appreciated. thank you in advance. i jjust got this code from the internet and applied it to mine.
this is the sample code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function setVisibility(id, visibility) {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = visibility;
html code:
<div class = "list-container" onclick="setVisibility('dev-01', 'inline');";>hello</div><div id = "dev-01" style = "display:none;" target = "frame2">hello people</div>
You don't have access from html to js you need add listener to first div from js script
<div id="first" class = "list-container">hello</div>
<div id = "dev-01" style = "display:none;" target = "frame2">
hello people</div>
(function () {
'use strict';
var el = document.getElementById("first")
el && el.addEventListener("click", clickFirst);
function clickFirst () {
setVisibility('dev-01', 'inline');
function setVisibility(id, visibility) {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = visibility;

append child after the node of the script that made the call

When the call bellow is done the class creates a set of elements (a form) and then I want to append them right after the script that called it.
I have been looking at various similar questions but the best of them simply append it after the last script on the page.
It would work nicely in the head but not the body.
<script type="text/javascript">
new exampleClass();
You should have some type of unique identification to find and append elements after the script. You can use document.getElementById() if you have id, or document.getElementsByTagName("script") to get script elements and get the required script element and then use appendChild()
Ok, here is the horrible hack mentioned.
<script type="text/javascript">
<div>More stuff</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
new ExampleClass();
<div>More stuff</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div>More stuff</div>
function noop() {}
function appendAfter(node, newNode) {
if (node.nextSibling) {
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node.nextSibling);
} else {
function ExampleClass() {
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"),
div = document.createElement("div"),
length = scripts.length,
i = 0,
while (i < length) {
script = scripts[i];
if (script.firstChild && script.firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf("ExampleClass()") !== -1) {
appendAfter(script, div);
i += 1;
}, false);
On jsfiddle
Based on some of your comments and some other similar I have thought of doing something like this and it seems to work.
// Generate random string we can use as element id
var rs = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);;
// Document write an empty div with the above string as id
document.write('<div id="' + rs + '"></div>');
// Get the element to use for append
var ip = document.getElementById(rs);
Please feel free to comment if you think it may have a fatal flaw.

creating a list in html using jQuery append not working

I've been staring at this code for hours now, any input appreciated.
I want to create a list in a HTML file from an array of objects using jquery append, but it justs stays blank.
<script src="jquery-1.10.0.js"></script>
<script src="test.js"></script>
<div id="list">
<div id="template">
<div class="info">
<a class="url"></a>
function update(events) {
var eventList = $('#list');
function(_event) {
var eventsHtml = $('#template .info').clone();
.attr('href', _event.url);
var events = [{title:'fu',url:'bar'}, {title:'bar',url:'fu'}];
Assuming the JS code you show is contained in test.js, either move this line:
<script src="test.js"></script> the end of the body (just before the closing </body> tag), or wrap your code in a $(document).ready() handler.
The way you currently have it, this line:
var eventList = $('#list')
...doesn't find the '#list' element because the script runs before the element is parsed. Same problem with finding '#template .info'.
You could wrap all of the code in a ready handler, or if you need to be able to call the update() function from elsewhere just wrap the initial call:
$(document).ready(function() {
var events = [{title:'fu',url:'bar'}, {title:'bar',url:'fu'}];
Use the following JS code:
var events = [{title:'fu',url:'bar'}, {title:'bar',url:'fu'}];
var eventList = $('#list');
function(_event) {
var eventsHtml = $('#template .info').clone();
.attr('href', _event.url);

Change element text without jQuery?

I am trying to change the contents of a div without using jQuery. I want to select the div by id or class.
Ive managed to get append to work:
function appendHtml(targetC, htmldata) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById(targetC);
var newNode = document.createElement('div');
newNode.innerHTML = htmldata;
But cant figure out how to change text of one..
Any ideas?
see this fiddle for a basic sample
function bold(targetC) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById(targetC);
theDiv.innerHTML = '<b>' + theDiv.innerHTML + '</b>';
<body onload='bold("message")'>
<div>Hello, World!</div>
<div id="message">What a nice day!</div>
<div id="foo">old text</div>
The JS code:
function appendHtml(targetC, htmldata) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById(targetC);
theDiv.innerHTML = htmldata;
appendHtml('foo', 'new text');
Here is a fiddle:
simply change the html of a div by using innerHTML
var anyDiv = document.getElementById(targetID);
html = "content";
as a variation of your provided function:
function changeHtml(targetC, htmldata) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById(targetC);
theDIV.innerHTML = htmldata;
Here is a fiddle that might answer your question. All I changed was getting the element before and then passing it in.
function appendHtml(targetC, htmldata) {
var newNode = document.createElement('div');
newNode.innerHTML = htmldata;
var getDiv = document.getElementById("testing");

