What is wrong with the logic of my character changing function? - javascript

I've tried to create a character changing function for strings, it suppose to change all the "-" to "_", and it only does it for the first character and leaves the rest. If someone could explain it would be grate.
function kebabToSnake(str) {
var idNum = str.length;
for(var i = 0; i <= idNum; i++) {
var nStr = str.replace("-", "_");
return nStr;

var nStr = str.replace("-", "_");
So, on each iteration, you're replacing the first found - character in the original string, not the string that you've already replaced characters from already. You can either call .replace on just one variable that you reassign:
function kebabToSnake(str) {
var idNum = str.length;
for(var i = 0; i < idNum; i++) {
str = str.replace("-", "_");
return str;
(note that you should iterate from 0 to str.length - 1, not from 0 to str.length)
Or, much, much more elegantly, use a global regular expression:
function kebabToSnake(str) {
return str.replace(/-/g, '_');


How to remove everything from string after the last character?

I am practicing and I wrote length of last word in JS.
var lengthOfLastWord = function (s) {
var words = s.split(" ");
var len = words.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (len == 1){
var last_element = words[0];
else {
var last_element = words[len - 1];
return last_element.length;
But it doesn't work well if
s = 'a '
s = 'Hello.'
How to write substring to remove everything except characters?
I would suggest you to try the following code:
s = 'Hello. '
The trim() function removes all whitespaces from your String.
You can use regex to replace charachters those are not in a-z or A-Z or 0-9. or simply just use \W in regex expression :
var last_element = words[len - 1].replace(/\W/g, "");

Why is my for loop using push inside a function not working?

I am trying to pass a phrase through a function so that every first letter is capitalized and everything else is lower case. I have the following function:
function titleCase(str) {
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= str.length; i++) {
str = str.split(' ');
str = str[i].toLowerCase();
str = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1, str.length);
array = array.push(str);
return array.push(str);
titleCase("SenTencE TesT");
Without the for loop the function works and will lowercase everything and then capitalize the first letter of each word.
A lot of ways to do it, but try this...
function titleCase(string) {
var array = string.split(' ');
var newString = '';
for (var i = 0; i <= array.length-1; i++) {
array[i] = array[i].toLowerCase();
array[i] = array[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + array[i].substr(1, array[i].length);
newString += array[i] + ' ';
return newString.trim();
console.log( titleCase("SenTencE TesT") );
1) Don't name your variable array, that is a JavaScript reserved word, you can use "arr" for example.
2) In your code you are splitting the sentence in to an array of words but you are only applying the toLowerCase to the first word.
3) There's a much cleaner way to achieve the result you want:
function capitalize(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase();
console.log( capitalize("sentence TesT") );
Hope it helps.

Reverse string to find palindromes in JavaScript

I have two strings. The first is normal string, the second I want to be a reversed string like first one, but in the console I didn't get the look of like first one listed by commas. How can I fix that ?
Normal string -
Revered string -
window.onload = function(){
inputBox = document.getElementById("myText");
btn = document.getElementById('sub');
str = inputBox.value;
function findPalindromes(str) {
var words = str.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < words.length - 1; i++) {
words[i] += " ";
var newString = "";
for (var i = words.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
newString += words[i];
If you really just want to find out if a string is a palindrome, you can do something as simple as this:
function isPalindrome(str) {
return str.toLowerCase() === str.toLowerCase().split('').reverse().join('');
The first for loop is not necessary. You do not need to concatenate a space character " " to the element of the array, where the variable assignment i
var i = 0;
and condition
i < words.length - 1;
stops before reaching last element of array.
var newString = "";
for (var i = words.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
newString += words[i] + " ";
In your "normal" string example, you're printing words to the console. Let's first look at what words is: var words = str.split(" ");
The String.split() function returns an array of strings. So your "normal" string is actually an array of strings (The brackets [] and comma separated strings in the console output indicate this).
In the second example, you're logging newString. Let's look at where it comes from: var newString = "";
newString is a String. If you want it to be an array of strings like words, you would declare it with var newString = [];. Arrays do not support += so newString += words[i]; would become newString.push(words[i]);
The above explains how to get newString to behave like words, the code you've written is not looking for a palindrome word, but rather a palindrome sentence: "Bob is Bob" is not a palindrome (reversed it is "boB si boB") but it could be a Palindrome sentence (if such a thing exists).
Thanks to all, I wrote this solution for the problem. I hope this is the right answer.
window.onload = function(){
inputBox = document.getElementById("myText");
btn = document.getElementById('sub');
str = inputBox.value;
function findPalindromes(str) {
var words = str.split(" "),
newString = [];
for (var i = 0; i < words.length - 1; i++) {
if ((words[i] === words[i].split('').reverse().join('')) === true) {
var words = " ";
function reverse_arr(arr){
var i = arr.length - 1;
while(i >= 0){
words += a[i] + " ";
return words;

Counting vowels in javascript

I use this code to search and count vowels in the string,
a = "run forest, run";
a = a.split(" ");
var syl = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < a[i].length - 1; i2++) {
if ('aouie'.search(a[i][i2]) > -1) {
alert(syl + " vowels")
Obviously it should alert up 4 vowels, but it returns 3.
What's wrong and how you can simplify it?
Try this:
var syl = ("|"+a+"|").split(/[aeiou]/i).length-1;
The | ensures there are no edge cases, such as having a vowel at the start or end of the string.
Regarding your code, your if condition needs no i2
if('aouie'.search(a[i]) > -1){
I wonder, why all that use of arrays and nested loops, the below regex could do it better,
var str = "run forest, run";
var matches = str.match(/[aeiou]/gi);
var count = matches ? matches.length : 0;
alert(count + " vowel(s)");
a = "run forest, run";
var syl = 0;
for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
if('aouie'.search(a[i]) > -1){
alert(syl+" vowels")
First, the split is useless since you can already cycle through every character.
Second: you need to use i<a.length, this gets the last character in the string, too.
The simplest way is
You can use the .match to compare a string to a regular expression. g is global which will run through the entire string. i makes the string readable as upper and lower case.
function getVowels(str) {
var m = str.match(/[aeiou]/gi);
return m === null ? 0 : m.length;

Split a string using regex

I have a string and I want is split into an array so that it is split by '+' unless it is inside brackets
E.g. the string
["abc", "OR", "def", "OR", "(abc+AND+def)"]
and the string
["(abc+AND+cde)", "OR", "(abc+AND+(cde+AND+fgh)"]
Is it possible to do this using regular expressions?
You can do this with regex, but only with that languages that support recursive regular expression (for example, perl or any language wit PCRE).
It is not easy with JavaScript regexes, because they do not support recursion.
But it is possible using XRegExp using additional plugin:
Also please check these two links:
I don't think you could do this with regex. EDIT: per Silver, you could use regex.
One way would be to just parse the string character by character. I'll edit my answer with code in a minute.
EDIT: Here's a sample implementation (note: untested, may have a bug or two):
function parseString (str) {
var splitStr = [], parentheses = 0, i = 0
for (var j = 0; j < str.length; j++) {
if (str[j] == '+' && !parentheses)
else if (str[j] == '(')
else if (str[j] == ')')
splitStr[i] += str[j]
return splitStr
You can use the match method of String object to do this and use the following regex:
This regular expression would suit your needs.
See it in action here.
There is one small problem: Negative lookbehind (?!=...) is not implemented in the javascript regular expression parser.
For anyone who is learning regular expressions, here is a walkthrough:
(?!=\([\w\+]+) is a negative lookbehind. It means "not preceeded by ..." In this case, we're looking for something not preceeded by (lettersOr+.
\+ is what we are looking for. A plus sign (escaped)
(?![\w+\+]+\)) is a negative lookahead. It means "not followed by ..." In this case, we're looking for something not followed by lettersOr+)
This function should work for you:
var splitPlusNoParenthesis = function(str){
//Replace the parenthStrings with the placeholder
var parenthStrings = getParenthesizedStrings(str);
for(var i = 0; i < parenthStrings.length; i++){
str = str.replace(parenthStrings[i], PARENTH_STRING_PLACE_HOLDER);
//Split on '+'
var splitString = str.split('+');
//Replace all placeholders with the actual values
var parIndex = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < splitString.length; i++){
if(splitString[i] === PARENTH_STRING_PLACE_HOLDER){
splitString[i] = parenthStrings[parIndex++];
return splitString;
var getParenthesizedStrings = function(str){
var parenthStrings = [];
for(var startIndex = 0; startIndex < str.length; startIndex++){
if(str[startIndex] === '('){
var parenthCount = 1;
var endIndex = startIndex + 1;
for(; endIndex < str.length; endIndex++){
var character = str[endIndex];
if(character === '('){
} else if(character === ')'){
parenthStrings.push(str.substring(startIndex, endIndex + 1));
startIndex = endIndex;
return parenthStrings;
Here's a fiddle to test.

