Npm crashing error when trying to deploy build - javascript

I am working on a Discord Bot and trying to host it off of Heroku. I ran into this particular error while going through this process and I am unsure how to proceed.
I am unsure what to try here or what these errors mean. This shows up in the Heroku logs for my app.
I am just trying to use Heroku to host my bot but this am running into this issue while attempting to do this.


zsh: command not found: sls

I am running a node js application with AWS.
This is server less application therefore when I am trying to install through this
Things are working fine till here.. after that when I am trying to run sls offline I am getting this error.
zsh: command not found: sls
Can anybody help me what I am missing here. Also I have places all the access details of my AWS creads in AWS credentials.

How to deploy the application of bodgeit store on Heroku

the bodgeit store ( was running on that same url. now its not working and I wanted to host it again but new for Heroku.
Here is the GitHub link for that application ( I tried deploying it on herokuapp but it failed with error "not able to identify Buildpack"
Can you please tell me that process to deploy it on Heroku app?
Thanks in advance!

Discord bot works fine hosted locally but if i try and host it on heroku it says "Error: Cannot find module 'discord.js'"

Discord bot works fine locally on discord server but when hosting on Heroku it says "Error: Cannot find module 'discord.js'"
what can I do to fix this? (first time making a discord bot)
I am not sure what to do to fix this so haven't tried anything other than checking the code
the code should be fine because it works on my discord server when I host it locally
but all the code is posted here (
also, I have removed the bot token while I get help it's normally there
I expect it to be hosted on Heroku but it says "Error: Cannot find module 'discord.js'" even though discord.js in the bot folder and it works fine on my discord server locally hosted
You don't have discord.js in your dependencies within package.json.
npm install discord.js --save
Then push it to Heroku.

Running Nodejs on Managed Hosting server but the website goes down after some interval

I am facing this problem from last two weeks.
I am accessing and running server from puTTy terminal. Earlier i was facing problem that when i close my puTTy terminal the website showed 503 error, despite of using 'nohup' command.
nohup npm start --production &
Then i tried using 'Screen' , now if i close my terminal , the website is still live but after some hours (20-24) the Screen is dead and the server is also down.
Please give me a solution to run node.js app in production without the hassle of this 503 error

How do I add information to my Heroku database?

I am currently trying to deploy a Node.js application to Heroku. The website is working until I try and login or do other operations that call the database. I have the database attached and keep getting the Error: write EPIPE error. From what I can tell from my research, it seems like I need a worker process. Right now I have my web process as ./bin/www and I do not know what to set my worker process to. I tried setting it to the same thing, but the app crashes. How do I add information from my app to a Heroku database?

