posting one value using ajax (frontend) - javascript

I have a problem with connection frontend-backend. I would like to send one value (radio1Value) from javascript function (on click) using jquery ajax. This function should look like I have wrote?
If yes how should REST look in Java? Should this number that backend have received be in function Get() as a parameter?
url: "someurl",
method: "post",
data: radio1Value
success: function (response) {
public int Get(){
//check in matrix if number from radiovalue exists
After checking I would like to send response from backend to frontend.
After advices here what I have got:
var radio1Value;
var ifEnoughShips;
radio1Value = $("input[name='stat']:checked").val();
//sending radiovalue
url : "localhost:8126/ship",
method : "get",
data : radio1Value
success: function (response) {
public class RestTest{
#Path("abc/{ship}") //here I am not sure because I dont wanna use path
public int CheckHowMany(#PathParam("ship") Integer ship){
Checker ch1 = new Checker();
int res=ch1.CheckNumber(ship);
return res; //0 if number doesn't exists 1 if it does

You can use the #PathParam notation.
public int Get(#PathParam("ship") Integer ship){
//check in matrix if number from radiovalue exists
return 1; // Return your success int
After you are done in your function you can return anything you want to the frontend. Also when you are using ajax make sure you are calling your backend via a GET method and appending the parameter in the call url.
url: "someurl",
type: "get", //send it through get method
data: radio1Value,
success: function(response) {
//Do Something
error: function(xhr) {
//Do Something to handle error

I am assuming that url : "someurl", is just a placeholder and will actually contain the correct value. Make sure that you're sending the request to since ship is the URL that your Java framework listens to (#Path("/{ship}")
You need to set the correct method header.
You're sending method : "post", while your Java endpoint expects #Get. The Java framework will probably not match the POST request with a GET action.
You need to receive a parameter that the Java framework you are using will be able to bind it to. Probably you need to do this:
public int Get(string radio1Value) {
//check in matrix if number from radiovalue exists
What you need to fix is:
Use the correct URL
Use the correct method (use GET or POST in both the request and action)
Have the action receive a parameter so the value you send is obtainable
Edit: for the onclick part you need to wrap your ajax request into an event using jQuery (since you're using this library). You do this like this:
<button id="execute_on_click">Send request</button>
and in your javascript:
$("#execute_on_click").click(function(event) {
url: "localhost:8126/ship",
method: "get",
data: radio1Value
success: function (response) {


Trying to make an Ajax call to a web form method and getting an internal server error. I have tried almost all solutions to similar questions

The function getClientData() gets called from one of the anchor tags in a grid's column. The anchor tag has a couple of Data-Tags which are passed to the code behind method. I have to perform some DB operation through these parameters but before that I wanted to make sure if this prototype would work.
This is how the anchor tag looks:
This is my Javascript method:
function getClientData() {
//var dataValue = { "keyData":"data-kt"), "valueData":"data-kv")};
type: "GET",
url: "Clients.aspx/GetClientData",
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: JSON.stringify({ keyData:"data-kt"), valueData:"data-kv")}),
dataType: 'json',
error: function (error) {
success: function (result) {
alert("Success: " + result );
I put a break point here and it never gets triggered. This is my web method in the code behind file:
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = false)]
public string GetClientData(string keyData, string valueData)
string result = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyData) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueData))
result = "Decrypted String!";
return result;
This is the URL that gets created for the POST request "http://localhost:60825/Clients.aspx/GetClientData?{%22keyData%22:%22Cpuqsrtsotmfegrhsi-jikdbCvuwsxtcodmeelrmI-Dn-ovpcqSresctrfegthKiejy%22,%22valueData%22:%221p7q9%22}". Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.
I am not sure how you configured routing but based on your API method (code behind) your data should be formatted in following manner:
Method 1:
As you can see, instead passing stringified JSON object I am sending data in format of query string where keyData and valueData has corresponding values.
Method 2:
If you prefer to send stringified JSON you can modify your Payload in URL like this:
Here I am sending stringified JSON as data parameter in query string. For that purpose your code behing method needs to be like this:
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = false)]
public string GetClientData(string data)
string result = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyData) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueData))
result = "Decrypted String!";
return result;

Controller Action method return string or Redirect to another action with ajax post request

I am calling MVC action method through jquery ajax post. This action method will either return a string value or if certain condition in action method is true it will redirect to another action method. The problem is whenever i am trying to redirect to another action method the ajax post is executing the error block and whenever the action method is returning a string value it works fine. I don't want to use html form post. Below is my code:
function VerifyCreds() {
type: "POST",
url: "/Login/Verify",
data: '{Username: "' + $("#txtUsername").val() + '",Password: "' + $("#txtPassword").val() + '" }',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
failure: function (response) {
error: function (response) {
public ActionResult Verify(string Username, string Password)
string Response = "0";
EmployeeEntities ent = new EmployeeEntities();
var val = ent.VerifyUser(Username, Password);
Response = val.FirstOrDefault().ToString();
if (Response == "1")
return this.RedirectToAction("LandingPage");
return Content(Response);
public ActionResult LandingPage()
return View();
You are explicitly specifying json as the data type. that means, your ajax method expects the response from the server as a json string. The jQuery ajax method will use JSON.parse method to create a JavaScript object from this json string and pass it to the callback. When you do a redirect from server, it is not returning a 200 OK response back, but a 302 redirect response back and browser will usually makes a new call to the location header value of the response. You are getting the error callback of the ajax method because the server is returning some string which cannot be safely converted to a JavaScript object using JSON.parse. (My guess is that the response for the LandingPage call!. Check the network tab to see what response is coming)
If you absolutely want to handle this situation, you may better return a proper JSON structure in both the cases and inspect this json data at client side and do a redirect as needed.
I also suggest you to use the appropriate types. Use int instead of storing a number in a string variable.
public ActionResult Verify(string Username, string Password)
var ent = new EmployeeEntities();
var val = ent.VerifyUser(Username, Password);
var response = val.FirstOrDefault();
if (response == 1)
return Json(new { status="redirect", url = Url.Action("LandingPage")});
return Json(new { status="success", message = "Valid login" });
and in the success event of your ajax call, inspect this json data and based on the status property, do a redirect or show a message to the user.
success: function (response) {
window.location.href = response.url;
You can also totally remove dataType: "json", from your ajax call. jQuery will intelligently guess the type based on the response headers and use that. Since we are explicitly returning Json from our action method, the response Content-Type header value will be application/json

Is it possible for a Java controller to pass an attribute to a success ajax call?

As the title says, I want to pass a variable from a controller to a success ajax call function but is it possible? For example:
I have a Java class with a controller like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "checkFruit", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView checkFruit(HttpServletRequest request, String fruitInput) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
if (fruitInput.equals("apple")) {
modelAndView.addObject("fruitType", 1); //This is what I want to pass to the success ajax call.
} else if (fruitInput.equals("orange") {
modelAndView.addObject("fruitType", 2); //This is what I want to pass to the success ajax call.
return modelAndView;
And a jsp view with an ajax call like this:
$("#checkFruitBtn").click(function () {
var fruitInput = $("input[name=fruitInput]").val();
type: 'POST',
url: 'checkFruit',
data: 'fruitInput=' + fruitInput,
success: function () {
var fruitType= ${fruitType}; //I want to get the attribule of that "fruitType" variable set in the controller. But this is where things went wrong.
if (fruitType == 1) {
alert("This is an apple.");
} else if (fruitType == 2) {
alert("This is an orange.");
window.location.href = "/someURL";
In the above example. When I click the button "checkFruitBtn", it will send an ajax call to the controller "checkFruit". And in this controller, I'll set a variable "fruitType" to send it to the success ajax call function. In this success ajax call function, I'll get the value of the "fruitType" variable to check it and show alert message according to its value... But, things aren't going as planned.
My question is, is there a possible way of getting the value of that "fruitType" variable? I've searched for a getting method but I still can't find one that fitted in my case. I'm terribly sorry if this question have been asked before.
Thanks in advance!
With annotation #ResponseBody, Springmvc converts the returned object to a response body by using an HttpMessageConverter.
ModelAndView usually involves command object and view name.
so you can use ModelAndView with a Jsp page , then use el to evaluate command object values. to use #ResponseBody, Springmvc only return strings.
type: 'POST',
url: password_url,
data: '',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(response){
var g = response;
var x= g.fruitType; //Now you can do the operation based on the output.

Print JSON string from URL

I'm using ajax to parse JSON data from a URL. I need to capture the parsed array into a variable. How would I go about this? Thanks
function rvOffices() {
data: JSON.stringify(data),
dataType: 'text',
success: function( data) {
// get string
var rvOfficesString = // resultant string
You can use JSON.parse(data) to convert the desired output to JSON, and then access the objects and array indexes from within that with .object and [array_index] respectively:
function rvOffices() {
url: '',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data) {
var json_result = JSON.parse(data);
//console.log(json_result); // The whole JSON
<script src=""></script>
You also don't need to pass any data, as you're performing a GET request.
Hope this helps! :)
So I guess you are not sure about the ajax call, so lets break it..
Ajax call is a simply method to make a request to remote resource (Get/post/put...) the type of request (GET/POST) depends upon your need.
so if you have an endpoint that return simply data as in your case a simple get/post request is sufficient.
You can send addition data with request to get the data from endpoint (say id of resource (say person) whose other fields you want to get like name, age, address).
here is link for ajax request in jQuery
here is jQuery parse json parse json in jQuery
So for example:
// let's say when you call this function it will make post request to fixed end point and return data else null
function rvOffices() {
var res = null; // let be default null
type:'GET', // type of request method
dataType: 'text', // type of data you want to send if any.
success: function( data) {
res = $.parseJSON(data); // will do the parsing of data returned if ajax succeeds (assuming your endpoint will return JSON data.)
return res;
// lets call the function
var rvOfficesString = rvOffices();
// print the value returned
<script src=""></script>
You can try something like: -
dataType: 'text',
success: function(response) {
// get string
window.temp = JSON.parse(response);

Sending a string to ActionResult using ajax

I am trying to send a string to my ActionResult in the controller. I have followed many tutorials and read hundreds of stackoverflows but can't get it to work. I am trying to send a string with the value of a radiobutton.
My ActionResult code is:
public ActionResult Opslaan(string theStatus)
if(theStatus!= null)
Database.UpdateAanvraagStatusByGuid(Session["Guid"].ToString(), theStatus);
return new RedirectResult(Request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString);
My code to send the variable via AJAX:
$("#opslaan").click(function (e) {
var theStatus = $('input[name=StatusOptions]:checked').val();
type: "POST",
url: "/Aanvraag/Opslaan",
data: theStatus,
success: function (result) {
if (result.Success) {
alert("Uw wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen.");
} else {
When I click my button called "opslaan" the program does not execute te AJAX. Alerts around it do go off.
Thanks in advance :)
Edit Fabio's answer like this:
$("#opslaan").click(function (e) {
var theStatus = $('input[name=StatusOptions]:checked').val();
type: "POST",
url: "/Aanvraag/Opslaan?theStatus= " + theStatus ,
//data: { 'theStatus': theStatus } ,
success: function (result) {
if (result.Success) {
alert("Uw wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen.");
} else {
Note the query string at the end of the url property. Even though string IS a nullable type, if you don't have any route configuration like "/Aanvraag/Opslaan/theStatus", the routing system will not find a match.
There are a few things to note here:
Your original solution DID show an alert, that means a request went to the server, and a response has arrived.
Fabio's answer didn't work because you (as I guess) don't have any route like "/Aanvraag/Opslaan/theStatus". Even though string is a nullable type - so the routing system will allow a string parameter to have no incoming value from the request - the url parameter set by the client told the routing system 'Hey please forward me to something that is configured to a url like "/Aanvraag/Opslaan/theStatus"'. I am sure You don't have any route set up with that pattern so the routing system will fail to find a matching Controller/Action method pair, that results in a 404.
Your original solution didn't cause this problem, because you sent the theStatus parameter as data, and your url was "/Aanvraag/Opslaan". This means even the default route will be able to find out that the Controller is 'Aanvraag' and the controller is 'Osplaan'. From then on, Model Binding was able to bind your theStatus parameter to the action method parameter. (If it wasn't, the proper action method would strill be called, just with a null value given to the parameter.) However, your response didn't send any object with property Success back, so your if statement went to the else branch.
All in all, you can either send the theStatus parameter as data and let the model binding system to bind it to your action method parameter, or use routing to do that for you. In this latter case, you must either configure a proper routing entry or use a query string like in my modified version.
For the if statement to work, you need to send back something that does have a Success property, like Fabio did.
It might be helpful:
public ActionResult Opslaan(string id)
if(id != null)
Database.UpdateAanvraagStatusByGuid(Session["Guid"].ToString(), id);
// do your logic to check if success is true or false
return Json(new { Success = true, Message = "something" });
$("#opslaan").click(function (e) {
var theStatus = $('input[name=StatusOptions]:checked').val();
type: "POST",
url: "/Aanvraag/Opslaan/ " + theStatus ,
//data: { 'theStatus': theStatus } ,
success: function (result) {
if (result.Success) {
alert("Uw wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen.");
} else {
Just to see if it works, change the name of the parameter in the Action and Javascript.

