Playing audio with javascript - javascript

I am trying to play a beep sound a minute after user has come on the page of my website. I found the solution here
Here's my code:
setTimeout(function () {
var audio = new Audio("/sound/chat.mp3");;
}, 60000);
This throws an exception:
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException
Strangely, once I load the sound file separately in my browser and come back to the page, it works perfectly. Any ideas how I can fix it.
The issue is that user has to interact with the browser before the sound can be played. So I put the same code under click event of the body and it works. But the same doesn't work on scroll event either. I guess chrome doesn't consider scroll a user interaction. Can anyone add what other interactions can be used to trigger this?
Also, how is it working if I load the audio file in a separate window and come back to my page.

You can try loading the audio when the document is ready and then play it later only if the resource is loaded (for this check you can register a callback on onloadeddata). Otherwise, if resource is not loaded, you can try loading it again.
let aud = new Audio('');
let canPlay = false;
aud.onloadeddata = () => (console.log("audio loaded"), canPlay = true);
if (canPlay);
aud = new Audio('');
}, 3000);
<script src=""></script>

Best solution I could come up with when I tried the same was:
const playPromise =;
if (playPromise !== null){
playPromise.catch(function() {; })
But sometimes (One out of ten) the second where also uncaught and the audio did not play either. I suggest you made a loop that stops only when the Promise is finally caught.


How to detect when mjpeg stream stops with javascript

I have a html/javascript client that is listening to a mjpeg video stream:
myImg = document.getElementById('my-image');
myImg.src = '';
Works fine but if the video stream dies for whatever reason the video feed "freezes" on the last received image and I have no opportunity to display an error to the user. I've see this post that offers a solution (creating a long running ajax request alongside the stream) that only works some of the time. I was hoping there would be a more supported method like through a disconnect event or something.
Even an event for when data is received would be better than nothing. At least that way I could tell if it's been a while since a frame came through. Using addEventListener('load') only works on the very first frame.
Any ideas?
Based on comments I have tried the following approaches, none of which has worked:
myImg.addEventListener('error', event => { ... });
myImg.addEventListener('stalled', event => { ... });
myImg.addEventListener('suspend', event => { ... });
This is common with a normal implementation of a mjpeg, for example
<video src="" controls>
Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.
the mjpeg is a series of images and eventually it will not get the next one for whatever reason, breaking the connection. (this is sometimes because the source is cached, causing the browser to use the last image every time). I don't consider this an error, more something to program around with mjpeg streams.
A simple solution you can do, set a refresh rate and set the src continuously refreshing the connection every ~500ms (or less depending on your network connection/resources).
setInterval(function() {
var myImg = document.getElementById('myImg');
myImg.src = '' + Math.random();
}, 5000);
The random number is added to prevent browser side caching in the event the server sends those headers.
Or you can create a ReadableStream, and keep reading a blob of bytes directly into the source of the image. There is a robust example in this repo, from this other question.
In Safari document.readyState will change from interactive to complete.
For example put this before the image loads:
console.log('Initial ready state', document.readyState);
document.onreadystatechange = function() {
console.log('Ready state changed to:', document.readyState);
And the output will be:
Initial ready state – "loading"
Ready state changed to: – "interactive"
// When the connection disconnects:
Ready state changed to: – "complete"
In google chrome the readyState doesn't stay on interactive, but it looks like chrome is better at reconnecting, so might not be an issue for you.
Edit: One way to make use of this is to drop the image in an iframe, you'll continually get load events in safari (this does not work in chrome).
iframe = document.createElement('iframe')
iframe.onload = console.log
iframe.src = ""
Edit2: Another technique -- use image.decode to detect when the connection is down and reload the image:
<img id="stream" src=""></img>
let image = document.getElementById('stream');
async function check() {
while (true) {
try {
await image.decode();
} catch {
let src = image.src;
image.src = "";
image.src = src;
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
Would something like this work?
function hasLoaded(myImg) {
return myImg.complete && myImg.naturalHeight !== 0;
Following Beau Bouchard answers.
The setInterval timer, works fine but it tends to max out active client listening. ( if ur mjpeg stream are coming directly from an IP Camera). Could possibly create a restreaming server the mjpeg server to allow more clients to be able to be listening to it) Short pooling though does tend to be very resource heavy.
Tried the Restream Api as well. When loading the image back into the img tag, you do get a jittery effect, most likely because the chunks are coming in randomly and not smooth out via time?
In the end, i use the onload img tag event. This triggers whenever an img is loaded. Then a time interval to check if the img tag has stop loading to determine if the mjpeg stream has stop.
Met the same requirement, test on Image onload event and works!!
If FFMPEG feed FFSERVER stop, although the MJPEG in a still image,
After couple times error count, mjpeg FAIL! detected.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<TITLE> mjpeg detect </TITLE>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
// localhost/tool/mjpeg.htm
// document.ready
setTimeout("mjpegRefresh()", 10000);
var mTmjpegRefresh, mBmjpegStatus=0, mNmjpegError=0;
var mjpegRefresh = function()
$('#myMJPEG').attr('src', "" + Math.random());
console.log("mjpeg refresh: ", Math.round( (new Date()).getTime()/1000)) ;
mTmjpegRefresh = setTimeout("mjpegRefresh()", 10000);
mTmjpegStatusCheck = setTimeout("mjpegStatusCheck()", 5000);
var mjpegOnload = function()
console.log("mjpeg Onload");
var mTmjpegStatusCheck;
var mjpegStatusCheck = function()
console.log("mjpeg FAIL!");
mTmjpegStatusCheck = setTimeout("mjpegStatusCheck()", 5000);
<img src="" width="720" height="404" id="myMJPEG" onload="mjpegOnload()">

domexception thrown while playing audio in Chrome

Hello I am getting an exception when playing audio in Chrome.
Here is my function to play the audio
$(document).ready(function ()
function generateAlarm()
alarm_1 = new Audio();
alarm_1.src = '/Content/assets/sounds/alarm_1.mp3';
const playPromise =;
if (playPromise !== null)
playPromise.catch(() => {
const btn = $('#playAlarm');;
document.getElementById('playAlarm').addEventListener("click", handlePlayButton, false);
function handlePlayButton()
if (alarm_1.paused) {
else {
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the above code?
Thank you in advance.
Autoplaying audio is no longer allowed because it's obnoxious and is frequently abused. You have to wait for the user to interact with the page first. You can check out this guide by google on how to use the new AudioContext api:
The only solution i could find so far was to change the chrome autoplay policies like this:
and set it to
No user gesture is required
i don't if it is the right way to solve the problem, but i am not getting anymore exception. I would appreciate if anyone has a better idea.

Why is sound not playing in angular?

I'm trying to get an alert sound to play when a certain condition is met. This condition is being met when I test with an alert() in place of the sound. Code snippet:
if ($scope.incomplete > $scope.incomplete_old) {
$scope.playAudio = function() {
var audio = new Audio("{% static 'ping.mp3' %}");;
Am I missing something here? I don't understand why the sound isn't playing. I'm testing the site locally in Chrome. Is there some other configuration I overlooked?
according to your code example $scope.playAudio method is never called. Therefor your will never be executed. To play the sound you have to call the $scope.playAudio method.
basically you can do either
of you let the function invoke itself
$scope.playAudio = function() {
var audio = new Audio("{% static 'ping.mp3' %}");;
further reading:

PhoneGap Media Plugin - can you detect when url stream has loaded?

I been having some issues getting my audio player to work correctly in iOS and Android using the PhoneGap Media plugin through Build 3.1
I have play and stop buttons that work fine but when you hit play there is a slight delay as the audio url loads and it freezes the OS. I can kind of cope with that as its a short delay so I thought I'd pop up a loading icon onscreen.
Ive posted a few time here trying to get the JS to work as im no expert but just now I've realised that there is nothing in my code to check if the audio is actually PLAYING!
The playAudio function loads in the audio and then sets the play button to a stop button. I thought function success() {meant it was playing but it actually means it FINISHED playing.
In my code when the link to the audio is clicked the loader function makes a spinner appear on screen and I thought 'success' would turn the loader off because its loaded when in fact whats happening is the laoder stays on and goes away after the track has finished!
I've realized I need a way of detecting if the track is actually PLAYING!
How do I do that?!?!!
Heres the function:
function loadPlay(src, trackName) {
playAudio(src, trackName);
function loader() {
// make a loader spinner appear as track loads
function playAudio(src,trackname) {
// for Android
if (audioPlaying === false) {
if (device.platform == 'Android') {
src = '/android_asset/www/' + src;
media = new Media(src, success, error_error);;
//add playing class so play button is replaced with stop button
audioPlaying = true;
} else {
//audio is already playing
function success() {
// track isplaying so remove the stop button put play button back
// now track is playing remove the loader spinner
audioPlaying = false;
function error_error(e) {
//alert('great error');
function stopAudio() {
// stop playing track
if (media) {
audioPlaying = false;
Heres a link to the PhoneGap Media plugin API:
Do I need to use this bit?
From the docs:
The following constants are reported as the only parameter to the mediaStatus callback function.
Media.MEDIA_NONE = 0;
The mediaStatus callback is an optional 3rd callback supplied in your Media constructor...
media = new Media(src, success, error_error, status_change);
function status_change(code) {
switch (code) :
case Media.MEDIA_STOPPED : doSomething(); break;
From what I can tell, ilovett's answer might not work for you, because the doSomething() function will get called in two other cases:
When someone stops the music with a media.stop()
When the media gets released (media.release()) on android (not sure about others, but iOS wont call it).
the way I'm doing it is setting a variable to make sure that the function is not getting called accidentally.

Problems preloading audio in Javascript

I'm trying to make a cross-device/browser image and audio preloading scheme for a GameAPI I'm working on. An audio file will preload, and issue a callback once it completes.
The problem is, audio will not start to load on slow page loads, but will usually work on the second try, probably because it cached it and knows it exists.
I've narrowed it down to the audio.load() function. Getting rid of it solves the problem, but interestingly, my motorola droid needs that function.
What are some experiences you've had with HTML5 audio preloading?
Here's my code. Yes, I know loading images in a separate function could cause a race condition :)
var resourcesLoading = 0;
function loadImage(imgSrc) {
//alert("Starting to load an image");
var image = new Image();
image.src = imgSrc;
image.onload = function() {
//alert("A image has been loaded");
function loadSound(soundSrc) {
//alert("Starting to load a sound");
var loaded = false;
//var soundFile = document.createElement("audio");
var soundFile = document.createElement("audio");
soundFile.autoplay = false;
soundFile.preload = false;
var src = document.createElement("source");
src.src = soundSrc + ".mp3";
function onLoad() {
loaded = true;
soundFile.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", onLoad, true);
soundFile.removeEventListener("error", onError, true);
//alert("A sound has been loaded");
//Attempt to reload the resource 5 times
var retrys = 4;
function onError(e) {
if(retrys > 0) {
} else {
loaded = true;
soundFile.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", onLoad, true);
soundFile.removeEventListener("error", onError, true);
alert("A sound has failed to loaded");
soundFile.addEventListener("canplaythrough", onLoad, true);
soundFile.addEventListener("error", onError, true);
function onResourceLoad() {
if(resourcesLoading == 0)
It's hard to diagnose the problem because it shows no errors and only fails occasionally.
I got it working. The solution was fairly simple actually:
Basically, it works like this:
channel.volume = 0.00000001;;
If it isn't obvious, the load function tells browsers and devices that support it to start loading, and then the sound immediately tries to play with the volume virtually at zero. So, if the load function isn't enough, the fact that the sound 'needs' to be played is enough to trigger a load on all the devices I tested.
The load function may actually be redundant now, but based off the inconsistiency with audio implementation, it probably doesn't hurt to have it.
Edit: After testing this on Opera, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, it looks like setting the volume to 0 will still preload the resource.
canplaythrough fires when enough data has buffered that it probably could play non-stop to the end if you started playing on that event. The HTML Audio element is designed for streaming, so the file may not have completely finished downloading by the time this event fires.
Contrast this to images which only fire their event once they are completely downloaded.
If you navigate away from the page and the audio has not finished completely downloading, the browser probably doesn't cache it at all. However, if it has finished completely downloading, it probably gets cached, which explains the behavior you've seen.
I'd recommend the HTML5 AppCache to make sure the images and audio are certainly cached.
The AppCache, as suggested above, might be your only solution to keep the audio cached from one browser-session to another (that's not what you asked for, right?). but keep in mind the limited amount of space, some browsers offer. Safari for instance allows the user to change this value in the settings but the default is 5MB - hardly enough to save a bunch of songs, especially if other websites that are frequented by your users use AppCache as well. Also IE <10 does not support AppCache.
Alright so I ran into the same problem recently, and my trick was to use a simple ajax request to load the file entirely once (which end into the cache), and then by loading the sound again directly from the cache and use the event binding canplaythrough.
Using Buzz.js as my HTML5 audio library, my code is basically something like that:
var self = this;
$.get(this.file_name+".mp3", function(data) {
self.sound = new buzz.sound(self.file_name, {formats: [ "mp3" ], preload: true});
self.sound.bind("error", function(e) {
console.log("Music Error: " + this.getErrorMessage());
self.sound.bind("canplaythrough",function(){ self.onSoundLoaded(self); });

