How to break chain in promise - javascript

I'm trying to limit the number of apis fetches in my project by saving them in a simple cache, key collection in mongodb. Is thera way to stop propagation of .then() inside Promise, without using async/await?
export const getData = (url: string) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((cached: string | null) => {
if (cached) {
.then(() => {
.then(({data}) => {
setCache(url, data, TTL);
.catch(e => reject(e));

Firstly, lets get rid of the Promise constructor anti-pattern - your function call inside the promise executor returns a promise, so, no need for anew Promise
Secondly, only run the second request if the result of the first is empty
export const getData = (url) => findInCache(url)
// here we return haveResult and avoid axios.get(url) altogether
.then((haveResult) => haveResult || axios.get(url)
// sometimes nested .then is useful like in this case
.then(({data}) => {
setCache(url, data, TTL);
return data;

you can just do this instead instead of chaining. if it is in cache then fetch from cache else get from url
export const getData = (url: string) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((cached: string | null) => {
if (cached) {
} else {
.then(({data}) => {
setCache(url, data, TTL);
.catch(e => reject(e));

When you return something result in then, this result is come into next then function. So, you can control what you would do in next then based on input parameter inCache. So you can do something like:
export const getData = (url: string) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((cached: string | null) => {
if (cached) {
return true;
return false;
.then((inCache) => {
if (!inCache) {
.then(({data}) => {
setCache(url, data, TTL);
.catch(e => reject(e));


How to add await inside Promise?

Is it possible to add Await inside new promise ?
Originally, I don't need to put a await before making any request to the server. But one day, the server requires every request to have a token before sending out.
Let's take an example of the code
export const countries = (data: IData) => {
const countryRequests = getRequests(data)
const countryResponse = countryRequests?.reduce((countryResponse, request) => {
const countryResponses = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.post(`/country`, request)
.then(data => {
.catch(err => {
return [...countryResponse, countryResponses]
}, [])
return countryResponse
new code( putting async into the callback of promise):
export const countries = (data: IData) => {
const countryRequests = getRequests(data)
const countryResponse = countryRequests?.reduce((countryResponse, request) => {
const countryResponses = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { //add async here
await addAccessToken() // add header into token before sending the requests
.post(`/country`, request)
.then(data => {
.catch(err => {
return [...countryResponse, countryResponses]
}, [])
return countryResponse
addToken function:
export const addAccessToken = async () => {
const accessToken = await instance.get<IAccessToken>(
const { access_token } =
instance.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = `Be ${access_token}`
But then I got a error below
Promise executor functions should not be async.(no-async-promise-executor)
How can I get rid of the error?
-------------- new changes---------
export const countries = async (data: IData) => {
const countryRequests = getRequests(data)
await addAccessToken()
const countryResponse = countryRequests?.reduce((countryResponse, request) => {
const countryResponses = instance
.post(`/country`, request) //------- May I ask, if it is successful call, then this will autmactically equvlanet to calling resolve (data) in my previosu code?
.catch(err => {
return [...countryResponse, countryResponses]
}, [])
return countryResponse
added new prmosie.all part
const countryResponses = countries(data)
//set content for api 1
.then(values => {
const countryResponsesResult =, _index) => {
return ? : []
//Set content for api 1
kind: 'success',
payload: {
data: countryResponsesResult,
.catch(_error => {
//Set content for api 1
kind: 'fail',
payload: {
error: new Error(_error.message),
As #deceze mentioned, instance already returns a promise for you so no need to return your own promise.
export const countries = async (data: IData) => {
await addAccessToken()
const countryResponses = await`/country`, request)
//your code//
If you don't want to use await and use promises and then instead you should have something like the below(promise chaining):
export const countries = (data: IData) => {
const countryResponses =`/country`,
.then(//your code//)
Somehow I found this work.
export const countries = (data: IData)=> {
const countryRequests = getRequests(data)
const countryResponse = countryRequests?.reduce((countryResponse, request) => {
// return promise
const countryResponses = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.post(`/country`, request)
.then(data => {
// change the returned propmise state into resolved
.catch(err => {
//return the whole set of simlationCalls promise. When all promise is resolved, promise all will be notified and excute whatever it needs to execute
return [...countryResponse, countryResponses]
}, [])
return countryResponse

How to wait for a successful async action before changing url?

so I'm using a popup to log my users in with firebase:
const loginToApp = (provider) => {
.then(async (result) => {
if (result.additionalUserInfo.isNewUser) {
// problem is this line
await setNewUserInformation(result.user.uid)
const { user } = result
// and this line
window.location.href = 'newRoute'
.catch((error) => {
console.log('ERROR:', error)
so if I remove window.location.href = 'visited' this all works fine and it sets in firebase. I'm probably doing something stupid but I cant figure out how to wait for this function to fire setNewUserInformation and to complete before I move to the new page?
function code:
export const setNewUserInformation = (userId) => {
return {
this then has a redux observable epic listening to it:
return action$.pipe(
mergeMap((action) => {
return from(
mergeMap(() => {
return [updatedUserInformationSuccess()]
catchError((error) => of(updatedUserInformationFailure(error))),
setNewUserInformation() is an action creator, which is sync. You do not need to wait for it as it does not return anything useful to you logic. What you need to do, is move window.location.href = 'newRoute' to separate logic, and make it depend on state returned from action creators updatedUserInformationSuccess() and updatedUserInformationFailure(error). If your component is functional, put this logic in a useEffect. If it is a class component, use ComponentDidUpdate lifecycle method.
Use it like below
const loginToApp = (provider) => {
.then(async (result) => {
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (result.additionalUserInfo.isNewUser) {
// problem is this line
const { user } = result
// and this line
window.location.href = 'newRoute'
.catch((error) => {
console.log('ERROR:', error)
Because on then You can returned a Promise and resolve later. We could re-write the code above like this below:
const loginToApp = (provider) => {
.then((result) => {
if (result.additionalUserInfo.isNewUser) {
// return for next resolve function
return setNewUserInformation(result.user.uid).then(() => result);
return result;
.then((result) => {
// after all above promises resolve
const { user } = result
// and this line
window.location.href = 'newRoute'
.catch((error) => {
console.log('ERROR:', error)
Are you using React?
If yes, then you can simply use didUpdate Cycle to route to new url after successful action dispatched. Move your "window.location.href = 'newRoute'" under the ComponentDidUpdate with props check.

Can't send request in componentDidMount React Native

I have an issue with sending a request to backend from my componentDidMount(). Basically I need to do two things before rendering screen:
Obtain data from API call and save it to state
Send that obtained data to backend and take response values from backend.
The problem I've faced on first step is that setState() is async, and even though my array is not empty (I see it's elements in render() and componentDidUpdate fucntion) in componentDidMount() when I console.log() array it will be empty. Now, the issue is: I still need to send that state array to backend before showing the screen. But how can I do it, when it appears empty there?
I have everything working fine if I send the request from the Button element in my render function, but that's not exactly what I need. Any suggestions?
this.state = {
ActivityItem: [],
componentDidMount() {
this.getDataFromKit(INTERVAL); //get data from library that does API calls
this.sendDataToServer(); //sending to backend
componentDidUpdate() {
console.log("componentDidUpdate ", this.state.ActivityItem) // here array is not empty
getDataFromKit(dateFrom) {
new Promise((resolve) => {
AppleKit.getSamples(dateFrom, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
return resolve([]);
const newData = => {
return { ...item, name: "ItemAmount" };
this.setState({ ActivityItem: [...this.state.ActivityItem, ...newData] })
And last one:
sendDataToServer() {
UserService.sendActivityData(this.state.ActivityItem).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
And here it works as expected:
title='send data!'
onPress={() => this.sendDataToServer()
} />
If I have like this (wrapped inside initKit function this will return undefined.
AppleKit.initKit(KitPermissions.uploadBasicKitData(), (err, results) => {
if (err) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
AppleKit.getSamples(dateFrom, (err, results) => {
if (err) return resolve([]);//rest is the same
you have to wait for the promise to resolve. You need something like this:
componentDidMount() {
this.getDataFromKit(INTERVAL).then(result => {
this.sendDataToServer(result); //sending to backend
}).catch(e => console.error);
and you can update your other function that fetches data to return it:
getDataFromKit(dateFrom) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
AppleKit.getSamples(dateFrom, (err, results) => {
if (err) return resolve([]);
const newData = => {
return { ...item, name: "ItemAmount" };
const allData = [ ...this.state.ActivityItem, ...newData ];
this.setState({ ActivityItem: allData });
finally, you need the 'sendData' function to not depend on state, but get a param passed to it instead:
sendDataToServer(data) {
UserService.sendActivityData(data).then(response => {
// ... do response stuff
}).catch(error => {
Handling Multiple Requests
if the requests don't depend on each other:
componentDidMount() {
]).then(([ response1, response2, response3 ]) => {
// do stuff with your data
}).catch(e => console.error);
if the requests do depend on each other:
componentDidMount() {
let response1;
let response2;
let response3;
promise1().then(r => {
response1 = r;
return promise2(response1);
}).then(r => {
response2 = r;
return promise3(response2);
}).then(r => {
response3 = r;
// do stuff with response1, response2, and response3
}).catch(e => console.error);
as far as your update, it seems like you wrapped your async request in another async request. I'd just chain it instead of wrapping it:
make the initKit a function that returns a promise
function initKit() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(err, results) => {
if (err) reject({ error: 'InitKit failed' });
else resolve({ data: results });
make get samples a separate function that returns a promise
function getSamples() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
AppleKit.getSamples(dateFrom, (err, results) => {
if (err) resolve([]); //rest is the same
else resolve({ data: results });
chain 2 promises back to back: if initKit fails, it will go in the .catch block and getSamples wont run
componentDidMount() {
initKit().then(kit => {
return getSamples();
}).then(samples => {
// do stuff with samples
}).catch(e => console.log);

is it normal to pass callback into a async function and even wrap it again?

import test from "./asyncTest";
//handle my result
const test = async cb => {
let data = await otherPromise();
let debounce = _.debounce(() => {
.then( => response.json())
.then(json => json );
}, 2000);
export default test;
The fetch result "json" I intend to return is unable to be the return value of "test" function since the value only available in an inner function scope such as debounce wrapper. Since above reason, I tried to pass a callback function and wrap the callback to be Promise function(pTest) as below.
const test = async cb => {
let debounce = _.debounce(() => {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => cb(null, json))
.catch(err => cb(err));
}, 2000);
const pTest = cb => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
test((err, data) => {
if (err) reject(err);
export default pTest;
This way works for me, but I'm wondering if it's correct or are there any ways to solve this scenario?
The fetch API already returns a promise. Wrapping it in another Promise object is actually an anti-pattern. it is as simple as the code below:
/*export*/ async function test() {
let data = await otherPromise();
return fetch("")
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
return {
json: json,
data: data
function otherPromise() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolve('test for data value');
// In index.js call
test().then(res => {

Extracting functions in a Promise chain

I am wanting to refactor a Promise chain by extracting out some functions. Currently I have
const getData = (uuid) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// go fetch stuff
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
return resolve(false);
return response;
.then(response => {
// Do more stuff that requires resolves that I will also want to refactor
.catch(err => {
So I want to extract the part where I resolve the unsuccessful responses. But pass along any successful ones. I have pulled it out like so.
const resolveUnsuccessfulResponses = (response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
return response.resolve(false);
return response;
const getData = (uuid) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// go fetch stuff
.then(response => {
// Do more stuff that requires resolves that I will also want to refactor
.catch(err => {
Now I'm understandably getting the error resolve is not defined. How can I resolve this Promise in an external function?
Should I pass resolve to my extracted function? That would seem clunky.
.then(response => resolveUnsuccessfulResponses(response, resolve))
I might end up having something like
And to have to pass response and resolve to each of them seems wrong
You should return a new Promise from your external functions aswell:
const resolveUnsuccessfulResponses = (response) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!response.ok) {
return resolve(false);
return resolve(response);

