Make an SVG foreignObject scrollable - javascript

I have an SVG and am adding a foreign object (HTML div) in it. I would like to make the div (or the foreign object) scrollable. However, if I set exact height to the foreign object and overflow-y: auto this works in Chrome, but doesn't work in Safari. My code is as follows:
<foreignObject x="400" y="0" width="260" height="554" class="foreignObject">
<div ...></div>
and then I have
.foreignObject {
overflow-y: auto;
in the CSS. I couldn't find any reason why the above would not work in Safari. Any ideas?
Another thing I tried is to set height and overflow-y to the div inside the foreignObject. However when I do that the content of the div gets zoomed and displaced. My SVG has viewBox property set and preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin meet" - is it because of this? How can I fix this?


SVG foreignObject not working properly on Safari

I have a problem with SVG's foreignObjects elements on Safari. I am working with SVG elements and what I am using d3.js library.
What I did is to append on canvas a foreignObject element because differently from rect or other SVG elements didn't allow to put html elements inside. Now, after some days of development I noticed that it seems that Safari doesn't allow to put html elements inside a foreignObject. Better, it allows to do and all seems to work according to the inspector, but the I put inside the foreignObject has a background set.
The result is that I can correctly drag the foreignObject and the div inside inside the canvas but differently from Chrome or Firefox, the div's background stay on the canvas top left corner not following the div.
Here below I paste the portion of the style and foreign object code I append to the canvas
<foreignObject transform="translate(304,215)rotate(-174.86597769360367)" height="180" width="40" class="dragging">
<div class="new-rect" style="background-image: url(); left:-45px;">
position: absolute;
top: -8px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: auto;
height: 180px;
width: 130px;
That's all. I think I am doing something that Safari doesn't like. But question is .. what ?
Setting position: "fixed" on the div inside foreignObject fixed the foreignObject position for me in Safari (as well as on Chrome on iOS). It doesn't seem to scale the foreignObject according to the scaling of the SVG though
I've found that you need to insert a <body> element to get it work in Safari, like this:
<foreignObject width="170" height="28">
<body xmlns="">
<div>my content</div>
Try adding in an inline width and height for the foreignObject. This seems to work on Safari.
<foreignObject style="overflow: visible;" y="0" x="0" width="240" height="160">
<div class="info-panel" xmlns="" >
<div class="panel-text" xmlns="">
<p>For this to work in Safari try adding in a width and height inline on the foreignObject element. The background will also expand to the more text you add.</p>
You can use <image> element in SVG instead of <foreignObject>. This can solve the scale and position issue easily to avoid <foreignObject> bug on Safari
Remember to change the src attribute to href.
Putting display:contents on the html tag inside puts it into place as of Safari 15.4. But you won't be able to interact much with it since the wrapping div is now nuked from the DOM. Defeating the whole purpose of foreignObject. Sing with me Safari is the new IE
Try wrapping your foreignObjects in group elements. I found that trying to style foreignObjects with transforms doesn't work well in Safari. Also most SVG's don't work in canvas elements in Firefox.
<g transform="translate(304,215)rotate(-174.86597769360367)">
<div> whatever in here </div>
I found a weird bug with iOS Safari regarding foreignObject. When I set the opacity in CSS for the HTML content within the foreignObject (it was a button in my case) it would position it absolutely over the SVG. But it positioned as expected when I removed the opacity. Took me hours to debug this issue.
A bit old, but I hope this could help:
As #do-ic suggested adding position: fixed to the element inside foreignObject solves the positioning, but not the scale.
To solve the scale I added this:
d3.zoom().on('zoom', event => {
// zoom stuff...
const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
if (isSafari) {
d3.selectAll(NODE_SELECTOR).style('transform', `scale(${transform.k})`);
Also the element inside foreignObject should have: transform-origin: 0px 0px
Hi i solved this behavior without viewbox and set a #svg height and width dimension
New solutions:
Do not use the following styles in Safari + foreignobjects:
calc (The calculation result may not conform to the expectation)
You can avoid style problems without using them
I find #Quinn answer, Add some information, First , you need get your SVG transform information, like is <g class = "main-tree" transform="translate(875) scale(1.09)"></g> . and You can use d3.zoomTransform to get these data, let transform = d3.zoomTransform("#treesvg").node());
The following content is the same as that of #Quinn ,You need to select the root element under the foreignObject,Do not execute the code in other browsers

Change width of div without affecting contents inside

I would like to create a set of svg images and place it in a div. When that div gets resized (in javascript), I want the width to change, without changing what's inside it, giving the effect of the resized div covering up the contents (ex. cutting the div's width in half will make half the content inside hidden).
Is this possible through html?
Here is a js fiddle. When you push the button, the div width changes to a smaller size. I want it to hide the portion of the svg outside of it.
<div id="container">
<svg width="400" height="280">
<rect x="50" y="20" rx="20" ry="20" width="150" height="150" style="fill:red;stroke:black;stroke-width:5;opacity:0.5"></rect>
<rect x="90" y="50" rx="20" ry="20" width="150" height="150" style="fill:blue;stroke:black;stroke-width:5;opacity:0.5"></rect>
This is a quick fix with just CSS, no JavaScript needed. You can hide what "overflows" with the overflow property.
Add overflow hidden to #container:
overflow: hidden;
You can try this again with your fiddle modified
Also, there are a couple of other things going on in your fiddle: You are not using == in your conditional statements. And even if you were, you need a way to start things off with a dynamic width. So, here's a fixed up fiddle that uses just the JS changes.
Lastly, I would do it slightly different in the way that I would add / remove classes based on if that class is already added to that element. You can check that out here on this fiddle
Add overflow:hidden or overflow:scroll to your CSS

SVG viewBox behaviour in IE

I have this SVG and by using viewBox attribute, I can move in it and see every part of it.
The yellow box you see in picture above is a constant 400x400 SVG and the width and height of it doesn't change.
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="17900 -4100 1050 1050" preserveAspectRatio="none" width="400" height="400">
When I vertically scroll, Eveything moves inside the box but Internet explorer(11) behaves differently.
Like this:
Even though the SVG height and Weight are 400x400 but the IE doesn't care and move out of SVG container!
How can Internet explorer draw outside of SVG element? How can I fix it?
P.S. In both examples, Only viewBox attributes changed.
Chrome and Firefox draw all shapes inside the SVG element but Internet Explorer doesn't.
It shouldn't be needed, but you can add overflow: hidden to your SVG.
svg {
background-color: khaki; /* rgba(216, 210, 210, 0.06); */
overflow: hidden;

Overlay Div That Can Be Clicked Through

I was wondering if there is a way using css or javascript that allows for a semi-transparent div element to appear visually on top of all other elements, but hyperlinks and other interactive elements under it can still be clicked? Just a whimsical idea to give my website the ability to darken or lighten the look of the website.
I know that z-index moves objects from the background to the foreground but they also block interactive objects...
Such behavior possible via poiner-events:none (non-standard and not supported by IE).
Originally being an SVG feature, it's supported for any SVG element (IE 9+):
<svg poiner-events="none">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.5" />
But for the effect you mentioned I would recommend to use opacity on body and some background on html:
body {
opacity: 0.5;
html {
background: black;
create another div element on top of existing div, and have it's z-index more than the existing one. Hope this should help.

How can I set Html object height same as window height?

I have flash object embedded to my page and it should act as background animation. I have trouble setting height of object element, because firefox doesn't understand height="100%" value.
<object classid="my_class_id" width="100%" height="100%" id="my_id">
<blaa blaa />
Have a look at the markup source of the example.
Fullscreen Flash as BG Example
You need to set height of body and html to 100%. Otherwise your object has no parent with a height and it cant use a prozentual value to set the height.
html, body {
height: 100%;

