How can I use the Eclipse Paho JavaScript Client to connect to - javascript

I am new to the IOT world and have been confused why I have not been able to use the Eclipse Paho JavaScript Client to connect to
I have used Port: 8080 and Path: /mqtt as has been suggested in other paho-mqtt questions, but am met with a Failed to connect: AMQJS0007E Socket error:undefined when using this Eclipse web client.
I have used the HiveMQ WebClient and have been able to connect, publish and subscribe to both (Port 8080) and (Port 443).
I have noticed that HiveMQ sources mqttws31.js compared to Paho Eclipse's paho-mqtt.js, but am unsure of the significance.
I would say there are two parts to this question:
What am I missing to get the Eclipse Paho JavaScript Client to connect to ?
What is the difference between mqttws31.js and paho-mqtt.js that allows one to connect to relatively painlessly compared to the other?
Thanks !
Relevant Code:
The code below is taken directly from the page source of
utility.js (handles button callbacks):
* Copyright (c) 2015 IBM Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* James Sutton - Initial Contribution
Eclipse Paho MQTT-JS Utility
This utility can be used to test the Eclipse Paho MQTT Javascript client.
// Create a client instance
var client = null;
var connected = false;
logMessage("INFO", "Starting Eclipse Paho JavaScript Utility.");
// Things to do as soon as the page loads
document.getElementById("clientIdInput").value = "js-utility-" + makeid();
// called when the client connects
function onConnect(context) {
// Once a connection has been made, make a subscription and send a message.
var connectionString = + ":" + context.invocationContext.port + context.invocationContext.path;
logMessage("INFO", "Connection Success ", "[URI: ", connectionString, ", ID: ", context.invocationContext.clientId, "]");
var statusSpan = document.getElementById("connectionStatus");
statusSpan.innerHTML = "Connected to: " + connectionString + " as " + context.invocationContext.clientId;
connected = true;
function onConnected(reconnect, uri) {
// Once a connection has been made, make a subscription and send a message.
logMessage("INFO", "Client Has now connected: [Reconnected: ", reconnect, ", URI: ", uri, "]");
connected = true;
function onFail(context) {
logMessage("ERROR", "Failed to connect. [Error Message: ", context.errorMessage, "]");
var statusSpan = document.getElementById("connectionStatus");
statusSpan.innerHTML = "Failed to connect: " + context.errorMessage;
connected = false;
// called when the client loses its connection
function onConnectionLost(responseObject) {
if (responseObject.errorCode !== 0) {
logMessage("INFO", "Connection Lost. [Error Message: ", responseObject.errorMessage, "]");
connected = false;
// called when a message arrives
function onMessageArrived(message) {
logMessage("INFO", "Message Recieved: [Topic: ", message.destinationName, ", Payload: ", message.payloadString, ", QoS: ", message.qos, ", Retained: ", message.retained, ", Duplicate: ", message.duplicate, "]");
var messageTime = new Date().toISOString();
// Insert into History Table
var table = document.getElementById("incomingMessageTable").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var row = table.insertRow(0);
row.insertCell(0).innerHTML = message.destinationName;
row.insertCell(1).innerHTML = safeTagsRegex(message.payloadString);
row.insertCell(2).innerHTML = messageTime;
row.insertCell(3).innerHTML = message.qos;
if (!document.getElementById(message.destinationName)) {
var lastMessageTable = document.getElementById("lastMessageTable").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var newlastMessageRow = lastMessageTable.insertRow(0); = message.destinationName;
newlastMessageRow.insertCell(0).innerHTML = message.destinationName;
newlastMessageRow.insertCell(1).innerHTML = safeTagsRegex(message.payloadString);
newlastMessageRow.insertCell(2).innerHTML = messageTime;
newlastMessageRow.insertCell(3).innerHTML = message.qos;
} else {
// Update Last Message Table
var lastMessageRow = document.getElementById(message.destinationName); = message.destinationName;
lastMessageRow.cells[0].innerHTML = message.destinationName;
lastMessageRow.cells[1].innerHTML = safeTagsRegex(message.payloadString);
lastMessageRow.cells[2].innerHTML = messageTime;
lastMessageRow.cells[3].innerHTML = message.qos;
function connectionToggle() {
if (connected) {
} else {
function connect() {
var hostname = document.getElementById("hostInput").value;
var port = document.getElementById("portInput").value;
var clientId = document.getElementById("clientIdInput").value;
var path = document.getElementById("pathInput").value;
var user = document.getElementById("userInput").value;
var pass = document.getElementById("passInput").value;
var keepAlive = Number(document.getElementById("keepAliveInput").value);
var timeout = Number(document.getElementById("timeoutInput").value);
var tls = document.getElementById("tlsInput").checked;
var automaticReconnect = document.getElementById("automaticReconnectInput").checked;
var cleanSession = document.getElementById("cleanSessionInput").checked;
var lastWillTopic = document.getElementById("lwtInput").value;
var lastWillQos = Number(document.getElementById("lwQosInput").value);
var lastWillRetain = document.getElementById("lwRetainInput").checked;
var lastWillMessageVal = document.getElementById("lwMInput").value;
if (path.length > 0) {
client = new Paho.Client(hostname, Number(port), path, clientId);
} else {
client = new Paho.Client(hostname, Number(port), clientId);
logMessage("INFO", "Connecting to Server: [Host: ", hostname, ", Port: ", port, ", Path: ", client.path, ", ID: ", clientId, "]");
// set callback handlers
client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;
client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
client.onConnected = onConnected;
var options = {
invocationContext: { host: hostname, port: port, path: client.path, clientId: clientId },
timeout: timeout,
keepAliveInterval: keepAlive,
cleanSession: cleanSession,
useSSL: tls,
reconnect: automaticReconnect,
onSuccess: onConnect,
onFailure: onFail
if (user.length > 0) {
options.userName = user;
if (pass.length > 0) {
options.password = pass;
if (lastWillTopic.length > 0) {
var lastWillMessage = new Paho.Message(lastWillMessageVal);
lastWillMessage.destinationName = lastWillTopic;
lastWillMessage.qos = lastWillQos;
lastWillMessage.retained = lastWillRetain;
options.willMessage = lastWillMessage;
// connect the client
var statusSpan = document.getElementById("connectionStatus");
statusSpan.innerHTML = "Connecting...";
function disconnect() {
logMessage("INFO", "Disconnecting from Server.");
var statusSpan = document.getElementById("connectionStatus");
statusSpan.innerHTML = "Connection - Disconnected.";
connected = false;
// Sets various form controls to either enabled or disabled
function setFormEnabledState(enabled) {
// Connection Panel Elements
if (enabled) {
document.getElementById("clientConnectButton").innerHTML = "Disconnect";
} else {
document.getElementById("clientConnectButton").innerHTML = "Connect";
document.getElementById("hostInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("portInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("clientIdInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("pathInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("userInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("passInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("keepAliveInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("timeoutInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("tlsInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("automaticReconnectInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("cleanSessionInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("lwtInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("lwQosInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("lwRetainInput").disabled = enabled;
document.getElementById("lwMInput").disabled = enabled;
// Publish Panel Elements
document.getElementById("publishTopicInput").disabled = !enabled;
document.getElementById("publishQosInput").disabled = !enabled;
document.getElementById("publishMessageInput").disabled = !enabled;
document.getElementById("publishButton").disabled = !enabled;
document.getElementById("publishRetainInput").disabled = !enabled;
// Subscription Panel Elements
document.getElementById("subscribeTopicInput").disabled = !enabled;
document.getElementById("subscribeQosInput").disabled = !enabled;
document.getElementById("subscribeButton").disabled = !enabled;
document.getElementById("unsubscribeButton").disabled = !enabled;
function publish() {
var topic = document.getElementById("publishTopicInput").value;
var qos = document.getElementById("publishQosInput").value;
var message = document.getElementById("publishMessageInput").value;
var retain = document.getElementById("publishRetainInput").checked;
logMessage("INFO", "Publishing Message: [Topic: ", topic, ", Payload: ", message, ", QoS: ", qos, ", Retain: ", retain, "]");
message = new Paho.Message(message);
message.destinationName = topic;
message.qos = Number(qos);
message.retained = retain;
function subscribe() {
var topic = document.getElementById("subscribeTopicInput").value;
var qos = document.getElementById("subscribeQosInput").value;
logMessage("INFO", "Subscribing to: [Topic: ", topic, ", QoS: ", qos, "]");
client.subscribe(topic, { qos: Number(qos) });
function unsubscribe() {
var topic = document.getElementById("subscribeTopicInput").value;
logMessage("INFO", "Unsubscribing: [Topic: ", topic, "]");
client.unsubscribe(topic, {
onSuccess: unsubscribeSuccess,
onFailure: unsubscribeFailure,
invocationContext: { topic: topic }
function unsubscribeSuccess(context) {
logMessage("INFO", "Unsubscribed. [Topic: ", context.invocationContext.topic, "]");
function unsubscribeFailure(context) {
logMessage("ERROR", "Failed to unsubscribe. [Topic: ", context.invocationContext.topic, ", Error: ", context.errorMessage, "]");
function clearHistory() {
var table = document.getElementById("incomingMessageTable");
//or use : var table = document.all.tableid;
for (var i = table.rows.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
// Just in case someone sends html
function safeTagsRegex(str) {
return str.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").
replace(/>/g, ">");
function makeid() {
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
function logMessage(type, ...content) {
var consolePre = document.getElementById("consolePre");
var date = new Date();
var timeString = date.toUTCString();
var logMessage = timeString + " - " + type + " - " + content.join("");
consolePre.innerHTML += logMessage + "\n";
if (type === "INFO") {;
} else if (type === "ERROR") {
} else {
The code below is taken directly from the page source of
app.js (handles app callbacks):
* Copyright 2013 dc-square GmbH
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #author: Christoph Schäbel
var websocketclient = {
'client': null,
'lastMessageId': 1,
'lastSubId': 1,
'subscriptions': [],
'messages': [],
'connected': false,
'connect': function () {
var host = $('#urlInput').val();
var port = parseInt($('#portInput').val(), 10);
var clientId = $('#clientIdInput').val();
var username = $('#userInput').val();
var password = $('#pwInput').val();
var keepAlive = parseInt($('#keepAliveInput').val());
var cleanSession = $('#cleanSessionInput').is(':checked');
var lwTopic = $('#lwTopicInput').val();
var lwQos = parseInt($('#lwQosInput').val());
var lwRetain = $('#LWRInput').is(':checked');
var lwMessage = $('#LWMInput').val();
var ssl = $('#sslInput').is(':checked');
this.client = new Messaging.Client(host, port, clientId);
this.client.onConnectionLost = this.onConnectionLost;
this.client.onMessageArrived = this.onMessageArrived;
var options = {
timeout: 3,
keepAliveInterval: keepAlive,
cleanSession: cleanSession,
useSSL: ssl,
onSuccess: this.onConnect,
onFailure: this.onFail
if (username.length > 0) {
options.userName = username;
if (password.length > 0) {
options.password = password;
if (lwTopic.length > 0) {
var willmsg = new Messaging.Message(lwMessage);
willmsg.qos = lwQos;
willmsg.destinationName = lwTopic;
willmsg.retained = lwRetain;
options.willMessage = willmsg;
'onConnect': function () {
websocketclient.connected = true;
var body = $('body').addClass('connected').removeClass('notconnected').removeClass('connectionbroke');
'onFail': function (message) {
websocketclient.connected = false;
console.log("error: " + message.errorMessage);
websocketclient.render.showError('Connect failed: ' + message.errorMessage);
'onConnectionLost': function (responseObject) {
websocketclient.connected = false;
if (responseObject.errorCode !== 0) {
console.log("onConnectionLost:" + responseObject.errorMessage);
//Cleanup messages
websocketclient.messages = [];
//Cleanup subscriptions
websocketclient.subscriptions = [];
'onMessageArrived': function (message) {
// console.log("onMessageArrived:" + message.payloadString + " qos: " + message.qos);
var subscription = websocketclient.getSubscriptionForTopic(message.destinationName);
var messageObj = {
'topic': message.destinationName,
'retained': message.retained,
'qos': message.qos,
'payload': message.payloadString,
'timestamp': moment(),
'color': websocketclient.getColorForSubscription(
console.log(messageObj); = websocketclient.render.message(messageObj);
'disconnect': function () {
'publish': function (topic, payload, qos, retain) {
if (!websocketclient.connected) {
websocketclient.render.showError("Not connected");
return false;
var message = new Messaging.Message(payload);
message.destinationName = topic;
message.qos = qos;
message.retained = retain;
'subscribe': function (topic, qosNr, color) {
if (!websocketclient.connected) {
websocketclient.render.showError("Not connected");
return false;
if (topic.length < 1) {
websocketclient.render.showError("Topic cannot be empty");
return false;
if (_.find(this.subscriptions, { 'topic': topic })) {
websocketclient.render.showError('You are already subscribed to this topic');
return false;
this.client.subscribe(topic, {qos: qosNr});
if (color.length < 1) {
color = '999999';
var subscription = {'topic': topic, 'qos': qosNr, 'color': color}; = websocketclient.render.subscription(subscription);
return true;
'unsubscribe': function (id) {
var subs = _.find(websocketclient.subscriptions, {'id': id});
websocketclient.subscriptions = _.filter(websocketclient.subscriptions, function (item) {
return != id;
'deleteSubscription': function (id) {
var elem = $("#sub" + id);
if (confirm('Are you sure ?')) {
'getRandomColor': function () {
var r = (Math.round(Math.random() * 255)).toString(16);
var g = (Math.round(Math.random() * 255)).toString(16);
var b = (Math.round(Math.random() * 255)).toString(16);
return r + g + b;
'getSubscriptionForTopic': function (topic) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this.subscriptions.length; i++) {
if (this.compareTopics(topic, this.subscriptions[i].topic)) {
return this.subscriptions[i];
return false;
'getColorForPublishTopic': function (topic) {
var id = this.getSubscriptionForTopic(topic);
return this.getColorForSubscription(id);
'getColorForSubscription': function (id) {
try {
if (!id) {
return '99999';
var sub = _.find(this.subscriptions, { 'id': id });
if (!sub) {
return '999999';
} else {
return sub.color;
} catch (e) {
return '999999';
'compareTopics': function (topic, subTopic) {
var pattern = subTopic.replace("+", "(.*?)").replace("#", "(.*)");
var regex = new RegExp("^" + pattern + "$");
return regex.test(topic);
'render': {
'showError': function (message) {
'messages': function () {
_.forEach(websocketclient.messages, function (message) { = websocketclient.render.message(message);
'message': function (message) {
var largest = websocketclient.lastMessageId++;
var html = '<li class="messLine id="' + largest + '">' +
' <div class="row large-12 mess' + largest + '" style="border-left: solid 10px #' + message.color + '; ">' +
' <div class="large-12 columns messageText">' +
' <div class="large-3 columns date">' + message.timestamp.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") + '</div>' +
' <div class="large-5 columns topicM truncate" id="topicM' + largest + '" title="' + Encoder.htmlEncode(message.topic, 0) + '">Topic: ' + Encoder.htmlEncode(message.topic) + '</div>' +
' <div class="large-2 columns qos">Qos: ' + message.qos + '</div>' +
' <div class="large-2 columns retain">';
if (message.retained) {
html += 'Retained';
html += ' </div>' +
' <div class="large-12 columns message break-words">' + Encoder.htmlEncode(message.payload) + '</div>' +
' </div>' +
' </div>' +
return largest;
'subscriptions': function () {
_.forEach(websocketclient.subscriptions, function (subs) { = websocketclient.render.subscription(subs);
'subscription': function (subscription) {
var largest = websocketclient.lastSubId++;
'<li class="subLine" id="sub' + largest + '">' +
' <div class="row large-12 subs' + largest + '" style="border-left: solid 10px #' + subscription.color + '; background-color: #ffffff">' +
' <div class="large-12 columns subText">' +
' <div class="large-1 columns right closer">' +
' x' +
' </div>' +
' <div class="qos">Qos: ' + subscription.qos + '</div>' +
' <div class="topic truncate" id="topic' + largest + '" title="' + Encoder.htmlEncode(subscription.topic, 0) + '">' + Encoder.htmlEncode(subscription.topic) + '</div>' +
' </div>' +
' </div>' +
return largest;
'toggleAll': function () {
'toggle': function (name) {
$('.' + name + 'Arrow').toggleClass("closed");
$('.' + name + 'Top').toggleClass("closed");
var elem = $('#' + name + 'Main');
'hide': function (name) {
$('.' + name + 'Arrow').addClass("closed");
$('.' + name + 'Top').addClass("closed");
var elem = $('#' + name + 'Main');
'show': function (name) {
$('.' + name + 'Arrow').removeClass("closed");
$('.' + name + 'Top').removeClass("closed");
var elem = $('#' + name + 'Main');
'removeSubscriptionsMessages': function (id) {
websocketclient.messages = _.filter(websocketclient.messages, function (item) {
return item.subscriptionId != id;
'clearMessages': function () {
'clearSubscriptions': function () {

I think I am a bit late...but I leave here for posterity.
The Paho JS library has undergo a series of changes before release 1.0.3 and the last one 1.1.0.
If you refer to a mqttws31.js probably you was using a version earlier than 1.0.3, because from 1.0.3 the main js file was renamed to paho-mqtt.js.
Can be the reason why something in your code was working differently from HiveMQ version.
I tried to sum the situation here


ServiceNow - Change a file name in Midserver

I am currently trying to replace the name of a file in the Mid Server after a scheduled export.
The idea here is that the file goes with the name in the format "file_name_datetime" and the customer needs "datetime_file_name" for the file to be correctly read by another system.
My main idea was to rename the file after the export to the correct format, but if there is a way of changing the file name to the required one I could do that also.
I would love to hear from you guys as I have no idea how can I do this.
Thanks in advance.
If anyone is interested in the answer, see below:
Script include:
initialize: function() {
this.filePath = gs.getProperty('directory_path');
this.midServer = gs.getProperty('midserver');
this.authMidServerBase64 = gs.getProperty('authmidserver');
nameChange: function(exportSetName) {
var exportGr = new GlideRecord("sys_export_set_run");
exportGr.addEncodedQuery("set.nameSTARTSWITH" + exportSetName);
if ( {
var attachSysID = exportGr.ecc_agent_attachment.sys_id;
var attachGr = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment");
attachGr.addEncodedQuery("table_sys_idSTARTSWITH" + attachSysID);
if ( {
var attachName = attachGr.file_name;
var attachDate = attachName.match((/\d+/));
var newName = attachDate + '_' + exportSetName + '.csv';
var jspr = new JavascriptProbe(this.midServer);
jspr.setName('FileNameChange'); // This can be any name
jspr.setJavascript('var ddr = new MidServer_script_include(); res = ddr.execute();');
jspr.addParameter("verbose", "true");
jspr.addParameter("skip_sensor", "true"); // prevent Discovery sensors running for the ECC input
jspr.addParameter("filename", this.filePath + "\\" + attachName);
jspr.addParameter("filePath", this.filePath);
jspr.addParameter("newName", this.filePath + "\\" + newName);
jspr.addParameter("operation", "rename");
return jspr.create();
Mid Server Script include:
initialize: function() {
*** Set up the Packages references
this.File =;
this.FileOutputStream =;
this.FileInputStream =;
this.Path =;
this.Paths =;
this.Files =;
this.StandardCopyOption =;
/* Set up the parameters
this.verbose = probe.getParameter("verbose");
this.filePath = probe.getParameter("filePath");
this.filename = probe.getParameter("filename");
this.operation = probe.getParameter("operation");
this.newName = probe.getParameter("newName");
result = "initialize complete";
execute: function() {
if (this.operation == 'rename') {
this.fileRename(this.filename, this.newName);
return result;
fileRename: function(fileName, newName) {
result+= "\r\n Renaming file.";
try {
var res = this._moveFile(fileName, newName);
} catch (e) {
result += "\r\n Erro no renomeamento do ficheiro: " + e;
_moveFile: function(initialPath, targetPath) {
try {
this._debug("Initiating file move function");
var inPath = this.Paths.get(initialPath);
var tgPath = this.Paths.get(targetPath);
var res = this.Files.move(inPath, tgPath, this.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
result += "File successfully moved from: " + initialPath + " to: " + targetPath + " \r\n Result: " + res;
} catch (e) {
this._debug('Error:' + e);
_debug: function(m) {
if (this.verbose == "true") {
ms.log("::: Mid Server script include logger ::: " + m);

I want to make a private chat for every user since all the user's chat are showing in a same view

I'm trying to make a chat application using spring boot and I am stuck. This is my Frontend (custom.js) code. I want to make a separate chat view for every specific user since all user's chat which is entered in this are showing on the same view. I have given an image link in this for a better explanation if anyone could help...
let $chatHistory;
let $button;
let $textarea;
let $chatHistoryList;
function init() {
function bindEvents() {
$button.on('click', addMessage.bind(this));
$textarea.on('keyup', addMessageEnter.bind(this));
function cacheDOM() {
$chatHistory = $('.chat-history');
$button = $('#sendBtn');
$textarea = $('#message-to-send');
$chatHistoryList = $chatHistory.find('ul');
function render(message, userName) {
// responses
var templateResponse = Handlebars.compile($("#message-response-template").html());
var contextResponse = {
response: message,
time: getCurrentTime(),
userName: userName
setTimeout(function () {
}.bind(this), 1500);
function sendMessage(message) {
let username = $('#userName').val();
sendMsg(username, message);
if (message.trim() !== '') {
var template = Handlebars.compile($("#message-template").html());
var context = {
messageOutput: message,
time: getCurrentTime(),
toUserName: selectedUser
function scrollToBottom() {
function getCurrentTime() {
return new Date().toLocaleTimeString().replace(/([\d]+:[\d]{2})(:[\d]{2})(.*)/, "$1$3");
function addMessage() {
function addMessageEnter(event) {
// enter was pressed
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
const url = 'http://localhost:8080';
let stompClient;
let selectedUser;
let newMessages = new Map();
function connectToChat(userName) {
console.log("connecting to chat...")
let socket = new SockJS(url + '/chat');
stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) {
console.log("connected to: " + frame);
stompClient.subscribe("/topic/messages/" + userName, function (response) {
let data = JSON.parse(response.body);
if (selectedUser === data.fromLogin) {
render(data.message, data.fromLogin);
} else {
newMessages.set(data.fromLogin, data.message);
$('#userNameAppender_' + data.fromLogin).append('<span id="newMessage_' + data.fromLogin + '" style="color: red">+1</span>');
function sendMsg(from, text) {
stompClient.send("/app/chat/" + selectedUser, {}, JSON.stringify({
fromLogin: from,
message: text
function registration() {
let userName = document.getElementById("userName").value;
$.get(url + "/registration/" + userName, function (response) {
}).fail(function (error) {
if (error.status === 400) {
alert("Login is already busy!")
function selectUser(userName) {
console.log("selecting users: " + userName);
selectedUser = userName;
let isNew = document.getElementById("newMessage_" + userName) !== null;
if (isNew) {
let element = document.getElementById("newMessage_" + userName);
render(newMessages.get(userName), userName);
$('#selectedUserId').append('Chat with ' + userName);
function fetchAll() {
$.get(url + "/fetchAllUsers", function (response) {
let users = response;
let usersTemplateHTML = "";
for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
usersTemplateHTML = usersTemplateHTML + '<a href="#" onclick="selectUser(\'' + users[i] + '\')"><li class="clearfix">\n' +
' <img src="" width="55px" height="55px" alt="avatar" />\n' +
' <div class="about">\n' +
' <div id="userNameAppender_' + users[i] + '" class="name">' + users[i] + '</div>\n' +
' <div class="status">\n' +
' <i class="fa fa-circle offline"></i>\n' +
' </div>\n' +
' </div>\n' +
' </li></a>';

NodeJS SQL Server - Running multiple queries with Async

I'm attempting to run two separate queries in a NodeJS Lambda Function. The first inserts a single record, and will return an order number used in the subsequent queries. The second query needs to insert n records (order items), so I've been trying to execute those utilizing the async node library as you can see below.
I'm running into issues where it's either not executing those queries at all, or is only inserting a single record versus n records. I'm feeding it right now with an API request, so the referenced items array should have two indexes in it, resulting in two iterations.
const sql = require('mssql');
const async = require('async');
(function() {
// ——- Database support ——- //
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback)
const config = {
user: 'my_user',
password: 'my_pass',
server: 'my_serv',
database: 'my_db',
options: {
encrypt: true
// Request Body
var body = event;
var items = body[1]["items"];
var addDateTimeRaw = body[1]["created_at"];
var splitDateTime = addDateTimeRaw.split(" ");
// SPROC params
var CustomerNumber = "1234";
var OrderDateString = splitDateTime[0];
var ShipVia = "UPS";
var FOB = "null";
var PaymentTerms = "CREDIT CARD";
var Discount = "0";
var OrderAmount = body[1]["total_price"].cents;
var PONumber = body[1]["_id"];
var Comment = "I am a comment";
var SalesPerson = "WA";
var IsShippingSameAsBilling = "X";
var TaxableAmount = body[1]["total_value"].cents;
var TaxState = "my_state";
var AddDate = splitDateTime[0];
var AddTime = splitDateTime[1];
var WebOrderNumber = body[1]["_id"];
sql.connect(config, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const req = new sql.Request();
req.query('EXEC InsertOrder #CustomerNumber = "' + CustomerNumber + '", #OrderDateString = "' + OrderDateString + '", #ShipVia = "' + ShipVia + '", #FOB = "' + FOB + '", #PaymentTerms = "' + PaymentTerms + '", #Discount = "' + Discount + '", #OrderAmount = "' + OrderAmount + '", #PONumber = "' + PONumber + '", #Comment = "' + Comment + '", #SalesPerson = "' + SalesPerson + '", #IsShippingSameAsBilling = "' + IsShippingSameAsBilling + '", #TaxableAmount = "' + TaxableAmount + '", #TaxState = "' +TaxState + '", #AddDate = "' + AddDate + '", #AddTime = "' + AddTime + '", #WebOrderNumber = "' + WebOrderNumber + '";', (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
var OrderNumber = result.recordset[0].sono;
return JSON.stringify(items);
function insertOrderItems(OrderNumber) {
async.forEachOf(items, function (item, i, inner_callback){
//var itemNumber = item["sku"];
var ItemNumber = "5678";
var DiscountPercent = "0";
var TaxRate = "6";
var Quantity = item["quantity"];
var ItemSequence = i + 1;
var CustomerMemo = "I am a memo";
var UnitPrice = "6.00";
var ssql = 'EXEC InsertOrderItems #OrderNumber = "' + OrderNumber + '", #ItemNumber = "' + ItemNumber + '", #DiscountPercent = "' + DiscountPercent + '", #TaxRate = "' + TaxRate + '", #Quantity = "' + Quantity + '", #ItemSequence = "' + ItemSequence + '", #CustomerMemo = "' + CustomerMemo + '", #UnitPrice = "' + UnitPrice + '";';
req.query(ssql, function(err, members, fields){
} else {
console.log("Error while performing Query");
}, function(err){
//handle the error if the query throws an error
//whatever you wanna do after all the iterations are done
sql.on('error', (err) => {
Why might that function call to the async SQL query not be executing? I'm attempting to keep the same SQL connection open for both of the executed queries.
The async is not a main issue. I patched some places but it still worse.
Why do you not learn step-by-step?
const sql = require('mssql');
const async = require('async');
const config = { ... };
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
// Use default object with props or check existing of every props
var body = (event && event[1]) instanceof Object ? event[1] : {items: [], created_at: ' ', _id: ...};
var items = body.items || []; // Always use default value
var [addDate, addTime] = (created_at || '').split(' '); // Use destructuring assignment
// SPROC params
var CustomerNumber = "1234";
var OrderDateString = splitDateTime[0];
var ShipVia = "UPS";
var FOB = "null";
var PaymentTerms = "CREDIT CARD";
var Discount = "0";
var OrderAmount = parseFloat((body.total_price || {}).cents) || 0; // total_price can be non-object and it'll fall your app
var PONumber = body[1]["_id"];
var Comment = "I am a comment";
var SalesPerson = "WA";
var IsShippingSameAsBilling = "X";
var TaxableAmount = body[1]["total_value"].cents;
var TaxState = "my_state";
var WebOrderNumber = body._id;
sql.connect(config, (err) => {
// Early quit to avoid {}-ladder
if (err)
return callback(err);
const req = new sql.Request();
// Never do like this. Read about sql-injection. Use placeholders.
req.query('EXEC ost_InsertOrder #CustomerNumber = "' + ..., (err, result) => {
if (err)
return callback(err);
var OrderNumber = result.recordset.length && result.recordset[0].sono; // You must be sure that result has rows
// You should read about async-code
insertOrderItems(OrderNumber); // Here you start to insert items
sql.close(); // But before it'll success you close connection.
// I didn't see definition of items.
// Return? For what?
return JSON.stringify(items);
sql.on('error', callback);

capturing all dom manipulation events

I'm trying to create a proxy JS so every request to external resource will be proxied like XHR or any other resource.
so for XHR request i manage to do it with this code:
var XMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest;
var startTracing = function () {
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.uniqueID = function() {
// each XMLHttpRequest gets assigned a unique ID and memorizes it
// in the "uniqueIDMemo" property
if (!this.uniqueIDMemo) {
this.uniqueIDMemo = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
return this.uniqueIDMemo;
// backup original "open" function reference
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.oldOpen =;
var newOpen = function(method, url, async, user, password) {
if (url.includes("somesample")) {
//Debug Only
/*console.log("[" + this.uniqueID() + "] intercepted open (" +
method + " , " +
url + " , " +
async + " , " +
user + " , " +
password + ")");*/
urlParts = /^(?:\w+\:\/\/)?([^\/]+)(.*)$/.exec(url);
hostname = urlParts[1]; //
path = urlParts[2]; // /path/to/somwhere
proxyprefix = ""
fullurl = "http://" + hostname + path;
rewrittenUrl = proxyprefix + btoa(encodeURIComponent(fullurl));
url = rewrittenUrl;
this.oldOpen(method, url, async, user, password);
} = newOpen;
// backup original "send" function reference
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.oldSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
var newSend = function(a) {
//console.log("[" + this.uniqueID() + "] intercepted send (" + a + ")");
var xhr = this;
var onload = function() {
/*console.log("[" + xhr.uniqueID() + "] intercepted load: " +
xhr.status +
" " + xhr.responseText);*/
var onerror = function() {
/* console.log("[" + xhr.uniqueID() + "] intercepted error: " +
xhr.addEventListener("load", onload, false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", onerror, false);
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = newSend;
else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var ActualActiveXObject = ActiveXObject;
var ActiveXObject = function(progid) {
var ax = new ActualActiveXObject(progid);
if (progid.toLowerCase() == "msxml2.xmlhttp") {
var o = {
_ax: ax,
_status: "fake",
responseText: "",
responseXml: null,
readyState: 0,
status: 0,
statusText: 0,
onReadyStateChange: null
o._onReadyStateChange = function() {
var self = o;
return function() {
self.readyState = self._ax.readyState;
if (self.readyState == 4) {
self.responseText = self._ax.responseText;
self.responseXml = self._ax.responseXml;
self.status = self._ax.status;
self.statusText = self._ax.statusText;
if (self.onReadyStateChange) self.onReadyStateChange();
}(); = function(bstrMethod, bstrUrl, varAsync, bstrUser, bstrPassword) {
/*console.log("intercepted open (" +
bstrMethod + " , " +
bstrUrl + " , " +
varAsync + " , " +
bstrUser + " , " +
bstrPassword + ")");*/
varAsync = (varAsync !== false);
this._ax.onReadyStateChange = this._onReadyStateChange
return, bstrUrl, varAsync, bstrUser, bstrPassword);
o.send = function(varBody) {
return this._ax.send(varBody);
var o = ax;
return o;
and its working fine.
and because i have got some js that manipulate the dom and adds elements i need to intercept that to.
so i started by rewriting appendChild with that code:
window.callbackFunc = function(elem, args) {
for (var key in elem) {
if (elem.hasOwnProperty(key) && elem[key].src)
elem[key].src = "http://myptoxy/proxy.php?u=" +encodeURIComponent(elem[key].src);
window.f = Element.prototype.appendChild;
Element.prototype.appendChild = function() {, arguments);
return window.f.apply(this, arguments);
and thats also working well but i encounter a problem with createlement.
some js code on my site creates an iframe with src that i'm unable to intercept with this code:
document.createElement = function(create) {
return function() {
var ret = create.apply(this, arguments);
for (var key in ret) {
if (ret.hasOwnProperty(key) && ret[key].src) {
ret[key].src = "" + encodeURIComponent(elem[key].src);
return ret;
I mean I can intercept the creation but the attributes are empty obviously the script adds the attribute after the element creation)
I tried to use MutationObserver but with no luck...
Any help?
Another approach to the entire problem will be great!

nodejs, function jumping to a completely unrelated line for no reason?

So I'm trying to add a command to an already existing project InsomBot to retrieve a League of Legends player's information, I am using lol-api found on npm for this, the only modifications made to this package were to update the API url's as they were outdated and incorrect, my code is below and an image of the issue in a debugger is also below, once the program reaches line 105 it jumps to line 111 for seemingly no reason, perhaps I'm missing a simple indentation error here or I'm not closing something properly, etc. Any help would be appreciated. (Seems I can't post more than 2 links)
var cc = require('config-multipaas'),
env = require('./env.json'),
Discord = require('discord.js'),
Imgur = require("imgur-search"),
Giphy = require('giphy-wrapper')(env["giphy_key"]),
urban = require('urban'),
api = require('lol-api');
var server_port = process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT || 8080
var server_ip_address = process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP || ''
var config_overrides = {
PORT: server_port
var config = cc(config_overrides);
var mybot = new Discord.Client();
var isearch = new Imgur(env["imgur_key"]);
var termCount = new Map();
var seenURLs = new Map();
mybot.on("message", function (msg) {
var message = msg.content;
var giphy = "/giphy ";
var imgurKey = "/img ";
var hatter = "hater";
var def = "/define ";
var commands = "/commands";
var lolstatus = "/lolstatus";
// Reply to direct mentions
if (msg.isMentioned(mybot.user)) {
mybot.reply(msg, "right back atcha");
// Giphy
var giphyIndex = message.indexOf(giphy);
if (giphyIndex > -1) {
var term = message.substring(giphyIndex + giphy.length).trim().replace(/\s/g, "+");
var count = termCount.get(term) || 0;
// console.log("count for term " + term + " is: " + count);
termCount.set(term,count+1);, 100, count, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
var items =;
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length / 2.0);
// console.log("found " + items.length + " items for " + term);
while (index < items.length && seenURLs.get(items[index].url) !== undefined) {
// console.log("using? result number " + index);
if (items.length > index) {
var item = items[index];
seenURLs.set(item.url, 1);
mybot.sendMessage(msg, item.url);
} else {
var apology = "sorry, I couldn't find any giphys for the term: " + term;
mybot.reply(msg, apology);
var imgurIndex = message.indexOf(imgurKey);
if (imgurIndex > -1) {
var term = message.substring(imgurIndex + imgurKey.length).trim().replace(/\s/g, "+");
// console.log("searching imgur for term: " + term); {
// console.log("found results: " + JSON.stringify(results,null,2));
if (results === undefined || results.length === 0) {
mybot.reply(msg, "sorry, I couldn't find any imgurs for the term: " + term);
var image = results[Math.floor(Math.random() * results.length)];
mybot.sendMessage(msg, "Here's a description of an image: " + image.title + " " + image.description + " " +;
var lolIndex = message.indexOf(lolstatus);
if (lolIndex > -1) {
var term = message.substring(lolIndex + lolstatus.length).trim().replace(/\s/g, "+");
api.summonerByName(term, 'na', function(results){
var defIndex = message.indexOf(def);
if (defIndex > -1) {
var term = message.substring(defIndex + def.length).trim().replace(/\s/g, "+");
urban(term).first(function(json) {
if (json !== undefined) {
// console.log("got json from UD: " + JSON.stringify(json,null,2));
var definition = "" + json.word + ": " + json.definition + "\nupvotes: " + json.thumbs_up + " downvotes: " + json.thumbs_down + "\n\nExample: " + json.example;
mybot.reply(msg, definition);
else {
var apology = "sorry, I couldn't find a definition for: " + term;
mybot.reply(msg, apology);
if (message === hatter) {
mybot.sendMessage(msg, "");
if (message === commands) {
mybot.sendMessage(msg, "Available commands:[/] giphy | img | define");
mybot.login(env["discord_email"], env["discord_pass"]);
Line 105 = api.summonerByName(term, 'na', function(results){
Line 111 = var defIndex = message.indexOf(def);
Line 111 contains the next statement after line 105, so it makes perfect sense.
api.summonerByName() is an asynchronous method, so its callback (lines 106 and 107) will be called only when there are results available, but the rest of your program will continue to run.

