How to get previous url in react gatsby - javascript

I am pretty much familiar with the React.js but new to Gatsby.
I want to detect the previous page URL in Gatsby?

You can pass down state using the Link component:
import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'gatsby';
const PrevPage = () => (
state={{ prevPath: location.pathname }}
Next Page
const NextPage = (props) => (
<p>previous path is: {props.location.state.prevPath}</p>
Then you have access to prevPath from this.props.location.state in the next page.

Full credit to #soroushchehresa's answer — this answer is just extras built upon it.
Gatsby will throw error during production build, since location is not available during server-side rendering. You could get around it by checking for window object first:
class Page extends React.Component {
state = {
currentUrl: '',
componentDidMount() {
if (typeof window == 'undefined') return
this.setState({ currentUrl: window.location.href })
render() {
return (
<Link to="..." state={{ prevUrl: this.state.currentUrl }}>
But this requires us to implement this on every page, which is tedious. Gatsby has already set up #reach/router for server-side rendering, so we can hook into its location props. Only router components get that props, but we can use #reach/router's Location component to pass it to other components.
With that, we can write a custom Link component that always pass previous url in its state:
// ./src/components/link-with-prev-url.js
import React from 'react'
import { Location } from '#reach/router'
import { Link } from 'gatsby'
const LinkWithPrevUrl = ({ children, state, }) => (
{({ location }) => (
//make sure user's state is not overwritten
<Link {} state={{ prevUrl: location.href, ...state}}>
{ children }
export { LinkWithPrevUrl as Link }
Then we can import our custom Link component instead of Gatsby's Link:
- import { Link } from 'gatsby'
+ import { Link } from './link-with-prev-url'
Now each Gatsby page component will get this previous url props:
const SomePage = ({ location }) => (
<div>previous path is {location.state.prevUrl}</div>
You might also consider creating a container that store state for the client side & use the wrapRootElement or wrapPageElement in both gatsby-ssr.js and gatsby-browser.js.

These answers are partially correct. If you set state using link api then the state persists in browser history.
So if you go from Page1 to Page2 then the eg the state.prevUrl will correctly be set to Page1
But if the you go to Page3 from Page2 and then do a browser back then the state.prevUrl will still be Page1 which is false.
Best way I found to deal with this is to add something like this on the gatsby-browser.js
export const onRouteUpdate = ({ location, prevLocation }) => {
if (location && location.state)
location.state.referrer = prevLocation ? prevLocation.pathname : null
this way you will have always the previous url available on location.

I resolved my problem with the below piece of code. Here is the ref link
// gatsby-browser.js
exports.onRouteUpdate = () => {
window.locations = window.locations || [document.referrer]
window.previousPath = locations[locations.length - 2]
Now you can get previousPath can be accessed from anywhere.


Using client-only routes with page templates coming from Contentful

I am looking to use client-only routes for content under a certain URL (/dashboard). Some of this content will be coming from Contentful and using a page template. An example of this route would be {MYDOMAIN}/dashboard/{SLUG_FROM_CONTENTFUL}. The purpose of this is to ensure projects I have worked on at an agency are not able to be crawled/accessed and are only visible to 'employers' once logged in.
What I have tried
My pages are generated via gatsby-node.js. The way of adding authentication/client-only routes has been taken from this example. Now the basics of it have been setup and working fine, from what I can tell. But the private routes seem to only work in the following cases:
If I'm logged in and navigate to /dashboard
I'm shown Profile.js
If I an not logged in and go to /dashboard
I'm shown Login.js
So that all seems to be fine. The issue comes about when I go to /dashboard/url-from-contentful and I am not logged in. I am served the page instead of being sent to /dashboard/login.
exports.createPages = async ({graphql, actions}) => {
const { createPage } = actions;
const { data } = await graphql(`
query {
agency: allContentfulAgency {
edges {
node {
`);{ node }) => {
path: `dashboard/${node.slug}`,
component: path.resolve("src/templates/agency-template.js"),
context: {
slug: node.slug,
exports.onCreatePage = async ({ page, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions;
if(page.path.match(/^\/dashboard/)) {
page.matchPath = "/dashboard/*";
My auth.js is setup (the username and password are basic as I am still only developing this locally):
export const isBrowser = () => typeof window !== "undefined";
export const getUser = () =>
isBrowser() && window.localStorage.getItem("gatsbyUser")
? JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("gatsbyUser"))
: {};
const setUser = (user) =>
window.localStorage.setItem("gatsbyUser", JSON.stringify(user));
export const handleLogin = ({ username, password }) => {
if (username === `john` && password === `pass`) {
return setUser({
username: `john`,
name: `Johnny`,
email: ``,
return false;
export const isLoggedIn = () => {
const user = getUser();
return !!user.username;
export const logout = (callback) => {
PrivateRoute.js is setup the following way:
import React from "react";
import { navigate } from "gatsby";
import { isLoggedIn } from "../services/auth";
const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, location, }) => {
if (!isLoggedIn() && location.pathname !== `/dashboard/login`) {
return null;
return <Component {} />;
export default PrivateRoute;
dashboard.js has the following. The line <PrivateRoute path="/dashboard/url-from-contentful" component={Agency} />, I have tried a couple of things here - Statically typing the route and using the exact prop, using route parameters such as /:id, /:path, /:slug :
import React from "react";
import { Router } from "#reach/router";
import Layout from "../components/Layout";
import Profile from "../components/Profile";
import Login from "../components/Login";
import PrivateRoute from "../components/PrivateRoute";
import Agency from "../templates/agency-template";
const App = () => (
<PrivateRoute path="/dashboard/url-from-contentful" component={Agency} />
<PrivateRoute path="/dashboard/profile" component={Profile} />
<PrivateRoute path="/dashboard" />
<Login path="/dashboard/login" />
export default App;
And finally agency-template.js
import React from "react";
import { graphql, Link } from "gatsby";
import styled from "styled-components";
import SEO from "../components/SEO";
import Layout from "../components/Layout";
import Gallery from "../components/Gallery";
import GeneralContent from "../components/GeneralContent/GeneralContent";
const agencyTemplate = ({ data }) => {
const {
richDescription: { raw },
} =;
const [mainImage, ...projectImages] = images;
return (
<SEO title={name} description={excerpt} />
<div className="container__body">
<GeneralContent title={name} />
<Gallery mainImage={mainImage} />
<GeneralContent title="Project Details" content={richDescription} />
<div className="standard__images">
<Gallery projectImages={projectImages} />
<Link className="btn" to={website}>
View the website
export const query = graphql`
query ($slug: String!) {
agency: contentfulAgency(slug: { eq: $slug }) {
images {
layout: FULL_WIDTH
placeholder: TRACED_SVG
formats: [AUTO, WEBP]
quality: 90
richDescription {
export default agencyTemplate;
I assume that gating content from a CMS is possible with Gatsby but I might be wrong given it is an SSG. I may be misunderstanding the fundamentals of client-only. The concepts in React and using Gatsby are still very new to me so any help or guidance in achieving the goal would be appreciated.
What I ended up doing
So the answer I marked was the one that 'got the ball rolling'. The explanation of what was happening with state and requiring either useContext or redux helped me understand where I was going wrong.
Also, the suggestion to use web tokens prompted me to find more information on using Auth0 with the application.
Once I had got out of the mindset of creating pages using Gatsby (Through a template, via gatsby-node.s), and instead doing it in a 'React way' (I know Gatsby is built with React) by handling the routing and GraphQL it became clearer. Along with the authentication, all I ended up doing was creating a new <Agency /> component and feeding the data from GraphQL into it and updating the path with my map().
return (
<DashboardArea path="/dashboard/" user={user} />
{{ node }, index) =>
node.slug ? (
<Agency key={index} data={node} path={`/dashboard/${node.slug}`} />
) : null
I assume that in your PrivateRoute component, you're using the isLoggedIn check incorrectly. importing and using isLoggedIn from auth.js will run only initially and will not act as a listner. What you can do is that store the value of isLoggedin in global state variable like(useContext or redux) and make a custom hook to check for the login state. Secondly avoid accessing localStorage directly, instead use the global state managment (useContext, redux) or local state managment (useState, this.state).
Note: that when ever you go to a route by directly pasting url in browser, it always refreshes the page and all your stored state is reinitialized. This may be the reason why you may be experiencing this issue. The browser does not know that you had been previously logged in and therefore it always validates once your application is mounted. What you can do is that you can store isLoggedIn state in browser's localstore. Personally I like to use redux-persist for that.
export const useGetUser = () => { //add use infront to make a custom hook
return useSelector(state => state.gatsByUser) // access user info from redux store
export const handleLogin = ({ username, password }) => {
//suggestion: don't validate password on client side or simply don't use password,
//instead use tokens for validation on client side
if (username === `john` && password === `pass`) {
username: `john`,
name: `Johnny`,
email: ``,
isLoggedIn: true,
return true;
return false;
// adding 'use' infront to make it a custom hook
export const useIsLoggedIn = () => {
//this will act as a listner when ever the state changes
return useSelector(state => state.gatsByUser?.isLoggedIn ?? false);
export const logout = (callback) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch(); // redux
Now in private route do
import React from "react";
import { navigate } from "gatsby";
import { useIsLoggedIn } from "../services/auth";
const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, location, }) => {
const isLoggedIn = useIsLoggedIn();
if (!isLoggedIn) {
return navigate("/dashboard/login");
return <Component {} />;
export default PrivateRoute;
It looks like you're server-side rendering dashboard/[url] in gatsby-node.js/createPages()? IIRC those routes will have higher precedence than dynamic routes (which you specify with #reach/router in dashboard.js).
Plus, the content of those routes are currently publicly available. If you want to keep them truly private, you should query Contentful graphql API directly on the client side (via fetch() or use apollo client, urql, etc.), instead of relying on Gatsby's graphql server.
I would do the follows:
Removing the dashboard/[url] portion in your gatsby-node.js
Configure your web host so that all routes matches '/dashboard/*' will redirect to '/dashboard'
If you happen to host your static site on Netlify, you'd create a _redirects with this, assuming you configure Gatsby to create nice url:
# /static/_redirect
/dashboard/* /dashboard 200
A possible simpler way that match your current setup is gating content at web host level. You can configure nginx to protect /dasboard/* with basic auth. However maintaining/updating password is a pain & modern hosting solution don't really allow user to configure that.
Netlify offers its own authentication solution that you could look into.
I've had the same issue earlier and I couldn't get exact functionality with Private Routes.
In my case, I created two separate Layouts for Public and Private Routes and built the authentication to Private Layout. Logged-in user data were linked to a redux store (First I used Context, then moved to Redux). In Private routes with the Private Layout, it redirected the guest users to the Login page and redirected them to the same page after login.
Private layout is something like this:
import React from "react";
import { navigate } from "gatsby";
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
const PrivateLayout = ({children}) => {
const isLoggedIn = useSelector(state => state.user.isLoggedIn);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isLoggedIn) {
// redirect the user to login page.
// I'm sending the current page's URL as the redirect URL
// so that I can take the user back to this page after logging in.
}, [isLoggedIn])
if (!isLoggedIn) return null;
return <>
export default PrivateLayout;
Not sure if this workaround suits you. If it does, I can give you more info.

Individual loading animation for each page with Next.js

I want each of my pages to have different loading animations when loading. How can i achieve this?
It is not possible to put the loading component on the page component like this:
//Page component
Page.Loader = SomeLoaderComponent
const Loader = Component.Loader || DefaultLoader;
This will not work because "Component(the page)" isnt loaded/rendered yet.
I have also tried dynamic import with next.js, so that i can import the correct page based on the url, and then get the correct loader. My initial plan was to add the Loader to the page component, as shown at the first line in the code above. That does not work because I have to give an explicit path.
const getLoader = (pagePath: string): ComponentType => {
const Loader = dynamic(() => import(pagePath));
return Page.Loader;
This is stated in the Next.js docs:
So the question is: How can I get a custom loader per page?
You can use Suspense and lazy to accomplish your task.
lets say you have ComponentA.js as follows
const ComponentA = () => {
return <div>Helloooo</div>
You can create another component WrapperA.js file
import React, { Suspense } from 'react';
const WrapperA = React.lazy(() => import('./ComponentA'));
function WrapperA() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<ComponentA />
in the place of <div>Loading...</div> you can have any loader component you like. and export WrapperA to your routes or tab as needed.

Pass object one page to another page using Link in React Js

I need to pass object one page to another page. According to requirement, I need to do it using "Link" tag. this is my code.
1st page is as below
pathname: "/2ndPage",
state: { foo: 'bar'}
> Action</Link>
When I click this button, I need to pass object to my second page. this is my second page code that I tried
function 2ndPage(props) {
return <h1>Hello</h1>;
correctly project build successfully. When I click my first page button, page is redirect correctly. But object did not pass. I think this is wrong approach. can u help me to do this.
First of all, start the function name with a number it's just a little unconventional.
The foo value should be located in location.state
Try this
import { useParams} from "react-router-dom";
function TwoNdPage(props){
let { foo } = useParams();
//const {foo} = props.location.state // or you can try this
console.log(foo) // it should return bar
return <h2>About</h2>
export default TwoNdPage;
Your state will be on location object location.state. You can use hook for location useLocation inside SecondPage component. Attention location.state can be undefined if you open link directly but it has to be present after click on link.
import React from 'react';
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
const SecondPage = () => {
const location = useLocation();
return (

location.state fail with gatsby build

When I use the state with the gatsby component Link that work when I do test with gatsby develop but failded with gatsby build with an error about undefined stuff. The error message show by the terminal is WebpackError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'info' of undefined I try to check for undefined by two differents ways but that's don't work. I cannot figure what I must do to solve that's problem.
first test :
if (! {
return null
} else
second test
if (typeof === `undefined`) {
return null
} else
index page
import React from "react"
import { Link } from "gatsby"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
const IndexPage = () => (
<Link to="/page_test/" state={{ info: "test" }}>
export default IndexPage
import React from "react"
import { Link } from "gatsby"
const TestPage = ({ location }) => {
return <div>{}</div>
export default TestPage
What's undefined is location.state, not the info state itself. Changing your condition your code should work.
if (typeof location.state === `undefined`) {}
Here's some approach (same idea) using destructuring:
const TestPage = ({ location }) => {
const { state = {} } = location
const { info } = state
return info ? (
) : (
<div>Other content</div>
export default TestPage
Basically, with the destructuring, you are simplifying stuff. It's what you are using in ({ location }). By default, props are passed through pages and components in React so ({ location }) equals to (props) and then props.location. It's just a way of entering the nested properties of the object.
In the same way, once you have props.location (or location if destructured in props), you can:
const { state = {} } = location //equals to location.state
In the case above, you are destructuring plus setting a default value to empty ({}) if there's no state nested object in location.
In the same way:
const { info } = state //equals to
If state is empty due to the previous destructuring, info will be empty as well, if not, it will take the value of So your return method can be a boolean condition such:
return info ? (
) : (
<div>Other content</div>

How to implement routing from and to root (index.js) in react with redux

I'm programming a react server webpage, trying to redirect from index.js (i.e: localhost:3000) to Login page: (localhost:3000/login), and from login to index (in case of failed login). What do I need to write in index.js and login.js?
This is for a react based app, using also redux framework. I've tried a few ways including setting up a BrowserRouter etc. All won't really do the redirecting.
My current code is this:
in index.js:
class Index extends Component {
static getInitialProps({store, isServer, pathname, query}) {
render() {
//const hist = createMemoryHistory();
if (!this.props.isLoggedIn){
return(<Switch><Route exact path = "/login"/></Switch>)
in login.js:
render() {
if (fire.auth().currentUser != null) {
var db = fire.firestore();
db.collection("users").doc(fire.auth().currentUser.uid).get().then((doc) => {
this.props.dispatch({ type: 'LOGIN', user: });
const { isLoggedIn } = this.props
if (isLoggedIn) return <Redirect to='/' />
I except the root to redirect to login if no session is on, and login to redirect to root once there is a successful login.
I am currently getting "You should not use <Switch> outside a <Router>" at index (I have tried to wrap with BrowserRouter, ServerRouter, Router. the first says it needs DOM history. adding history does not change error. two others do not error but are blank display on browser.)
and "ReferenceError: Redirect is not defined" at login.
Any help will be appreciated.
you can use a HOC (Higher-Order Components)
something like this
export default ChildComponent => {
class ComposedComponent extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
componentWillUpdate() {
shouldNavigateAway() {
if (!this.props.authenticated) {
render() {
return <ChildComponent {...this.props} />
As of now you're trying to return a route declaration wrapped in a Switch component. If you want to redirect the user to the /login page if hes not logged in, you need the route to be declared higher up in the component hierarchy, and then you would be able to return the <Redirect /> component. Either way, I would suggest you check out the react router documentation to see how they do authentication.

