export variable from class React - javascript

In my app.js inside the app class there is a variable that I want to export to another module. I tried many options, but unfortunately, the understanding of how to do it correctly did not come. Tell me, please, how to do it right? Export default is already in use in my class
export class App extends Component {
static propTypes = {
constructor(...args: any): void {
render() {
// console.log('app render start');
const test = true;
return (
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps): void {
In the example above, i need to export variable 'test'
I would be grateful for any help.

Assuming your intention with test is to define something like a "project constant" (which is what I gather, from your use of the const keyword), then you could simply declare test outside of the App class, and then export it from the module in the same way you are exporting the class:
Export test variable
export const test = true;
Export your App class
export class App extends Component {
static propTypes = {
constructor(...args: any): void {
render() {
Access test variable in "global scope" inside render method
console.log(`test is: ${ test }`);
// console.log('app render start');
// const test = true;
return (
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps): void {
And then, from another module in your project you could access test like so:
import { App, test, } from 'path/to/App';
console.log(`test is: ${ test }`);

You could make test a static property on the App class, then just reference it from the App class since that is exported.
class Test extends React.Component {
static test = true;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
import Test from 'test';


JS: TypeError: Class extends value <ClassName> is not a constructor or null

I write UI tests using PageObject Pattern (NodeJS + Webdriverio) and I have a base class (BasePage), a page class(MyPage), a popup component class(PopupComponentClass) with multipurpose behaviour, a popup class with a specific implementation(SpecificPopupComponentClass). I need to extend SpecificPopupComponentClass from PopupComponentClass.
export default class BasePage {
get BASE_URL() {
return "https://url.com";
...some methods...
import BasePage from "../page";
class MyPage extends BasePage {
constructor() {
get URL() { return `${this.BASE_URL}/some/path` };
get title() { return $("h1") };
orderRandomTariff() {
...some actions...
export default new MyPage ();
import BasePage from "../pages/page";
class PopupComponent extends BasePage{
constructor() {
get title() { return $("h1") };
export default new PopupComponent();
import PopupComponent from "./popupFragment";
class SpecificPopupComponent extends PopupComponent {
constructor() {
get popupStreetInput() { return $(".//div[#class='checkAddress']//*[./*[contains(text(),'Street')]]//input") };
fillStreet(street) {
...some actions with this.popupStreetInput...
export default new SpecificPopupComponent();
...and trying to use it in test.js:
import MyPage from "../../../../pages/my.page";
import SpecificPopupComponent from "../../../../fragments/specific.popup.component";
const myPage= MyPage ;
const popup = SpecificPopupComponent ;
describe("Test", () => {
before(() => {
it("Check", () => {
but I'm getting an error: "TypeError: Class extends vlaue #PopupComponent is not a constructor or null".
I suspect this is due to circular dependencies, but I can't understand, what I need to do to fix that.
It seems the issue here is how you're exporting the base class. You're instantiating it instead of just exporting the class you'll inherit from. It should be like this:
export default class PopupComponent extends BasePage {
constructor() {
get title() { return $("h1") };
And then create the instance when you're going to use it
var myPage = new MyPage()
var popup = new SpecificPopupComponent()
What you're doing there is equivalent to doing this:
class SpecificPopupComponent extends new PopupComponent() {
// ... what am I? 🤔
I suspect this is due to circular dependencies
You can validate or reject your suspects by copying all the code into the test file in the correct order without using imports. But I don't think it's an circular dependency
I created this Plunker to remove the usage of imports and prove this.

How to call a function defined inside react component in a typescript class?

export class abc extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
function(name: string) {
console.log("I wish to call this function"+ name);
render() {
return (
Now I wish to call the function method of the above-defined component into another xyz.ts class (which is not a react component) is it possible to do the same?
You could use the listener pattern like this:
export interface IListener {
notify: (name:string) => void;
export class Listener {
listener : IListener[] = [];
addListener(listener: IListener) {
notifyListener() {
this.listener.forEach((listener) => {
export class abc extends React.Component<IProps, IState> implements IListener {
componentDidMount() {
// register this class as a listener
new Listener().addListener(this);
public notify(name:string) {
test(name: string) {
console.log("I wish to call this function"+ name);
render() {
return (
You should definitely move the function out of the component and export it if you want to use it in a different ts file.

turn static method of class into variable typescript

Hi all so currently I am making a service for my application/library i am creating and so far this is the best way I can figure out how to create a service. Ideally I would like to change this method into a variable for easier reading
import { NavigationRoute, NavigationParams } from 'react-navigation';
import { NavigationStackProp } from 'react-navigation-stack';
type Navigation =
| NavigationStackProp<NavigationRoute<NavigationParams>, NavigationParams>
| undefined;
export default class NavigationService {
private static _navigator: Navigation;
public static setNavigator(navigatorRef: Navigation) {
this._navigator = navigatorRef;
public static navigate = (): Navigation => {
// TODO: look into how to make this a variable
return NavigationService._navigator;
currently i have this
IconPress: () => NavigationService.navigate()?.openDrawer()
but would love for it to read like this
IconPress: () => NavigationService.navigate?.openDrawer()
This is called a getter:
export default class NavigationService {
public static get navigate(): Navigation {
return NavigationService._navigator;

React Component Inheritance to use parent method and child method

I created a fully functional component. The component has state and props, and there are many methods inside. My component should work differently according to the os(ios / android). So I solved this problem by if statement like below.
if( platform.os == 'ios') { ... } else { ... }
The problem was that as the code volume increased, there was a problem with readability, and I decided to make a separate component for IOS and for Android. The first thing that came to mind was inheritance because ES6 and Typescript Support Class. The picture of concept is this.
However, React does not recommend inheritance. So I was just going to hand over the functions overridden by props to the Speech component in the SpeechIOS component's render function.
The code is as follows.
type Props = {
team: number,
onSpeechResults: (result: string) => void
type States = {
active: boolean;
error: string;
result: string;
export default class Speech extends Component<Props,States> {
state = { ... };
constructor(props: Props) {
// render
render() {
return (
<ImageBackground source={require("../images/default-background.jpeg")} style={styles.full}>
sendCommand = (code: number, speed: number, callback?: () => void) => { ... }
getMatchedSpell = (spellWord: string): { code: number, speed: number } => { ... }
onSpeechResults(e: Voice.Results) { ... };
import Speech from './Speech';
type Props = {}
type States = {}
export default class SpeechIOS extends Component<Props,States> {
constructor(props: Props) {
// render
render() {
return ( <Speech team="1" onSpeechResults={this.onSpeechResults}></Speech> );
sayHello() {
// I want that Speech Component call this onSpeechResults function
onSpeechResults(result: string) {
let temp = this.getMatchedSpell( ... ); // which is in Speech Component
this.sendCommand( 10, 100 ... ); // which is in Speech Component
this.sayHello(); // which is in SpeechIOS component only
... other things..
As you can see, the onSpeechResults which is in SpeechIOS Component use some functions in Speech Component and in SpeechIOS Component also.
So, How to solve this problem? Should I use Inheritance?
Alternatively, break out any common logic into a utility function like SpeechUtil.ts, a whole new file that holds this shared logic and each util function, and exports them. Then, each component separately imports them. That ensures that if you ever update that logic it affects both components
You should define a top level component that defines the shared props and methods, and use those to render either your ios or android component. pass the props and methods to the children. This is composition which is favored over inheritance in react. example:
class Speech extends React.Component {
state ={shared: 'state'}
sharedMethod = () => {
this.setState({blah: 'blah})
render() {
const Root = Platform.select({
ios: SpeechIOS,
android: SpeechAndroid
return <Root onClick={this.sharedMethod} shared={this.state.shared}/>
You can use React.createRef for this purpose.
Below is an example code.
import Speech from './Speech';
type Props = {}
type States = {}
export default class SpeechIOS extends Component<Props, States> {
constructor(props: Props) {
this.speech = React.createRef();
// render
render() {
return (<Speech ref={this.speech} team="1" onSpeechResults={this.onSpeechResults}></Speech>);
sayHello() {
// I want that Speech Component call this onSpeechResults function
onSpeechResults(result: string) {
this.setState({ ...});
let temp = this.speech.current.getMatchedSpell(... ); // which is in Speech Component
this.sendCommand(10, 100 ... ); // which is in Speech Component
this.sayHello(); // which is in SpeechIOS component only
...other things..

Move function in React from component to referenced library

I'm learning React and I'm not sure how to setup this pattern. It could be something really easy I'm just missing.
I have a main component that controls state. It has all of the functions to update state and passes these down to child components via props. I've simplified the code to focus on one of these functions.
Here's the component now, all works as it should:
import React from 'react'
class ManageMenu extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.toggleEditing = this.toggleEditing.bind(this)
// Set initial state
this.state = {
menuSections: []
toggleEditing(id) {
const menuSections = this.state.menuSections
menuSections.map(key => (key.id === id ? key.details.editing = id : ''))
this.setState({ menuSections })
render() {
return (
export default ManageMenu
The toggleEditing is passed via props to a child component that uses it to render an editing form if the edit button is clicked.
I have about 10 of these different functions in this component and what I would like to do is move them to an external lib/methods.js file and then reference them. Below is the code I would like to have, or something similar, but React doesn't like what I'm doing. Throws a syntax error:
Failed to compile.
Error in ./src/components/ManageMenu.js
Syntax error: Unexpected token
toggleEditing(id, menuSectionId, this.state, this)
Here is what I would like to do...
const toggleEditing = function(id, state, that) {
const menuSections = state.menuSections
menuSections.map(key => (key.id === id ? key.details.editing = id : ''))
that.setState({ menuSections })
module.exports = {
And then in my component:
import React from 'react'
import { toggleEditing } from '../lib/methods'
class ManageMenu extends React.Component {
constructor() {
// Set initial state
this.state = {
menuSections: []
toggleEditing(id, this.state, this)
render() {
return (
export default ManageMenu
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Thanks to #Nocebo, the answer on how to externalize functions is here:
Externalise common functions in various react components
In my particular situation,
I need to remove the “floating” toggleEditing(id, this.state, this) call in the middle of nowhere. Update: This error happens “because it is invoking a method within a class definition.” (see Pineda’s comment below)
Remove the leading this. on the right side of the this.toggleEditing statement in constructor()
Update the function in lib/methods.js to remove the state and that variables since its bound to this in the constructor()
See updated code below.
import React from 'react'
import { toggleEditing } from '../lib/methods'
class ManageMenu extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.toggleEditing = toggleEditing.bind(this)
// Set initial state
this.state = {
menuSections: []
render() {
return (
export default ManageMenu
const toggleEditing = function(id) {
const menuSections = this.state.menuSections
menuSections.map(key => (key.id === id ? key.details.editing = id : ''))
this.setState({ menuSections })
module.exports = {
You're error arises because you are invoking toggleEditing in your ManageMenu.js class definition rather than defining a function.
You can achive what you want by setting a local class member this.toggleEditing to the bound function returned by the .bind method and do so within the constructor:
import React from 'react'
import { toggleEditing } from '../lib/methods'
class ManageMenu extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
menuSections: []
// bind external function to local instance here here
this.toggleEditing = toggleEditing.bind(this);
// don't invoke it here, bind it in constructor
//toggleEditing(id, this.state, this)
render() {
return (
export default ManageMenu

