Unable to parse json using javascript - javascript

I have a json which i'm trying to parse it using javascript. Iteration count and the pages getting appended to it are going to be dynamic.
Expected Result
Just like the above image i'm able to take dynamic iteration keys from the below mentioned json.
When i click on iteration it has to populate the corresponding pagenames for that particular iteration as shown in expected result image. But what i get actually is (refer the image below):
Please find the code that i tried:
var pagenamearray = [];
$.getJSON("iteration.json", function(json) {
var hits = json.count;
var iterations, tnname, iteration;
for (var k in hits) {
var value;
if (hits.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
value = hits[k];
var iteratearray = [];
for (var j in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
var check = value[j];
for (var i in check) {
if (check.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var test = check[i];
for (var t in test) {
if (test.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
var pagename = JSON.stringify(t)
var arr = []
if (pagename.includes("PageName")) {
//alert("Key is " +pagename + ", value is" + JSON.stringify(test[t]));
for (var it = 0; it < hits.length; it++) {
if ((Object.keys(hits[it])).includes(j)) {
var pagenamevalue = test[t];
arr[it] = [];
var row = document.createElement('div');
row.setAttribute("class", "row");
row.setAttribute("id", j)
var gridWidth = document.createElement('div');
gridWidth.setAttribute("class", "col-lg-12");
var panelRoot = document.createElement('div');
panelRoot.setAttribute("class", "panel panel-default");
var panelHeading = document.createElement('div');
panelHeading.setAttribute("class", "panel-heading");
var heading3 = document.createElement('a');
heading3.setAttribute("class", "panel-title");
var icon = document.createElement('i');
icon.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-long-arrow-right fa-fw");
heading3.innerHTML = j;
heading3.setAttribute("onclick", "doit('" + j + "');");
/* var panelBody=document.createElement('div');
// panelRoot.appendChild(panelBody)
function doit(value) {
var ul = document.getElementById(value);
if (ul != undefined) {
$("#" + "expandlinks").remove();
$("#" + value + value).remove();
var accordion = document.getElementById(value);
var panelBody = document.createElement('div');
panelBody.setAttribute("class", "panel-body");
panelBody.setAttribute("id", "expandlinks")
var tablediv = document.createElement('div')
var tablelink = document.createElement('a');
var graphdiv = document.createElement('div')
var graphlink = document.createElement('a');
var recommndiv = document.createElement('div');
var recommendlink = document.createElement('a');
tablelink.innerHTML = pagenamearray;
/*graphlink.innerHTML="Timeline View";
Any advise on how to achieve this would be of great help. Thanks in advance.

I think the problem is how you assign the pagenamearray to tablelink.innerHTML. This converts the array to a string, converting all elements in the array to a string too and separating them by a comma each. However, your pagenamearray contains some empty arrays too; these will convert to an empty string in the process, but will still have a comma before and after them.
In your example code above, the pagenamearray will end up with a value of [[[],"T01_Launch"],[[],"T02_Login"],[null,[],"T01_Launch"],[null,[],"T02_Login"]] - when converted to a String, this will result in ",T01_Launch,,T02_Login,,,T01_Launch,,,T02_Login". So instead of assigning it to the innerHTML value directly, you'll first have to filter out the empty arrays and null values.


Looping error in Javascript with eventHandler

I have the following Javascript code within and HTML page. Its function is to display elements on the form based on the user pressing a + button and if the element is not needed then it removes it via the user pressing the - button. Currently its throwing an error "TypeError: docs[n]" is undefined after the following sequence of events:
Select button to add elements
Remove elements not needed
Add elements back (Error Thrown)
Any help would be most appreciated
`<script language="JavaScript">`
var idx = 0;
var d;
//Make getElementsByClassName work for all of IE revs
if (!document.getElementsByClassName) {
document.getElementsByClassName = function (cn) {
var rx = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + cn+ "(?:$|\\s)");
var allT = document.getElementsByTagName("*"), allCN = [],ac="", i = 0, a;
while (a = allT[i=i+1]) {
if ( ac && ac.indexOf(cn) !==-1) {
if(ac===cn){ allCN[allCN.length] = a; continue; }
rx.test(ac) ? (allCN[allCN.length] = a) : 0;
return allCN;
function add_fields(e) {
// for some reason, adding the new fields wipes out existing values, so save and restore
var docs = document.getElementsByClassName("doc");
var revs = document.getElementsByClassName("rev");
/* console.log("test " + idx); */
var saveDocs = new Array(idx);
var saveRevs = new Array(idx);
for (n=0; n < idx; n++) {
saveDocs[n] = docs[n].value; **//Error is thrown here**
saveRevs[n] = revs[n].value;
node = document.getElementById("content");
theNewRow = document.createElement("tr");
theNewCell = theNewRow.insertCell(0);
theNewCell.innerHTML = "Approver Name";
theNewCell.setAttribute("style","font-size: 12pt");
theNewCell1 = theNewRow.insertCell(1);
theNewCell1.innerHTML = "<input type='text' class='doc' style='width:180px;' id='docNum0'/>";
theNewCell1.setAttribute("style","padding-left: 10px");
theNewCell2 = theNewRow.insertCell(2);
theNewCell2.innerHTML = "Approver Email";
theNewCell2.setAttribute("style","font-size: 12pt");
theNewCell2.setAttribute("style","padding-left: 10px");
theNewCell3 = theNewRow.insertCell(3);
theNewCell3.innerHTML = "<input type='text' class='rev' style='width:180px;' id='rev0'/> <input class='minusThing' type='button' style='font-size:10px' value='- '/>";
theNewCell3.setAttribute("style","padding-left: 0px");
node.appendChild( theNewRow );
// restore old arrays and add the id tags to the fields just added
docs = document.getElementsByClassName("doc");
revs = document.getElementsByClassName("rev");
for (n=0; n < idx; n++) {
docs[n].value = saveDocs[n];
revs[n].value = saveRevs[n];
docs[idx].id = "docNum" + idx;
revs[idx].id = "rev" + idx;
//for Loop the entries
function myfunction() {
alert('Inside Function')
var values = "";
for (n=0; n <= idx; n++)
var doc = document.getElementById("docNum"+n).value;
var rev = document.getElementById("rev"+n).value;
//Call VbScript Sub and pass value
If you've removed all the docs, document.getElementsByClassName("doc"); is going to return an empty array. If you're incrementing idx before your loop, the loop will execute once and try to access docs[0], which is undefined.

textContent object property doesn't work

var container = document.getElementById("grid-container");
var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
var div;
var reuqest;
function HTTPRequest(url) {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', url);
request.onload = function() {
function result(data){
var res = JSON.parse(data.responseText);
var array = res.results;
var myObj = array[0];
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(myObj).length; i++) {
div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "grid-item";
for (let key in myObj) {
div.textContent = myObj[key];
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
I am trying to loop through all properties of the object and give the divs I created the text content of each property of the object above.
For some reason I get:
true instead of "track", "song" etc...
Do you know why?
The last key-value pair of every object from that response is:
Therefore, when you're assigning a value to that div as follow div.textContent = myObj[key] you're losing the previously assigned values.
A recommendation is to concatenate the previous values, for example:
div.textContent += separator + myObj[key]
Where separator could be <br>, \n or whatever string you think is suitable.
This is a sample of a response from https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=jack+johnson
Update the innerHTML of div like this instead of textContent and also change = operator to +=.
var myObj = {
wrapperType: "track",
kind: "song",
artistId: 909253,
collectionId: 879273552,
trackId: 879273565
var div = document.getElementById("test");
var content = ""
for (let key in myObj) {
content += key + ": " + myObj[key] + "<br>";
div.innerHTML = content;
<div id="test">It is a test</div>
Instead of for(let ... in ...) you can use this (According to #Jonathan-Lonowski's answer)
let myObj = {
wrapperType: "track",
kind: "song",
artistId: 909253,
collectionId: 879273552,
trackId: 879273565
container = document.getElementById("container");
Object.entries(myObj).forEach(function(itm) {
div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "grid-item";
div.textContent = itm[0] + ": " + itm[1];
<div id="container"></div>
If you're trying to append a div for each of myObj's keys/values, then it should be unnecessary to use two loops to iterate through the keys.
Saving the list of keys from myObj that the for loop is iterating over…
var keys = Object.keys(myObj);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
// ...
You can get the key for each iteration using the index, i, without needing the additional for..in loop:
var key = keys[i];
div.textContent = myObj[key];
function result(data){
var res = JSON.parse(data.responseText);
var array = res.results;
var myObj = array[0];
var keys = Object.keys(myObj);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "grid-item";
div.textContent = myObj[key];
You are not looping well on the object here as you use for
You better use this syntax : https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Objets_globaux/Object/keys
Object.keys(myObj).map((key) => {
console.log(myObj[key], key)
Object.keys(myObj).map(function (key) {
console.log(myObj[key], key)

JSON input string error using $.ajax

My web API accepts below JSON format (this is input parameter)
"atrSpaUserId": "47fe8af8-0435-401e-9ac2-1586c8d169fe",
"atrSpaClassLegendId": "00D18EECC47E7DF44200011302",
"atrSpaCityDistrictId": "144d0d78-c8eb-48a7-9afb-fceddd55622c"},
"atrSpaUserId": "47fe8af8-0435-401e-9ac2-1586c8d169fe",
"atrSpaClassLegendId": "00D18EECC47E7DF44200011302",
"atrSpaCityDistrictId": "144d0d78-c8eb-48a7-9afb-fceddd55622c"
I am building request below in javascript.
var administratorId = '47fe8af8-0435-401e-9ac2-1586c8d169fe'
var districtId = '144d0d78-c8eb-48a7-9afb-fceddd55622c'
var atrUserLegendsInputs
for (i = 0; i < list.get_items().get_count() ; i++)
atrUserLegendsInputs += { atrSpaUserId: administratorId, atrSpaClassLegendId: list.getItem(i).get_value(), atrSpaCityDistrictId: districtId } + ',';
atrUserLegendsInputs = atrUserLegendsInputs.substring(0, atrUserLegendsInputs.length - 1);
var legendIds = '[' + atrUserLegendsInputs + ']';
var atrDistrictLegend = { districtID: cityDistrictId, legendIDs: legendIds };
var test = JSON.stringify(atrDistrictLegend);
getting error message:
{["The input was not valid."]}
I am not sure whether I am doing the right way. I am new to Json and ajax calls. Can you one please help me to fix this issue
Try this code
var administratorId = '47fe8af8-0435-401e-9ac2-1586c8d169fe';
var districtId = '144d0d78-c8eb-48a7-9afb-fceddd55622c';
//* create empty array for legends
var atrUserLegendsInputs = [];
for (i = 0; i < list.get_items().get_count() ; i++) {
//* put some values into legends' array
atrSpaUserId: administratorId,
atrSpaClassLegendId: list.getItem(i).get_value(),
atrSpaCityDistrictId: districtId
var atrDistrictLegend = {
districtID: cityDistrictId,
legendIDs: atrUserLegendsInputs
var test = JSON.stringify(atrDistrictLegend);

pushing into arrays in javascript

My script (is meant to) grab text from the a page (which works fine) and then splits it by by newline (\n) and puts each splitted string into an array called "dnaSequence"; from there it loops through each element in the array and if the string contains the character ">" it assigns that string to the "var header_name", else it pushes all other lines into a new array called "dnaSubseq". The original text looks something like this:
When I execute the code it fails to alert on anything. Here is the code:
function loaderMy() {
var dnaSubseq = [];
var dnaSequence = [];
var header_name = "";
var splittedLines = document.getElementById("page-wrapper").innerText;
dnaSequence = splittedLines.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < dnaSequence.length; i++) {
if (dnaSequence[i].match(/>/)) {
header_name = dnaSequence[i];
else {
If it doesn't alert anything, that means you forgot to invoke the function :)
Try this function
function loaderMy() {
var dnaSubseq = [];
var dnaSequence = [];
var header_name = "";
var splittedLines = document.getElementById("page-wrapper").innerText;
dnaSequence = splittedLines.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < dnaSequence.length; i++) {
if (dnaSequence[i].match(/>/)) {
header_name = dnaSequence[i];
else {

Building dynamic links in Javascript

I have this code below:
for (var index in mv.exifImages) {
var p = document.createElement("p");
var oText = document.createTextNode("link" + index);
var info = mv.exifImages[index];
p.onclick = function() {
I want to create paragraph elements and when I click on them open a new window with correct array content. But I am anable to biuld different links. All my paragraphs open a new window with the array contents at the last index. Is there a trick around this?
I think this should work:
for (var index in mv.exifImages) {
var p = document.createElement("p");
var oText = document.createTextNode("link" + index);
p.onclick = function() {
The following works...
for (var index in mv.exifImages) {
var p = document.createElement("p");
var oText = document.createTextNode("link" + index);
var info = mv.exifImages[index];
p.onclick = openNew(info);
function openNew(a) {
return function() {

