Promise returning undefined and status pending - javascript

I'm adding some functions to an Angular App and here is the thing: I'm trying to use a function that creates a promise to get data from the server, but every time I try to use it, it returns undefined. I've "debugged" with console.log printing my variable with the result of my function as value and it prints Promise{'pending'}
Here is the function of the promise and the variable I'm trying to assign.
all_allies(text = ''){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const _text = text ? /${text} : ''
const path = `${this.env.apiPath}/all_allies${_text}`
.then(response => {
const { data } = response
return data;
.catch(error => reject(error))
let allies = this.AliadosFactory.all_allies();
As you can see the function and the variable are in different scripts.
I've tried using await reserved word but still doesn't work

Can you try this method?
let allies = await this.AliadosFactory.all_allies();
or like this?
this.AliadosFactory.all_allies().then(allies => console.log(allies);
I sure it should work,
Hope this helps.
Have nice day :)

That's because when you perform assignment the Promise is not resolved / rejected yet.
There are two simple solutions:
1. Using then()
this.AliadosFactory.all_allies().then(result => console.log(result));
2. Using async/await
(note that you need an async method in your class)
async foo() {
let allies = await this.AliadosFactory.all_allies();
Also in all_allies() you don't need to return the value after calling the resolve() method;


Unit testing async/await javascript with mocha and chai

Hey guys so I am currently working on this async function and writing unit test for this but it is not working it says AssertionError: expected undefined to equal 'Everytime I think of coding, I am happy' this is my code for the function:
async function funcFour() {// async automatically returns a promise
let result = new Promise((resolve) => {// returns a new promise named result
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(`Everytime I think of coding, I am happy`);//resolve happens after three seconds
}, 1500)
const response = await result;//closing resolve of new promise
console.log(response);//console.logging response of new promise
} funcFour();
And here is my unit test for it:
describe("flirtFour()", () => {
it("Should return Everytime I think of coding, I am happy", async function () {
return flirtFour().then(result => {
expect(result).to.equal("Everytime I think of coding, I am happy")
This is the first time I write unit test and I am trying to do it with async func so I am new to it. I really want to see how this is done so Thanks in advance :)
Although you have given funcFour() above and trying to test flirtFour() below, I am assuming they are the same. Now flirtFour() doesn't return anything as of now. You need to return the response from that function. By default, the returned value is undefined. Also remember that whatever you return from the async function gets wrapped into a Promise itself. So you're actually returning a Promise like so :-
return Promise.resolve(undefined).
If you simply return response that will automatically be treated as
return Promise.resolve(response)
which is probably what you need.
So change your funcFour() to the following :-
async function funcFour() {// async automatically returns a promise
let result = new Promise((resolve) => {// returns a new promise named result
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(`Everytime I think of coding, I am happy`);//resolve happens after three seconds
}, 1500)
const response = await result;
return response;

Javascript Promise handler called before beeing resolved

In an effort to remove the use of jQuery from my code, I tried to replace the $.Deferred(); by new Promise().
I noticed the usage are slightly different, and I'm still learning how it works.
Here is a simplified extract from my code:
function do_match (resolve, reject) {
fetch( /* ... */).then (async function(response) {
/* do some suff */
document.getElementById("match").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="player"></div>');
function do_myMarket () {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.player');
//here elements is sometimes null...
p1 = new Promise(do_match);
p1.then(do_myMarket, null);
While I would have expect do_myMarket to only be called after the promise is resolved, if the fetch is not fast enough, do_myMarket can be called before the elements are available in the page.
Putting breakpoints if elements is null and resolve() confirmed me this behavior.
Am I missing something? Why would this happen?
After some readings from #VLAZ and more testing, I found out it's because of the async in the unnamed function.
The promise p1 was resolved by the return value of the fetch function, which would not wait for completion because of the async keyword, thus making resolve("done"); useless.
And I tried, same behavior with or without the call to resolve.
This comes from, what I think now, as a wacky example from MDN:
// Function to do an Ajax call
const doAjax = async () => {
const response = await fetch('Ajax.php'); // Generate the Response object
if (response.ok) {
const jVal = await response.json(); // Get JSON value from the response body
return Promise.resolve(jVal);
return Promise.reject('*** PHP file not found');
// Call the function and output value or error message to console
The above is all antipattern if I understood correctly.
The correct way is the page dedicated to the .json() method:
function doAjax() {
fetch(/* ... */)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {

Problems with Promise.all [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Promise and Promise.all(array) executed before array fulfilled [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 26 days ago.
I have to get back to this forum for help because I can't still make a 'Promise.all' work!
First, I have this function, which is supposed to return a promise:
const myFetch = (a, b) => {
var url;
// some stuff bulding 'url' using a and b
fetch(url).then(response => {
return response.json();
The idea is that the above function returns a promise, whose value, once resolved, is the json object. I have checked that the json is actually valid. If I replace the "return ..." line with the line below I actually get a valid json:
response.json().then(res=> console.log(res))
Second, I have this for loop, after which I expect to have an array of promises:
promises = [];
for (...){
// some other stuff
promises.push(myFetch(a, b))
Eventually I execute this code:
.then(responses => { // <=== Here I get all "undefined"
responses.forEach(response => {
console.log(response);// <=== Here I get all "undefined"
// some other stuff that I can do only after all fetches are complete
I expect the .then portion to be executed only once all promises are resolved, and also expect "responses" to be a list of all the json responses from the individual promises above. Still, I get a string of "undefined". The impression is that the portion of code within .then is running even though the promises are not yet resolved.
What did I do wrong? How can I be sure to have all the json objects from the individual fetches before proceeding? (note, I cannot use await/async). Thanks
You need to return the promise from the fetch call, otherwise the promise chain will be broken, once you do this, all should play nice!
Something like so should work:
const myFetch = (a, b) => {
var url;
// some stuff bulding 'url' using a and b
return fetch(url).then(response => {
return response.json();
A snippet example:
const myFetch = (url, a, b) => {
return fetch(url).then(response => {
return response.json();
function testMyFetch() {
promises = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
promises.push(myFetch("" + (i+1)));
Promise.all(promises).then(result => console.log("Promise.all result:", result));

Tracking state of a chain of promises

I'm currently trying to track the progress of a chain of native es6 promises, and am wondering what the 'correct' way to go about this is.
I've simplified the actual code to thie following example, which is a basic set of chained promises (in reality, the promise chain is longer, and the session status value changes in more places depending on progress through the chain):
let sessions = {}
const asyncFunc = () => {
// Get a new id for state tracking
let session_id = getID()
sessions.session_id = 'PENDING'
// Fetch the first url
let result = api.get(url)
.then(res => {
// Return the 'url' property of the fetched data
return res.url
.then (url => {
// Fetch this second url
let data = api.get(url)
sessions.session_id = 'SUCCESS'
// Return the whole data object
return data
.catch(err => {
console.log("ERR", err)
sessions.session_id = 'ERROR'
return result
.then(res => {
console.log("URL", url)
This code tracks the state of the functions and stores them to the global sessions object - but the session_id isn't being passed back for inspection of status while the function is 'in-flight'.
One option I'm considering is adding the session_id as a property of the promise when it is returned, so this can be inspected - however I'm not sure if adding a property to a promise is a risky/hacky thing to do? Something like (simplified from above):
const asyncFunc = () => {
// Get a new id for state tracking
let session_id = getID()
sessions.session_id = 'PENDING'
// Fetch the first url
let result = api.get(url)
// Add the session_id to the promise
result.session_id = session_id
return result
let func = asyncFunc()
let status =sessions[func.session_id]
Any thoughts on the validity of this approach? I can see that I would probably also need to push the session id into the final return value as well, (so that the property exists in both the promise, and the resulting value of the resolved/rejected promise).
Alternatively, any other ways of handling this?
The obvious one is to make the function always return an array of arguments (promise and session_id) but I'd prefer to avoid having to always do e.g.:
let func = asyncFunc()
let status =sessions[func[1]]

React Native AsyncStorage returns promise instead of value

I understand this is a very common problem in RN and I am still trying to understand the very possible advantage of returning a promise when loading data from a property file instead of just returning the value, which makes chaining requests very cumbersome...but anyway. Here is what I have right now, which is a wrapper from the AsyncStorage RN implementation:
multiGet = async (key) => {
var value = null;
try {
value = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(key).then(
(values) => {
value = values;
console.log('Then: ',values);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error: ',error);
console.log('Final: ',value);
return value;
At this point, value gets undefined. In my main code I have this:
var filter = this._getFilter();
console.log('returned filter:',filter);
The _getFilter function is the one using the AsyncStorage wrapper but the 'returned filter' is logging before the first function so it is not waiting for the returned values before continue, so I get an undefined value.
At first, I thought that just by using the async/await the AsyncStorage wold return a value instead of a promise but after testing, the value I get from:
value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('key')
is STILL a promise, so I have to use then() to read the value.
Basically the order that I am seeing in the logs is:
returned value: undefined
Then: value: here I get the correct value from the keys but the code already passed and I don't have the correct value in the variable
I have no clue what is going on or how to handle this correctly. This is supposed to be very simple and common use case.
I would love to solve this without using a third party module.
Edit: After understanding a little more about the concepts of async/await and callbacks, I finally have a code that works. I don't like it, because it makes the code very hard to read. I might need to refactor it to use promises but for now, it works. Here are some snippets in case someone finds the same issue:
Note: I am sending the body through the chain because I am "completing" the information as I pass the functions. The second parameter is the first callback that actually makes a fetch query and the third callback is the return of the fetch function.
(banks) => {
filter.banks = banks;
(cards) => {
filter.credit_cards = cards;
Here basically I am chaining a couple of gets because I need several values from the store. This is the part I dont really like. _sh is my StorageHelper which is a wrapper to the AsyncStorage, nothing fancy.
multiGet = async (key) => {
const value = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(key);
return value;
Then my very last callback that actually makes the fetch and send the JSON response to the main screen in react native:
body.filter = filter;
return fetch(apiUrl, {method: 'post', body: JSON.stringify(body)})
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((responseJson) => {
.catch((error) => {
I will improve this and make it cleaner but for now, it works. Hope it helps others too.
Once upon a time, i was having the same problem so what I did I will share with you here.
Basically, your execution is moving forward without taking any value i.e undefined what you are getting right now so there are 3-4 ways to get out of this:
1) async await
2) callback
1) We will start with the callback which is use by most of the people.
We will use your code to implement this:
multiGet = (key) => {
var collect;
try {
var value = AsyncStorage.multiGet(key).then(
(values) => {
// value = values;
console.log('Then: ',values);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error: ',error);
console.log('Final: ',value);
console.log('returned filter:',filter);
If you are using await alone then you would get an error, to use await inside a function you have to declare the async function by setting async keyword before the function name.
async _getFilter(key)
multiGet = async (key) => {
var value,collect;
try {
value = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(key).then(
(values) => {
collect= values;
console.log('Then: ',values);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error: ',error);
console.log('Final: ',value);
return collect;
//calling the async function
console.log('returned filter:',filter)
Hope this would clear your concepts and help you with other react native developers.I have seen lots of people struggling with this thing so today I got the chance to clear your doubts.
Cheers :)
the thing is await turns the promise into a value, you don't need to use .then(). Try the following:
const keys = await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys()
const values = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys)
// at this point `values` will have data for all keys

