Can a javascript code continue running throughout different web pages? - javascript

I am trying to code a javascript that runs throughout different web pages. The script should type something into a search bar, click search, click a result, then save each result text into an array. It looks something like:
function returnresults(queries){
arrayofcontent = [];
for each query {
type query in searchbar;
submit search;
result[0].click(); // go to first result
return arrayofcontent;
The issue is that the script seems to be stopping after the script clicks search, which makes me think that the script is unloading itself when moving to another page, even though I'm typing the script directly into the javascript console in Google Chrome. Does anyone know how to tell Google Chrome to keep running the script even after moving between pages?

Short answer: No.
When you examine what's happening in a browser tab (including working with the console), you are only able to inspect what's loaded in that tab. If you navigate to another page in that tab, everything that was in memory from the last page is thrown out and the new page content is loaded.
What you need is to store the state of the script and then retrieve that state on the other page. Storing state can be done in many different ways (cookies, localStorage, sessionStorage, server-side databases) and you'll need to decide which is right for your architecture and use case.

if you want to inject your script to different web pages you can do that by developing a chrome extension . A extension enables to inject your script depending on your logic
here is the link to get started


Website refreshing randomly with an unknown parameter &mn

My website is refreshing randomly by itself with an additional unknown URL parameter ?mn followed by a Hash. Example:
I really don't know where it comes from. It happened even in Incognito mode.
Website is on Sitecore.
Any ideas?
If the page is loading correctly from the server but then refreshes with additional parameters in your browser, it must be triggered by JavaScript code. It can be caused by your own JavaScript, scripts injected by a third-party snippet, scripts executed by your browser extensions and so on.
Follow the steps below to find what triggers this refresh:
Open Developer Tools in your browser and navigate to the Network tab
Select the Preserve log checkbox
Reload your web page to replicate the issue
Find the request with parameter ?mn= and select it
Go to the Initiator tab, it will show the request call stack or request initiator chain similar to this:
This can help you understand what in your browser triggered the web page refresh.
Thank you.
I finally found out.
It was due to the Zoom application, a Post-attendee URL was set, as soon as a meeting is done, Zoom triggers the default browser and redirects to a website.

How to keep js function run between different pages?

I wonder how sites like SoundCloud work: you play a song and it keeps playing even if you move to another page without stopping
Any suggestions?
The only way I can think of is to build your app, or at least the parts of it that need to bo continuous, as a single page.
In practice, this means that only one HTML document is loaded. When, say, a link is pressed, the browser action is intercepted and prevented and the browser behaviour is faked by javascript.
Consider a website consisting of pages A and B. Normally, when a link pointing to B is activated, the URL is changed and the browser calls the server, requesting B. In a single-page application, however, this is interrupted by a javascript function, which changes the URL using the History API, and then displays B in a way that doesn't require a new document being synchronously fetched from the server.
There's a couple of ways to do it.
Navigate to a new page
If you do that, a whole new JS execution context is created for the new page, so you can't keep the function running. What you can do however is to "resume" execution in the new page. For this you need to save the state of the old page either on the server or in some client storage that persists between page changes (cookies, localStorage, etc).
Fake navigation
This is the most user friendly way - you turn your website into a web application. You no longer have multiple pages, so when user wants to change what he sees in the browser (like go to a new song), the app simply changes the appropriate area with the desired content. This is a complex topic that should probably be researched in itself, not explained in a SO answer. Go ahead and google "single page application" and you should find plenty of resources for it.
Technically you never change the page when you are using souncloud. You always stay on the same page and only the parts get changed which are actually changing, so you never reload the whole page. That's why they can keep the music playing: They just never remove or change the actual player. If you are wondering why the URL in your browser is changing if you never leave the page: They manipulate your history entries.
If you are interested in creating an application that behaves similar you should checkout frameworks like Ember.js or Angular.js. TodoMVC Gives a nice overview of those frameworks.

Keep the console script persistent in Google Chrome

I have a script I want to use in the Google Chrome console. But this script is going to reload the page. A bit like this :
The problem is, once it's reloaded, the script stops and the console is cleared. I tried the option "Preserve log on navigation" : it preserves the log, but the script doesn't restart after reloading.
How should I do ? Thanks :)
There is no way to actually do that. The only possible way I found is to develop a Chrome' extension and place your script on it. Your script will be excecuted every time the target page is loaded, so when you execute the location.refresh() method , the next time the page is loaded your script will be executed all again and so on. If you wish to persist some data between page loads, then you can use localStorage.
Find more information here
How to inject scripts via extensions ?: that the scope of the extensions is isolated from the rest of the page, so you cant directly access JS variables or functions declared in the page itself from an extension BUT you can interact with the DOM. Good luck
I am using a cool Chrome Extension called Resource Override, which allows you to inject a script on specific urls. So all you have to do is put your url (with * on each end), and create a JS file injected into the HEAD, and it will be ran every time. You start from scratch on every page though, so I'm not sure how you can persist data. Maybe in cookies?
Try creating a parent html document that has an iframe whose source is the original html page. Place the javascript in the parent html page and tell it to reload the iframe.

How can I prevent saving/downloading web page?

I was wondering if there was a way to prevent a user from saving/downloading a web page? Specifically, I mean not letting them have access to the data displayed through my web application on their own machine?
I've heard that this is not possible since the browser must have access to the source code/data, but at the same time, I've noticed that if I to my gmail account, open an email, save the page, but when I try to open that page on my computer, it doesn't work. Furthermore, if I click "view source", I can see that even the source does not display the entire email message, even though the email is opened in my browser.
How it's possible for gmail to prevent me from seeing that email data?
Thats what called rendering pages using dynamic data without refreshing page (AJAX). The entire page source code is not downloaded in one go and components within the page request data asynchronously to display content. Try googling it and you will find more information.
In View source you can only see the HTML, CSS, JavaScript codes. No one can copy any dynamic code (PHP) from view source.
You can't stop anyone to see your html,css code in browser, as we are having view source option.
Maximum what you can do is disable right click on your page. Thant can be done through JavaScript.

javascript urls in IE pinned site task list

I'm attempting to set up Pinned Site features for my project. The trouble is that I'd like to have the tasks be javascript actions rather than loading a new page. The reason for this is that the site is designed to only ever work in a single window.
I tried adding the following META tag:
<meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=Test Action;
action-uri=javascript:ui('test',8);icon-uri=/img/icons/test.ico" />
However this causes the task to simply not appear. (Using a normal URL makes it show up just fine)
Is there any way to do this? The best I can think of is a hash and check for the hashchange event, but this doesn't work because it gets opened in a new tab of the window...
I'm afraid this is not supported, because action list is designed for launching an application, not for a navigation inside it.
If you really want implement it, you can open a new window, send a message to server via web sockets and let server to forward that message to application window also via web sockets. But this is very hacky approach and works only in IE10.
This issue can be resolved by using a hash. By setting the action-uri to something readable by JavaScript, the JS can then read it, process the instruction, and then clear the hash in preparation for the next task.
This has the advantage that it works even when the window isn't already open, since the JS will read the hash on the first load too.
The catch is to add window-type=self to the content.

