How to zoom in on image of current slick slide? - javascript

I have followed from #mkbctrl and managed to create a slick slider but i want to zoom in on the image of the current slide.How do i implement this?
I tried using photoswipe but it doesn't work.I tried using their example but it still did not work.Other methods only have zoom in temporarily meaning when is on hover on click,the image is zoomed but it moves around with the mouse.I do not want this.What i hope to achieve is the same as CSS Zoom.
//view selected images
const fileInput = document.getElementById('my_file');
const fileList = document.getElementById('imageContainer');
let slickSettings = {
infinite: true,
draggable: false,
arrows: true,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
swipe: false
let initSlickCarousel = (target, settings) => {
const $target = $(target);
switch (true) {
case $target.hasClass('slick-initialized'):
const handleInputChange = (event) => {
console.log('We are handling it sir!');
const filesArray = Array.from(;
if (filesArray.length > 20) {
alert("Please select 20 or less images!!");
} else { => {
const outputImg = document.createElement('img');
const fileReader = new FileReader();
outputImg.className = 'img-thumbnail';
// Let's read it as data url - onload won't return a thing without it
fileReader.onload = (event) => {
outputImg.src =;
document.getElementById("openBtn").style.pointerEvents = "none";
var files =;
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
$("#files").append('<div class="filename"><span name="fileNameList">' + files[i].name + '</span></div>');
if ($(".imageContainer").hasClass("slick-initialized")) {
$('.imageContainer').on('beforeChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) {
$(".imageContainer").slick('slickSetOption', 'adaptiveHeight', true, true);
initSlickCarousel(fileList, slickSettings);
When I click on a zoom in button,my image that is currently displayed should zoom in.What should I do to achieve this?
I have managed to do the zoom by a comment recommendation but it doesnt show the full image.This is because i set the container for my slider to 200px for both width and height.How should I make the container responsive to the currently displayed image?If i set the width to auto,it will display all the images in the slides.


JSpdf not exporting entire page by scrolling through whole content

import html2canvas from "html2canvas";
import jsPDF from "jspdf";
export function handleScreenCapture(
fileName = "default",
format = "png",
isPdf = true,
) {
// document.body.scrollTop = 0;
// document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
// window.scrollTo(0,0);
scrollTo(0, function () {
html2canvas(document.getElementById(id), { scale: 1 }).then((canvas) => {
// downloadFile(canvas, fileName, format, isPdf, id);
const width = canvas.width;
const height = canvas.height;
const data = canvas.toDataURL(`image/${format}`);
const pdf = new jsPDF({
orientation: "l", // landscape
pdf.addImage(data, "PNG", 0, 0);`${fileName}.pdf`);
I am using this cod to download pdf. But, it is not capturing whole page. How can i export complete page by scrolling
to bottom . I am using scrollto but not working
Please take a look

ReadyStateChange after all DOM Elements are create, else many SVG animation?

I have many SVG animation bodymovin.load, so i need to create preloader with persent, where persent every img in all animation
All work is ok, BUT
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
starts before all image svg create at DOM, for example in first animation load svg 60 images, in second 367, and preloader see only 60 images
It's preloader
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const mediaFiles = document.querySelectorAll('image');
let i = 0
Array.from(mediaFiles).forEach((file, index) => {
file.onload = () => {
percents.innerHTML = ((i * 100) / mediaFiles.length).toFixed(1)
if(i === mediaFiles.length) {
percents.innerHTML = 100
It's animations
const ramaoknaData = {
container: document.getElementById('ramaokna-container'),
renderer: 'svg',
loop: false,
autoplay: false,
path: '/ramaokna.json'
const ramaoknaAnim = bodymovin.loadAnimation(ramaoknaData);

Not being able to Load Image from a function To HTML Canvas

I am trying to place the screenshot image into html canvas but not being able to. I have taken screenshot of current tab by using following chrome API. Trying to make a chrome extension.
/* background.js */
let id = 100;
//calling chrome api
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(() => {
chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab((screenshotUrl) => {
const viewTabUrl = chrome.extension.getURL('screenshot.html?id=' + id++)
let targetId = null;
//checking if the opened tab id is the same as the target id
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function listener(tabId, changedProps) {
if (tabId != targetId || changedProps.status != "complete")
const views = chrome.extension.getViews();
for (let i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
let view = views[i];
if (view.location.href == viewTabUrl) {
//chrome tabs create method
//no listener on create event because the tab’s URL may not be set at the time this event is fired
chrome.tabs.create({ url: viewTabUrl }, (tab) => {
targetId =;
But not able to call the image from the function
function setScreenshotUrl(url) {
document.getElementById('target').src = url;
var cnv = document.getElementById("conv");
cnv.onclick = function() {
var x = document.getElementById("target").src;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
var img = document.getElementById("target");
ctx.drawImage(img, 10, 10, 300, 175, 0, 0, 100, 175);
The problem was image was not ready at windows on load event, verified by checking the innerHTML of the image, while if I try to do the same thing in onClick event, the image is successfully loaded into canvas.

Passing Video File Input to p5js Canvas

I am trying to use Bootstrap to create a prettier interface to upload a video file rather than the p5js "createFileInput()" function. I want the video in p5js so I can overlay animations onto it. For some reason my code is displaying the video twice as soon as I use the function "createVideo" and if I try and hide the DOM that is the second video outside of the canvas it disappears from the p5js canvas. Here is my code:
var view = {
vid: "",
cHeight: 500,
cWidth: 700,
xVid: 0,
yVid: 0,
function setup() {
let cnv = createCanvas(view.cWidth, view.cHeight);"p5jsCanvas");
function draw() {
if (view.vid) {
// We have an uploaded video so draw it
image(view.vid, view.xVid, view.yVid);
} else {
$("#videoFileUpload").on("change", function() {
var fileName = $(this).val().split("\\").pop();
if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
var fileLocation = URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]);
view.vid = createVideo([fileLocation], resizeVid);"poseVid");
function resizeVid(){
// If the height is greater than the width use the height to scale and AUTO for the width
if (view.vid.height > view.vid.width){
console.log("height > width");
view.vid.size(AUTO, cHeight);
} else { // Else if the width is greater than or equal to the height use the width to scale and AUTO for the height
view.vid.size(view.cWidth, AUTO);
// Reset location of the video
let currW = $("#poseVid").attr('width');
let currH = $("#poseVid").attr('height');
view.xVid = (view.cWidth - currW)/2;
view.yVid = (view.cHeight - currH)/2;
I realized that I needed to use hide() on the video element and then provide a way to "play" the element in p5js and then it worked. I also added removing the id if it existed already so that I could upload a different video after one was already uploaded.
var view = {
vid: "",
cHeight: 500,
cWidth: 700,
xVid: 0,
yVid: 0,
function setup() {
let cnv = createCanvas(view.cWidth, view.cHeight);"p5jsCanvas");
function draw() {
if (view.vid) {
// We have an uploaded video so draw it
image(view.vid, view.xVid, view.yVid);
} else {
$("#videoFileUpload").on("change", function() {
var fileName = $(this).val().split("\\").pop();
if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
var fileLocation = URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]);
$("#poseVid").remove(); // ADDED
view.vid = createVideo([fileLocation], resizeVid);
//"poseVid"); // MOVED TO resizeVid function
function mousePressed() {
view.vid.loop(); // set the video to loop and start playing
function resizeVid(){
// If the height is greater than the width use the height to scale and AUTO for the width"poseVid"); //MOVED INTO THIS FUNCTION
$("#poseVid").hide(); //ADDED
if (view.vid.height > view.vid.width){
console.log("height > width");
view.vid.size(AUTO, cHeight);
} else { // Else if the width is greater than or equal to the height use the width to scale and AUTO for the height
view.vid.size(view.cWidth, AUTO);
// Reset location of the video
let currW = $("#poseVid").attr('width');
let currH = $("#poseVid").attr('height');
view.xVid = (view.cWidth - currW)/2;
view.yVid = (view.cHeight - currH)/2;

Change images randomly on click without repeating

I found this code on Stack Overflow: change images on click.
And it works for me. I want it to be random, but how can i prevent it from repeating the images. It should first repeat the images, when the user has clicked through all images.
I have made an JSfiddle with my code:
JQuery code:
var images = ["02.jpg","03.jpg","01.jpg"];
$(function() {
$('.change').click(function(e) {
var image = images[Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length)];
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
$('#bg').attr('src', 'items/'+image);
Keep track of the numbers that you have generated, and if its a repeat then get a new number.
You can Work Around This
var usedImages = {};
var usedImagesCount = 0;
function displayImage(){
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * (imagesArray.length));
if (!usedImages[num]){
document.canvas.src = imagesArray[num];
usedImages[num] = true;
if (usedImagesCount === imagesArray.length){
usedImagesCount = 0;
usedImages = {};
} else {
you can try this code .
var images = ["02.jpg","03.jpg","01.jpg"];
var imagecon = [];
$(function() {
$('.change').click(function(e) {
if(images.length == 0) { // if no image left
images = imagecon; // put all used image back
imagecon = []; // empty the container
var index = Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length);
var image = images[index];
imagecon.push(image); // add used image
images.splice(index,1); // remove it to images
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
$('#bg').attr('src', 'items/'+image);
you could add a class to every image that appears like:
and write an if statement that show the image only if it hasn't the class viewed:
(show the image methods);
I'm not going to make all the code for you, just try this way, learn, fail, success, have fun! :D
Try this image change according to imgCnt variable.
var images = ["01.jpg","02.jpg","03.jpg","01.jpg"];
var imgCnt=1;
$(function() {
$('.change').click(function(e) {
// var image = images[Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length)];
if(imgCnt >= images.length){
var image =images[imgCnt];
// alert(image);
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
$('#bg').attr('src', 'items/'+image);
There are lots of method here i just push the value of visited image in to Visited array
Campate two array show only differ element
var images = ["02.jpg","03.jpg","01.jpg"];
var visited = [];
$(function() {
$('.change').click(function(e) {
var image = images[Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length)];
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
y = jQuery.grep(images, function(value) {
if(jQuery.inArray(value, visited) == -1){
$('#bg').attr('src', 'items/'+image);
} });
I hopes its help

