I am using Animate Plus for animating accordion. I have multiple definition lists (dl) and I would like to target them all, not just the first one.
Here is the relevant piece of code:
const accordion = {
element: document.querySelector("dl"),
translate: 0
const buttons = Array.from(
element => ({
translate: 0
I was trying to convert to an array and use the spread operator […document.querySelectorAll("dl")] but without success.
How can I use querySelectorAll in this specific context to target all dl tags?
Example of my accordion can be found here:
Here is an updated CodePen using Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('dl')) to target every dl in the document:
Since there are now multiple accordions, I first build an array of accordions and I modified all almost functions to take an accordion and a list of buttons as first parameters.
At the end, you just have to iterate over the accordions and execute the same logic you had, but parameterized for the current accordion and its buttons.
const accordions = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("dl")).map(dl => ({
element: dl,
translate: 0
const getButtons = accordion => Array.from(
element => ({
translate: 0
const timing = {
easing: "out-quartic",
duration: 400
const clear = element =>
Object.values(element.attributes).forEach(({ name }) =>
const hide = async (accordion, buttons, collapsing) => {
const objects = buttons.filter(({ translate }) => translate)
const direction = "reverse"
rotate(collapsing.previousElementSibling.lastElementChild, direction)
slide(accordion, objects)
await fold(collapsing, direction)
const show = (accordion, buttons, expanding) => {
const button = expanding.previousElementSibling.lastElementChild
const index = buttons.findIndex(({ element }) => element == button)
const objects = buttons.slice(index + 1)
const { height } = expanding.getBoundingClientRect()
expanding.className = "open"
slide(accordion, objects, height)
const slide = (accordion, array, to = 0) => {
center(accordion, to)
elements: array.map(({ element }) => element.parentElement),
transform(index) {
const object = array[index]
const from = object.translate
object.translate = to
return [`translateY(${from}px)`, to]
const center = (accordion, height) => {
const from = accordion.translate
const to = Math.round(-height / 2)
accordion.translate = to
elements: accordion.element,
transform: [`translateY(${from}px)`, to]
const fold = async (content, direction = "normal") =>
await animate({
elements: content,
opacity: [0, 1],
transform: ["scaleY(0)", 1]
const rotate = ({ lastElementChild: elements }, direction = "normal") =>
easing: "out-cubic",
duration: 600,
transform: ["rotate(0turn)", 0.5]
const toggle = (accordion, buttons) => async ({ target }) => {
const collapsing = accordion.element.querySelector(".open")
const expanding = target.parentElement.nextElementSibling
if (collapsing) await hide(accordion, buttons, collapsing)
if (collapsing != expanding) show(accordion, buttons, expanding)
accordions.forEach(accordion => {
const buttons = getButtons(accordion)
({ element }) => element.addEventListener("click", toggle(accordion, buttons))
import animate from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/animateplus#2/animateplus.js"
I hope that I correctly understood your problem and that helps you.
How about this:
// collect all dl elements
const accordion = {
definitionLists: Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("dl")),
translate: 0
// get all button elements inside of each dl in a single array
const buttons = accordion.definitionLists.reduce((acc, dl) => {
let currentDlButtons = Array.from(dl.getElementsByTagName("button"),
element => ({
translate: 0
return acc.concat(currentDlButtons);
}, []);
I'm trying to get Drag and Drop to work correctly
But in the image gallery, it only changes the position of the photo when dragging it under the other image
As if it only works vertically
Javascript Vanilla
const enableDragSort = className => {
// Gets all child elements of the .gallery or .datasheet class
const enableDragList = className => {
// For each child of the class, add the draggable attribute
const enableDragItem = item => {
item.setAttribute('draggable', true);
item.ondrag = handleDrag;
item.ondragend = handleDrop;
const handleDrag = event => {
const item = event.target.closest('[draggable]');
// .gallery or .datasheet
const className = item.parentElement;
const x = event.clientX;
const y = event.clientY;
let swap = document.elementFromPoint(x, y) ?? item;
if (className === swap.parentElement) {
swap = (swap !== item.nextSibling) ? swap : swap.nextSibling;
className.insertBefore(item, swap);
const handleDrop = ({ target }) => {
const item = target.closest('[draggable]');
// Drag Drop
enableDragSort('gallery'); // It does not work properly
enableDragSort('datasheet'); // It works
I have a class called Bullet which is essentially a div on a space invader webpage. When this bullet gets 'fired' I call a method which gradually moves the 'bullet' up the screen.
When the bullet gets to the edge of the screen I want to remove the whole bullet object from memory. However, the setTimeout loop continues to run even after I've deleted it (I think).
I'm sure there is a better way to do this! Perhaps it's foolish to run the loop like this?
this.bulletmove = new CustomEvent("bulletmove",{detail:this.name});
* moves the bullet up the screen gradually
var that = this;
The event is picked up in a controller script which checks if the bullet has reached the edge of the screen at which point it is deleted:
window.addEventListener('bulletmove', function(evt) {
*Check if the bullet has gone off screen and deletes it
function checkCollision(e){
var bulletName = e.detail;
var bullet = bullets[bulletName];
//check if the bullet has gone off screen
if (bullet.bottom < 0){
delete bullets[e.detail];
Have you tried a clearTimeout method to stop the setTimeout from firing?
const fireBullet = setTimeout(function(){
I think you should use setInterval instead of calling fire() again - by calling that function, a new setTimeout is created (with a new handler); before the removal of the object, you call obj.halt(), and that clears the setInterval correctly.
const obj = {
name: "objName",
bulletmove() {
return new CustomEvent("bulletmove", {
detail: this.name
halt() {
intervalHandler: null,
fire() {
const handler = setInterval(() => {
// this.moveUp()
// console.log("move up")
// this.fire()
}, 500)
this.intervalHandler = handler
let i = 0
window.addEventListener('bulletmove', function(e) {
// this if-else if mocks the collision detection
// expected: log obj.name 5 times, then clear the interval,
// then event should not be called anymore
if (i < 5) {
console.log(i, e.detail)
} else if (i < 8) {
} else if (i < 100) {
console.log(i, e.detail)
A cleaner approach would be if the fire method returned its own "clear function", and you could use that in the event handling:
const obj = {
name: "objName",
bulletmove() {
return new CustomEvent("bulletmove", {
detail: this.name
fire() {
const handler = setInterval(() => {
// this.moveUp()
// console.log("move up")
// this.fire()
}, 500)
return () => clearInterval(handler)
let i = 0
const fireHandler = obj.fire()
const eventHandler = (clearFn) => (e) => {
// this if-else if mocks the collision detection
// expected: log obj.name 5 times, then clear the interval,
// then event should not be called anymore
if (i < 5) {
console.log(i, e.detail)
} else if (i < 8) {
} else if (i < 100) {
console.log(i, e.detail)
const eventHandlerWithRemoveFn = eventHandler(fireHandler)
window.addEventListener('bulletmove', eventHandlerWithRemoveFn)
The drawback of this method is that you need to add each object's event handler separately to the window, its benefit is more control, cleaner code (no need to save that handler in the object).
This is a version of the previous solution, where the clearing functions are stored in the window object:
const eventHandler = (e) => {
const i = e.detail.eventCounter
if (i < 3) {
console.log(i, e.detail.name)
} else if (i < 4) {
console.log(i, e.detail.name + " is halted")
} else if (i < 100) {
console.log(i, e.detail.name)
const getBullet = (i) => ({
eventCounter: i, // only for mocking!
name: `objName-${i}`,
bulletmove() {
return new CustomEvent("bulletmove", {
detail: {
name: this.name,
eventCounter: this.eventCounter,
fire() {
const handler = setInterval(() => {
}, 500)
if (!window.bulletIntervals) window.bulletIntervals = {}
window.bulletIntervals[this.name] = () => clearInterval(handler)
const bullets = [
const fireAll = (bullets) => {
window.addEventListener("bulletmove", eventHandler)
bullets.forEach((bullet) => {
I would use RxJS to monitor the progress of your bullets.
In the example below I have three different bullets. Each within its own boundary. Once fired, they will immediately stop when they exit their box.
For each bullet we have an "animation frame" observable that emits when such a frame is made available by the browser (internally RxJS uses requestAnimationFrame for this). At that point we check whether the bullet is still within its parent bounding box. If it is we move it otherwise we don't and the subscription to the animation frame stream automatically ends.
const rightPos = el => el.getBoundingClientRect().right;
const moveBullet = (sel, pos) =>
.style.left = `${pos}px`;
const fire = (bullet) => {
const el = document.querySelector(bullet);
const parentPos = rightPos(el.parentNode);
return animationFrames().pipe(
map(() => rightPos(el)),
takeWhile(pos => pos < parentPos)
const bullet1$ = fire('#bullet1');
const bullet2$ = fire('#bullet2');
const bullet3$ = fire('#bullet3');
const fire$ = fromEvent(document.querySelector('button'),'click');
fire$.subscribe(() => {
bullet1$.subscribe(pos => moveBullet('#bullet1', pos+1));
bullet2$.subscribe(pos => moveBullet('#bullet2', pos+1));
bullet3$.subscribe(pos => moveBullet('#bullet3', pos+1));
div {
height: 30px;
border: 1px solid black;
margin: 5px;
position: relative;
span { position: absolute; }
<script src="https://unpkg.com/rxjs#7.5.7/dist/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
const {animationFrames, fromEvent} = rxjs;
const {map, takeWhile} = rxjs.operators;
<div style="width:150px"><span id="bullet1">🏉</span></div>
<div style="width:300px"><span id="bullet2">🥏</span></div>
<div style="width:450px"><span id="bullet3">⚽️</span></div>
In the following code, an outer div forms the boundaries of a playfield and all game elements inside the playfield are represented by divs.
Game state consists of an array of game elements (in this instance: one ship and zero or more bullets). Once an element is no longer visible (here: simply off the right-hand side of the playfield), it is removed from game state.
The game loop uses requestAnimationFrame to repeatedly render the game state to the playfield.
Bullet position is calculated using the time of firing and the time elapsed (I added a little randomness to bullet velocity just for fun).
Game elements such as bullets have an associated generator function called as part of the game loop, to retrieve the next state of the element (a bullet "moves by itself" after the initial appearance).
Firing a bullet in this design is as simple as creating a new bullet object with an initial position and an instance of a generator function to account for its trajectory; and then adding that pair to the game state.
const elem = ({ kind = 'div', classN = '' }) => {
const el = document.createElement(kind)
return el
const applyStyle = (el, style) =>
.forEach(([k, v]) => el.style[k] = v), el)
const cssPixels = (str) => +(str.slice(0, -2))
const isVisible = (left) =>
cssPixels(left) < cssPixels(playfield.style.width)
const createPlayfield = () =>
applyStyle(elem({ classN: 'playfield' }), { width: '300px' })
const createShip = (startLeft, width) =>
[{ classN: 'ship', style: { left: startLeft, width } }, null]
const createBullet = (startLeft) => {
const b = {
classN: 'bullet',
style: { left: startLeft },
firingTime: +new Date(),
velocity: 0.5,
velocitySeed: Number('1.' + ~~(Math.random() * 9)),
const g = bulletStateGen(b)
return [ b, () => g.next() ]
const bulletPos = ({ firingTime,
velocitySeed }, now = +new Date()) =>
`${~~(velocity * (now - firingTime) * velocitySeed + cssPixels(startLeft))}px`
const bulletStateGen = function*(b) {
while (1) {
const left = bulletPos(b)
if (!isVisible(left))
b.style = { left }
const fire = (startLeft) =>
const tick = () =>
state = state.reduce((acc, [o, next]) => {
if (!next)
return acc.push([o, next]), acc
const { value, done } = next()
if (done)
return acc
return acc.push([value, next]), acc
}, [])
const blank = () => playfield.innerHTML = ''
const render = () => {
state.forEach(([{ classN, style = {} }]) =>
playfield.appendChild(applyStyle(elem({ classN }), style)))
let ship = createShip('10px', '50px')
let state = [ship]
let playfield = createPlayfield()
const gameLoop = () =>
(render(), tick(), requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop))
const init = () => {
document.body.onkeyup = (e) =>
e.key === " "
&& fire(`${cssPixels(ship[0].style.left) + cssPixels(ship[0].style.width)}px`)
gameLoop(state, playfield)
.playfield {
height: 300px;
background-color: black;
position: relative;
.ship {
top: 138px;
height: 50px;
background-color: gold;
position: absolute;
border-radius: 7px 22px 22px 7px;
.bullet {
top: 163px;
width: 10px;
height: 2px;
background-color: silver;
position: absolute;
Click on the game to focus it, and then press spacebar to fire!
I'm creating a carousel component in React and I'm having trouble implementing the next, and previous functionality:
const onClickPrevious = () => {
const box = opstionsListRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
opstionsListRef.current.style.transform = `translateX(${box.x - 300}px)`;
const onClickNext = () => {
const box = opstionsListRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
opstionsListRef.current.style.transform = `translateX(${box.x + 100}px)`;
I had to decrement by 300 just to have a more decent translateX, but it still not working 100% correctly.
I have a " P Element". So the height of each element can be higher then the other. So I want that all height are the same height, but every the highest.
I get no errors but it not works.
const getHeightAndSetNewHeight = () => {
const k = document.querySelectorAll('.kamera');
k.forEach(e => {
if(Math.max(Number(e.offsetHeight))) {
e.style.height = `${e.offsetHeight}px`;
You need to loop through once, find the maximum, then loop through again once you have it.
const getHeightAndSetNewHeight = () => {
const k = document.querySelectorAll('.kamera');
let max = -Infinity;
k.forEach(e => {
if (max < e.offsetHeight) max = offsetHeight;
k.forEach(e => {
e.style.height = `${e.offsetHeight}px`;
I will attempt to keep this brief, but I am not 100% sure of the correct method of achieving what I am aiming for. I have been thrown in the deep end with React with not much training, so I have most likely been going about most of this component incorrectly, a point in the right direction will definitely help, I don't really expect for someone to completely redo my component for me as it's quite long.
I have a navigation bar SubNav, that finds the currently active item based upon the url/path, this will then move an underline element that inherits the width of the active element. To do this, I find the position of the active item and position accordingly. The same goes for when a user hovers over another navigation item, or when the window resizes it adjusts the position accordingly.
I also have it when at lower resolutions, when the nav gets cut off to have arrows appear to scroll left/right on the navigation to view all navigation items.
Also, if on a lower resolution and the currently active navigation item is off screen, the navigation will scroll to that item and then position the underline correctly.
This, currently works as I have it in my component, this issue is, I don't believe I have done this correctly, I am using a lodash function delay to delay at certain points (I guess to get the correct position of certain navigation items, as it isn't correct at the time of the functions call), which I feel is not the way to go. This is all based on how fast the page loads etc and will not be the same for each user.
() => {
updateRightArrow(findItemInView(elsRef.length - 1)),
Without using the delay, the values coming back from my state are incorrect as they haven't been set yet.
My question is, how do I go about this correctly? I know my code below is a bit of a read but I have provided a CODESANBOX to play about with.
I have 3 main functions, that all sort of rely on one another:
This function finds the active navigation item, checks if it's within the viewport, if it is not, then it changes the left position of the navigation so it's the leftmost navigation item on the screen, and via setSizes(getSizes()) moves the underline directly underneath.
This is called as an argument within setSizes to update the sizes state, which returns the left and right boundaries of all navigation items
This is called as an argument within setUnderLineStyle within the getSizes() function to update the position of the underline object in relation to the position of active navigation item grabbed from the sizes state, but I have to pass the sizesObj as an argument in setSizes as the state has not been set. I think this is where my confusion began, I think I was under the impression, that when I set the state, I could then access it. So, I started using delay to combat.
Below is my whole Component, but can be seen working in CODESANBOX
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";
import _ from "lodash";
import { Link, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import "../../scss/partials/_subnav.scss";
const SubNav = props => {
const subNavLinks = [
section: "Link One",
path: "link1"
section: "Link Two",
path: "link2"
section: "Link Three",
path: "link3"
section: "Link Four",
path: "link4"
section: "Link Five",
path: "link5"
section: "Link Six",
path: "link6"
section: "Link Seven",
path: "link7"
section: "Link Eight",
path: "link8"
const currentPath =
props.location.pathname === "/"
? "link1"
: props.location.pathname.replace(/\//g, "");
const [useArrows, setUseArrows] = useState(false);
const [rightArrow, updateRightArrow] = useState(false);
const [leftArrow, updateLeftArrow] = useState(false);
const [sizes, setSizes] = useState({});
const [underLineStyle, setUnderLineStyle] = useState({});
const [arrowStyle, setArrowStyle] = useState({});
const [activePath, setActivePath] = useState(currentPath);
const subNavRef = useRef("");
const subNavListRef = useRef("");
const arrowRightRef = useRef("");
const arrowLeftRef = useRef("");
let elsRef = Array.from({ length: subNavLinks.length }, () => useRef(null));
() => {
const reposition = getPosition();
if (!reposition) {
_.debounce(() => subNavArrows(window.innerWidth))
window.addEventListener("resize", () => setSizes(getSizes()));
const getPosition = () => {
const activeItem = findActiveItem();
const itemHidden = findItemInView(activeItem);
if (itemHidden) {
const activeItemBounds = elsRef[
const currentPos = subNavListRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().left;
const arrowWidth =
arrowLeftRef.current !== "" && arrowLeftRef.current !== null
? arrowLeftRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().width
: arrowRightRef.current !== "" && arrowRightRef.current !== null
? arrowRightRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().width
: 30;
const activeItemPos =
activeItemBounds.left * -1 + arrowWidth + currentPos;
const styling = {
left: `${activeItemPos}px`
() => {
updateRightArrow(findItemInView(elsRef.length - 1)),
return true;
return false;
const findActiveItem = () => {
let activeItem;
subNavLinks.map((i, index) => {
const pathname = i.path;
if (pathname === currentPath) {
activeItem = index;
return true;
return false;
return activeItem;
const getSizes = () => {
const rootBounds = subNavRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
const sizesObj = {};
Object.keys(elsRef).forEach(key => {
const item = subNavLinks[key].path;
const el = elsRef[key];
const bounds = el.current.getBoundingClientRect();
const left = bounds.left - rootBounds.left;
const right = rootBounds.right - bounds.right;
sizesObj[item] = { left, right };
return sizesObj;
const getUnderlineStyle = (sizesObj, active) => {
sizesObj = sizesObj.length === 0 ? sizes : sizesObj;
active = active ? active : currentPath;
if (active == null || Object.keys(sizesObj).length === 0) {
return { left: "0", right: "100%" };
const size = sizesObj[active];
const styling = {
left: `${size.left}px`,
right: `${size.right}px`,
transition: `left 300ms, right 300ms`
return styling;
const subNavArrows = windowWidth => {
let totalSize = sizeOfList();
() => {
updateRightArrow(findItemInView(elsRef.length - 1)),
setUseArrows(totalSize > windowWidth)
const sizeOfList = () => {
let totalSize = 0;
Object.keys(elsRef).forEach(key => {
const el = elsRef[key];
const bounds = el.current.getBoundingClientRect();
const width = bounds.width;
totalSize = totalSize + width;
return totalSize;
const onHover = active => {
setUnderLineStyle(getUnderlineStyle(sizes, active));
const onHoverEnd = () => {
setUnderLineStyle(getUnderlineStyle(sizes, currentPath));
const scrollRight = () => {
const currentPos = subNavListRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().left;
const arrowWidth = arrowRightRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const subNavOffsetWidth = subNavRef.current.clientWidth;
let nextElPos;
for (let i = 0; i < elsRef.length; i++) {
const bounds = elsRef[i].current.getBoundingClientRect();
if (bounds.right > subNavOffsetWidth) {
nextElPos = bounds.left * -1 + arrowWidth + currentPos;
const styling = {
left: `${nextElPos}px`
() => {
updateRightArrow(findItemInView(elsRef.length - 1)),
const scrollLeft = () => {
const windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
// const lastItemInView = findLastItemInView();
const firstItemInView = findFirstItemInView();
let totalWidth = 0;
const hiddenEls = elsRef
.filter((el, index) => {
const actualPos = elsRef.length - 1 - index;
if (actualPos >= firstItemInView) return false;
const elWidth = el.current.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const combinedWidth = elWidth + totalWidth;
if (combinedWidth > windowWidth) return false;
totalWidth = combinedWidth;
return true;
const targetEl = hiddenEls[hiddenEls.length - 1];
const currentPos = subNavListRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().left;
const arrowWidth = arrowLeftRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const isFirstEl =
targetEl.current.getBoundingClientRect().left * -1 + currentPos === 0;
const targetElPos = isFirstEl
? targetEl.current.getBoundingClientRect().left * -1 + currentPos
: targetEl.current.getBoundingClientRect().left * -1 +
arrowWidth +
const styling = {
left: `${targetElPos}px`
() => {
updateRightArrow(findItemInView(elsRef.length - 1)),
const findItemInView = pos => {
const rect = elsRef[pos].current.getBoundingClientRect();
return !(
rect.top >= 0 &&
rect.left >= 0 &&
rect.bottom <= window.innerHeight &&
rect.right <= window.innerWidth
const findLastItemInView = () => {
let lastItem;
for (let i = 0; i < elsRef.length; i++) {
const isInView = !findItemInView(i);
if (isInView) {
lastItem = i;
return lastItem;
const findFirstItemInView = () => {
let firstItemInView;
for (let i = 0; i < elsRef.length; i++) {
const isInView = !findItemInView(i);
if (isInView) {
firstItemInView = i;
return firstItemInView;
return (
className={"SubNav" + (useArrows ? " SubNav--scroll" : "")}
<div className="SubNav-content">
<div className="SubNav-menu">
<nav className="SubNav-nav" role="navigation">
<ul ref={subNavListRef} style={arrowStyle}>
{subNavLinks.map((el, i) => (
render={() => (
onMouseEnter={() => onHover(el.path)}
onMouseLeave={() => onHoverEnd()}
activePath === el.path
? "SubNav-item SubNav-itemActive"
: "SubNav-item"
to={"/" + el.path}
{leftArrow ? (
) : null}
{rightArrow ? (
) : null}
export default SubNav;
You can make use of useLayoutEffect hook to determine whether the values have been updated and take an action. Since you want to determine whether all the values has been updated, you need to compare old and new values in useEffect. You can refer to the below post to know how to write a usePrevious custom hook
How to compare oldValues and newValues on React Hooks useEffect?
const oldData = usePrevious({ rightArrow, leftArrow, sizes});
useLayoutEffect(() => {
const {rightArrow: oldRightArrow, leftArrow: oldLeftArrow, sizes: oldSizes } = oldData;
if(oldRightArrow !== rightArrow && oldLeftArrow !== leftArrow and oldSizes !== sizes) {
}, [rightArrow, leftArrow, sizes])
I think the reason of your delay is necessary here since you calculate based on rectangles of the first and the last element which are affected when you click on button and do animation of scrolling 500ms. So as a result your calculation needs to wait for animation to be done. change the number of animation and delay you will see the relation.
the style I meant.
#include transition(all 500ms ease);
In short, I think what you are using is the right way as long as you have animations related to the calculation.
setState takes an optional second argument which is a callback that executes after the state has been updated and the component has been re-rendered.
Another option is the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method.