Do a simple seach regardless of upper an lower case - javascript

Could someone explain to me, how I can do in javascript this simple code, without taking care of upper and lower case?
if('em')!=-1){ unit='em'; res.replace(unit,'');}
if('vh')!=-1){ unit='vh'; res.replace(unit,'');}
if('px')!=-1){ unit='px'; res.replace(unit,'');}
Without any idea, that is what I have coded. It's a lot of code
if('Em')!=-1){ unit='Em'; res.replace(unit,'');}
if('eM')!=-1){ unit='eM'; res.replace(unit,'');}
if('EM')!=-1){ unit='EM'; res.replace(unit,'');}
I'm sure there is a better way to do that!?
Thanks a lot.

You could use a regular expression with replace and save the found unit as a side effect of the replacer function. This would allow you to replace the unit without searching the string twice:
let res = "Value of 200Em etc."
let unit
let newRes = res.replace(/(em|vh|px)/i, (found) => {unit = found.toLowerCase(); return ''})
console.log("replaced:", newRes, "Found Unit:", unit)

For the first part you can use toLowerCase()
if(res.toLowerCase().search('em') != -1)
You can use alternation in regex alongside case insensitive flag.
/(em|vh|px)/i Mathces em or vh or px.
function replaceUnit(input){
return input.replace(/(em|px|vh)/i ,'replaced')
console.log(replaceUnit('height: 20em'))
console.log(replaceUnit('border-radius: 2Px'))

you can use toLowerCase(), transform all the string to lower case and compare,
var tobereplaced = 'em';
if(> -1){ res.replace(tobereplaced,'');}

If you can make these three assumptions:
The string always starts with a number
The string always ends with a unit
The unit is always two characters
Then it could be as simple as:
const str = '11.5px';
const unit = str.substr(-2); //=> 'px'
const value = parseFloat(str, 10); //=> 11.5
Or with a function:
const parse = str => ({unit: str.substr(-2), value: parseFloat(str, 10)});
const {unit, value} = parse('11.5px');
// unit='px', value=11.5

All you need to to is force your string to lowercase (or uppercase) before testing its contents:
if( res.toLowerCase().search('em') !== -1){ do(stuff); }
To handle replacing the actual substring value in res, something like this should work:
let caseInsensitiveUnit = "em";
let unitLength;
let actualUnit;
let position = res.toLowerCase().search(caseInsensitiveUnit);
if(position > -1){
unitLength = caseInsensitiveUnit.length;
actualUnit = res.substring(postion, position + unitLength);
res.replace(actualUnit, "");


Is there a way to pass a range of numbers to startsWith?

I have an assignment to write a program that detects credit card networks, given a string of numbers. The way these are detected is by the prefix and the length. One credit card company uses 800 different sequential prefixes, and I'm wondering if there's a way to do this without writing 800 if statements. Seems like not something they'd assign.
edit: Regex is not allowed
Slice off the first 3 characters of the string, convert it to a number, and check that the number is within the range. Something like:
const verify = (str) => {
const first3 = str.slice(0, 3);
if (first3.length < 3) return false; // string is too short
const num = Number(first3);
if (Number.isNaN(num)) return false; // doesn't start with numbers
const result = num < 900 && num > 100; // check that it's between 100 and 900
You could use something like that:
const startsWithSomeOf = (str, prefixes) => prefixes.some(prefix => str.startsWith(prefix));
console.log(startsWithSomeOf('123456', ['123', '111']));
console.log(startsWithSomeOf('abcdef', ['123', '111']));

.toLowerCase() / .toUpperCase() not working

I'm trying to get better at javascript through katas, and I came across an exercice in which things like element[i]=element[i].toLowerCase() doesn't change anything at all.
I would like to have some help with my code, here is the exercice's instructions followed by my code:
(Please note that I'm not very experienced with JS so the code may not be perfect at all)
A string is considered to be in title case if each word in the string
is either:
(a) capitalised (that is, only the first letter of the word
is in upper case) or
(b) considered to be an exception and put entirely into lower case unless it is the first word, which is always capitalised.
Write a function that will convert a string into title case, given an optional list of exceptions (minor words). The list of minor words will be given as a string with each word separated by a space.
Your function should ignore the case of the minor words string -- it should behave in the same way even if the case of the minor word string is changed.
First argument (required): the original string to be converted.
Second argument (optional): space-delimited list of minor words that must always be lowercase except for the first word in the string. The JavaScript/CoffeeScript tests will pass undefined when this argument is unused.
function titleCase(title, minorWords) {
if(title.length==0){return ""}
var titlesplit = title.split(" ")
minorWords=minorWords.split(" ")
var solutionstring = ""
titlesplit.forEach(element => myfunction(element,minorWords))
solutionstring[0] = solutionstring[0].toUpperCase()
return solutionstring
function myfunction(element,minorWords){
var elementlength= element.length
var i=0
if(minorWords && minorWords.includes(element)){
}else {
if(solutionstring.length==0){solutionstring=solutionstring+element}else{solutionstring=solutionstring+" "+element}
As pointed out in comments, Strings are immutable in JavaScript.
Additionally, for searching use Maps instead of includes.
Likewise you can see what Set in JavaScript is and easily use Set here.
Added comments for you better understanding.
function titleCase(title, minorWords) {
// Use === for comparison
// Prefer using curly braces even for single statements
if (title.length === 0) {
return "";
var titlesplit = title.split(" ");
// Maps/Objects give O(1) search compared to arrays O(n)
// Key,value pairs - similar to dictionary
var minorWordsMap = {};
minorWords.split(" ").forEach(i => minorWordsMap[i.toLowerCase()] = true);
var finalWords =, index) => convertCase(element, index));
finalWords[0] = toPascalCase(finalWords[0]);
return finalWords.join(" ");
function toPascalCase(s) {
s = s.split("");
s[0] = s[0].toUpperCase();
return s.join("");
function convertCase(element, index) {
const lElement = element.toLowerCase();
// If element is part of exception words, ignore
if(index !== 0 && minorWordsMap[lElement]) {
return element;
// If first element or not in exception list, send Title case
return toPascalCase(lElement);

Looking for the easiest way to extract an unknown substring from within a string. (terms separated by slashes)

The initial string:
initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff'
What I want: music
Specifically, I want any term (will never include slashes) that would come between collection/ and /bunch
How I'm going about it:
let slicedString = initString.slice(19); //results in 'music/bunch/of/other/stuff'
let indexOfSlash = slicedString.indexOf('/'); //results, in this case, to 5
let desiredString = slicedString.slice(0, indexOfSlash); //results in 'music'
How the heck do I accomplish this in javascript in a more elegant way?
I looked for something like an endIndexOf() that would replace my hardcoded .slice(19)
lastIndexOf() isn't what I'm looking for, because I want the index at the end of the first instance of my substring /digital/collection/
I'm looking to keep the number of lines down, and I couldn't find anything like a .getStringBetween('beginCutoff, endCutoff')
Thank you in advance!
your title says "index" but your example shows you wanting to return a string. If, in fact, you are wanting to return the string, try this:
if(initString.includes('/digital/collection/')) {
var components = initString.split('/');
return components[3];
If the path is always the same, and the field you want is the after the third /, then you can use split.
var initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff';
var collection = initString.split("/")[2]; // third index
In the real world, you will want to check if the index exists first before using it.
var collections = initString.split("/");
var collection = "";
if (collections.length > 2) {
collection = collections[2];
You can use const desiredString = initString.slice(19, 24); if its always music you are looking for.
If you need to find the next path param that comes after '/digital/collection/' regardless where '/digital/collection/' lies in the path
first use split to get an path array
then use find to return the element whose 2 prior elements are digital and collection respectively
const initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff'
const pathArray = initString.split('/')
const path = pathArray.length >= 3
? pathArray.find((elm, index)=> pathArray[index-2] === 'digital' && pathArray[index-1] === 'collection')
: 'path is too short'
Think about this logically: the "end index" is just the "start index" plus the length of the substring, right? So... do that :)
const sub = '/digital/collection/';
const startIndex = initString.indexOf(sub);
if (startIndex >= 0) {
let desiredString = initString.substring(startIndex + sub.length);
That'll give you from the end of the substring to the end of the full string; you can always split at / and take index 0 to get just the first directory name form what remains.
You can also use regular expression for the purpose.
const initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff';
const result = initString.match(/\/digital\/collection\/([a-zA-Z]+)\//)[1];
The console output is:
If you know the initial string, and you have the part before the string you seek, then the following snippet returns you the string you seek. You need not calculate indices, or anything like that.
// getting the last index of searchString
// we should get: music
const initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff'
const firstPart = '/digital/collection/'
const lastIndexOf = (s1, s2) => {
return s1.replace(s2, '').split('/')[0]
console.log(lastIndexOf(initString, firstPart))

Javascript splitting string using only last splitting parameter

An example of what im trying to get:
String1 - '' - would return 'string' and ''
String2 - '' - would return 'string` and ''
I currently have this:
var split= [];
var tld_part = domain_name.split(".");
var sld_parts = domain_name.split(".")[0];
tld_part = tld_part.slice(1, tld_part.length);
With my current code, it takes the split parameter from the beginning, i want to reverse it if possible. With my current code it does this:
String1 - '' - returns 'string' and ''
String2 - '' - would return 'random` and ''
Any suggestions?
To expand upon elclanrs comment:
function getParts(str) {
var temp = str.split('.').slice(-3) // grabs the last 3 elements
return {
tld_parts : [temp[1],temp[2]].join("."),
sld_parts : temp[0]
getParts("") would return { tld_parts : "", sld_parts : "baz" }
getParts("") would return { tld_parts : "", sld_parts : "one" }
try this
var str=''//or ''
var part = str.split('.');
var result = part[part.length - 1].toString() + '.' + part[part.length - 1].toString();
One way that comes to mind is the following
var tld_part = domain_name.split(".");
var name = tld_part[tld_part.length - 2];
var tld = tld_part[tld_part.length - 1] +"."+ tld_part[tld_part.length];
Depending on your use case, peforming direct splits might not be a good idea — for example, how would the above code handle .com or even just localhost? In this respect I would go down the RegExp route:
function stripSubdomains( str ){
var regs; return (regs = /([^.]+)(\.co)?(\.[^.]+)$/i.exec( str ))
? regs[1] + (regs[2]||'') + regs[3]
: str
Before the Regular Expression Police attack reprimand me for not being specific enough, a disclaimer:
The above can be tightened as a check against domain names by rather than checking for ^., to check for the specific characters allowed in a domain at that point. However, my own personal perspective on matters like these is to be more open at the point of capture, and be tougher from a filtering point at a later date... This allows you to keep an eye on what people might be trying, because you can never be 100% certain your validation isn't blocking valid requests — unless you have an army of user testers at your disposal. At the end of the day, it all depends on where this code is being used, so the above is an illustrated example only.

Convert JavaScript String to be all lowercase

How can I convert a JavaScript string value to be in all lowercase letters?
Example: "Your Name" to "your name"
var lowerCaseName = "Your Name".toLowerCase();
Use either toLowerCase or toLocaleLowerCase methods of the String object. The difference is that toLocaleLowerCase will take current locale of the user/host into account. As per § of the ECMAScript Language Specification (ECMA-262), toLocaleLowerCase…
…works exactly the same as toLowerCase
except that its result is intended to
yield the correct result for the host
environment’s current locale, rather
than a locale-independent result.
There will only be a difference in the
few cases (such as Turkish) where the
rules for that language conflict with
the regular Unicode case mappings.
var lower = 'Your Name'.toLowerCase();
Also note that the toLowerCase and toLocaleLowerCase functions are implemented to work generically on any value type. Therefore you can invoke these functions even on non-String objects. Doing so will imply automatic conversion to a string value prior to changing the case of each character in the resulting string value. For example, you can apply toLowerCase directly on a date like this:
var lower = String.prototype.toLowerCase.apply(new Date());
and which is effectively equivalent to:
var lower = new Date().toString().toLowerCase();
The second form is generally preferred for its simplicity and readability. On earlier versions of IE, the first had the benefit that it could work with a null value. The result of applying toLowerCase or toLocaleLowerCase on null would yield null (and not an error condition).
Yes, any string in JavaScript has a toLowerCase() method that will return a new string that is the old string in all lowercase. The old string will remain unchanged.
So, you can do something like:
toLocaleUpperCase() or lower case functions don't behave like they should do. For example, on my system, with Safari 4, Chrome 4 Beta, and Firefox 3.5.x, it converts strings with Turkish characters incorrectly. The browsers respond to navigator.language as "en-US", "tr", "en-US" respectively.
But there isn't any way to get user's Accept-Lang setting in the browser as far as I could find.
Only Chrome gives me trouble although I have configured every browser as tr-TR locale preferred. I think these settings only affect the HTTP header, but we can't access to these settings via JavaScript.
In the Mozilla documentation it says "The characters within a string are converted to ... while respecting the current locale. For most languages, this will return the same as ...". I think it's valid for Turkish, and it doesn't differ if it's configured as en or tr.
In Turkish it should convert "DİNÇ" to "dinç" and "DINÇ" to "dınç" or vice-versa.
Just an example for toLowerCase(), toUpperCase() and a prototype for the not yet available toTitleCase() or toProperCase():
String.prototype.toTitleCase = function() {
return this.split(' ').map(i => i[0].toUpperCase() + i.substring(1).toLowerCase()).join(' ');
String.prototype.toPropperCase = function() {
return this.toTitleCase();
var OriginalCase = 'Your Name';
var lowercase = OriginalCase.toLowerCase();
var upperCase = lowercase.toUpperCase();
var titleCase = upperCase.toTitleCase();
console.log('Original: ' + OriginalCase);
console.log('toLowerCase(): ' + lowercase);
console.log('toUpperCase(): ' + upperCase);
console.log('toTitleCase(): ' + titleCase);
I paid attention that lots of people are looking for strtolower() in JavaScript. They are expecting the same function name as in other languages, and that's why this post is here.
I would recommend using a native JavaScript function:
"SomE StriNg".toLowerCase()
Here's the function that behaves exactly the same as PHP's one (for those who are porting PHP code into JavaScript)
function strToLower (str) {
return String(str).toLowerCase();
Methods or functions: toLowerCase() and toUpperCase()
Description: These methods are used to cover a string or alphabet from lowercase to uppercase or vice versa. E.g., "and" to "AND".
Converting to uppercase:
Example code:
<script language=javascript>
var ss = " testing case conversion method ";
var result = ss.toUpperCase();
Converting to lowercase:
Example Code:
<script language=javascript>
var result = ss.toLowerCase();
Result: testing lowercase convert function
Explanation: In the above examples,
toUpperCase() method converts any string to "UPPER" case letters.
toLowerCase() method converts any string to "lower" case letters.
Note that the function will only work on string objects.
For instance, I was consuming a plugin, and was confused why I was getting a "extension.tolowercase is not a function" JavaScript error.
onChange: function(file, extension)
alert("extension.toLowerCase()=>" + extension.toLowerCase() + "<=");
Which produced the error "extension.toLowerCase is not a function". So I tried this piece of code, which revealed the problem!
alert("(typeof extension)=>" + (typeof extension) + "<=");;
The output was "(typeof extension)=>object<=" - so aha, I was not getting a string var for my input. The fix is straightforward though - just force the darn thing into a String!:
var extension = String(extension);
After the cast, the extension.toLowerCase() function worked fine.
Option 1: Using toLowerCase()
var x = 'ABC';
x = x.toLowerCase();
Option 2: Using your own function
function convertToLowerCase(str) {
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (code > 64 && code < 91) {
result += String.fromCharCode(code + 32);
} else {
result += str.charAt(i);
return result;
Call it as:
x = convertToLowerCase(x);
Simply use JS toLowerCase()
let v = "Your Name"
let u = v.toLowerCase(); or
let u = "Your Name".toLowerCase();
const str = 'Your Name';
// convert string to lowercase
const lowerStr = str.toLowerCase();
// print the new string
In case you want to build it yourself:
function toLowerCase(string) {
let lowerCaseString = "";
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
// Find ASCII charcode
let charcode = string.charCodeAt(i);
// If uppercase
if (charcode > 64 && charcode < 97) {
// Convert to lowercase
charcode = charcode + 32
// Back to char
let lowercase = String.fromCharCode(charcode);
// Append
lowerCaseString = lowerCaseString.concat(lowercase);
return lowerCaseString
You can use the in built .toLowerCase() method on JavaScript strings. Example:
var x = "Hello";
Try this short way:
var lower = (str+"").toLowerCase();
<input type="text" style="text-transform: uppercase"> <!-- uppercase -->
<input type="text" style="text-transform: lowercase"> <!-- lowercase -->
Demo - JSFiddle

