How to hide certain characters within an html input list? - javascript

I have an html input list, with an associated datalist, defined as follows:
<input list="mylist" id="my-input" name="friend-name"
placeholder="Begin typing friend's name here..."
required class="form-control">
The list itself (and the associated datalist) is working fine. However, each of my entries are of the form: "String [numeric_id]"
What I am wondering is if there is any way that I can somehow hide
the [numeric_id] part before the form is submitted.
I have looked at the pattern attribute, but that seems to limit the
actual data allowed in the input, which isn't what I want - I just
want the part between square brackets [] to be hidden, but still
submitted to the form.
It would be ok to move it to another input of type=hidden as well.
Is there any possible way to do that?
#isherwood, here is my form tag:
<form action="/chat_forwarding/modal_edit_msg.php" id="fwd-form" method="POST" class="form-inline" style="display: block;">

If you're not using any framework that support binding, you should listen to input events and update a hidden input based on that.
This is a function that may give you the idea:
let realInput = document.getElementById('real-input');
let userInput = document.getElementById('user-input');
userInput.addEventListener('input', function(value) {
const inputValue =;
realInput.value = inputValue; // update the hidden input
const userInputResult = inputValue.match(/\[[^\[]*\]/); // the regex for [numberic_id]
if (userInputResult) {
userInput.value = inputValue.substring(0, [userInputResult.index - 1]); // -1 is to remove the space between the 'string' and the '[numeric_id]'

I should have mentioned that my input is also using Awesomplete (and jQuery). For this reason, binding normal events like keyup did not work (the event would fire whenever a user typed a key). I was able to achieve the functionality I wanted with the awesomplete-selectcomplete event as follows (this will add a hidden input element with value of the id from a string of the form "String [id]"):
var fullStr = this.value;
var regex = /\[[0-9]+\]/g;
var match = regex.exec(fullStr);
if (match != null) // match found for [id]
var fullName = fullStr.substr(0,fullStr.lastIndexOf("[")-1);
var x = match[0];
var id = x.substr(1, x.lastIndexOf("]")-1);
$('#fwd-form').prepend('<input type="hidden" name="h_uid" value="' + id + '">');


Partial Password Masking on Input Field

So I need to mask a SSN# input field, lets say the ssn is 123-45-6789, I need to display ***-**-6789 (real time as they enter each digit) but I still need to retain the original value to submit.
I got to the point where I can do that if the user strictly enters the value but it breaks if the user does anything else such as delete, or moving cursor to a random position and adds/deletes a number, copy pasting/deleting, etc. I really don't want to listen to a bunch of events to make this work if thats even possible.
I also tried having a div sit on top of the input field to display the masked ssn while the actual ssn was transparent/hidden behind it but again they lose the functionality of being able to add/delete/select delete/paste in random parts (other then when they start at the end) and also the cursor not totally in sync with the end of the ssn number (asterisk size was the issue). This also broke on some mobile browsers.
I also thought of having two separate input fields, one type password, and one type text sit right next to each other, but again highlighting and deleting/pasting between the two would be an issue.
Ideally if there was something out there to have an input field have two types, part of the value be type password and the rest be type text, that would be fantastic. Btw this is for react js app.
TLDR: Need a fully functional input field that will do password masking on only first 5 digits of ssn and be plaintext for last 4 digits (while having the full plaintext value available for submission).
This might be a little sloppy, but it works as you want it to, is all in one text field, returns the full accurate SSN (despite replacing first 5 values with bullet points), and allows for editing anywhere in the field.
<input type="password" id="ssn" maxlength=9 />
var ssn = document.getElementById('ssn');
ssn.addEventListener('input', ssnMask, false);
var ssnFirstFive = "";
var secondHalf = "";
var fullSSN = "";
function ssnMask(){
if (ssn.value.length <= 5){
ssn.type = 'password';
secondHalf = ssn.value.substring(5);
ssn.type = 'text';
ssn.value = "•••••";
ssn.value += secondHalf;
fullSSN = ssnFirstFive + secondHalf;
function detectChanges() {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
if (ssn.value[i] != "•"){
ssnFirstFive = ssnFirstFive.substring(0, i) + ssn.value[i] + ssnFirstFive.substring(i+1);
Essentially, every time the input is changed, it checks to see if it matches the first 5 from before, and if it doesn't, it will update the necessary characters.
You can use 3 different fields and make then password fields.
Add a focus handler that changes their type into text and a blur handler that changes them back to password.
You can combine them before submission or on the server.
<input type="password" name="ssn" maxlength=3 id="ssn1" />
<input type="password" name="ssn" maxlength=2 id="ssn2"/>
<input type="password" name="ssn" maxlength=4 id="ssn3"/>
<script src=""></script>
$('[name="ssn"]').focus(function() {
$(this).attr("type", "text")
$('[name="ssn"]').blur(function() {
$(this).attr("type", "password")
You can also write a pass handler to all a full SSN to be pasted in the first field and have all three fields get set.
This is the closest you are going unless you work with a single full text box and give the user the ability to mask and unmask the field.
In production apps, this actually the approach I take:
You can implement you own focus/blur functions to automatically unmask/mask the field as needed.
Achieve this using html data attributes.
i have used the same html tag and store actual value in html tag attribute (data-value) to use later on and store value to display in html tag attribute value.
Function to partial mask input value
function mask_field_value(obj, mask_letters_count=7){
mask_value = $(this).data('mask-value') || '';
unmask_value = $(this).data('unmask-value') || '';
if (obj.value.length <= mask_letters_count){
obj.type = 'password';
mask_value = obj.value;
$(this).data('mask-value', obj.value);
} else {
obj.type = 'text';
unmask_value = obj.value.substring(mask_letters_count);
obj.value = "*".repeat(mask_letters_count) + unmask_value;
$(this).data('unmask-value', unmask_value);
$(this).data('value', mask_value + unmask_value);
Add an event on input fields to mask
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).on('keyup', '.mask_input_display', function () {

Javascript - Select First Input (With ID)

I am writing a script with pure JS and need to select a text input from a page that has a random name each time:
<input type="text" name="N8PkpWeLsNRQBjvwcwKULB57utJx5L2u0Ko" class="form-control" value="">
Normally i would select it using ID like:
var textinput = document.getElementById("myInput1");
There is no ID however, how can i select this element?
As far as i can see it appears to be the only text input on the page.
I planned on setting some text like this:
HTMLInputElement.prototype.setText = function(text) {
this.value = text;
var el = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=text]')[0];
But this does not work for some reason?
You can use document.querySelector(selectors) it returns the first matching element within the document.
HTMLInputElement.prototype.setText = function(text) {
this.value = text;
var textinput = document.querySelector('input.form-control[type=text]');
textinput.setText("Hi, You can no use setText method.");
<input type="text" name="N8PkpWeLsNRQBjvwcwKULB57utJx5L2u0Ko" class="form-control" value="">
To get the first text field use the following.
var txtField=document.querySelectorAll('input[type=text]')[0];
To set the text you could simply do.
txtField.value="your Value";
This way you can select any HTML tag , since you only have 1 input, this should work for you
var input = document.getElementByName('input');
Try this
var x = document.getElementsbyClassname("form-control").getAttribute("value");

How to add multiple input field inside a div dynamically using JavaScript/jQuery?

I need to create some multiple input field dynamically on onkeypress event using JavaScript/jQuery.
I have one text-box,when user is entering any key on that text area two input field and second text-box is opening. When user will enter any key on second text box again another two input field and third text-box will open and so on. There is also a cross button is creating to close each individual set of text-box. In my current code I doing this putting all field static as user may create many numbers of input field so that I want to create those in dynamically with different name and id.
My code is in this Plunkr.
EDIT: Misunderstood question, answer below
This can easily be done if you have a specific field in which to create the input fields. For example, I will load input fields into document.body
Everytime you call newinput() an input field is created in parent who's id starts at input0 and increments each time
var id = 0;
var newinput = function() {
var parent = document.body
var field = document.createElement("input")
field.className = "myclassname" = "display:block;" = "input" + id;
id += 1;
<div>Click plus to add input</div>
<button type="button" name="button" onclick="newinput()">+</button>
In your case, it looks like you want to add a group, you can do this:
var fieldgroup = document.querySelector(".questionshowp .form-group").cloneNode(true); // (1)
var addinput = function(){
var parent = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; // (2)
var n = parent.querySelectorAll(".form-control").length
var f = fieldgroup.cloneNode(true);
f.children[0].id = "question"+n // (3)
f.querySelector(".secondsec").querySelector("button.btn-success").onclick = addinput // (4)
parent.insertBefore(f,parent.querySelector(".clear")); // (5)
Create a copy of a field-group to be used as a template
Get the container of input fields
Set the input field id with regard to total number of form-groups in parent
Make sure template applies addinput() to button
Insert input form before end of parent form
The easiest way apply this function to all + buttons is with JQuery
$("button.btn-sm.btn-success").on("click", addinput)
This would need to be located at the bottom of your html file, and below addinput() definition
EDIT: Real Answer
Turns out I wrote all that and just realized I misunderstood your question.
Still we can use the same principle to do what I believe you are asking
master = document.querySelector(".aquestionpart"); // (1)
form = document.querySelector(".questionparts"); // (2)
function show(){
var f = form.cloneNode(true);
var n = master.querySelectorAll(".questionparts").length; = "questionparts"+(n+1); // (3)
f.querySelector("#questions").onkeypress = show; // (4)
this.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector("#questionparts"+ n + " > .questionshowp").style ="display:block;"; // (5)
this.onkeypress = undefined; // (6)
master.insertBefore(f,master.children[master.children.length-1]) // (7)
form.querySelector("#questions").onkeypress = show; // (8)
form = form.cloneNode(true); // (9)
Get poll container
Get poll question form to use as template
Set new poll question form id with respect to number of others
Set show function to new poll question
Show multiple choice
Make sure subsequent keypresses dont create more questions
Insert question before .clear
sets up first question to show
creates copy of fresh question to use as template
With this your current scripts.js is unnecessary, and .aquestionpart must look like this for proper formatting
<div class="aquestionpart">
<div class="questionparts" id="questionparts1">...</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
From within .questionparts be sure to remove onkeypress="show();" from input. It should look like this.
<input name="questions" id="questions" class="form-control" placeholder="Questions" value="" type="text">
And finally an interesting note is that both of the scripts I've provided can be used together! (With some slight modifications)
//Author: Shane Mendez
var fieldgroup = document.querySelector(".questionshowp .form-group").cloneNode(true);
var addinput = function(){
var parent = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
var n = parent.querySelectorAll(".form-control").length
var f = fieldgroup.cloneNode(true);
f.children[0].id = "question"+n
f.querySelector(".secondsec").querySelector("button.btn-success").onclick = addinput
master = document.querySelector(".aquestionpart");
form = document.querySelector(".questionparts");
function show(){
var f = form.cloneNode(true);
var n = master.querySelectorAll(".questionparts").length; = "questionparts"+(n+1);
f.querySelector("#questions").onkeypress = show;
this.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector("#questionparts"+ n + " > .questionshowp").style ="display:block;";
this.onkeypress = undefined;
$(f.querySelectorAll("button.btn-sm.btn-success")).on("click", addinput)
form.querySelector("#questions").onkeypress = show;
form = form.cloneNode(true);
$("button.btn-sm.btn-success").on("click", addinput)
If you put this in your scripts.js file and put that at the bottom of your body tag, then the only thing left is the - buttons.
You can use this Press to add multiple input field inside a div dynamically using jQuery. Here you only need to call the function that takes two parameter HTMLElement and config like:
$(".addInput").click(function() {
build_inputs($(this), config);
In the config you can add numbers of inputs form config like:
let config = {
title: "Slides",
forms: [
type: "text",
name: "name",
class: "form-control mb-2",
placeholder: "Enter Data..."
type: "file",
name: "image",
class: "btn btn-light btn-sm mb-2 btn-block"
type: "number",
name: "mobile",
class: "form-control mb-2",
placeholder: "Enter Data..."

How do you return data from javascript into a html form?

I was wondering if anyone can help? What I am trying to do is retrieve the word count from javascript code into a form and then pass it into php along with the rest of the form which will check that the word count is a certain length or else it won't be submitted.
The javascript is as follows.
counter = function() {
var value = $('#msg').val();
if (value.length == 0) {
var regex = /\s+/gi;
var wordCount = value.trim().replace(regex, ' ').split(' ').length;
var totalChars = value.length;
var charCount = value.trim().length;
var charCountNoSpace = value.replace(regex, '').length;
$(document).ready(function() {
My problem is returning wordCount into a hidden field in a form. I am not too good with javascript and am not sure how to modify this code to make it work. The rest I can figure out but am stuck here. Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
Use .val() instead of .html(), because .val() refers to the value of an input field.
Your HTML inside the form should include a hidden input field:
<input type="hidden" id="word_count" name="word_count" value="0" />
Then inside your JS:
All together embedded inside your function:
counter = function() {
var value = $('#msg').val();
if (value.length == 0) {
var regex = /\s+/gi;
var wordCount = value.trim().replace(regex, ' ').split(' ').length;
var totalChars = value.length;
var charCount = value.trim().length;
var charCountNoSpace = value.replace(regex, '').length;
$(document).ready(function() {
If you have INPUT fields in your form, use val()
That would work for a field like this:
Be aware that there's a difference between "id" and "class". jQuery allows you to select elements based on their properties. The "id" property gets selected with "#", just like you'd do it in CSS. So make sure you have that "id='wordCount'" defined in your hidden field.
Have a look at this
There are plenty of examples online, just google "javascript count words in textbox"
Some imporntant notes:
A very long string with no spaces is still 1 word so don't forget to set the max length for fields
If you are doing this as a sort of validation be aware of the fact that you can not trust a form field because it can be easily manipulated, so don't forget to check the word count on the server side after the form is submitted.
The Code that you are showing is not just javascript it also includes jquery, please make sure you included jquery
<script src = ""></script>
$('#field').val('asdf'); //Sets Value of a input type="text"
$('#field').html('sadf'); //Sets the html of a div
Using javascript you use either value for a input or innerHtml for a div or other text based element
document.getElementById('field').value = 'asdfsadf';
document.getElementById('field').innerHtml= 'asdfsadf';
Also instead of using a form submit consider using jquery $.ajax(there is nothing wrong with form submits but there are benefits to knowing jquery as well such as you came make async requests
You will want to use a hidden field such as the following and have it in the form
<form id="myform" action='posttome.php'>
<input type="hidden" id="wordCount"/>
<input type="submit" value="sbumit"> //Submits Form
Then set its value by using of of three methods, a an elements html, an elements value, or a javascript variable $('#wordCount').val()
$('#wordCount').val($('#wordCountSoruceDiv').html()); // Sets the value to another divs html
$('#wordCount').val($('#wordCountSourceInput').val()); // Sets the value to another inputs value
$('#wordCount').val(wordCountVariable); // Sets the value to a variable

How can I create dynamic controls and put their data into an object?

I created a div and a button. when the button clicked, there will be a group of element(included 1 select box and 2 text inputs) inserted into the div. User can add as many group as they can, when they finished type in data of all the group they added, he can hit save button, which will take the value from each group one by one into the JSON object array. But I am stuck in the part how to get the value from each group, so please help, thank you.
The code for the div and the add group button function -- AddExtra() are listed below:
<div id="roomextra">
function AddExtra() {
$('#roomextra').append('<div class=extra>' +
'<select id="isInset">' +
'<option value="Inset">Inset</option>' +
'<option value="Offset">OffSet</option>' +
'</select>' +
'Length(m): <input type="text" id="insetLength">' +
'Width(m): <input type="text" id="insetWidth">' +
'Height(m): <input type="text" id="insetHeight">' +
function GetInsetOffSetArray (callBack) {
var roomIFSDetail = [{
"IsInset": '' ,
"Length": '' ,
"Width": '' ,
"Height": ''
//should get all the value from each group element and write into the array.
This should just about do it. However, if you're dynamically creating these groups, you'll need to use something other than id. You may want to add a class to them or a data-* attribute. I used a class, in this case. Add those classes to your controls so we know which is which.
var roomIFSDetail = [];
var obj;
// grab all of the divs (groups) and look for my controls in them
// create object out of select and inputs values
// the 'this' in the selector is the context. It basically says to use the object
// from the .each loop to search in.
obj = {
IsInset: $('.isInset', this).find(':selected').val() ,
Length: $('.insetLength', this).val() ,
Width: $('.insetWidth', this).val() ,
Height: $('.insetHeight', this).val()
// add object to array of objects
you'd better not to use id attribute to identity the select and input, name attribute instead. for example
$('#roomextra').append('<div class=extra>' +
'<select name="isInset">' +
'<option value="Inset">Inset</option>' +
'<option value="Offset">OffSet</option>' +
'</select>' +
'Length(m): <input type="text" name="insetLength">' +
'Width(m): <input type="text" name="insetWidth">' +
'Height(m): <input type="text" name="insetHeight">' +
and then, usr foreach to iterate
$(".extra").each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var isInset = $this.find("select[name='isInset']").val();
var insetLength = $this.find("input[name='insetLength']").val();
// ... and go on
A common problem. A couple things:
You can't use IDs in the section you're going to be repeating, because IDs in the DOM are supposed to be unique.
I prefer to use markup where I'm writing a lot of it, and modify it in code rather than generate it there.
<div id=form>
... non-repeating elements go here...
<div id=roomextra>
<div class=extra>
<select name=isInset>
Length(m): <input id=insetLength>
Width(m): <input id=insetWidth>
Height(m): <input id=insetHeight>
(function() {
// Get the template
var container = $('#roomextra');
var T = $('div.extra', container);
$('#addGroup').click(function() {
$('#submit').click(function() {
var d = {};
// Fill d with data from the rest of the form
d.groups = $.map($('div.extra', container), function(tag) {
var g = {};
$.each(['isInset', 'insetLength', 'insetWidth', 'insetHeight'], function(i, name) {
g[name] = $('[name=' + name + ']', tag).val();
return g;
// Inspect the data to ensure it's what you wanted
So the template that keeps repeating is written in plain old HTML rather than a bunch of JS strings appended to each other. Using name attributes instead of ids keeps with the way these elements typically work without violating any DOM constraints.
You might notice I didn't quote my attributes, took the value attributes out of the options, and took the type attributes out of the inputs, to keep the code a bit DRYer. HTML5 specs don't require quoting your attributes, the option tag's value is whatever the text is if you don't specify a value attribute explicitly, and input tags default to type=text if none is specified, all of which adds up to a quicker read and slimmer HTML.
Use $(".extra").each(function() {
//Pull info out of ctrls here
That will iterate through all of your extra divs and allow you to add all values to an array.

