Cordova not reflecting changes in js files - javascript

I am doing school project and we have to use Cordova. I created Cordova app and I set up Webpack. Site showed "Hello webpack", so everything worked fine.
Then I installed React and changed main.js file, but my site is still showing "Hello webpack" even when it is not in the file anymore.
During the changes I used this command:
chokidar "**/*.js" "www/**" -c "cordova prepare browser"
I could see this in the terminal:
Watching "/*.js", "www/" .. change:src/main.js
I also tried manually cordova preapre and then cordova run browser, but nothing changed.
I can see changes in www/index.html file. Just not the js files.
I was probably using wrong command. Now I use this one and everything works:
chokidar "www/**" -c "cordova run browser"

please take a look at these repositories. Those setups differs from yours but might help building one for your project.


How do I get NPM commands to run properly in Eclipse?

I have a usable workflow that I want to make better. I'm building a JS library, and the way I am executing smoke tests on code is by using webpack to package the library and write it to a file that is included in an HTML file for viewing the effects of the code.
To do this, I make changes to the file in Eclipse, save it, then I must leave Leave eclipse and go to Terminal to run "npm run buildInbrowser" to execute "webpack --config inbrowser.config.js".
The configuration works perfect with regards to webpack, the configuration, and the npm setup, but when I try to configure eclipse to run those commands, it brings up an error: "env: node: No such file or directory" I've attached screenshots of my launch NPM configuration.
My system is MacOSX Catalina using Nodeclipse, npm v9.3.1 and node 16.18.0.
Again, there is no issue with me running these commands in terminal, but they won't run through node. This makes me think it's something simple that I overlooked.
As nitind pointed out, I had incorrect syntax on the PATH variable for eclipse, which was causing the problem. Also noted is that Eclipse did not populate my path variable by default, so i did have to manually enter it in. See the screen shot for the fix.

Starting server - done! in IONIC 2 without run the project

I an having some little problem's when trying to command my project to run with the 'ionic serve', command, inside of the application folder. Every time that i use this command the cmd return the message 'Starting server - done!' and don't run my program.
I already tried to uninstall and reinstall my Cordova, npm and Node.js, at least five times, in each time using a different version of Node.js but without success. I tried to use gulp command in the last installation before the 'ionic serve' command, without success again.
This project of Ionic was downloaded in TFS, because my colleage create him im my enterprise and update to TFS, then i downloaded it.
Now my Node JS has the version 6.10.1 and my npm is in the version 3.10.10. I have a project to deliver in one week and are desperate to solve that.
I will be grateful for any help. Thank you everyone.
Delete the node_modules folder from your project.
Run the command npm install (It will recreate a fresh node_modules folder).
Then run ionic serve.
My friend, i solved in another way.
The person of my enterprise, who had uploaded the project don't put the node-modules folder. Than i copy the folder of him and put in my project, after i used 'ionic serve' command and everything just worked well.
Thank you for your help. I am very grateful.

Is it possible to run React project without npm start?

I'm in a big trouble. Working in a part time in a company they're looking for a new web technology to build "web-component" in their website.
They have started to use AngularJS (first version) and I told them that, with the recent evolution of this framework, it's not the right period of time to deal with it.
That's why I began to be interested in ReactJS. However, they don't have a node.js server infrastructure (and that's why AngularJS suits to them, only one browser is sufficient) so it's impossible to run it with something like "npm start".
SO ! My question is (as my post's title says...) :
Is it possible to run ReactJS without server side ?
I've tried with the following line in my header
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
But it remains a blank page.
Maybe there is something I don't understant in the react structure and that's why I'm looking for some help/explanations from you.
I hope I have been clear enough ! Thank you in advance for answer.
It is absolutely possible to run a React app without a production node server. Facebook provides an easy-to-use project bootstrapper that you can read about here
That being said, developers may need to use a node dev server locally via npm start, as well as using node to perform production builds via npm run build. But one can take the build output from npm run build and serve it from any static server and have a working react application.
For those who are getting 404's after deploying in a sub directory. Make sure to add the path in package.json as homepage.
"homepage": "",
You should insert "homepage": "./" into your package.json file, then use building react-script command like npm run build.
I did it by using serve, as part of the build step in Jenkins. To install it, execute the command:
npm install -g serve
Then, to serve it:
serve -s build
Please, refer to project page for more information:

Node.js create-react-app build

I am pretty new to web development and I was asked to create a single-page application with tools of my choice. The only requirement is that it has to run locally on a GlassFish server (in NetBeans: Java Web > Web Application). I use the create-react-app starter kit provided by Facebook to build the application. When I run npm run build I get a build folder containing an html-file and a js-file. But when I double-click the html-file, the browser opens and just shows an empty page. Does anyone know what I have to configure in order to get a bundled html-file that shows the application when I open it?
Thank you
After running "npm run build" on your create-react-app generated code, it displays instructions to help with just this. It says something like:
You may also serve it locally with a static server:
npm install -g pushstate-server
pushstate-server build
The first command, "npm install -g pushstate-server" only needs to be run once, as it installs "pushstate-server" to global NPM. The second command "pushstate-server build" runs the simple static server, pushstate-server, and serves up any content in the "build" folder at http://localhost:9000. You can change the port number if you wish, by adding it at end of command line: "pushstate-server build 1234"
UDPATE: Serverless method...
If your goal is to run the page from the file system, and not from a web server, you'll need to tweak the build/index.html to fix the paths to your JS and CSS (and less importantly, your favicon.ico). The index.html generated by create-react-app expects your JS and CSS to be at "/static/...". However, when you open from the file system, that path is not correct. If you remove the leading forward slash, making the URLs relative, your page will load properly from the file system:
After running "npm run build", open the generated "build/index.html" file. Remove the leading forward slash from "/favicon.ico", "/static/js/main.[random string].js" and "/static/css/main.[random string].css" and save your changes (so that the all read "static/..." and not "/static/..."). Reload/refresh the page in the browser.

Can't build ExtJs app

[ERR] BUILD FAILED [ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: Cannot
find file: C:\Users\cle1394\D ocuments\Visual Studio
It says it can't find the file; however when I copy and paste the path to that exact file, I can confirm that it DOES exist. So, why isn't Sencha recognizing it, and more importantly, why can't I build my app?
I have installed the Sencha CMD and I ran this command:
cd C:\Users\cle1394\D ocuments\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Intake\extjs
Then, I ran this:
sencha app build
Which returned the error above.
Note: I installed Sencha CMD and Ruby and my Path variable has C:\Ruby200-x64\bin;C:\Users\cle1394\bin\Sencha\Cmd\;
The problem was that I pulled this project down from TFS so everything was readonly. Once I cleared the readonly flag from the entire app directory, everything was fine.

