What is the best way to save async data in Vue? - javascript

I have a following store module:
const state = {
user: {}
const mutations = {
saveData(state, payload) {
state.user = payload
const actions = {
async loadData({ commit }, payload) {
try {
const res = await axios.get('https://api.example.com/user/1')
commit('saveData', res.data.data)
} catch(e) {
const getters = {
getData(state) {
return state.user
Now what's the best way to save the data in component? Is it using watch
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
data() {
return {
user: {}
computed: {
watch: {
'$store.state.users.users'() {
this.user = this.getData
... or store.subscribe?
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
data() {
return {
user: {}
computed: {
created() {
this.$store.subscribe((mutation, state) => {
if(mutation.type === 'saveData') {
this.user = this.getData

Since you already know about store mapping I suppose you try to have some kind of edit form where you need the actual data taken from the database and also the ability to change this data to later send it back to the database.
You don't need a getter to have a simple reference to a store item. You will be very fine with mapState in your component:
computed: {
user: state => state.user,
So as soon as user changed in the store your component will know about it. And here you can update the object you're editing. Let's rename it to edit to avoid collision:
data() {
return {
edit: {},
computed: {
user: state => state.user,
watch: {
user: {
immediate: true,
handler(user) {
this.edit = { ...user }
Now edit is updated accordingly even if the component was mounted after the store item was updated (thanks to immediate option), and you can safely modify it in your component without any impact on the store reference.
P.S. Have to mention that in this implementation if you want to have reactivity on fields within edit object, then you need to update the whole edit object on each it's field update like this: this.edit = {...this.edit, [prop]: value}. But if you want it to be the natural Vue way, then first you need to initialize edit with actual object structure, and in the watcher for user perform something like Object.assign(this.edit, user).

It's preferable to use computed properties to access store data and keep it reactive.
It's possible to create a computed property using mapGetters as you do in the shared snipped, however, taking into account the getter is simply returning user from state, I don't think you need a getter at all, you can simply map the value from state by using mapState helper. In this way the component would be simplified to something like as follows:
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
With the above approach you can reference user as this.user in the component's methods or simply as user in template of the component. Also, since the getter is out of use, you can delete the getter definition from the store (unless you are using it anywhere else).


How to access localStorage in store/state, namely in state using Nuxt.js?

I am trying to access localStorage in the store, namely in state.
I understand that there is no access to browser methods/objects in SSR.
I'm trying to do this:
export const state = () => {
if (process.client) {
return {
isAuth: localStorage.getItem('isAuth')
The development console (Vuex) is empty, there is nothing.
And if so:
export const state = () => {
if (process.client) {
return {
isAuth: localStorage.getItem('isAuth')
} else {
return {
isAuth: 'SomeData'
Then he sees the server work and isAuth = 'SomeData', but i need "client"
How do I access localStorage?
You could try to get this localstorage data in mounted hook and from there commit this data to your vuex state.

Vuex setting state

I have a prop that I'm binding to a child component. I'm trying to get rid of this and set the value to a data in a vuex global state.
<VideoPip :asset="asset" v-show="pipEnabled === true" />
How can I set this.$store.state.assetVideo; which is by default an empty object equal to the asset value? Would I do this in a computed property?
For reading the video state data, you can just use the mapState helper. For example, in your Video component
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'Video',
computed: mapState(['assetVideo'])
You can then reference this.assetVideo in your component's methods and assetVideo in its template. This will be reactive to changes in the store.
For setting the value, you should (must) use a mutation. For example
const store = new Vuex.Store({
strict: true, // always a good idea
state: {
assetVideo: {} // personally, I'd default to "null" but that's up to you
mutations: {
setVideoAsset: (state, assetVideo) => (state.assetVideo = assetVideo)
and in your components
methods: {
selectVideo (video) {
this.$store.commit('setVideoAsset', video)
in your parent component:
// if you dont use namespace
import { mapMutations, mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
asset: {
get() {
return this.assetVideo
set(newValue) {
methods: {
const store = {
state: {
assetVideo: {}
mutations: {
setAssetVideo(state, payload) {
state.assetVideo = payload
in your parent component you can change the state using this.asset = 'something' and it will change in store and anywhere else used
and also you can pass it to child components

Should we use v-model to modify Vuex store?

Hello I am beginner in Vue and I do have a problem that's really bugging me.
I am wondering should we use v-model directive to modify vuex store? Vuex says that we should modify vuex store only by mutations but v-model makes everything easier and shorter.(I am asking because i couldn't find clear answer)
When using Vuex in strict mode, it could be a bit tricky to use v-model on a piece of state that belongs to Vuex.
The "Vuex way" to deal with it is binding the <input>'s value and call an action on the input or change event.
Be sure to check out the simple "Two-way Computed Property" example on that page:
<input v-model="message">
computed: {
message: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.obj.message
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('updateMessage', value)
I think another good option which hasn't been mentioned in any answer here is to use vuex-map-fields. In fact, the library author has written a very nice explanation for the library's usefulness. As per its GitHub page, to use the library you can do something like this:
In your Vuex Store, you can have a snippet similar to this:
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import { getField, updateField } from 'vuex-map-fields';
export default new Vuex.Store({
// ...
modules: {
fooModule: {
namespaced: true,
state: {
foo: '',
getters: {
mutations: {
And in your component code, you can have something along the lines of this:
<div id="app">
<input v-model="foo">
import { mapFields } from 'vuex-map-fields';
export default {
computed: {
// `fooModule` is the name of the Vuex module.
...mapFields('fooModule', ['foo']),
Additional examples for various use cases are shown in the library's GitHub repository that I linked to in the first sentence of this answer.
Above solution can also implemented with mutations:
<input v-model="message">
import { mapMutations, mapState } from 'vuex';
export default {
computed: {
...mapState({messageFromStore: 'message'}),
message: {
get() {
return this.messageFromStore;
set(value) {
methods: {
My Solution to this was to use a getter to set value and #input to call the mutation.
#input="value => $store.commit('apartmentValue', { handle: 'street', value })"
export default {
apartmentStreet: state => state.apartment.street,
export default {
apartmentValue(state, payload) {
let oldValue = state.apartment[payload.handle];
let newValue = payload.value;
if (newValue !== oldValue) state.apartment[payload.handle] = payload.value;
If you use this method be sure to check which event you want.
I use this solution.
data() {
return {
formData: {
username: '',
email: '',
bio: {
firstName: '',
lastName: ''
games: ['civ4', 'caesar3', 'homeworld', 'cataclysm'],
computed: {
...mapGetters({ //or mapState
user: 'users'
watch: {
user(newValue) {
this.formData.username = newValue.name;
this.formData.email = newValue.email;
this.formData.bio.firstName = newValue.bio.firstName;
this.formData.bio.lastName = newValue.bio.lastName;
this.formData.games = newValue.games.map(x=> { return x });
beforeCreate: fucntion() {
And then you just regularly use v-model.
It is important to make deep copy of object from store, like using map for array, and how i did stuff with object inside.
And, also you need to have initiated this user object in store also, with empty fields.
Yes you can but is not the best practice.
As the documentation say the state should be updated only inside mutation to keep the control over the state.
But if you really want to do it you can with:

Load state with async action Vuex

I can't realize how to get it works.
I'm trying to load a propertie (productos) on my data() which has to catch the value from a state.
My component:
data () {
return {
productos: this.$store.state.mStock.productos
created() {
At this point i think it's okay, when i load my component i dispatch my action to load the state on the store.
I think the problem is that the way i fill the state is ASYNC
import StockService from '#/services/StockService'
export const moduleStock = {
strict: false,
state: {
productos: []
mutations: {
setProductos (state, payload) {
state.productos = payload.productos
actions: {
async fetchProductos ({commit}, payload) {
const resp = await (StockService.getProductos())
var productos = resp.data
commit('setProductos', {productos: productos})
When i load my component, the propertie "productos" on the data() is null, however if i see the 'state.productos' from the Vuex devtools, it has the data!
I'm messed up.
The data() method is only run once.
This might seem to work if when the component and the vue store use the same object instance, but doesn't work in this case because a new array instance is assigned in the store while the component stil has the previous instance (the empty array)
Use computed properties. I recommend using the mapState() helper:
computed: mapState({
productos: state => state.mStock.productos
without mapState you'd write:
computed: {
productos() {
return this.$store.state.mStock.productos

How do I export a string to another Vue file?

I have a masterData.js file that is a store for my master data, in short the file reads my mongo db data & sends it to other project components. I created a function to export the string in the masterData.js file as:
/ ***************************** MUTATIONS
const mutations = {
exportColumns (payload) {
Object.keys(payload[0]).map(x => { return x; });
Where payload will store all the rows and payload[0] holds the value of column header names. The output of this chunk of code is like this:
I want to transfer the values to masterData.vue file. My code on masterData.Vue is:
importColumns ()
let payload = {
vm: this,
mutation: 'masterData/exportColumns'
What else should I add to to check whether the column names are received or not?
If you're trying to access the data in your store from within a component, then you'll want to either just map the state to the component or map a getter to the component. Mutations are used by components (or by actions) to modify the state of the store. So instead you would do something like...
//assuming this gets rolled up as a module called masterdata to the primary store
//store for payload state
const state = {
payload: null,
//allows payload to be set -- not sure how you are retrieving the payload but you can use this to store it however you get it
const mutations = {
setPayload (state, payload) {
state.payload = payload
//get just the columns
const getters = {
getColumns (state) {
Object.keys(state.payload[0]).map(x => { return x; })
export default {
import { mapGetters, mapState } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
//I believe getting state from a store module requires a function like this
payload: function(state) {
return state.masterdata.payload
//I think for getters you can just reference the method and it will find it
This is how you import stuff in a single file component.
<!-- html stuff -->
import Mutations from 'yourModule.js'
export default {
name: 'YourComponent',
props: {},
return {
foo: 'foo'
mymethod() {

