Javascript variables in shopify product.liquid file - javascript

I'm loading javascript variables in the product.liquid file on shopify.I'm also loading an external javascript file as well. This javascript file is using the variables that i put in the liquid file. Seems like the variables are undefined in the external JS file eventhough i gave them values

When you render Liquid, you can populate JS variables. The thing is, you need to wait for the DOM to be downloaded and for all the rendered code to be delivered to the browser before you try and use it or access it. Ensure you are waiting properly before trying to access your variables.
In a common JS library like jQuery, you can use this block to wrap your code:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// stuff


Thymeleaf syntax is not working in java script file

I am using spring boot to provide data to thymeleaf.
var list = [(${listStudents})];
listStudents is a list of students with the help of which I populate data in HTML which is working fine but fetching the same list in java script using thymeleaf shows error in the above line as:
, expected.
I have added th:inline="javascript" attribute to script tag in HTML file as:
<script th:inline="javascript" src="home_script.js"></script>
Trying to solve this since yesterday.
Thanks in advance!
The , expected error is the standard JavaScript syntax error for var list = [(${listStudents})];. To handle this, Thymeleaf supports placing its inline expressions inside JavaScript comments:
var list = /*[[${listStudents}]]*/ [];
Because the Thymeleaf expression is in a JS comment, note how we have to provide a default (visible) JS value, to keep JavaScript from raising a different syntax error. I used [] because you have a list. You could have used '', or null or whatever is most suitable. Assuming your Thymeleaf is rendered correctly, this extra syntax will be ignored.
See JavaScript natural templates for details.
However, I do not think this will completely resolve your problem, unless you have already configured a JavaScript template resolver in your application.
You are using this:
<script th:inline="javascript" src="home_script.js"></script>
First of all, the th:inline="javascript" portion has no effect, because your JavaScript code is in an external file: home_script.js (i.e. it is not embedded in your HTML file).
If you want Thymeleaf to process the Thymeleaf expressions in that separate JS file, you have to tell Thymeleaf to explicitly process external JavaScript files (just like it processes HTML files).
You probably only have a HTML resolver - and your JS code is not embedded in your HTML file - it is in its own separate JS file. See this demo application which shows how to set up what I think you may need.
Alternatively you can simply embed your JS directly into the <body> of your HTML file, and don't use an external JS file:
<script th:inline="javascript">
var list = /*[[${listStudents}]]*/ [];
If you still need to use an external JS file, you can assign all your Thymeleaf-generated variables inside your HTML file (like the example above) and then pass these variables as function parameters into the various JavaScript functions in your JS file.
Using this approach means your JS file does not need to contain any Thymeleaf expressions - it just receives the rendered values from the JS fragment in your HTML file.
You should use [[${listStudents})]] (so 2 square brackets, not using round brackets)

Why is jQuery document ready closing off access to global variable?

I have a project where I have three separate JavaScript files (example1.js, example2.js and example3.js lets call them) scripted into one html file (index.html). These three JS files between them are responsible for an API call and manipulating the result.
One of the JS files, example1.js refers to a global variable located in example2.js and as they were both loading into the same html document I thought the access to said variable wouldn't be an issue and it did indeed work perfectly fine until I added the files to my RoR app. Due to Rails I had to encase the JS/jQuery code inside of $document.ready(function(){}
(I should probably should do this as a matter of course anyway?).
The effect this has had is that I am now getting a 'variable not defined' error on the global variable referred to by example1.js that is located in example2.js, even though other code in the same file is working correctly.
I went back to my original JS files away from RoR incase it was a Rails issue. However, encasing the code in my original files with the jQuery document.ready function has the same effect outside of the Rails environment. Can someone explain why this is and a possible solution?
I completely overlooked the fact that document.ready is itself a function and therefore removed everything from the global scope into the function scope of document.ready.

Using gsp layout declared variable in javaScript file that is being loaded in the same page

I recently started learning grails and I am trying to use a gsp variable declared in the layout of the page as:
<g:set var="abtestType" value="newSearchBar" />
in the js file that is being loaded on the same page. Things that I have tried:
but its showing error as variable is not defined. Probably I am trying to fetch it in wrong way, need help regarding this.
Even thinking about doing so neither makes sense nor applicable.
Reason for such statement is that when a gsp page is rendered to an html page, it replace grails tags with appropriate html tags or value. Similarly it replaces the ${} or <%%> with html or javascript or whatever that goes on front-end.
Hence the code that you have tried could have worked fine if you were having those javascript code lines in the gsp itself but as you have called externalised js file it actually don't know anything about gsp or jsp or any other Language's front-end support.
The one way of doing that if using global variable in javascript. e.g.
declare abtestType above like below:
var abtestType = "${abtestType}"
Now you have access to global variable abtestType in your javascript.
Use it in your javascript but remember now you need to have this variable iff the code using it is called otherwise very same error would you get i.e. variable is not defined
There is another way that I found in this post but is a manipulation actually.
Is there any analogue in Javascript to the __FILE__ variable in PHP?
Also, another good links is
Pass vars to JavaScript via the SRC attribute
Hope it helps!

How to read model attribute from js outside jsp

If my javascript/jquery code is written inside a jsp-file, I can refer to Spring's modelAttribute value with "${varName}".
However I would like to move the javascript code into it's own file to keep the jsp-file more readable. When I do that, it won't however be able to find that modelAttribute anymore. How should I solve this problem?
How can I point to model attribute from a .js -file?
Thanks in advance!
Alright, I've experimented on my end to try to find and answer for this question.
Actually, it seems there's no direct solution, and here's why:
When you are moving your Javascript code to a separate file, this means that the browser will launch a separate request to fetch that file. As such, data that you store in your request scope (a.k.a. ${varName}) is not part of the request that fetches the .js file; it's only part of the request that fetches your .jsp file instead. As such, the ${varName} value will not be available in your Javascript file.
Another reason on top of the above: .js files are not processed as server-side code by the web engine (most likely Tomcat in this case), so the ${varName} text is outright ignored. For fun, I tried to do a hack: I renamed my script file from .js to .jsp, and used this within my .jsp page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/actually_javascript.jsp"></script>
It fooled the web server to process the file server-side, but this still didn't work, because of reason #1 stated above. It could work if you stored the value in the session instead, but at the end of the day, it would be kind of an ugly hack and you'd lose out on the code highlighting and completion features of your IDE, which would be fooled into thinking you're editing an actual .jsp file. Not recommended.
To conclude, I think the only way to access {$varName} inside your JavaScript is either:
Having the Javascript being a part of your .jsp file, within <script> tags
Having your Javascript in its own .js file, but still having a <script> tag in your .jsp page which initializes the module you programmed in the .js file and passes the values from the request, like ${varName}
You should initialize your javascript file via your jsp file.
Create a seperate script section for initialization of your variables after loading the .js file in your jsp page:
<script src="js-path/file.js"></script>
init(${varFromModel1}, ...);
And define the init-method in your javascript file:
function init(param1, ...) {
// initialize variables of .js file here
Remember, for this to work, you need to ensure, that the model-attribute output has correct javascript syntax.

How to transfer mvc view javascript code to separate js file

I am using Knockoutjs in my MVC-5 application. I have the following javascript in view:
<script type="text/javascript">
var model = "#Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model))";
$.get("#Url.Action("_CityPartial")" ...)
//any much more code using similar Html helpers + pure javacsript code.
Now i want to know, is there any way to transfer this javascript code in a separate js file (keeping Html helpers as it is).
I want to transfer javascript code to separate file because i dont want any user to check my javascript code (using chrome inspect element or any other way).
If the transfer is not possible than please let me know if there is a any way to minifiy the javascript in view itself ??
You could create an external .js file with your code in and pass your serialized json object to it like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var model = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model));
This has the benefits of keeping the main body of javascript in a separate file.
Any other razor variables can be passed across to the methods defined in the javascript in the same manor as the model has been above.
However as Stanyer mentions this is still javascript and it will run on the client.
You can load it via an external JavaScript file, but unfortunately as JavaScript is a client-side scripting language regardless of whether its loaded inline or externally, the client can still view the code which is being executed on their browser.
You mention minifying - again this can still be interpreted by a client if they really wanted to see your code, but there are many tools online which can minify your JavaScript for you.
No you cant keep the #Html helpers in external javascript file. They are all server side syntax and will be rendered in your HTML page inline.
What maximum you can do is, assign it in a var variable in your page and refer it inside a external page.

