Cache API with MVC Views - javascript

I have a basic MVC form and I've been trying to use the Javascript Cache API to cache all my css, js, html files so that when users (people in the field) do not have reliable access, they can still use my web form. Obviously I'm using IndexedDB and service workers as well to check for a connection and save locally when a connection is not available, syncing when it is available.
I've gone through some tutorials and everything seems straightforward when dealing with caching actual, physical files (css, html, js). MVC is weird though since you're routing. I created the basix Index, Create, Edit, Details views. When I create an array of URL's to cache such as
var urlsToCache = [
.. everything caches except for DETAILS and EDIT. Index and create cache fine. I'm actually surprised the latter two cache at all since they aren't physical files. I'm assuming Details and Edit don't cache because they don't work without querystring parameters.
Is it POSSIBLE to cache these two views at all? Or does anyone know of anything on NuGet that addresses this situation?

I changed this in the GET method for my Edit action to return an empty Model if there was no ID
if (id == null)
//return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
return View();
This allowed me to load the Edit page without a querystring variable and not get an error message. The page loads with no data but it allows me to cache it. At this point I suppose I would have to tell my service worker to check if the page is online. If it is, route the request normally, else query the local storage and manually plug the values into the fields.
So let this be a lesson to anyone creating Offline-enabled apps with MVC and using Cache API. Get rid of the lines that return bad request errors in your CRUD views if ID numbers aren't passed. Just pass back a blank model to the view (return View()). This allows you to cache your pages. And you'll obviously need to write code to handle the offline retrieval and presentation in code that executes when the page loads, but it will still allow you to utilize the MVC/Razor features when online.
One thing to note: "/App/Edit" will cache. If you load "/App/Edit/2", it won't match a url in your cache so you'll get an offline message. However, you can easily modify your Index page to send the ID via post. Just have a form on the page that goes to the Edit action and change the link to an underlined span with an onclick that sets the value of a hidden field to the ID. You'll have to pass another hidden field to let it know that it needs to retrieve instead of update (since the controller has different GET AND POST actions for Edit. The GET action is useless, but keep it for caching. You're retrieval that you normall would do int the GET is now going to be done in the POST with an if statement to check for your hidden field flag.


browser tab wise session creation using JSP ans Servlets example [duplicate]

I'm developing a single page jQuery & Backbone.js web app. The backend is a JBoss 6 application server.
Until now we had the following structure:
There is only one servlet (front controller). Every request from the JavaScript client goes through here.
In the servlet - at the first request of a certain JS client - I make a look p to a stateful session bean. For the next requests of this client, I store the result of the look up in an HTTP session container. So every JS client has exactly one stateful session bean. This connection is kept by a session cookie.
Now I have an additional requirement:
When the user has two browser tabs (in one browser), they should have two isolated instances of the web app in every browser tab. Because of that I have a problem with session cookies because this session cookie is for all browser tabs.
I have to change the structure so that:
The servlet has to generate a new session ID for the first request of a certain JS client. This session ID is communicated to the client.
With every POST to the backend the JS client has to send this session ID.
My question is:
Until now I saved the result of the look up in an HTTP Session object and I hadn't to think about generating a session ID. But now I have to store this somewhere else, where?
Has anybody experience with this kind of setting and can help me?
Thank you BalusC for this very interesting approach.
When I understood you well, this means:
All individual JS clients of the tabs of one browser share one HTTP session object. And in this HTTP session object, every tab has its own entry point. That sounds really good. So I still can use the whole HTTP session infrastructure and don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Autogenerate an unique value on the initial GET request which you store and pass around on every subsequent postback as a hidden input value. Use this unique value as identifier of the session attribute representing the view-scoped data.
During the 1st request on a brand new session, do:
Map<String, ViewData> viewScope = new HashMap<String, ViewData>();
session.setAttribute("viewScope", viewScope);
(the ViewData represents the view-specific data you'd like to track across postbacks on the same view)
During every GET request, do:
String viewDataId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
viewScope.put(viewDataId, new ViewData());
request.setAttribute("viewDataId", viewDataId);
During generating the HTML, do:
<input type="hidden" name="viewDataId" value="${viewDataId}" />
During every POST request, do:
ViewData viewData = viewScope.get(request.getParameter("viewDataId"));
// Get/set view-specific data in there.
Make sure that jQuery also passes this hidden input around (which shouldn't be a big problem if you already properly use $(form).serialize() or e.g. AjaxForm plugin to ajaxify the forms).
If you're familiar with Java EE's MVC framework JSF, then it may be useful to know that its #ViewScoped annotation works roughly the same as described above. See also a.o. How to choose the right bean scope?
You can use session tracking with URL rewriting. See here:
Session shared in between tabs

Save jquery modified page permanently

I want to save modifications made on a HTML page(modifications made with JQuery), PERMANENTLY! I have read that this thing gets possible by sending an Ajax call and saving it in a table in a database, but what do you actually save in the database? The URL of the page? And what do you retrieve back in the Ajax call so that your modifications actually stay on the page?
This is a Spring MVC based web application, in case this information is needed.
I have no clue how to start or if to start trying saving it, because I have also read that this thing might not be possible, as we're talking about Client-Side modifications.
Modification that I am trying to make:
function versionOne() {
$('#title').css({"margin-top":"0px","color":"black", "font-size":"45px"});
$('#content').css({"margin-top":"80px","font-size":"20px", "text-align":"center"});
$('#picture').css({"border-radius":"25px", "margin-top":"50px"});
I'd be grateful for some suggestions!
Thanks :)
Saving the whole page won't work in most cases since it's very hard to also save the JavaScript state. So while you can save a static copy of the page without JavaScript with $('html').html(), that doesn't get you very far (or causes more trouble than it's worth).
What you want is "preferences". The site should remember some specific values. The usual approach is to load the preferences from the database before the server sends the page for the client. Apply them to the elements of the page and send the result to the browser. That way, the page looks as expected when the user sees it.
When the user changes these settings, use JavaScript to update the page and send the changes as AJAX requests to the server to persist them in the database.
When the user returns to the page, the code above will make sure that the page now looks as before.

Possible to cache JSON to increase performance / load time?

I'm using a JSON file to autopopulate a drop down list. It's by no means massive (3000 lines and growing) but the time taken to refresh the page is becoming very noticeable.
The first time the page is loaded the JSON is read, depending on what option the user has selected dictates which part of the JSON is used to populate the drop down.
It's then loaded on every refresh or menu selection after. Is it possible to somehow cache the values to prevent the need for it to be reloaded time and time again?
EDIT: More Info:
It's essentially a unit converter. The JSON holds all the details. When a users selects 'Temp' for example a call is made and the lists are populated. Once a conversion is complete you can spend all day running temp conversions and they'll be fine but everytime a user changes conversion type so now length, the page refreshes and takes a noticeable amount of time.
Unfortunately, I don't know of a standardized global caching mechanism in PHP. This article says that Optimizer Plus, a third party accelerator, is being included in core PHP starting in version 5.5. Not sure what version you are using but you could try that.
On a different note, have you considered file storage as andrew pointed out? I think it combined with $_SESSION could really help you in this case. Let me give you an example that would work with your existing JSON data:
Server Side
Store your JSON data in a .json file on your PHP server:
"data": "some data",
"data2": "more data",
"data3": [
Note: Make sure to properly format your JSON data. Remember all strings must be enclosed in double quotes ".
In PHP, use an if statement to decide the appropriate action:
ini_set("display_errors", "On");
if(isset($_SESSION['dataCache'])) {
echo json_encode($_SESSION['dataCache']);
} else {
$file = 'data.json';
if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
die("File not accessible.");
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
$_SESSION['dataCache'] = json_decode($contents, true);
echo $contents;
So lets dig into the above coding a little more. So here's what we are doing in a nutshell:
Turn on error reporting and start session support.
Check to see if we've already read the file for this user.
If so, pull the value from storage and echo it out and exit. If not continue below.
Save off the file name and do a little error checking to ensure PHP can find, open and read the contents of the file.
Read the file contents.
Save the decoded json, which is not an array because of the `true` parameter passed to `json_decode`, into your `$_SESSION` variable.
Echo the contents to the screen.
This will save you the time and hazzle of parsing out JSON data and/or building it manually on the server. It will be cached for the users session so that they can use it through out.
Client Side
I assume you are using ajax to fetch the information? If not correct me, but I was assuming that's where some of your JavaScript comes into play. If so you may consider this:
Store the returned data in sessionStorage on the user's browser when it's returned from the server:
success: function (res) {
localStorage.setItem("dataCache", JSON.stringify(res));
Or if you use promise objects:
}).done(function (res) {
localStorage.setItem("dataCache", JSON.stringify(res));
When you need to read it you can do a simple test:
var data;
// This returns null if the item is not in local storage.
// Since JavaScript is truthy falsy, it will be evaluated as false.
if(localStorage.getItem("dataCache")) {
data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dataCache"));
} else {
// Make ajax call, fetch object and store in localStorage in the success or done callbacks as described above
localStorage is a new feature in HTML5, so it's not fully supported on all browsers yet. Most of the major ones do however, even as far back as IE8 (I think). However, there is no standardized size limit on how much these browsers are required to hold per site.
It's important to take that into consideration. I can guarantee you probably will not be able to store the entire 30,000 line string in localStorage. However, you could use this as a start. Combined with the server side solution, you should see a performance increase.
Hope this helps.
I use the browser's cache to ensure that my large chunk of JSON is only downloaded once per session. I program in ASP.NET, but I'm sure PHP has the same mechanisms:
On session start, I generate a random string as session key for my dynamic JavaScripts. This key get stored in the ASP.NET session state under the key JsonSessionID. That way I can refer to it in my page markup.
I have a "generic http handler" (an ashx file) that when called by the browser, returns a .js file containing my JSON.
In my HTML I include the dynamic script:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dynamicJSON.ashx?v=<%= JsonSessionID %>"></script>
The browser will automatically cache any URLs included as scripts. The next time the browser is asked to load a cached script from a URL, it will just load up the file from the local disk. This includes dynamic pages like this.
By adding the ?v= in there, I ensure that the JSON is updated once per session.
I just realized that your JSON is probably static. If that's the case, you can just put your JSON into a static .js file that you include in your HTML, and the browser will cache it.
// conversionData.js
var conversionData = { "a":1,"b":2,"c":3 };
When you include the conversionData.js, the conversionData variable will be in scope with the rest of your page's JavaScript that dynamically updates the drop-downs.
Edit 2
If you are serving static files, this blog post has a good pattern for cache-busting based on the file's date modified property. i.e. the file is only downloaded when it is changed on the server.
I have yet to find a good method for cache-busting JSON created via database lookup tables, other than per-session. Which isn't ideal because the database could change mid-session.
Once you've got your JSON data decoded into an object you can just keep the object around, it should persist until a page reload at least.
If you want to persist between reloads you might want to look at HTML5's localStorage etc.
You would need to come up with an age strategy, maybe just dump the current date in there with it as well so you can compare that and expire as needed.
I would suggest storing your json data to a session. On first page load you can write a script to get your json data, then store them into a session.
on each page load/refresh afterwards you can check our session to decide what to do - use the session data or fetch again your json data.
This approach suites me for small scale data (for example: an array of products - colors - sizes - prices).
Based on your data you should test you loading times.
Here is a simple hack:
Create a call to a php file as GET request with parameter "bla-bla.html"
or "bla-bla.css"... well you know, it makes browser think it is not a php, but rather "html" or "css". And browser will cache it.
To verify that the trick is working - go to the "network" tab of the browser dev panel and you will see column "type" there along with "transferred" - instead of having php there and actual size, you will find "html" and "(cached)"
This is also good to know when you passing parameters like "blah-blak.html" to the php file and expect it will not be cached. Well, it will be cached.
Tested on FireFox Quantum 57.0.1 (Mac 64bit)
Chrome 63 on Mac is capable of recognising real file type in this situation. So it cannot be fooled.
Thinking out of the box here:
but if your list has 3000 lines and growing (as you said)
is it possible for you to establish its maximum size ?
let's say the answer is 10,000 (max) items; then do you really need an ajax call ?
you could transfer the data straight away with the page
(depending on your architecture of course, you could come out with different solution)

Persist Local UIWebView Values

I've done more research and it looks like cookies may also be the answer. I suppose I would add a button to the form inside the embedded html that calls a function to create a cookie for the values. Then I could access this cookie through obj-c using the stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString method. Of course then you run into the issue of expiration, multiple copies of the form not being allowed, etc. So it is a trade-off of features. I'm going to stick with the window.location route because I can store this in a DB and then the user can create another instance of the same form
I've done some research and I have a vague idea how to accomplish this, but I was curious if there was a better method.
I have a local copy of an html form loading in a UIWebView on this iPad app I am developing. The forms are submitted server-side through xml and parsed there for DB storage, but unfortunately they are pretty lengthy. So I want to let the user save the form in its current state (maybe they only fill it out halfway), and then return to it later.
What I am thinking is that I will have to write some javascript to parse the radio buttons and checkboxes in the form, then pass this data through the window.location trick to the obj-c code. But this is VERY lengthy, and the strings being passed back and forth between JS and Obj-C will be very long. Is there any other way to grab the values of these checkboxes/radio buttons and pass them to the obj-c side to be repopulated later?
How about going via a file? Save the settings/data to a file in JS and access that file in Objective-C land. But I guess you've already thought of this.
But at the end of the day the data has to be passed back and forth regardless of how you do it. Doing it via the window.location trick will be the fastest, and provided there are no limitations imposed by the OS itself is there any reason not to do it this way?
You could encode the data into a blob to make it easier to pass around.
But on the other hand doing it by file route may however be useful if you want the settings to persist if your app gets terminated.
Also you could actually submit the form data but intercept it in Objective-C before it gets sent by using a NSURLProtocol derived class. THe NSURLProtocol class could allow the submission to proceed if it knows the data is complete. But I don't see any point in doing this if window.location doesn't have a size limit.

Including json retrieved data persistently across multiple pages in a site... best practice?

On this site each page is made up of multiple .jsp files. There is a main page that contains the bulk of the page content but then navigation is handled by nav.jsp, top title section is handled by top-section.jsp, footer.jsp, etc.
The content of the pages is populated by data retrieved via json from a middle ware server. For the main pages (i.e. the section of the page that contains the bulk of the page specific data) data is retrieved by an ajax call that uses the logged in users id to get what it needs.
My question, how do I include some retrieved data in the, say, top-section.jsp. This page is simply (and I'm using hard coded data here but in reality this data should be specific to the logged in user):
<div id="userinfo">Harald Niven | Help</div>
This little bit is included in each page so I would like to grab the name ("Harald Niven" and the help url) once and then use it across every page in the site. Assuming that communication with the middle ware is via ajax calls that return json, what would be the best way to do this?
When I load data for each page it is simple, I have a custom js file for that page that grabs the needed data, however, this top section never changes so it seems wasteful to do an ajax request and parse out the response every time... how can I grab this once and persist it across the entire time the user is logged in?
Edit: sessions/cookies are out due to requirements of this app and I cannot write to the database... only read from it in a very restricted manner (any requests by the front end folks for accessing the database require a huge pain in the butt amount of approval and explanation so if I can avoid going this route I want to).
#rg88 ,
You need to implement the session management, ideally in all the websites people use a different database to track the users.
So you need to store the user login info retrived from json object in a track database along with sessionID.
Otherwise if you want to go for simple approach , you can store it in the cookies which is not a good practice.

