display current tab javascript - javascript

I have a tabbed section that changes the content when selecting a new tab but I want it to always show the home tab when the pages loads. Right now, no tabs displays when the page loads. I want the home tab to show when you first visit the page, Thanks!
Here is the codepen https://codepen.io/emberwolves/pen/rorEmK
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<section id="tabbed-wrapper">
<div id="navSection">
<div id="sections">
<div id="home" class="tabs">
<h4>Home Section</h4>
<p>Welcome. Rather see a CSS only version?</p>
<p>Check it out here</p>
<div id="work" class="tabs">
<h4>Work Section</h4>
<p>For a pure CSS version check out here</p>
<div id="about" class="tabs">
<h4>About Section</h4>
<p>This was a quick little pen for fun. Don't mind the ugly styling.</p>
<div id="contact" class="tabs">
<h4>Contact Section</h4>
<p>Some random contact details...</p>
//nav links
const links = document.querySelectorAll('.navLink');
//Tabbed sections
const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.tabs');
links.forEach(function(link) {
link.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
//remove current class from inactive links
for(let j = 0; j < links.length; j++) {
//add current class to active link
//used to store the target ID in string format
let target = e.target.textContent.toLowerCase();
for(let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
//Show active tab
}, false)

Just add initial classes in your html:
1) First place is nav menu:
2) Second place is home tab:
<div id="home" class="tabs active">
<h4>Home Section</h4>
<p>Welcome. Rather see a CSS only version?</p>
<p>Check it out here</p>
Full example:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<section id="tabbed-wrapper">
<div id="navSection">
<div id="sections">
<div id="home" class="tabs active">
<h4>Home Section</h4>
<p>Welcome. Rather see a CSS only version?</p>
<p>Check it out here</p>
<div id="work" class="tabs">
<h4>Work Section</h4>
<p>For a pure CSS version check out here</p>
<div id="about" class="tabs">
<h4>About Section</h4>
<p>This was a quick little pen for fun. Don't mind the ugly styling.</p>
<div id="contact" class="tabs">
<h4>Contact Section</h4>
<p>Some random contact details...</p>

you need to add click method on it .
For more info.
And also you need to add id or class to your html tag
your codepen edited.


Bootstrap 4 change accordion behaviour

I'm using HTML templates, which are based on Bootstrap 4.3.1 to present my students with learning content. In the current templates, all accordion panels are closed on page load and each accordion panel can be opened regardless of how many others have also been opened.
A working example can be found on this CodePen: https://codepen.io/hagelslag1001/pen/MWGeZJr
The HTML code is as follows:
<h2>Accordion: Group of 2</h2>
<p class="small">Accordion: start copy</p>
<!-- Accordion headings should be changed to respect page hierarchy -->
<div class="accordion shadow mb-5">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">
<h2 class="card-title">
Accordion 1 of 2
<div class="collapse">
<div class="card-body">
<p>Insert Accordion 1 of 2 content here.</p>
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">
<h2 class="card-title">
Accordion 2 of 2
<div class="collapse">
<div class="card-body">
<p>Insert Accordion 2 of 2 content here.</p>
<p class="small">Accordion: end copy</p>
Is it possible to change this default behaviour so that only one panel can be opened at a time? (i.e. as soon as a new panel is opened, the previously opened panel will automatically close)
The Bootstrap examples use (data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseOne" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapseOne") to accomplish this for the accordions in these templates
I can't figure out how to accomplish this, since the HTML code for the accordions in these templates look different than the Bootstrap 4 examples, which use either an a or button tag to trigger the collapsible event.
Here is a simpler answer based on your CodePen: https://codepen.io/mrtcntn/pen/MWGeZdP
According the Bootstrap 4 docs, you need id="accordion" on the top level div and you don't need to give ids like id="accordion_1" and id="accordion_2".
Therefore I removed the first portion from the JS and added id="accordion" at line 18 in the HTML.
You can do this by letting javascript check for active classes and only allowing one at the time. Here's a simplified example.
// DOM here
let nav = document.querySelector(".nav");
// Handlers here
const clickHandler = function (e) {
if (e.target.classList.contains("nav__link")) {
const link = e.target;
const siblings = link.closest(".nav").querySelectorAll(".nav__link");
// removes all actives except for the clicked one
siblings.forEach((el) => {
if (el !== link) el.classList.remove("active");
// Listeners here
nav.addEventListener("click", clickHandler);
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
.nav__link {
display: block;
width: 100%;
.active {
background: #0f0;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<div class="nav">
<ul class="nav__links">
<li class="nav__item">
<a class="nav__link" href="#accordeon--1">Accordeon 1</a>
<li class="nav__item">
<a class="nav__link" href="#accordeon--2">Accordeon 2</a>
<li class="nav__item">
<a class="nav__link" href="#accordeon--3">Accordeon 3</a>
<li class="nav__item">
<a class="nav__link" href="#accordeon--4"
>Accordeon 4</a
<script src="src/index.js"></script>

How to make content open and transfer elements only for a specific block?

I have tabs. All of these tabs have their own slider. These sliders have cases (slide) during the discussion according to the "More" scheme, a block should open in full screen with this case absorbed, and it should switch between the "contents" of the slider cases.
I have tabs. All of these tabs have their own slider. These sliders have cases (slide) during the discussion according to the "More" scheme, a block should open in full screen with this case absorbed, and it should switch between the "contents" of the slider cases.
How to make a slider so that the content opens only on pointers, and the elements are transferred exactly on this slider in a tab.
enter image description here
enter image description here
const caseBtn = item.querySelector('.btn-more');
const caseCloseBtn = item.querySelector('.close__content');
const caseContent = item.querySelector('.portfolio__content');
caseBtn.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
$('ul.tabs#portfolio').appendTo('.portfolio__content .pc__container .pc__header');
$('.swiper-button-next').appendTo('.portfolio__content .pc__container .sbc__wrapp');
$('.swiper-button-prev').appendTo('.portfolio__content .pc__container .sbc__wrapp');
caseCloseBtn.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
let tabTabs = $(this).find('ul.tabs li');
let tabItems = $(this).find('.tab_content').hide();
$(".tab_container .tab_content.active").show();
<div class="services__content">
<ul class="tabs" id="portfolio">
<li class="active"><a>Сайты</a></li>
<div class="tab_container">
<div class="tab_content active">
<div class="slider__wrapper">
<div class="swiper slider">
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<div class="swiper-slide">
Слайд 1
<div class="portfoliobtn">
<button class="btn-more">подробнее</button>
<div class="portfolio__content">
<div class="pc__container">
<div class="pc__header">
<div class="sbc__wrapp">
<div class="close__content"></div>
<div class="tab_content">Остальные табы</div>
Link codepen

Make One NAV link active across multiple sections (using classes???)

I need to have only one nav link in active state when a user goes through multiple sections of my website. How do I make the proper edits to this JS to make that happen?
For instance, if the default nav link id = #dinos_
I want all my sections that use section ids like #dinos_trex, #dinos_raptor, #dinos_triceratops to keep making the nav id that = #dinos_ to stay in the active state in the nav.
After further research, would someone be able to code something with 'classes'?
Lets say a set of divs share a certain class name, in this case "dinos_" how can I set an active state for just one nav item if the user is on 'any' of the related "dinos_" sections????
here is the current jquery Im using:
var sections = $('section'), nav = $('nav'), nav_height = nav.outerHeight();
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
var cur_pos = $(this).scrollTop();
sections.each(function() {
var top = $(this).offset().top - nav_height,
bottom = top + $(this).outerHeight();
if (cur_pos >= top && cur_pos <= bottom) {
Im guessing this snippet of code in particular is where I need someone to help me redefine?
Here is my HTML
<header id="header">
<!-- Nav -->
<nav id="nav">
<li>DINOS</li> /*multiple unique section ids that contain the word dinos_ in their id name should set this to 'active */
<li>ROBOTS</li> /*multiple unique section ids that contain the word robots_ in their id name should set this to 'active */
<li>UNDEAD</li> /*multiple unique section ids that contain the word undead_ in their id name should set this to 'active */
<section id="dinos_" class="main style2 right dark fullscreen">
<div class="content box style2">
Intro to the dinos</p>
<section id="dinos_trex" class="main style2 left dark fullscreen">
<div class="content box style2">
Section for the T-rex</p>
<section id="dinos_raptor" class="main style2 left dark fullscreen">
<div class="content box style2">
<h2>THE RAPTOR</h2>
Section for the raptor/p>
<section id="robots_" class="main style2 left dark fullscreen">
<div class="content box style2">
Section for the Robots Intro</p>
<section id="robots_gunner" class="main style2 left dark fullscreen">
<div class="content box style2">
Section for the gunner</p>
Using the waypoints plugin:
handler: function (direction) {
$("nav a[href=\"#" +this.element.id + "\"").addClass("active");
HTML with some minor changes:
<header id="header">
<!-- Nav -->
<nav id="nav">
<section id="dinosaurs" class="main style2 right dark fullscreen">
<div class="content box style2">
<p>Intro to the dinos</p>
</div> up
<section id="dinosaurs_trex" class="main style2 left dark fullscreen">
<div class="content box style2">
<p>Section for the Trex</p>
</div> up
<section id="dinosaurs_raptor" class="main style2 left dark fullscreen">
<div class="content box style2">
<h2>THE RAPTOR</h2>
<p>Section for the Trex</p>
</div> up
Here's a fiddle:
change your this code
to this
function activateNav() {
var hashValue = window.location.hash.substr(1);
$('body').find('a[href="#'+ hashValue +'"]').addClass('active');
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('a').on('click', function() {

Hide certain xml using Javascript

Anyway to display some li tags while hiding some using Javascript? I'm sorry if my question doesn't make sense.
Let me write my codes here.
<background>Background of Milk</background>
<recipes>Recipes using Milk</recipes>
<background>Background of Tree</background>
<recipes>NIL</recipes> or Not Applicable
var wordsName, wordsBG, wordsRecipes, wordsCurrent;
var wordsArray = new Array();
$(xml).find('words').each(function() { //find <words> in words.xml
wordName = $(this).find('name').text();
wordBG = $(this).find('background').text();
wordRecipes = $(this).find('recipes').text();
threatsArray.push({threatsName:threatsName, threatsBG:threatsBG, threatsCases:threatsCases});
$('#threats li').click(function(){ //li
wordsCurrent = $(this).index()
$('#description h1').text(threatsArray[wordsCurrent].threatsName);
var backgroundInformation = wordsArray[wordsCurrent].wordsBG;
backgroundInformation = backgroundInformation.split("\\n"); //to clear the line
$('#backgroundInfo').empty(); //empty the things inside
for (x in backgroundInformation) { //starts from zero and go to the last object
$('#backgroundInfo').append(backgroundInformation[x]+ '<br />');
} //for loop CLOSE
var recipesInformation = wordsArray[wordsCurrent].wordsRecipes;
recipesInformation = recipesInformation("\\n"); //to clear the line
$('#recipesInfo').empty(); //empty the things inside
for (x in recipesInformation) { //starts from zero and go to the last object
$('#recipesInfo').append(recipesInformation[x]+ '<br />');
} //for loop CLOSE
Lastly, my HTML
<div data-role="page" id="menu">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<div data-role="content">
<ul data-role="listview">
<h3>Not Available</h3> <!--Not Available-->
<div data-role="content"> <!--Start of DESCRIPTION content-->
<ul data-role="listview" id="informationList">
</div> <!--End of DESCRIPTION content-->
</div> <!--End of DESCRIPTION-->
<div data-role="page" id="background"> <!--Start of BACKGROUND-->
<div data-role="header">
<div data-role="content"> <!--Start of BACKGROUND content-->
<p id="backgroundInfo">Not Available</p>
</div> <!--End of BACKGROUND content-->
</div> <!--End of BACKGROUND-->
<div data-role="page" id="recipes"> <!--Start of RECIPES-->
<div data-role="header">
<div data-role="content"> <!--Start of RECIPES content-->
<p id="recipesInfo"> Recipes</p>
</div> <!--End of RECIPES content-->
</div> <!--End of RECIPES-->
As the information above, the second element in the Array, Tree, does not have any information for recipe tab, how can I prompt the page when user clicks into Tree, recipe li will hides itself?
Many thanks. It's the first time I am sending a question.
Welcome to StackOverflow! You seem to be parsing XML and generating HTML dynamically using JavaScript. In your case, maybe the easiest way is to detect the condition during parsing and add a "class" attribute to your <li> nodes. Then define the style class somewhere in your CSS, like this:
<li class="no-recipe">blah blah blah</li>
li.no-recipe {
Not sure what you're aiming for exactly, but a declarative approach is almost always better than a dynamic approach (using JavaScript).

Using JQuery hashtags to fade in & fade out content of a certain div

*EDIT: Here's a link to a staging version of the site: http://staging-site.site44.com/ *
I am extremely new to jquery so I apologize if this question is extremely simple. What I'm trying to do on my website is first when the page is loaded have the content in my #topContent div fade in.
But along with this I'd also like my main navigation to use jquery hashtags to switch up the page content displayed in the #topContent div. I've read up a bit on how to do this in jquery and from what I've read I think I need create page sections within my main html doc that are hidden until a certain nav link is selected - then hide the content that is currently showing and show the content associated with the nav link that was just selected, how close am I?
Here's my attempt so far at doing this...
<nav id="headerNav">
<ul class="navList">
<li class="navItem">Products</li>
<li id="view-about" class="navItem">About</li>
<li class="navItem">Portfolio</li>
<li class="navItem">Contact</li>
<!-- topMain -->
<div id="topContentWrapper">
<div id="topContent">
<div id="#products">
<h2>Test worked! - products </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="#about">
<h2>Test worked! - about </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="#portfolio">
<h2>Test worked! - Portfolio </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
// Fade In Effect
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#topContent").css("display", "none");
linkLocation = this.href;
function redirectPage() {
window.location = linkLocation;
Ok, this code should work:
$last = null;
$(".navList li a").click(function(){
if ($last != null) $last.fadeOut(1000);
$last = $($(this).attr("href"));
However, you will need to change your topContent to this:
<div id="topContent">
<div id="products" style="display: none;">
<h2>Test worked! - products </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="about" style="display: none;">
<h2>Test worked! - about </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="portfolio" style="display: none;">
<h2>Test worked! - Portfolio </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
Firstly, you need your ids to be like this: id="about" and not this: id="#about".
The id specified doesn't need a # in front of it. (Same as how class doesn't need a . when setting a tag with it)
The jQuery code I tested locally, so it should work.
You may want to automatically have some different content automatically displayed, because right now as it loads it is blank until you click one of the links.
Hope this helped!
I suggest you change the code to this:
ids = [ "products", "about", "portfolio" ];
links = [ "Products", "About", "Portfolio" ];
$last = null;
$(".navList li a").click(function(){
New = "#" + ids[links.indexOf($(this).text())];
if ($last != null) $last.fadeOut(1000);
$last = $(New);
Because it will keep all the content constantly in the same place. For this to work, you'll need to change two more sections of your code:
<ul class="navList">
<li class="navItem">Products</li>
<li id="view-about" class="navItem">About</li>
<li class="navItem">Portfolio</li>
<li class="navItem">Contact</li>
<div id="topContent">
<div id="products" style="display: none; position: absolute">
<h2>Test worked! - products </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="about" style="display: none; position: absolute">
<h2>Test worked! - about </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
<div id="portfolio" style="display: none; position: absolute">
<h2>Test worked! - Portfolio </h2>
<p>this test just worked sooo hard!</p>
That last part was just my suggestion, but do whatever you need to.
Instead of doing this in your a.transition handler:
The issue is that you're actually fading out the higher level item thus the children are no longer visible even if you fade them in.

