Respond with *.js.erb using nonce strategy for CSP - javascript

I'm implementing a CSP using rails 5.2.1 content security policy DSL. I've got my policy set to something like:
Rails.application.config.content_security_policy do |policy|
policy.default_src :self, :https
policy.connect_src :self
policy.script_src :self
# If you are using UJS then enable automatic nonce generation
Rails.application.config.content_security_policy_nonce_generator = -> request { SecureRandom.base64(16) }
I also have <%= csp_meta_tag %> in my application.html.erb
At this point I need to add a nonce: true flag to any inline scripts for these to satisfy the policy. I've done this and it works as expected. However, I'm having trouble maintaining existing AJAX style functionality. For example, I have something like (note the remote: true):
# index.html.erb
<%= link_to create_object_path, id: "#{object.code}",method: :post, remote: true do %>
<button type="button">Create object</button>
<% end %>
In my controller
def create
#object = current_user.object.create
respond_to do |format|
if #object
In my *.js.erb file
$("#<%= %>").text("Added!");
The object is successfully created but I believe the policy is blocking the above "Added" success message that I add to the DOM. I have not seen any errors in the console so I'm not sure where to go from here.
My understanding in this scenario is script tags are temporarily inserted with the contents of the *.js.erb file and these script tags do not contain the nonce. Or, it is a mismatch.
I've been stuck on how to troubleshoot from here. Any guidance here is much appreciated even if different architectural pattern for sending data to client is the way forward. Thanks in advance.

I ran into a similar issue. In my case, it didn't refuse to run the js.erb file itself but rather scripts in templates nested within that file through the use of render. So, this answer may have limited utility to your specific case. That said, I did try to reproduce your issue using Rails version 6.1.1 and couldn't.
However, even if you get past the initial hurdle of getting just your .js.erb file to run, you can still run into the issue of nested scripts: if your .js.erb file renders a template that contains a script tag. That script won't run because the request from which it originated assigns it a new nonce, which won't match the nonce in the meta tag.
So, to those coming here from a search engine as I did, here's the general strategy I pursue to get async embedded JS working with CSP for that nested case and assuming the .js.erb file itself runs. Using your case as an example:
Send the nonce along in the AJAX request. I suppose you won't get around writing some custom JS to send the request. Something like:
document.getElementById('<%= object.code %>').addEventListener('click', e => {
e.preventDefault(); // So we don't send two requests
fetch('<%= create_object_path %>', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
body: JSON.stringify({
nonce: document.getElementsByName('csp-nonce')[0].content
This sends the nonce from the meta tag to the server in the form of a nonce parameter.
You may need to remove remote: true from your link for this to work. And of course, this script will itself need to be 'nonced' or else it won't run!
Assign the nonce to a #nonce instance variable in the controller:
#nonce = params[:nonce]
Wherever you render scripts, do:
<%= javascript_tag nonce: #nonce || true do %>
For those wondering how to get the same to work with their existing asynchronous forms:
Add this form field: <%= hidden_field_tag :nonce %>
On form submit, assign the nonce from the meta tag to the hidden field:
document.getElementById('id_of_submit_button').addEventListener('click', async e => {
document.getElementById('nonce').value = document.getElementsByName('csp-nonce')[0].content;
In this case, you don't want to prevent the default behavior on the event because you want the form to submit.
Then continue with step 2 above (assigning the nonce to a controller instance variable).
I hope as a general strategy this is useful to some. And I hope it can serve as inspiration for how to get the .js.erb file itself to run.
UPDATE: Of course, for your specific (but limited) use case, you could simply return the object's service id as part of some JSON object you return to the client instead of rendering a .js.erb template. I say "limited" because this won't work for people who really need to render templates.
If you did want to render your .js.erb file, I suspect something like this could work for your case as well, where instead of checking whether the HTTP_TURBOLINKS_REFERRER header is present, you check for request.xhr?. Just know that starting in newer Rails versions, remote: true doesn't set the requisite header for request.xhr? to work anymore. But since you're on 5.2.1, it may work for you.


Rails & AJAX, is there a reason you shouldn't render html view directly in controller action for ajax to process?

The classic way to work with Rails & Ajax is always something that looks like this:
// JS - let's assume this submits to dummies#create
# Dummies Controller
def create
#dummy =
respond_to do |format|
# /views/dummies/create.js.erb
$("page").append("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'dummy_view' ) %>");
# /views/dummies/_dummy_view.html
<h1><%= %></h1>
I've always been curious, because the above seems to create a random create.js.erb file with very little meat... is there a reason (e.g., it's terrible convention, or terribly insecure or whatever), why you should NOT instead just render the view directly back to ajax?
// JS - basically takes responsibilites of create.js and puts it into the always
$.ajax(...).always(function(xhr, status){
// responseText contains the partial rendered by the controller action
# Dummies Controller
def create
#dummy =
render partial: 'dummy_view'
# /views/dummies/_dummy_view.html
# unchanged
<h1><%= %></h1>
NOTE above is pseudo-code, apologies for minor errors. The conceptual idea & question remain unchanged, though.
The create.js.erb is not random, is the view for the action with the expected format.
Generally, you may not have a view so simple (You may have different selectors other than "page", you may have some extra js code to be executed after or before the append), a js view/script is the general solution for an ajax request to give the response full control over what to do.
You could have what you want, but it will just work for your particular case when the selector is always "page" and you only want to append html to that element. Nothing prevents you from doing that (though you might want to use a custom ajax request and not rails' one since it sets js format by default and executes the response's script).
The convention is that a rails' remote request renders a js script, you can move out of the convention if you want. You'll lose a lot of flexibility with your approach as is (like... what if the create action fails an you need to display errors?).

Rails update element based on AJAX request?

I've been reading a lot about Rails and AJAX and 5.1 Unobtrusive javascript. It explains a lot about responding to Rails version of AJAX calls with a .js file for example.
However what im wanting to do isn't serving up an entire .js file, it's simply updating an element after a <% link_to %> POST request. From my understanding setting remote: true submits it as a AJAX request.
Essentially I have a "Post" which a user can like via a linked Like button. This sends a POST request to the "Post" controller which updates a post to liked and adds a like to the post.
Unfortunately to see the effects of the post being liked (Which is simply that the link changes color as well as the font-awesome icon) you need to refresh the page. I basically want it to update without needing refresh.
I "think" based off what i've read I need to make a respond do and respond via .js to the request with a .js file in the view I want to update (for instance if the controller action is called "like", maybe a like.js.erb file in the view im updating?). But I don't want to serve an entire new page..or would this simply just run the .js?
Then I could do something like $('i.fa-icon#id').style.color = "blue" or something? (Im assuming I can send data from the controller to the .js.erb file?). Not sure the best way to do this, don't rails elements a lot of times have some sort of data-attribute or something (Im still a beginner at this).
Your description is quite correct!
Opposed to the other answer, you don't even need a event listener but as you said you want to have a respond_to in the controller.
So starting from the html:
# post/index.html.erb
<div id="like-button">
<%= button_to "Like this post", post_path(#post), remote: true %>
Note, that when you use a button_to helper it'll be a POST request by default.
If you click it, it'll go to the controller#update, which you want to change to this:
def update
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to post_path(#post) }
format.js # <-- will render `app/views/posts/update.js.erb`
Note: the format.html is rendered when JS is disabled.
Now in the scenario that JS is enabled, it executes the app/views/posts/update.js.erb file. It can look like this:
const likeButton = document.getElementById('like-button');
likeButton.innerHTML = '<%= j render "posts/liked-link", post: #post %>';
What is the last line doing? Of course, you can change the style directly with the JavaScript, but you can also render a new partial - and this you will create in a new html file:
# app/views/posts/liked_link.html.erb
<div id="like-button ">
<p>"You liked this post!" </p>
I just changed the link/button to ap now, but of course you can do whatever you want.
Hope that makes sense :)
Not sure if I understand the question, but if you want to update like button:
What you want to do is to add an event listener to the button, and when clicked it makes a POST request to whatever route handles the likes(with the correct parameters) and your controller should respond with the like object (or whatever in the database gets stored). Have your post request on success method to grab the like button and change it to whatever you want it to look like
url: "/some/url/to/like/controller",
type: "post",
data: [your post data],
success: function(data) { $(`#${ data[“btn-name”] }`).attr(“color”, “blue”; }
You can stick this script right in the bottom of the html page
You don’t have to do it exactly like this, just giving you an idea of how to set up the pattern of having JavaScript and Ajax handle the post request and updating of the frontend instead of using html buttons

Get the asset url without fingerprint in Rails

Using javascript_url we can get the url of the asset:
<script src="<%= javascript_url 'company_widget' %>"
token="<%= current_user.token %>"
However, the javascript_url returns the url with the fingerprint:<fingerprint>.js
It seems this get cached forever, and whenever we need to make changes in the script, the third-parties using this script will have to reload it.
I noticed that accessing the file without fingerprint works too:
Is there a way to tell javascript_url to not add the fingerprint? Or is there another better solution in this context?
You can turn off digests by updating config/environments/development.rb to include:
config.assets.digest = false
What you really need to do is to return your javascript file in controller action, so have control over the cache for this particular file.
In your controller action you should do something like:
def company_widget
response.headers["Expires"] =
expires_in, public: true, must_revalidate: true
format.js do
asset = open(ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_url('company_widget.js', host: host))
send_data, :type => asset.content_type
def host
request.protocol + request.host_with_port
Then you can point to controller action and be sure that you have control over what is returned.
<script src=""></script>
Expires header is older way of setting cache, while expires_in Rails method will set Cache-Control header which is the best way to manage your cache. It takes precedence over Expires.
Additionally you can take a look on a great article about caching:

Rails and AJAX remote: true what else is required?

I'm confused about remote:true in Rails forms, I thought some Javascript was required to make it asynchronous but this just seems to break my page.
Here is a really simple index.html.haml that includes a partial to show all appointments:
%h1 Calander
%h2 AppointmentsController
%h3 Make a new appointment
= form_for #appointment, remote: true do |f|
= f.text_field :title
= f.text_field :appt_time
= f.submit 'Make appointment'
=render 'appointments'
Here is the previously mentioned partial:
-#appointments.each do |a|
%h3= a.title
%p= a.appt_time
Controller methods for index and create:
def index
#appointments = Appointment.order('appt_time ASC')
#appointment =
def create
#appointmet = Appointment.create(appointment_params)
redirect_to :root
Now this works fine. I can add a new appointment, hit submit and the new appointment shows up without the page refreshing, I think because I have included remote: true. So do I need to add anything else to handle the request? Am I violating best practices by not including something to handle this request and relying entirely on remote: true?
Nothing more required unless you want some callback after ajax call. You did not break any conventions. You can read this document to get ride of confusion.
Let's take a step back.
Web applications can respond to different request formats. Rails has built-in format handling.
So a request might ask for index via HTML, which response with an HTML file. It might also request index via JSON, XML, PDF or even JavaScript.
Whenever you add remote: true you are telling your form make a POST request via JS instead of HTML.
In your views you will have a bunch of HTML.ERB files. These views are request responses.
So to handle a JS request to index, you will need a app/views/appointements/index.js file.
This will be sent as the response to the request and the browser will know what to do with a JS response.
In index.js you can write JS that will be executed once the response is received.
You can also load partials into the page.
For example:
# app/views/appointements/index.js
$('#appointements').html('<%= j render "appointements" %>')
Which will render the partial content as a JavaScript string for the response.

Include a Coffeescript file with ERB in a view

This is giving me a major headache...
So I have an app which requires a sidebar that lists various information to do with a user's player. One section of this sidebar is a friends list. Now, when Player A sends a friend request to Player B, the request should be automatically logged in B's sidebar, and I intend to use WebSockets to do this.
Here is my cp.js.coffe.erb file (there's only a few snippets of ERB at the moment; there will be loads more and I rather get this working first):
$ ->
if `"WebSocket" in window`
socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080")
socket.onopen = =>
console.log("Connection Open")
init = {
sender: "cp"
action: "init"
user: <%= %>
token: <%= cookies["remember_token"] %>
socket.onerror = (e)=>
socket.onclose = =>
socket.onmessage = (m)=>
console.log("Recieved: #{}")
msg =
switch msg.action
when "ret_init"
when "friend_udt"
refreshFriend() ->
html = "<%= j render 'layouts/friends' %>"
Theoretically, the code itself works fine, the problem being that Rails doesn't let you use ERB in the assets pipeline, and so this file has to sit in app/views/layouts.the file cannot access the variables declared within a controller or use the render method (or most other ERB methods).
Here's the thing: I can't include said file in my application.html.erb file, and I looked into requesting the file with AJAX, but from my understanding that will immediately execute the Javascript once and once only, and I need the methods in this to be constantly available to update the sidebar.
Is there any way of including this file so that it works with the ERB and the CoffeScript so that it would be continuously avaliable to the page? Am I misunderstanding the whole AJAX requesting method?
Thanks #nzifnab for your help with the JS. Now my friends partial looks like this:
<ul id="friendlist">
<% if Relation.find_by(owner:, type: "freq") != nil %>
<% Relation.find_by(owner:, type: "freq").each do |r| %>
<li class="friend-request-cp"><%= link_to "/#{User.find(r.character).name}" %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if Relation.find_by(owner:, type: "friend") != nil %>
<% Relation.find_by(owner:, type: "friend").each do |r| %>
<li class="friend-cp"><%= link_to "/#{User.find(r.character).name}" %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I need to apply two different styles to each item, hence why I'm using the ERB here. This works fine, as it's loaded when the page is first navigated to, but my code was supposed to re-render that partial every time a notification comes through of any new interactions. It would then repopulate the list using the data from the database again. Is there a more efficient way of doing this? Can I still do this with the hamlcoffeeassets gem you showed me?
Slight tangent ensues:
By the way, I'm using Ruby 2.0.0-p247 and Rails 4 on Windows 7. I felt the need to include that because of some major compatibility issues with gems that are much different from Ubuntu. I had to move from Ubuntu to Windows because updating from 13.04 to 13.10 broke everything Ruby Gem on that OS. I don't have tome to find a fix: I literally have only four days to get this app built.
You can kinda use erb in the asset pipeline, but you have to remember that it only gets rendered ONCE, EVER, and not once for every user and so even if there was an #user variable (which there won't be), it would never change. You can use erb in your coffee file for things like route paths and environment variables, but not for things like user-specific config and dynamic changes to the JS. It's bad practice anyway.
What you should really do is use a javascript library to read cookies instead of trying to do it with rails (This will give you access to some of the things you appear to be trying to do). And when you need more dynamic behavior you should render data-attributes or other values into the html DOM itself and use the javascript to read that.
Take a look at this cookie library:
There's many others to look at via a quick google search.
socket.onopen = =>
console.log("Connection Open")
init = {
sender: "cp"
action: "init"
user: $.cookie('user_id')
token: $.cookie('remember_token')
There are a couple of ways to render new markup for your view using JS. One way is to use js templates. I'm a big fan of the hamlcoffeeassets library here: Although it uses haml for the view, and not ERB. There are ERB variants as well.
You would add some markup to app/assets/templates/friend.jst.hamlc like so:
%p This is my friend markup #{}
And then you can render it from your JS like this:
$('#friends').append(JST['templates/friend'](friend: {name: 'Bob'}))
Which will append the markup from your template with the values you've passed interpolated in. In my example you'd end up with this markup inside your #friends container:
<p>This is my friend markup Bob</p>
Alternatively you can render the partial you want via rails into your JSON response as just a string, and then insert that into your document...
So your JS might look something like this:
socket.onmessage = (m)=>
console.log("Recieved: #{}")
msg =
switch msg.action
when "ret_init"
when "friend_udt"
refreshFriend(html) ->
In reference to your ERB question... First of all your partial is incredibly inefficient making similar calls to the database four times every time you render it. haml_coffee_assets is for use with the haml markup language (which I prefer over ERB), if you want ERB then use eco instead:
If you want to render this in the JS, then you need to send this "friend relation" data as JSON through the notification data response, you do not have access to active record OR any controller methods or instance variables when rendering javascript partials - they don't hit back to the server, they only use what is accessible by your javascript at the time.
This should really go to app/assets/javascripts/, you can use erb in the asset pipeline just fine (see here) Make sure you are spelling the coffee extension right, though!
Doing this, you should be able to call this via ajax without problems, the path would be /assets/cp.js.
try this gem: 'coffeebeans'
name your coffee file as "some_file.html.erb"
<%= coffeescript_tag_do %>
# your coffee script here ...
<% end %>
in another erb file:
<%= render file: '.../some_file' %>

