AWS S3 / Javascript callback issue - javascript

So, I'm having a problem with JavaScript asynchronous execution when making an API call to AWS S3.
I have a sequence of nested callbacks that are working fine up until a specific S3 call that my code is not waiting for. Here's my code:
getThumbUrls(contentIndex, function(data) {
console.log('Returning from getThumbUrls');
// let's just display thumbUrls[0] for now...
console.log('The thumbUrls are ' + data[0]);
getThumbUrls() looks like this:
function getThumbUrls(contentIndex, callback) {
console.log('Entering getThumbUrls');
var thumbUrls = [];
JSON.parse(contentIndex).forEach(videoKey => {
// get the thumbnail: bucket-name/thumbnails/<first-key>
console.log('videoKey = ' + videoKey);
getThumbFileName(videoKey, function(thumbFileName) {
console.log('Returning from getThumbFileName');
console.log('Returned thumb filename is ' + thumbFileName);
thumbUrls.push(CLOUDFRONT_URL + videoKey + '/thumbnails/' + thumbFileName);
And getThumbFileName() looks like this:
function getThumbFileName(videoKey, callback) {
console.log('Entering getThumbFileName...');
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
apiVersion: '2006-03-01',
params: {
Bucket: 'my-bucket-name'
// Get the name of the file.
params = {
Bucket: 'my-bucket-name',
Delimiter: '/',
Prefix: videoKey + '/' + THUMBS_FOLDER,
MaxKeys: 1
var urlKey;
//console.log('listObjects params = ' + JSON.stringify(params, null, 4));
s3.listObjectsV2(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
var thumbsKey = data.Contents;
// MaxKeys was 1 bc first thumbnail key is good enough for now. Therefore, only one iteration.
thumbsKey.forEach(function (keys) {
console.log('thumbKey = ' + keys.Key);
urlKey = keys.Key;
Obviously, what's happening is that execution doesn't wait for the s3.listObjectsV2 call to finish. I've verified that the entire flow works properly when all getThumbFileName() does is callback with the filename.
Would someone kindly show me how to force execution to wait for s3.listObjectsV2 to complete before calling back with undefined?

As discussed, you should avoid callbacks approach when dealing with asynchronous operations over iterations, due their difficulty.
(You can skip this section if you don't want to know motivation behind promises approach).
Just to mention, in a callback approach, you must have to wait for all callbacks to complete in your getThumbUrls(), using a if which will check if all callbacks has been called, then just call callback(thumbUrls); with all responses pushed into your thumbUrls array:
function getThumbUrls(contentIndex, callback) {
const thumbUrls = [];
// counter which will increment by one for every callback
let counter = 0;
JSON.parse(contentIndex).forEach(videoKey => {
getThumbFileName(videoKey, function (thumbFileName) {
thumbUrls.push(CLOUDFRONT_URL + videoKey + '/thumbnails/' + thumbFileName);
// for each callback response you must add 1 to a counter and then
// check if all callbacks already has been called
if (counter === JSON.parse(contentIndex).length) {
// right here, thumbsUrls are filled with all responses
So, you can make use of Promises, and a Promise.all will be enough for you to handle all responses from api. You can study over internet and check your code below, which is using a promise approach. I've added some comments to help you understanding what is happening.
// when using promises, no callbacks is needed
.then(function (data) {
console.log('Returning from getThumbUrls');
// let's just display thumbUrls[0] for now...
console.log('The thumbUrls are ' + data[0]);
// when using promises, no callbacks is needed
function getThumbUrls(contentIndex) {
console.log('Entering getThumbUrls');
// not needed anymore, Promise.all will return all values
// var thumbUrls = [];
// Promise.all receives an array of promises and returns to next .then() all results
// changing forEach to map to return promises to my Promise.all
return Promise.all(JSON.parse(contentIndex).map(videoKey => {
console.log('videoKey = ' + videoKey);
// returning a promise
return getThumbFileName(videoKey)
.then(function (thumbFileName) {
console.log('Returning from getThumbFileName');
console.log('Returned thumb filename is ' + thumbFileName);
return CLOUDFRONT_URL + videoKey + '/thumbnails/' + thumbFileName;
// when using promises, no callbacks is needed
function getThumbFileName(videoKey) {
console.log('Entering getThumbFileName...');
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
apiVersion: '2006-03-01',
params: {
Bucket: 'my-bucket-name'
// Get the name of the file.
params = {
Bucket: 'my-bucket-name',
Delimiter: '/',
Prefix: videoKey + '/' + THUMBS_FOLDER,
MaxKeys: 1
// urlKey not need anymore
// var urlKey;
// most of AWS functions has a .promise() method which returns a promise instead calling callback funcions
return s3.listObjectsV2(params).promise()
.then(function (data) {
var thumbsKey = data.Contents;
//if you want to return only first one thumbsKey:
return thumbsKey[0];
.catch(function (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
Hope this helps you out in your study.

Would someone kindly show me how to force execution to wait
That's the wrong question. You are not trying to get execution to "wait," or, at least, you shouldn't be. You just need to call the callback in the right place -- inside the callback from s3.listObjectsV2(), not outside.
function getThumbFileName(videoKey, callback) {
s3.listObjectsV2(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
var thumbsKey = data.Contents;
// MaxKeys was 1 bc first thumbnail key is good enough for now. Therefore, only one iteration.
thumbsKey.forEach(function (keys) {
console.log('thumbKey = ' + keys.Key);
urlKey = keys.Key;
callback(urlKey); // right
// wrong // callback(urlKey);
The way you wrote it, the callback fires after s3.getObjectsV2() begins to run -- not after it finishes (calls its own callback).


Async/ await in Firebase Cloud Function says Error Expression has type `void`

I'm trying to use async/await in my firebase function but I am getting an error. I have marked the function as async but when I try to use await inside of it I get error: Expression has type void. Put it on its own line as a statement.
I think this is strange because I think it each await function call is already in its own line as a statement. So, I'm not sure what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
For clarity, I am making a request with the Cheerio web scrape library, and then trying to make two async function calls during each loop with the .each method.
export const helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((req, response) => {
const options = {
uri: '',
transform: function (body) {
return cheerio.load(body);
.then(($) => {
$('.live-update').each((i, element) => {
const homeTeamAbbr = $(element).find('tbody').children('tr').eq(0).find('a').html().split("alt/").pop().split('.svg')[0];
const awayTeamAbbr = $(element).find('tbody').children('tr').eq(1).find('a').html().split("alt/").pop().split('.svg')[0];
const homeTeam = $(element).find('tbody').children('tr').eq(0).find('').text().trim();
const awayTeam = $(element).find('tbody').children('tr').eq(1).find('').text().trim();
let homeTeamStatsURL = $(element).find('tbody').children('tr').eq(0).find('td').html();
let awayTeamStatsURL = $(element).find('tbody').children('tr').eq(1).find('td').html();
const gameTime = $(element).find('.pregame-date').text().trim();
homeTeamStatsURL = homeTeamStatsURL.match(/href="([^"]*)/)[1] + "roster";
awayTeamStatsURL = awayTeamStatsURL.match(/href="([^"]*)/)[1] + "roster";
const matchupString = awayTeamAbbr + "#" + homeTeamAbbr;
const URLString = "NBA_" + urlDate + "_" + matchupString;
// var docRef = database.collection('NBASchedule').doc("UpcommingSchedule");
// var boxScoreURL = "" + URLString;
// var setAda = docRef.set({[URLString]:{
// homeTeam: homeTeam,
// awayTeam: awayTeam,
// date: gameTime,
// homeTeamAbbr: homeTeamAbbr,
// awayTeamAbbr: awayTeamAbbr,
// homeTeamStatsURL: homeTeamStatsURL,
// awayTeamStatsURL: awayTeamStatsURL,
// boxScoreURL: boxScoreURL
// }}, { merge: true });
getTeamPlayers(homeTeamStatsURL, matchupString);
getTeamPlayers(awayTeamStatsURL, matchupString);
console.log("retrieved schedule for "+ matchupString + " on " + urlDate)
response.send("retrieved schedule");
.catch(function (err) {
console.log("error " + err);
The function I am calling just makes another request and then I'm trying to log some data.
function getTeamPlayers(playerStatsURL, matchupString) {
const options = {
uri: playerStatsURL,
transform: function (body) {
return cheerio.load(body);
console.log(playerStatsURL + " stats url");
.then(($) => {
console.log('inside cheerio')
$('tbody').children('tr').each(function(i, element){
const playerName = $(element).children('td').eq(1).children('span').eq(1).find('a').text().trim();
const injury = $(element).children('td').eq(1).children('span').eq(1).children('.icon-moon-injury').text().trim();
const news = $(element).children('td').eq(1).children('span').eq(1).children('.icon-moon-news').text().trim();
const playerUrl = $(element).children('td').eq(1).children('span').eq(1).find('a').attr('href');
const playerLogsUrl = "" + playerUrl.replace('playerpage', 'player/gamelogs/2018');
console.log(playerName + ": Inj: " + injury + " News: " + news);
// database.collection('NBAPlayers').add({[playerName]:{
// '01 playerName': playerName,
// '03 playerLogsUrl': playerLogsUrl,
// '04 inj': injury,
// '05 news': news
// }})
// .then(docRef => {
// console.log("ID " +;
// //getPlayerLogs(playerLogsUrl, playerName,;
// })
// .catch(error => console.error("Error adding document: ", error));
async/await is supported in the Node version 8 (which is deployable as Cloud Functions for Firebase). Specifically, use 8.6.1 (at the time of this writing).
As for awaiting x2 inside a loop - I don't think this is best practice.
Instead, push all these requests into an array, then Promise.all so as to fetch all in parallel.
just in case someone comes after. As Ron stated before, you shouldn't use async/await inside a traditional for loop if the second call doesn't need the value of the first, as you will increase the run time of the code.
Furthermore you can't use async/await inside of a forEach=> or a map=> loop, as it won't stop and wait for the promise to resolve.
The most efficient way is to use Promise.all([]). Here I leave a great youtube video of a crack that explains async/await and Promises =>
As to one of the questions in the comments by DarkHorse:
But all I want is for getTeamPlayers() to execute and write to the database so I don't know why I need to return anything.
In Firebase Functions all functions need to return something before the final response.
For example in this case, he has created an http function. Before he ends the function with response.send("retrieved schedule"); you need to finish each and every function triggered. As Firebase Functions will clean up after the final response, erasing and stoping anything that it is still running. So any function that hasn't finish will be killed before doing its job.
Returning a promise is the way Firebase Functions knows when all executions have finished and can clean up.
Hop it helps :)

JS: Recursively calling a promise function

I am making a node.js application that can create thumbnails for images. To avoid freezing the application while generating thumbnails I decided to use an asynchronous library for creating thumbnails. However depending on the image multiple thumbnail sizes might be needed.
var thumbnailSizes = [100];
if (image.type == 'coolImage') thumbnailSizes.push(500);
generateThumbnails(image.filename, thumbnailSizes).then(function() {
// Do cool things with the saved thumbnails (This is never reached)
function generateThumbnails(filename, thumbnailSizes) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
var path = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('\\'));
console.log('length = ' + thumbnailSizes.length);
prefix: thumbnailSizes[0] + '_';
source: filename,
destination: path,
width: thumbnailSizes[0]
}).then(function () {
if (thumbnailSizes.length > 1) {
generateThumbnails(filename, thumbnailSizes.splice(0, 1));
} else {
}).catch(function (e) {
This code successfully creates the first thumbnail but not the second. This is what my console looks like after the code stops running.
> Console Output
length = 2
length = 1
The code calls generateThumbnails() for a second time successfully but does not call the thumb function again, skipping to the end and never resolving. How can I make this work?
I don't see the need for recursion here.
async function generateThumbnails(filename, thumbnailSizes) {
var path = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('\\'));
return await Promise.all( => thumb({
prefix: `${size}_`,
source: filename,
destination: path,
width: size
Or if you need to create the thumbnails one by one:
async function* generateThumbnails(filename, thumbnailSizes) {
var path = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('\\'));
for(const size of thumbnailSizes) {
yield await thumb({
prefix: `${size}_`,
source: filename,
destination: path,
width: size
Which is consumable with a for await loop in the calling function:
for await(const thumbnail of generateThumbnails(file, sizes) {
// handle single size
Also, I wouldn't use .substring() to make path manipulation, I'm sure the Node path module has a function or seven that can help you reliably extract the interesting part from the path.
it seems you are resolving your promise with another promise, which might cause the promise chain to be broken, you can try changing:
resolve(generateThumbnails(filename, thumbnailSizes.splice(0, 1)));
return generateThumbnails(filename, thumbnailSizes.splice(0, 1))
However my suggestion would be (if you are using the latest ES versions) to use async/await then you don't need a recursive call and you code will be more readable:
// your function definition
//async () => {
var thumbnailSizes = [100];
if (image.type == 'coolImage') thumbnailSizes.push(500);
for(const size of thumbnailSizes) { // do not use a foreach
const thumbnail = await generateThumbnail(image.fineName, size);
// Do more fun stuff with your thumbnail
function generateThumbnail(filename, size) {
var path = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('\\'));
return thumb({
prefix: size + '_';
source: filename,
destination: path,
width: size
You are only calling resolve in the else block of your condition in the callback, not in the if block. Resolving the promise that the recursive call returns won't have any effect on the promise returned by the outer call. Also you never reject the promise in case of an error.
Anyway, you should avoid the Promise constructor antipattern, so that you don't need any resolve calls at all but can simply return from the then callbacks to chain promises:
function generateThumbnails(filename, thumbnailSizes) {
console.log('length = ' + thumbnailSizes.length);
if (thumbnailSizes.length == 0) {
return 'true'; // are you sure?
} else {
var path = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('\\'));
return thumb({
// ^^^^^^
prefix: thumbnailSizes[0] + '_';
source: filename,
destination: path,
width: thumbnailSizes[0]
}).then(function () {
return generateThumbnails(filename, thumbnailSizes.slice(1));
// ^^^^^^
var thumbnailSizes = [100];
if (image.type == 'coolImage') thumbnailSizes.push(500);
generateThumbnails(image.filename, thumbnailSizes).then(function() {
// Do cool things with the saved thumbnails (This is never reached)
}, function(err) {
console.log('error', err);
Also I fixed your recursion - the base case should be the empty array.

Function Return not Working

I am working in Node and trying to load the next sequence from my db. I am able to access the db, load and return the sequence within my function, but I am not able to access it outside of the function.
function getRunId() {
counters.findOne({_id: 'Run_ID'}, function(err, resp) {
if(err) {
console.log('Seq: ' + resp.sequence); // Console Output = Seq: 1234
return resp.sequence;
var currentRunId = getRunId();
console.log('Run_ID: ' + currentRunId); // Console Output = CRID: undefined
I've checked several pages worth of Stack Overflow issues relating to using callback's, async (node module), how to properly return values in the function, etc... but none of them get me closer to accessing currentRunId outside of the function.
Is this issue further complicated by the use of Mongo queries inside my function?
For anyone stumbling on this later, start by reading this answer.
I've dealt with this a few times so I understand the frustration. You are trying to mix sync and async code by doing this:
var currentRunId = getRunId();
console.log('Run_ID: ' + currentRunId);
The trouble is that console.log('Run_ID: ' + currentRunId) is called immediately after you invoke getRunID() by assigning it to current RunID, and getRunID() resolves after console.log('Run_ID: ' + currentRunId), causing the currentRunId variable to be undefined.
But, you have some options to deal with this. Option one is to return a callback, and log the results of the callback instead. Option 2 is to use an ES6 promise. To use option 2, you need node version 7, and you need to use 'use strict' in your code.
Here are 3 examples built around a function stub that spoofs the results of findOne(). The getRunIdA() is your function, and getRunIdB, and getRunIdC are two example solutions to your current problem.
'use strict'
// A function stub which represents a simplified version of findOne.
// Accepts callback and returns a callback with the results of data
function findOne (callback) {
var data = {
sequence: 6
return callback(null, data)
// This is a simplified version of your function, which reproduces the undefined result
function getRunIdA () {
findOne(function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
console.log('Seq: ' + resp.sequence)
return resp.sequence
// This is your function with a callback
function getRunIdB (callback) {
findOne(function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
console.log('Seq: ' + resp.sequence)
return callback(resp.sequence)
// This is your function with a promise
var getRunIdC = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
resolve(findOne(function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
return resp.sequence
// Invoke your funciton; get undefined
var currentRunID = getRunIdA()
console.log('Run_ID: ' + currentRunID) // Run_ID: undefined
// Invoke getRunIdB using callback, get 6
getRunIdB(function (id) {
console.log('Run_ID: ' + id) // Run_ID: 6
// Invoke getRunIdC with a promise; get 6
getRunIdC.then(function (currentRunID) {
console.log('Run_ID: ' + currentRunID) // Run_ID: 6
results for all 3:
Seq: 6
Run_ID: undefined
Seq: 6
Run_ID: 6
Run_ID: 6
Give this a try by saving to your machine and running:
node test.js
Is this issue further complicated by the use of Mongo queries inside my function?
Nope, you just need to pass the results of your query to a promise or a callback so that you can work with the results somewhere else.
I hope this helps!
Edit: OP added the following code in a comment, which I will try to break down and address.
Unfortunately, using getRunIdB results in callback is not defined and using getRunIdC results in currentRunId is not defined
var currentRunID = '';
var getRunId = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve(counters.findOne({_id: 'Run_ID'}, function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
return resp.sequence;
getRunId.then(function (res) {
console.log('Run_ID: ' + res.sequence) // Run_ID: 1234
currentRunID = res.sequence;
console.log(currentRunID); // currentRunID is not defined
Check out an answer I gave to a similar question for more details on the JS concurrency model. Simply put, the getRunID() function is executing asynchronous code. What that means is that getRunID() doesn't get inserted into the message queue that determines what order javascript will execute until it's callbacks are completed. Thus, when you log currentRunID outside of the .then() function, the results is undefined because currentRunID is undefined.
I think that ultimately what OP is trying to do is to export the result of the function so that the something can be done with those results, this needs to be done within a callback like so:
getRunId.then(function (res) {
// Do stuff with the run ID here.
You are only returning on a callback function but not on the actual function.. Change your code to this:
function getRunId() {
var result = counters.findOne({_id: 'Run_ID'}, function(err, resp) {
if(err) {
console.log('Seq: ' + resp.sequence); // Console Output = Seq: 1234
return resp.sequence;
return result; //<-- return result of your function is here
var currentRunId = getRunId();
console.log('Run_ID: ' + currentRunId);

How we can use promises in node js?

As in asynchronous programming we used to callbacks and promises.
Here I am stuck in a problem that may be used to promises. I google it a lot but there is nothing found that solved my problem.
Here My code that I am doing to send push notification in android device.'/check-notifications', function(req, res, next) {
var user_id = req.body.user_id;
var response = {};
var gcm = require('push-notify').gcm({
apiKey: gcm_apiKey,
retries: 0
connection.query('select device_id from devices where user_id = '+ user_id, function (err, result) {
if ( result.length ) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
console.log(i + 'before notify');
registrationId: result[i]['device_id'],
data: result[0]
console.log(i + 'before transmitted');
gcm.on('transmitted', function (result, message, registrationId) {
gcm.on('transmissionError', function (error, message, registrationId) {
console.log(i + 'after notify');
response['success'] = true;
response['msg'] = 'sent successfully';
Output :
0before notify
0before transmitted
0after notify
1before notify
1before transmitted
1after notify
And I think It should be like this.
0before notify
0before transmitted
0after notify
1before notify
1before transmitted
1after notify
You can use async.mapSeries method for chaining notifications. Replace for loop to:
async.mapSeries(result, function(item, callback) {
registrationId: item['device_id'],
data: data
gcm.on('transmitted', function(result, message, registrationId) {
callback(null, message, registrationId);
gcm.on('transmissionError', function(error, message, registrationId) {
callback(error, message, registrationId);
}, function (err, results) {
if (err) throw err;
response['success'] = true;
response['msg'] = 'sent successfully';
I recommend using Bluebird JS for Promise flow-control.
var Promise = require('bluebird'); // Require bluebird, and call it 'Promise', the code below is version 3.x syntax
var connection = {'query': '???'}; // assuming `connection` is already defined somewhere else
var gcm_apiKey = '???'; // assuming `gcm_apiKey` is already defined'/check-notifications', function (req, res, next) {
var user_id = req.body.user_id;
var gcm = require('push-notify').gcm({
apiKey: gcm_apiKey,
retries: 0
// assuming `connection` is already defined somewhere else
// Make an async version of connection.query
connection.queryAsync = Promise.promisify(connection.query);
connection.queryAsync('select device_id from devices where user_id = ' + user_id)
// Bluebird's would execute the following block once per result, asynchronously.
// The sequence of who runs first and who completes first is undefined
.map(function (result, i) {
// the `result` argument here is `result[i]` of the original code, since we're in the map context
// Here we have to create a promise to consume events
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
console.log(i + 'before notify');
registrationId: result['device_id'],
data: result // original code is written as result[0], which I don't quite understand. Always sending the first result?
// This does not make sense console logging here, as it is not actually 'before transmitted'
// It's just binding onto the event
// console.log(i + 'before transmitted');
gcm.on('transmitted', function (result, message, registrationId) {
// Check registrationId
if (registrationId === result['device_id']) {
resolve(result); // use 'result' as the Promise's resolved value
gcm.on('transmissionError', function (error, message, registrationId) {
// Check registrationId
if (registrationId === result['device_id']) {
reject(message); // reject errors and send the message as the promise's reject reason
// Technically, you should log it as "after event binding"
console.log(i + 'after notify');
}).then(function (results) {
// `results` should contain all the result from the 'transmitted' event
var response = {};
response['success'] = true;
response['msg'] = 'sent successfully';
Note: The is actually more or less doable without any libraries but with native Promises, but the syntax would be more cluttering.

Array filled in the wrong order

I have a strange problem, when I push my result in my array, the result isn't at the right position in my array (for example the result instead of being at the index number 1 is at the index 3), and when I re-run my module results change of position randomly in the array .
var cote = function(links, callback) {
var http = require('http');
var bl = require('bl');
var coteArgus = [];
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i ++) {
http.get('' + links[i], function(response) {
response.pipe(bl(function(err, data) {
if (err) {
callback(err + " erreur");
var data = data.toString()
newcoteArgus = data.substring(data.indexOf('<div class="tx12">') + 85, data.indexOf(';</span>') - 5);
exports.cote = cote;
The problem lies in the fact that although the for is synchronous the http.get and the pipe operation are not (I/O is async in nodejs) so the order of the array depends on which request and pipe finishes first which is unknown.
Try to avoid making async operations in a loop, instead use libraries like async for flow control.
I think this can be done in the right order, using async map
Here a sample with map and using request module.
// There's no need to make requires inside the function,
// is better just one time outside the function.
var request = require("request");
var async = require("async");
var cote = function(links, callback) {
var coteArgus = [];, function(link, nextLink) {
request("" + link, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
// if error so, send to line 28 with a error, exit from loop.
return nextLink(err);
var newcoteArgus = body.substring(
body.indexOf("<div class='tx12'>") + 85,
body.indexOf(";</span>") - 5
// pass to next link, and add newcoteArgus to the final result
nextLink(null, newcoteArgus);
function(err, results) {
// if there's some errors, so call with error
if(err) return callback(err);
// there's no errors so get results as second arg
callback(null, results);
exports.cote = cote;
One more thing, i'm not sure, really what you are doing in the part where you search html content in the responses but there's a really good library to work with JQuery selectors from server side maybe can be useful for you.
Here's how you should call the function
// Call function sample.
var thelinks = ["features", "how-it-works"];
cote(thelinks, function(err, data) {
if(err) return console.log("Error: ", err);
console.log("data --> ", data);

