How to convert from text to JSON using NodeJS? - javascript

I want to convert a text file to JSON, but in a very particular way. My text file looks like this:
Data 1:
datapoint1-1 = 21
datapoint1-2 = 23
Data 2:
datapoint2-1 = 21
datapoint2-2 = 23
datapoint2-3 = 23
I want to create a JSON file that separates this data like this:
"Data": "1",
"Datapoints": [
"datapoint1-1": "21",
"datapoint1-2": "23"
"Data": "2",
"Datapoints": [
"datapoint2-1": "21",
"datapoint2-2": "23",
"datapoint2-3": "23"
My first step has split the data into 2 arrays inside an array. The first array is Data 1 plus its data-points and the second is Data 2 plus its data-points.
Now I am stuck on how I can convert those arrays into the JSON format I want. Does anyone have an idea? or can direct me in the right direction for this?

Here is my solution
const input = `
Data 1:
datapoint1-1 = 21
datapoint1-2 = 23
Data 2:
datapoint2-1 = 21
datapoint2-2 = 23
datapoint2-3 = 23
const array = input.split('\n').reverse()
const response = []
let template = {}
template['Datapoints'] = []
let switcher = false => {
// remove empty strings
if (arr) {
if (arr.includes('datapoint')) {
const keyValue = arr.split(' = ')
template.Datapoints.push({ [`${keyValue[0]}`]: keyValue[1] })
} else {
const keyValue = arr.split(' ')
template[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1].slice(0, -1)
switcher = true
if (switcher) {
template = {}
template['Datapoints'] = []
switcher = false
const finalResponse = response.reverse()
console.log(JSON.stringify(finalResponse, null, 2))
and in console you got
"Datapoints": [
"datapoint1-1": "21"
"datapoint1-2": "23"
"Data": "1"
"Datapoints": [
"datapoint2-1": "21"
"datapoint2-2": "23"
"datapoint2-3": "23"
"Data": "2"

To convert text files in JSON you can use the JACKSON OBJECT MAPPER jar in your code. Create a simple POJO. It will read JSON string from a file and map it to your class.
Then you would need to convert the JSON string value to java object. This will help you with the same.


How to update object based off objects specific value?

I have 2 objects and I want to 'transplant' values from one object into the other.
The first object I am drawing data from looks like:
var userData = {
Data: [
Amount: 430140.68,
Year: "2015",
AccountName: "Account 1"
Amount: 458997.32,
Year: "2016",
Name: "Account 2"
The 2nd object I am placing data into looks like:
"name": "Account 1",
"data": [
"name": "Account 2",
"data": [
My goal is to take the Amount form the first object and place it in the data array of the 2nd. Each year corresponds to a value in the 'data` array.
So, the resulting updated object should look like:
"name": "Account 1",
"data": [
"name": "Account 2",
"data": [
To try to achieve this I have the following code:
const yearArrLength = yearsArr.length;
const generatedObj = new Array(yearArrLength).fill(0);
// Push name and populate data array with 0s.
for (var key of Object.keys(userData.Data)) {
var accName = userData.Data[key].AccountName;
if (!generatedObj.find(key => === accName)){
generatedObj.push({'name': accName, 'data': blankDataArr});
for (var key of Object.keys(userData.Data)) {
var accName = userData.Data[key].AccountName;
var accAmount = userData.Data[key].Amount;
var accYear = userData.Data[key].Year;
// Get location of years array value
var yearArrIndex = yearsArr.indexOf(accYear);
for (var key of Object.keys(generatedObj)) {
if (generatedObj[key].name == accName) {
generatedObj[key].data[yearArrIndex] = accAmount;
However, this seems to populate all of the data array values, eg:
"name": "Account 1",
"data": [
"name": "Account 2",
"data": [
I'm completely stumped as to why. The if statement should be checking if there is a matching account name, but it doesn't seem to fire.
Would anyone know what I've done wrong?
It looks like you're pushing the exact same blankDataArr each time - you're not pushing a new array, you're pushing the same array to all.
For a more minimal example:
const subarr = [];
const arr = [subarr, subarr];
// both items in `arr` have changed
// because both refer to the exact same subarr object
For what you're trying to do, it looks like it'd be a lot easier to make an object or Map indexed by AccountName first, that way you just have to access or create the AccountName property while iterating, and assign to the appropriate year.
const yearsArr = ['2015', '2016'];
const userData = {
Data: [
Amount: 430140.68,
Year: "2015",
AccountName: "Account 1"
Amount: 458997.32,
Year: "2016",
AccountName: "Account 2"
const dataByAccountName = new Map();
for (const { AccountName, Amount, Year } of userData.Data) {
if (!dataByAccountName.has(AccountName)) {
// Create an entirely new array:
dataByAccountName.set(AccountName, => 0));
const index = yearsArr.indexOf(Year);
dataByAccountName.get(AccountName)[index] = Amount;
const result = [...dataByAccountName.entries()].map(([name, data]) => ({ name, data }));

How parse JSON with complex nesting and unnamed array?

I am trying to figure out how to parse the JSON response I receive when I make a call to a specific database (JSON response shown below) using vanilla javascript - and so far I have not had any luck. I am placing an API call to the Quickbase database and they have a standard formatting for their JSON response. The API i am calling can be found at this link:
Here is what a response from the API call looks like
"data": [
"6": {
"value": 11.0
"69": {
"value": "A"
"70": {
"value": "B"
"6": {
"value": 11.0
"69": {
"value": "C"
"70": {
"value": "D"
"fields": [
"id": 6,
"label": "Related Invoice",
"type": "numeric"
"id": 69,
"label": "TEST1",
"type": "text"
"id": 70,
"label": "TEST2",
"type": "text"
"metadata": {
"numFields": 3,
"numRecords": 2,
"skip": 0,
"totalRecords": 2
And this is what I want to parse it into (do NOT need to omit the JSON not shown here - I just did that for clarity)
"data": [
"Related Invoice":11.0,
"Related Invoice":11.0,
Below is the full javascript code i am using
let headers = {
'QB-Realm-Hostname': 'XXXXXX',
'User-Agent': 'Invoice',
'Authorization': 'XXXXXX',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
let body =
"from": "bq2paydp2",
"select": [
"where": "{6.EX.11}",
"sortBy": [
"fieldId": 6,
"order": "ASC"
"fieldId": 69,
"order": "ASC"
const xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '', true);
for (const key in headers) {
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlHttp.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
let line_items = JSON.parse(this.responseText, dataReviver);
//function dataReviver (key, value) {
//if (key = 6)
// {
// var newHeaderName = 99;
// return newHeaderName;
// }
// return value;
//document.getElementById('abc').innerHTML =[0][6].value;
function generateTableHead(table,tableData) {
let thead = table.createTHead();
let row = thead.insertRow();
for (let key of tableData) {
let th = document.createElement("th");
let text = document.createTextNode(key);
function generateTable(table, tableData) {
for (let element of tableData) {
let row = table.insertRow();
for (key in element) {
let cell = row.insertCell();
let text = document.createTextNode(element[key]);
let table = document.querySelector("table");
let tableData = Object.keys([0]);
generateTableHead(table, tableData);
This is what I am trying to achieve
| Count | Related Invoice | TEST1 | TEST2 |
| 1 | 11.0 | A | B |
| 2 | 11.0 | C | D |
I need to accomplish 3 things:
#1 Rename "6", "69 and "70" to the corresponding fields.label ( "Related Invoice", "TEST1" and "TEST2" ).
#2 Take the value of the objects nested under the objects shown above in #1 ( 11.0, "A", "B", ... ) and set them as the value of the objects shown in #1 above. This would, for example, make 6 (Related Invoice) the key and 11.0 the value.
#3 I ultimately want to display this in a table on a webpage. the html and css I can handle its the Javascript and JSON that I am not that great with.
If you need me to clarify anymore information please let me know.
To transform the data in the way you're looking, you'll need to loop over the data key in the object and create a new array based on the result of the loop.
A way to do this is with With this you can loop over each item in the array and return a new value.
In this map loop you are looping over each item in the data array. For each item you'll want to get the id and label from the fields array and use that array to create a new object. To create a new object within in a loop, you could use the Array.prototype.reduce() method.
So in this case you'll have a nested loop. The inner loop will loop over the fields array and uses the id to get the correct value from data array. It then returns an object with the label and the value set like you requested. The surrounding map method will then return a new array with objects. Tadaa, magic!
const response = {
"data": [{
"6": {
"value": 11.0
"69": {
"value": "A"
"70": {
"value": "B"
"6": {
"value": 11.0
"69": {
"value": "C"
"70": {
"value": "D"
"fields": [{
"id": 6,
"label": "Related Invoice",
"type": "numeric"
"id": 69,
"label": "TEST1",
"type": "text"
"id": 70,
"label": "TEST2",
"type": "text"
"metadata": {
"numFields": 3,
"numRecords": 2,
"skip": 0,
"totalRecords": 2
const transformResponseData = (response) => {
const { data, fields } = response;
// Return a new array with objects based on the values
// of the data and fields arrays.
const revivedData = =>
fields.reduce((object, { id, label }) => {
object[label] = entry[id].value;
return object;
}, {})
// Combine the original object with the new data key.
return {
data: revivedData
const createTable = ({ data, fields }) => {
const table = document.createElement('table');
const tHead = table.createTHead();
const tBody = table.createTBody();
const tHeadRow = tHead.insertRow();
// Create the counts cell manually.
const tHeadRowCountCell = document.createElement('th');
tHeadRowCountCell.textContent = 'Count';
// Create a head for each label in the fields array.
for (const { label } of fields) {
const tHeadRowCell = document.createElement('th');
tHeadRowCell.textContent = label;
// Output all the values of the new data array.
for (const [index, entry] of data.entries()) {
const tBodyRow = tBody.insertRow();
// Create a new array with the index and the
// values from the object.
const values = [
index + 1,
// Loop over the combined values array.
for (const [index, value] of values.entries()) {
const tBodyCell = tBodyRow.insertCell();
tBodyCell.textContent = index === 1 ?
value.toFixed(1) :
return table;
const data = transformResponseData(response);
const table = createTable(data);

edit json file with custom functions | discord.js, nodejs

hey I have a file of a JSON data like this called data.json:
"owner": "id",
"vstats": false
"owner": "id",
"vstats": false
So Basicly i want 3 Functions that i dont know how to write them
1- i need a function to check that if an input is exist in favlist of a user or not
like this: if(checkExist(userid, input) == true)
2- i need a function to add the input to the favlist
like this: addFav(userid, input)
3- and i need a remove function to remove the input from the favlist
like: removeFav(userid, input)
so i would be so thankfull if anyone can help me with this codes
and all the credits will go to anyone who helps me
Your JSON Object is missing some {} also to be able to remove data from array/object you need you use array function like filter and map
js={"servers":{ "sv-123344": { "owner": "id", "vstats": false }, "sv-44332211": { "owner": "id", "vstats": false } }, "users": { "uid-111222": { "favlist": [ "1", "2", "3" ] }, "uid-445566": { "favlist": [ "1", "2", "3" ] } } }
function checkfav(userid,input){
var bool
var inp=input.toString()
bool= o[1].favlist.includes(inp)
return bool
function addtofav(userid,input){
var ar
return ar
function removeFav(userid, input){
var arr
return arr
1.) Your JSON is malformed. you need to surround everything with {} like this:
So if your favlist is let favlist = [1, 2, 3] then you can use favlist.includes(value) to see, if your favlist contains an input. Just let your checkExists function return the result of this function.
Since your favlist is an array, you can use favlist.push(value) to add values to your array. It does not check for duplicates though.
To remove a specific value from an array, you need to locate the index of that value. Use the following:
/* if value = 2 and favlist = [1,2,3], then this gives index = 1 */
let index = favlist.findIndex(x => x === value);
favlist.splice(index, 1);
Just keep in mind to take care of possible duplicates.

How to read JSON using javascript?

I have JSON data like this -
var json = {
"details": [
"A": {
"Name": "mike",
"Age": 22
"B": {
"Name": "John",
"Age": 25
I want to read A,B points as an array.
Another way to do it with your json, Object.keys(),since your options are not in array form, can use that to convert to array form.
var json = {
"details": [
"A": {
"Name": "mike",
"Age": 22
"B": {
"Name": "John",
"Age": 25
var outputDiv = document.getElementById('output');
var options = Object.keys(json.details[0]).map(function(item){
return '<option value="'+item+'">'+ item +'</option>'
options.unshift('<option value="" > Please select </option>')
var select = document.getElementById('your_options');
select.innerHTML = options.join()
select.onchange = function() {
outputDiv.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(json.details[0][this.value]);
<label>You options</label>
<select id="your_options">
<div id="output"></div>
Lets assume you receive the following JSON from a web server
'{ "firstName":"Foo", "lastName":"Bar" }'
To access this data you first need to parse the raw JSON and form a Javascript object
let response = JSON.parse('{ "firstName":"Foo", "lastName":"Bar" }');
This forms an object which we can access relativly simply
let firstName = response["firstName"];
let lastName = response["lastName"];
Have a look at javascript documentation regarding JSON:
JSON.parse('{}'); // {}
JSON.parse('true'); // true
JSON.parse('"foo"'); // "foo"
JSON.parse('[1, 5, "false"]'); // [1, 5, "false"]
JSON.parse('null'); // null

Javascript how to return array from map

I have the following Json
var myjson = [{
"files": [
"domain": "d",
"units": [
"key": "key1",
"type": "2"
"key": "key2",
"type": "2"
"key": "key3",
"type": "2"
"domain": "d1",
"units": [
"key": "key11",
"type": "2"
"key": "key12",
"type": "2"
"key": "key13",
"type": "2"
"files": [
"domain": "d",
"units": [
I want to create an new array from this Json array. The length of array will be the number of "units" in this Json object.
So I need to extract "units" and add some data from parent objects.
units: [{
domain: "",
type: "",
key: ""
}, {
domain: "",
type: "",
key: ""
domain: "",
type: "",
key: ""
I guess i can probably do something like this:
var res = [];
myjson.forEach(function(row) {
row.files.forEach(function(tfile) {
tfile.units.forEach(function(unit) {
var testEntity = {
domain: tfile.domain,
type : unit.type,
key: unit.key
But it is difficult to read and looks not so good. I was thinking to do something like :
var RESULT = {
return {
return {
return {
domain: tfile.domain,
type : unit.type,
key: unit.key
But This doesn't work and looks not better . Is there any way to do so it works, maybe in more declarative way. hoped Ramda.js could help.
It there any good approach in general to get data from any Nested json in readable way?
Implementing something like:
return {
key : item.key,
type: type.key,
domain : item.parent.domain}
Or somehow flatten this json so all properties from all parents object are moved to leafs children. myjson.flatten("files.units")
Many thanks
The function you can use here is Ramda's R.chain function rather than You can think of R.chain as a way of mapping over a list with a function that returns another list and then flattens the resulting list of lists together.
// get a list of all files
const listOfFiles =
R.chain(R.prop('files'), myjson)
// a function that we can use to add the domain to each unit
const unitsWithDomain =
(domain, units) =>'domain', domain), units)
// take the list of files and add the domain to each of its units
const result =
R.chain(file => unitsWithDomain(file.domain, file.units), listOfFiles)
If you wanted to take it a step further then you could also use R.pipeK which helps with composing functions together which behave like R.chain between each of the given functions.
// this creates a function that accepts the `myjson` list
// then passes the list of files to the second function
// returning the list of units for each file with the domain attached
const process = pipeK(prop('files'),
f => map(assoc('domain', f.domain), f.units))
// giving the `myjson` object produces the same result as above
Pure JS is very sufficient to produce the result in simple one liners. I wouldn't touch any library just for this job. I have two ways to do it here. First one is a chain of and second one is a chain of Here is the code;
var myjson = [{"files":[{"domain":"d","units":[{"key":"key1","type":"2"},{"key":"key2","type":"2"},{"key":"key3","type":"2"}]},{"domain":"d1","units":[{"key":"key11","type":"2"},{"key":"key12","type":"2"},{"key":"key13","type":"2"}]}]},{"files":[{"domain":"e","units":[{"key":"key1","type":"2"},{"key":"key2","type":"2"},{"key":"key3","type":"2"}]},{"domain":"e1","units":[{"key":"key11","type":"2"},{"key":"key12","type":"2"},{"key":"key13","type":"2"}]}]}],
units = myjson.reduce((p,c) => c.files.reduce((f,s) => f.concat( => (e.domain = s.domain,e))) ,p) ,[]);
units2 = myjson.reduce((p,c) => p.concat( => => (e.domain = f.domain,e)))) ,[]);
For ES5 compatibility i would suggest the chain since there is no need for a spread operator. And replace the arrow functions with their conventional counterparts like the one below;
var myjson = [{"files":[{"domain":"d","units":[{"key":"key1","type":"2"},{"key":"key2","type":"2"},{"key":"key3","type":"2"}]},{"domain":"d1","units":[{"key":"key11","type":"2"},{"key":"key12","type":"2"},{"key":"key13","type":"2"}]}]},{"files":[{"domain":"e","units":[{"key":"key1","type":"2"},{"key":"key2","type":"2"},{"key":"key3","type":"2"}]},{"domain":"e1","units":[{"key":"key11","type":"2"},{"key":"key12","type":"2"},{"key":"key13","type":"2"}]}]}],
units = myjson.reduce(function(p,c) {
return c.files.reduce(function(f,s) {
return f.concat({
e.domain = s.domain;
return e;
Something like this should work. .reduce is a good one for these kind of situations.
const allUnits = myjson.reduce((acc, anonObj) => {
const units = => {
return => {
return {...unit, domain: fileObj.domain})
return [...acc, ...units]
}, [])
Note that this relies on both array spreading and object spreading, which are ES6 features not supported by every platform.
If you can't use ES6, here is an ES5 implementation. Not as pretty, but does the same thing:
var allUnits = myjson.reduce(function (acc, anonObj) {
const units = {
// for each fileObject, return an array of processed unit objects
// with domain property added from fileObj
return {
return {
key: unit.key,
type: unit.type,
domain: fileObj.domain
// for each file array, add unit objects from that array to accumulator array
return acc.concat(units)
}, [])
Try this
var myjson = [{
"files": [{
"domain": "d",
"units": [{
"key": "key1",
"type": "2"
}, {
"key": "key2",
"type": "2"
}, {
"key": "key3",
"type": "2"
"domain": "d1",
"units": [{
"key": "key11",
"type": "2"
}, {
"key": "key12",
"type": "2"
}, {
"key": "key13",
"type": "2"
//first filter out properties exluding units
var result = [];
result = result.concat({
unit.domain = obj2.domain;
return unit;

