When I change select it will scroll accordingly to the div and it is working fine, But how to I change select on document scroll ?
var divid = $(this).val();
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $("." + divid).offset().top
}, 2000);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<option value="div1">div1</option>
<option value="div2">div2</option>
<option value="div3">div3</option>
<option value="div4">div4</option>
<div class="div1">
<div class="div2">
<div class="div3">
<div class="div4">
You can put all the options into array and check it with the window scroll, this way you can have dynamic divs and also you can check them all at once.
$("select").change(function() {
var divid = $(this).val();
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $("." + divid).offset().top
}, 2000);
var output = [];
$.each($("select option"), function(key, value) {
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
//checking if it is already in animation mode or not
if (!$("html,body").is(':animated')) {
var filtered = output.filter(a => {
return $(this).scrollTop() >= $("." + a).position().top
//checking which options are meeting with the requirement
if (filtered.length > 0) {
//selecting the last one.
$("select").val((filtered[filtered.length - 1]))
div {
height: 300px;
select {
position: fixed;
top: 0
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<option value="div1">div1</option>
<option value="div2">div2</option>
<option value="div3">div3</option>
<option value="div4">div4</option>
<div class="div1">
<div class="div2">
<div class="div3">
<div class="div4">
You could use the Intersection Observer API to change your select when the div enters the viewport.
UPDATE: A good valid answer has already been provided to solve the problem, I am just providing the example below for educational purpose for people interested in examples of Intersection Observer and scrollIntoView.
Be cautious that the example provided is not fully supported by all browsers and should not be used on production environment (current snippet has been tested with Chrome 71):
var dropdown = document.querySelector('#dropdown');
var targets = document.querySelectorAll('.target');
var options = {
root: document.querySelector('#scrollable'),
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: 0
var callback = function(entries, observer) {
entries.forEach(entry => {
// If the element enters the viewport...
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
// ... then update the dropdown.
dropdown.value = entry.target.id;
var observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);
targets.forEach(target => observer.observe(target));
dropdown.addEventListener('change', () => {
var element = document.getElementById(dropdown.value);
#scrollable {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
height: 150px;
overflow: auto;
width: 300px
<select id="dropdown">
<option value="div1">div1</option>
<option value="div2">div2</option>
<option value="div3">div3</option>
<option value="div4">div4</option>
<div id="scrollable">
<div class="target" id="div1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc et dolor a leo semper suscipit. Donec quis lobortis mauris, quis finibus neque. Integer justo mi, faucibus vel fermentum at, convallis eget dui. Quisque pharetra velit in lacus ornare, a blandit tortor tempus. Nulla sit amet sapien turpis. Morbi ut dapibus lacus, id tristique ligula. Phasellus vel neque vitae metus congue vulputate. Cras laoreet euismod nisl sed aliquet. Maecenas eu facilisis magna. Etiam et tempor justo, vel dictum sem.</div>
<div class="target" id="div2">Pellentesque gravida, massa ac venenatis volutpat, erat neque ornare risus, convallis dignissim ante erat a felis. Suspendisse erat ligula, egestas non ante eu, iaculis aliquam ante. Aliquam vestibulum mattis erat, sed convallis quam rutrum fringilla. Nulla hendrerit libero sed nibh faucibus, nec pharetra felis tempor. Vestibulum in sem augue.</div>
<div class="target" id="div3">Suspendisse potenti. Nullam blandit dapibus eros, sed semper quam eleifend in. Nunc elementum ligula eget volutpat imperdiet. Sed cursus rhoncus semper. Pellentesque dignissim nibh a facilisis viverra. Sed eu dictum quam. Suspendisse consectetur libero orci, quis ornare metus tincidunt eget. Fusce congue lectus ligula, non aliquet urna ullamcorper non. Aliquam leo ipsum, scelerisque ut tortor sodales, vestibulum aliquet mauris. Pellentesque sit amet sapien pulvinar diam malesuada euismod in at sapien. Mauris eleifend laoreet nibh vitae interdum. Suspendisse eget velit a tortor egestas fermentum. Nunc in libero felis.</div>
<div class="target" id="div4">Integer rhoncus fringilla viverra. Vivamus tempor mi quis laoreet porta. In maximus tincidunt tincidunt. In viverra a est dictum vulputate. Curabitur eu sagittis odio, sed molestie massa. Donec ac neque vel mauris pellentesque blandit id non nisl. Curabitur egestas, enim semper viverra aliquam, nunc orci pretium diam, egestas dictum elit purus eu nisl. Cras aliquet dignissim fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean id viverra tellus, sit amet gravida orci. Aliquam elementum posuere augue.</div>
Even if I recommend to use a plugin to avoid any inconsistencies, a quick solution is shown below. It extracts the index of the focused div, and changes the value of the select dropdown. However, this solution is only limited to focus events.
let selectedIndex = $(this).prop('class').match(/\d+/g)[0] - 1;
$('select').prop('selectedIndex', selectedIndex);
Sorry for not being clearer here guys. Thanks for the quick responses.
I'm looking to use this snippet of js to equalise the heights on various divs. It only appears to work for for divs with class "jsEq-1" (shown in the red box in my snippet.
I'm also expecting the green and yellow boxes to equalise out in height... so all green boxes will be the same height and all yellow boxes will be the same height. So although the content in each box is a different length I want the containers to be equal heights and everything to line up.
The green boxes have a class of jsEq-2 and the yellow boxes have a class of jsEq3 but my script doesn't seem to work on divs with class of "jsEq-2" or "jsEq-3" "jsEq4" etc etc.
I'd like it to loop through any divs with class beginning with "jsEq-" and any number at the end but I just can't figure this out.
Thanks in advance for any tips.
$(window).load(function() {
equalHeights: function(){
var top=0;
var row=[];
var classname=('equalHeights'+Math.random()).replace('.','');
var thistop=$(this).offset().top;
if (thistop>top) {
var h=(Math.max.apply(null, $('.'+classname).map(function(){ return $(this).outerHeight(); }).get()));
var equalizeMe = function() {
var $highest = 1;
var $classname = $(this).attr("class");
var $parts = $classname.split("-");
if($highest < $parts[1]){
$highest = $parts[1];
for(var $i=1; $i<$highest+1; $i++){
$(window).resize(function () {
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
h2, p {
margin-bottom: 0;
.column {
float: left;
width: 30%;
margin: 0 1%;
background: blue;
.header {
background: red;
.body {
background: green
.footer {
background: yellow;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="column">
<div class="header jsEq-1">
<h2>Short heading</h2>
<div class="body jsEq-2">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus sapien, vulputate eget molestie eu, ultricies sit amet urna. Donec mollis pharetra tortor, nec sollicitudin ligula sodales vel. Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus. Nulla pretium lorem eu justo tincidunt, eget faucibus ex egestas. Aliquam commodo enim at lorem blandit sodales. Aenean sed tellus vitae nisl imperdiet molestie eget id mauris. Praesent non ullamcorper sapien.</p>
<div class="footer jsEq-3">
<p>Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus.</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="header jsEq-1">
<h2>Medium heading blandit id sollicitudin eget, pellentes</h2>
<div class="body jsEq-2">
<p>Pellentesque quam augue, blandit id sollicitudin eget, pellentesque in nunc. Curabitur sed purus justo. Maecenas aliquet, purus non porta vestibulum, dolor nisi congue nisi, id tincidunt quam nisi non lacus. Morbi in nunc eget neque rhoncus dapibus. Morbi id orci ligula. Duis elementum, sem eget tempus bibendum, est purus vestibulum felis, ut aliquam sem felis id massa. Aliquam non imperdiet ligula, vitae laoreet nisl. Fusce vehicula metus nec lectus luctus tempor. Integer laoreet ligula quis magna dignissim, sed convallis tellus finibus. Mauris arcu justo, dignissim congue maximus vel, faucibus eu ipsum. Duis ullamcorper mi in risus finibus fermentum. Pellentesque ut metus feugiat arcu ullamcorper elementum et sed nunc. Donec luctus diam a orci elementum, in sollicitudin mauris scelerisque. Morbi aliquet enim enim. Nullam quis pretium lectus. </p>
<div class="footer jsEq-3">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus sapien, vulputate eget molestie eu, ultricies sit amet urna. Donec mollis pharetra tortor, nec sollicitudin ligula sodales vel. Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus.</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="header jsEq-1">
<h2>Long heading pellentesque quam augue, blandit id sollicitudin eget, pellentesque in nunc</h2>
<div class="body jsEq-2">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus sapien, vulputate eget molestie eu, ultricies sit amet urna. Donec mollis pharetra tortor, nec sollicitudin ligula sodales vel. Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus.</p>
<div class="footer jsEq-3">
<p>Donec mollis pharetra tortor, nec sollicitudin ligula sodales vel. Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus.</p>
The [class^='jsEq-'] selector in the equalizeMe function is targeting elements having classes that begin with the string jsEq-, but no such elements exist. All your "class" values actually begin with either "header", "body", or "footer".
Therefore, $highest is never modified from its initial value of 1, so the subsequent for loop runs only once, which is why only the red boxes have equal heights.
To resolve this issue, target elements whose "class" values contain the string "jsEq-" instead.
Just change this line:
To this:
This code seems to work fine. The problem could be in the html, equalHeights function, or the version of jQuery being used.
After OP Edit: The selector
was using ^=, which only matches class names that start with the given string. Since you have other class names that are appearing first, you need to use *= to select any tags whose class name contains the given string.
I also switched
var $parts = $classname.split("-");
if($highest < $parts[1]){
$highest = $parts[1];
var $classNumber = parseInt($classname.substring($classname.indexOf("jsEq-")+5));
if($highest < $classNumber){
$highest = $classNumber;
This is safer in case you have other classes with a dash in them (as is very common with bootstrap for example).
var equalizeMe = function() {
var $highest = 1;
var $classname = $(this).attr("class");
// this extracts the number after 'jsEq'
// otherwise, other dash-classes would break your split("-") array method
var $classNumber = parseInt($classname.substring($classname.indexOf("jsEq-")+5));
if($highest < $classNumber){
$highest = $classNumber;
for(var $i=1; $i<$highest+1; $i++){
// This is showing the loop works. Check equalHeights()
$(`.jsEq-${$i}`).html(`.jsEq-${$i} highest = ${$highest}`);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="test jsEq-1 foo foo-baz"></div>
<div class="text foo-bar jsEq-2"></div>
<div class="stuff jsEq-3"></div>
<div class="foo jsEq-4 dash-this"></div>
<div class="bar jsEq-5 dash-that"></div>
Thanks guys
#MJH - I ended up moving the for loop inside the each() function and changing to [class*='jsEq-'] and it now appears to work. See updated snippet.
$(window).load(function() {
equalHeights: function(){
var top=0;
var row=[];
var classname=('equalHeights'+Math.random()).replace('.','');
var thistop=$(this).offset().top;
if (thistop>top) {
var h=(Math.max.apply(null, $('.'+classname).map(function(){ return $(this).outerHeight(); }).get()));
var equalizeMe = function() {
var $highest = 1;
var $classname = $(this).attr("class");
var $parts = $classname.split("-");
if($highest < $parts[1]){
$highest = $parts[1];
for(var $i=1; $i<$highest+1; $i++){
$(window).resize(function () {
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
h2, p {
margin-bottom: 0;
.column {
float: left;
width: 30%;
margin: 0 1%;
background: blue;
.header {
background: red;
.body {
background: green
.footer {
background: yellow;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="column">
<div class="header jsEq-1">
<h2>Short heading</h2>
<div class="body jsEq-2">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus sapien, vulputate eget molestie eu, ultricies sit amet urna. Donec mollis pharetra tortor, nec sollicitudin ligula sodales vel. Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus. Nulla pretium lorem eu justo tincidunt, eget faucibus ex egestas. Aliquam commodo enim at lorem blandit sodales. Aenean sed tellus vitae nisl imperdiet molestie eget id mauris. Praesent non ullamcorper sapien.</p>
<div class="footer jsEq-3">
<p>Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus.</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="header jsEq-1">
<h2>Medium heading blandit id sollicitudin eget, pellentes</h2>
<div class="body jsEq-2">
<p>Pellentesque quam augue, blandit id sollicitudin eget, pellentesque in nunc. Curabitur sed purus justo. Maecenas aliquet, purus non porta vestibulum, dolor nisi congue nisi, id tincidunt quam nisi non lacus. Morbi in nunc eget neque rhoncus dapibus. Morbi id orci ligula. Duis elementum, sem eget tempus bibendum, est purus vestibulum felis, ut aliquam sem felis id massa. Aliquam non imperdiet ligula, vitae laoreet nisl. Fusce vehicula metus nec lectus luctus tempor. Integer laoreet ligula quis magna dignissim, sed convallis tellus finibus. Mauris arcu justo, dignissim congue maximus vel, faucibus eu ipsum. Duis ullamcorper mi in risus finibus fermentum. Pellentesque ut metus feugiat arcu ullamcorper elementum et sed nunc. Donec luctus diam a orci elementum, in sollicitudin mauris scelerisque. Morbi aliquet enim enim. Nullam quis pretium lectus. </p>
<div class="footer jsEq-3">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus sapien, vulputate eget molestie eu, ultricies sit amet urna. Donec mollis pharetra tortor, nec sollicitudin ligula sodales vel. Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus.</p>
<div class="column">
<div class="header jsEq-1">
<h2>Long heading pellentesque quam augue, blandit id sollicitudin eget, pellentesque in nunc</h2>
<div class="body jsEq-2">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus sapien, vulputate eget molestie eu, ultricies sit amet urna. Donec mollis pharetra tortor, nec sollicitudin ligula sodales vel. Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus.</p>
<div class="footer jsEq-3">
<p>Donec mollis pharetra tortor, nec sollicitudin ligula sodales vel. Duis feugiat id nunc a maximus.</p>
I am almost positive that this question has been answered before, but the reason that I am asking this question is because I am not sure how to implement the answers into my code without breaking it. I have an accordion menu and it utilizes headers, paragraph tags, divs for the structure of the accordion. Well what I am trying to do is use a div inside of the accordion to display images, but here is the thing: divs are used for the structure of the accordion.
So, what I am asking is how to have jQuery treat this div as purely
content and not part of the structure?
I am pretty sure that the answer is to use .not(), but not sure. I only understand the basics when it comes to JavaScript and jQuery. I am really sorry for this guys... I am the type of person that learns by doing, not by reading a book.
var headers = ["H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6"];
$(".accordion").click(function(e) {
var target = e.target,
name = target.nodeName.toUpperCase();
if ($.inArray(name, headers) > -1) {
var subItem = $(target).next();
//slideUp all elements (except target) at current depth or greater
var depth = $(subItem).parents().length;
var allAtDepth = $(".accordion p, .accordion div:not(.exclude)").filter(function() {
if ($(this).parents().length >= depth && this !== subItem.get(0)) {
return true;
//slideToggle target content and adjust bottom border if necessary
subItem.slideToggle("fast", function() {
$(".accordion :visible:last").css("border-radius", "0 0 10px 10px");
"border-bottom-right-radius": "0",
"border-bottom-left-radius": "0"
<aside class="accordion">
<div class="opened-for-codepen">
<h2>How do I recruit members?</h2>
<div class="exclude image_legend">
<span>Image legend for "How do I recruit members?" section</span>
<br />
<br />
<img src="includes/images/clan/clan-tab.png" height="40px" style="display: inline;" />
<img src="includes/images/clan/clan-bottom-bar.png" height="40px" style="display: inline\;" />
<img src="includes/images/clan/clan-recruit.png" height="40px" style="display: inline-block;" />
<img src="includes/images/clan/clan-tab.png" height="40px" style="display: inline-block;" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis arcu augue. Donec varius semper interdum. Sed condimentum ipsum enim, a egestas nunc blandit a. Aenean varius dapibus suscipit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Quisque et lectus sapien. Nulla dapibus porta libero ac efficitur. Phasellus condimentum ornare porta. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam nec orci vitae felis mattis suscipit consectetur sit amet urna. Nulla lobortis augue ac commodo condimentum. Maecenas
ac dui cursus, congue felis quis, varius elit. Curabitur nulla lacus, dignissim ut pellentesque at, posuere sit amet eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec nec sapien diam. Nulla
accumsan viverra tellus sed laoreet. In eleifend nulla libero, vehicula consectetur magna condimentum vitae. Suspendisse non rhoncus justo. Nullam eleifend elit nec neque efficitur, quis fermentum metus pretium. Quisque tellus mauris, molestie in
ultrices eu, tincidunt ut nibh. Fusce eu volutpat felis. Integer ligula nulla, mattis quis pulvinar pharetra, vehicula nec arcu. Vivamus tincidunt nulla a nisi vehicula lobortis. In hendrerit, neque quis convallis lacinia, nisl ipsum varius lorem,
nec laoreet nisi odio vitae est. Nulla vitae diam enim. Suspendisse a dignissim magna. Pellentesque convallis maximus mollis. Nullam tellus est, accumsan sit amet facilisis sit amet, semper sed lorem. Mauris laoreet tortor at odio aliquet, ut porta
lacus rhoncus. Nullam laoreet dolor et velit malesuada feugiat. Vestibulum a erat elementum, hendrerit massa non, ornare enim. Phasellus iaculis diam eros, sit amet dapibus elit finibus id.
Edit: The above html is consolidated because there is a lot of content to include all of it, but I provide you with the basic structure that makes the accordion
Assign a class to your div (Ex. 'my-class')
Then use not :not() to filter the selection
var headers = ["H1","H2","H3","H4","H5","H6"];
$(".accordion").click(function(e) {
var target = e.target,
name = target.nodeName.toUpperCase();
if($.inArray(name,headers) > -1) {
var subItem = $(target).next();
//slideUp all elements (except target) at current depth or greater
var depth = $(subItem).parents().length;
var allAtDepth = $(".accordion p, .accordion div:not(.my-class)").filter(function() {
if($(this).parents().length >= depth && this !== subItem.get(0)) {
return true;
//slideToggle target content and adjust bottom border if necessary
subItem.slideToggle("fast",function() {
$(".accordion :visible:last").css("border-radius","0 0 10px 10px");
$(target).css({"border-bottom-right-radius":"0", "border-bottom-left-radius":"0"});
I am using jQuery to detect which div is bigger out of two columns. The smaller div gets a class of .js-small-content. That class has a position:fixed on it.
However the issue that I am having is that I need to be able to scroll the fixed content. Which I understand sounds weird as why would I want to scroll something thats fixed?
If you take a look at my jsFiddle you will see that I need to be able to scroll the cat content so I can see all the images.
This is an example of the effect that I am after. You can see that the small content allows you to scroll it first and then once it has all been viewed it then fixes to the bottom of the content and continues scrolling the images on the left.
I think I may need to do something with the viewport on scroll but I'm not sure how to achieve this?
Here is my code:
var a = document.querySelector('#single__images');
var b = document.querySelector('#single__content');
var aH = a.scrollHeight;
var bH = b.scrollHeight;
(aH > bH ? b.classList.add("js-small-content") : a.classList.add("js-small-content"));
<div id="single__image"><img src="#"/></div>
<div id="single__content">Text goes here</div>
I have worked really long for this, as was challenging for me. Finally made it.
According to you, you want to add class and remove class to smaller one among two div's. Which i have accomplished(but its' not right way to do at all) with my own other way.
I have made the smaller div to stop scroll when reaches at three fourth of window position from top.
JSFiddle : Demo
var divImg = document.getElementById("single__images").id;
var divCont = document.getElementById("single__content").id;
// Height of single__content
var hC = $("#" + divCont).outerHeight();
// Height of single__images
var hI = $("#" + divImg).outerHeight();
// Check out the smaller one
var samllOne = document.getElementById("single__content").id;
var samllOne = document.getElementById("single__images").id;
// Height of Smaller Div
var h = $("#" + samllOne).outerHeight();
// Position of Smaller Div from top
var topPos = $("#" + samllOne).position();
var topPos = topPos.top;
// Height of Smaller Div
var h = $("#" + samllOne).outerHeight();
// Div Height + TOP Space from from Body
var bottomCont = topPos + h;
// Checks current Scroll
var curScroll = $(this).scrollTop();
var windowH = $(window).innerHeight();
var windowMid = windowH / 2;
var midOfMid = windowMid / 2;
var threeFourth = windowMid + midOfMid;
var bottomTouch = h - threeFourth;
if(curScroll >= bottomTouch)
$("#" + samllOne).css({position: "fixed", top: "-" + bottomTouch + "px" });
$("#" + samllOne).css({position: "relative", top: "0px" });
article {
#single__images {
img {
#single__content {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="single__images">
<div class="inner">
<img src="http://placekitten.com.s3.amazonaws.com/homepage-samples/408/287.jpg"/>
<img src="http://placekitten.com.s3.amazonaws.com/homepage-samples/408/287.jpg"/>
<img src="http://placekitten.com.s3.amazonaws.com/homepage-samples/408/287.jpg"/>
<img src="http://placekitten.com.s3.amazonaws.com/homepage-samples/408/287.jpg"/>
<img src="http://placekitten.com.s3.amazonaws.com/homepage-samples/408/287.jpg"/>
<div id="single__content">
<div class="inner">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin commodo sed libero non lobortis. Aliquam aliquam vulputate felis. Phasellus hendrerit tellus ut libero bibendum rhoncus. Cras et ultricies neque. Curabitur posuere leo scelerisque mattis semper. In et arcu dictum, dictum libero ac, blandit nibh. Ut pharetra velit non blandit pretium. Suspendisse malesuada sodales orci, nec interdum ligula vestibulum ut. Mauris libero massa, tempus vel eleifend sit amet, efficitur nec sem.
Vivamus pretium malesuada ligula quis pulvinar. Duis ornare at massa et elementum. In ac consectetur turpis. Duis in velit nec nunc feugiat semper at in augue. Praesent ut odio quam. Ut faucibus eget massa a suscipit. Mauris fermentum est sed hendrerit lacinia. Mauris ac eleifend dolor. Phasellus rutrum volutpat efficitur. Maecenas vestibulum auctor massa, non dapibus diam laoreet id. Curabitur tincidunt massa vitae nibh varius iaculis. Duis sit amet nisi tempor, vestibulum ipsum at, rutrum purus. Mauris accumsan vulputate convallis. Morbi hendrerit ultrices erat, eu mollis neque faucibus id. Fusce sed magna semper justo placerat placerat quis eget augue.
Phasellus fermentum laoreet felis nec efficitur. Donec ultrices rutrum auctor. Duis faucibus rutrum tortor, ut eleifend libero pellentesque vitae. In nec ullamcorper justo. Donec eget aliquam est. Phasellus semper aliquam odio eu interdum. Praesent ultricies lectus nibh, ac bibendum lacus tempor sed. In ac ultrices sapien, vitae iaculis diam. Nullam pharetra lacus quis facilisis finibus. In a nisl aliquam, viverra dolor quis, auctor metus. Cras nec euismod nulla.
Duis sed ultrices erat. Sed semper lorem vel turpis aliquam vulputate. Nam ornare mauris a lorem posuere, id ultrices erat fringilla. Morbi eget posuere felis. Donec semper odio vitae porta bibendum. Duis sit amet metus at ligula iaculis pretium. Quisque at consectetur tortor. Etiam nec nisi porttitor, dignissim odio quis, condimentum risus. Quisque ipsum ipsum, pulvinar vel mi non, semper fringilla lacus. Mauris vestibulum mauris semper mauris venenatis, vitae suscipit dolor tincidunt. Aliquam eget mi lacus.
Nullam hendrerit sem ligula, sit amet malesuada ipsum rhoncus ut. Aenean urna nisl, finibus at arcu a, posuere aliquet odio. Fusce mollis dapibus leo, non aliquam tellus facilisis sit amet. Nunc commodo mauris eu gravida vehicula. Vestibulum sagittis magna orci, in tempus urna lacinia ut. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque ultrices, tellus sed laoreet tincidunt, urna mi facilisis sapien, a pretium lacus leo vitae elit.
I updated your JSFiddle project.
I just added the following to your CSS file. Hope this helps and is kind of self explaining.
.js-small-content {
i am trying through jquery to remove a div completely when there is no child element within it. The variable I am using is an image. I can't seem to select the variable as an image, i only know how to do this through text. Could someone please help me and resolve this issue, so it detects that there is a img contained within the div and displays it and when there isn't an image it doesn't display it.
I have uploaded it through jsfiddle:http://jsfiddle.net/cLkFD/
<div class="content-container"><!--content-container-->
<div class="picture"><!--picture-->
<img src="images/buddha.jpg" width="981" height="324" alt=""/>
<div class="content"><!--content-->
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et cursus neque, sit amet blandit tellus. Cras leo mauris, laoreet quis consequat et, pharetra mattis risus. Duis tortor lorem, ultrices egestas arcu sed, pretium egestas est. Morbi condimentum sem quis tortor placerat iaculis. Ut nisl augue, rutrum sed sem et, blandit hendrerit nibh. Donec et rhoncus odio, id tempor enim. Praesent ultricies justo vulputate dui gravida fermentum. Pellentesque id aliquet leo. Quisque vulputate, dolor vel rutrum accumsan, turpis odio faucibus sem, vel malesuada eros turpis ac magna. Nullam fermentum vehicula odio, ut ornare justo varius nec. Morbi lectus leo, porttitor nec elementum at, suscipit aliquam nunc. Ut gravida a sem ut imperdiet. Duis et turpis eget magna lobortis accumsan. In ac tincidunt nibh, quis pulvinar risus.
<button class="btn btn-1 btn-1a">Read More</button>
(function($) {
$.fn.equalHeights = function(minHeight, maxHeight) {
tallest = (minHeight) ? minHeight : 0;
this.each(function() {
if($(this).height() > tallest) {
tallest = $(this).height();
if((maxHeight) && tallest > maxHeight) tallest = maxHeight;
return this.each(function() {
You can check to see whether any image inside your div or not using length:
$(function () {
$('.picture').each(function () {
if ($(this).find('img').length) {
The above fiddle should work
var imageElem = $(this).find('img');
if(imageElem.length == 0) {
Let say I have a very long page of content consisting of multiple paragraphs which cannot be
displayed in a single browser window with vertical scrollbar
<p>...very long sentence ...</p>
<p>...very long sentence ...</p>
<p>...very long sentence ...</p>
<p>...very long sentence ...</p>
So I want to cut the paragraphs and format them into multiple pages, e.g.
<!-- page 1 -->
<p>...very long sentence ...</p>
<p>...very long </p><!-- the ending p tag is automatic inserted since the following text cannot be displayed -->
<!-- page 2 -->
<p>sentence ...</p>
<p>...very long sentence ...</p>
<p>...very long sentence ...</p>
Are there any existing scripts for this purpose?
In the extreme case the paragraph might contain image, so each line might be variying in height.
Someone has created show/hide functionality with jQuery.
This may help you.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Example: Show more, less using jQuery</title>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css">
color: blue;
cursor: pointer;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
color: blue;
display: none;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 10px;
display: none;
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("p").each(function () {
SetMoreLess(this, 350, 20, " ... more", " ... less");
$("a.moreText").click(function () {
var pTag = $(this).parents("p.summary");
$("a.lessText").click(function () {
var pTag = $(this).parents("p.summary");
function SetMoreLess(para, thrLength, tolerance, moreText, lessText) {
var alltext = $(para).html().trim();
$(para).addClass("summary"); // this class is added to identify the p tag, when more/less links are clicked
if (alltext.length + tolerance < thrLength) {
else {
var firstHalf = alltext.substring(0, thrLength);
var secondHalf = alltext.substring(thrLength, alltext.length);
var firstHalfSpan = '<span class="firstHalf">' + firstHalf + '</span>';
var secondHalfSpan = '<span class="secondHalf">' + secondHalf + '</span>';
var moreTextA = '<a class="moreText">' + moreText + '</a>';
var lessTextA = '<a class="lessText">' + lessText + '</a>';
var newHtml = firstHalfSpan + moreTextA + secondHalfSpan + lessTextA;
<div id="lipsum">
Integer consectetur, dui ut lobortis aliquet, leo est ullamcorper augue, id blandit
metus libero eu leo. Pellentesque dui sapien, tempus ultricies ultricies nec, molestie
at eros. Integer facilisis luctus libero quis accumsan. Suspendisse eu velit ac
erat iaculis pellentesque vel mollis est. Cras ac erat vulputate augue tincidunt
euismod a eu diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam sed arcu lorem. Cras porta dui in lorem tempor dapibus.
Ut magna metus, tincidunt et sodales pretium, aliquam ac ligula. Etiam at enim id
enim rhoncus scelerisque. Fusce porta, arcu non malesuada consequat, massa lectus
feugiat diam, aliquam convallis neque mauris eu urna. Nulla pellentesque eleifend
lectus, vel sodales leo consequat vestibulum. Sed elementum, lorem ac mollis mattis,
purus dolor interdum neque, ac rutrum nisl elit eu arcu. Curabitur risus arcu, suscipit
dignissim hendrerit at, luctus nec mauris. Pellentesque accumsan euismod sem nec
feugiat. Nullam faucibus gravida elit, nec facilisis lorem ullamcorper nec.
Vestibulum tincidunt lacus sit amet justo blandit vehicula. In pretium sem quis
ligula ultricies eget sodales velit mollis. Phasellus facilisis varius enim, non
rutrum nulla scelerisque eu. Curabitur posuere quam eget dui dignissim sed placerat
ante tincidunt. Suspendisse faucibus vulputate est quis feugiat. Nulla nec ante
a enim molestie consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec tincidunt lacinia
pellentesque. Integer hendrerit ligula non nibh posuere pretium. Sed tincidunt tincidunt
lectus, non consectetur est iaculis sit amet. Morbi vel lobortis ligula. Sed scelerisque
varius interdum. In sollicitudin lorem et mauris luctus venenatis commodo nunc venenatis.
Praesent vitae justo nisl.
Nulla posuere ante vel quam dapibus fringilla. In elementum mi interdum nisl vehicula
eu iaculis felis pretium. Ut id massa eget turpis gravida luctus et non nunc. Etiam
viverra suscipit mauris quis scelerisque. Vestibulum tempor neque nisl, nec aliquam
nibh. Quisque cursus faucibus libero sit amet placerat. Nulla id blandit ligula.
Nullam aliquam dui at justo facilisis accumsan. Morbi vel arcu id mi mollis vestibulum.
Praesent imperdiet, lectus eget adipiscing lobortis, urna enim vulputate lorem,
et bibendum turpis arcu quis ligula. Donec ultricies sollicitudin imperdiet. Mauris
a augue nulla. Donec sagittis est magna, sed scelerisque magna. Nam tincidunt, felis
quis luctus sodales, orci ligula consequat massa, a pulvinar leo urna id dui. In
sit amet augue est, et tincidunt metus. Quisque pellentesque, felis vel semper ullamcorper,
leo nulla eleifend nunc, et suscipit massa tellus non tellus.
Etiam accumsan, diam semper mattis tempus, sapien erat cursus dui, venenatis convallis
metus lectus at arcu. Duis eget dolor nec metus laoreet aliquam. Nulla eu viverra
massa. Vestibulum id urna ante, at aliquam augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et
magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla risus felis, convallis
at sagittis nec, fringilla in lacus. Integer at fermentum enim. Nullam lacinia eleifend
nisi, laoreet porta nunc elementum ut. Nulla facilisi.
Fusce id orci dui. In nec tempor nulla. Fusce commodo cursus orci in feugiat. Fusce
porttitor nulla sit amet arcu tempor nec viverra risus tempor. Pellentesque felis
lectus, pellentesque dignissim interdum sed, aliquam eu urna. In molestie leo vel
massa dapibus imperdiet. Ut risus odio, rutrum eu congue sit amet, pellentesque
quis urna. Duis tempor magna eu nisl volutpat eget pulvinar ante rutrum. Morbi quis
dolor lorem, sit amet pellentesque mauris. Nunc tellus tellus, consequat a pharetra
eu, cursus eu dolor. Aliquam non dolor mauris. Vestibulum vel purus eu massa sollicitudin
sollicitudin vel in mauris. Proin tristique, mi sed tempus facilisis, odio elit
faucibus turpis, sed aliquam risus elit in urna.
Suspendisse et libero tincidunt mauris pharetra hendrerit at ac nisl. Cras mauris
ante, sodales at scelerisque in, ullamcorper sed ipsum. Praesent est erat, mollis
eget ullamcorper quis, mattis ac nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus
et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam vulputate, lacus non iaculis
euismod, urna eros fringilla leo, a faucibus enim metus sed nibh. Etiam sagittis
sodales porttitor. Aliquam consequat lacus sed enim scelerisque vel malesuada sapien
viverra. Nulla massa metus, dignissim at consectetur sed, elementum nec massa. Phasellus
cursus, odio sagittis molestie aliquam, est mi volutpat nibh, nec ullamcorper lacus
mi sit amet nulla. Vivamus pellentesque, nulla ut pretium pretium, massa justo malesuada
nibh, a adipiscing diam enim eget elit. Phasellus nec sapien id elit lobortis sodales
vel ut neque. Sed ultricies tincidunt hendrerit. Vestibulum at velit diam, in sollicitudin
eros. Cras tincidunt tincidunt orci, id hendrerit lorem porttitor a.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Ut tortor quam, sodales a egestas ac, consectetur vitae eros. Suspendisse sit
amet libero ac magna sagittis tincidunt. Quisque a risus orci. Etiam nec velit tortor,
sed interdum nulla. Mauris nec lorem tortor, a dapibus mi. Sed posuere tempor magna
vitae consequat.
Nam ornare massa a velit congue ut con</p>
Nulla sed magna sed lectus imperdiet sagittis sed at nunc. Duis ornare tortor in
eros rhoncus quis tempor justo congue. Proin ut suscipit augue. Sed consectetur
arcu eget purus condimentum venenatis. Pellentesque dui orci, malesuada ut fringilla
et, tincidunt quis est. Pellentesque ipsum metus, pulvinar sit amet accumsan non,
imperdiet non enim. Donec leo lorem, pharetra at eleifend id, malesuada ut enim.
Proin ligula risus, pretium eget adipiscing a, sagittis et tellus. Duis dictum tristique
pretium. Sed mattis neque vitae augue aliquet dictum. Proin ut tempus velit. Donec
tincidunt hendrerit risus, vel imperdiet libero interdum ut. Phasellus rutrum sem
a urna semper et fermentum purus mattis. Aliquam euismod tempor dapibus. Maecenas
ultrices magna at ligula ultrices at accumsan erat sagittis. Ut neque ante, scelerisque
ut laoreet egestas, tempus ut erat.
In case of paragraph with image and other html tags use below logic:
<div style="height:500px;overflow:hidden" id="blah">
Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello.
Show more
$("#showmore").live('click', function() {
Edited: (Demo Link Updated)
See this DEMO
By using the below code you can paginate limitless paragraphs as according to your need.
//how much items per page to show
var show_per_page = 5;
//getting the amount of elements inside content div
var number_of_items = $('#content').children().size();
//calculate the number of pages we are going to have
var number_of_pages = Math.ceil(number_of_items/show_per_page);
//set the value of our hidden input fields
//now when we got all we need for the navigation let's make it '
what are we going to have in the navigation?
- link to previous page
- links to specific pages
- link to next page
var navigation_html = '<a class="previous_link" href="javascript:previous();">Prev</a>';
var current_link = 0;
while(number_of_pages > current_link){
navigation_html += '<a class="page_link" href="javascript:go_to_page(' + current_link +')" longdesc="' + current_link +'">'+ (current_link + 1) +'</a>';
navigation_html += '<a class="next_link" href="javascript:next();">Next</a>';
//add active_page class to the first page link
$('#page_navigation .page_link:first').addClass('active_page');
//hide all the elements inside content div
$('#content').children().css('display', 'none');
//and show the first n (show_per_page) elements
$('#content').children().slice(0, show_per_page).css('display', 'block');
function previous(){
new_page = parseInt($('#current_page').val()) - 1;
//if there is an item before the current active link run the function
function next(){
new_page = parseInt($('#current_page').val()) + 1;
//if there is an item after the current active link run the function
function go_to_page(page_num){
//get the number of items shown per page
var show_per_page = parseInt($('#show_per_page').val());
//get the element number where to start the slice from
start_from = page_num * show_per_page;
//get the element number where to end the slice
end_on = start_from + show_per_page;
//hide all children elements of content div, get specific items and show them
$('#content').children().css('display', 'none').slice(start_from, end_on).css('display', 'block');
/*get the page link that has longdesc attribute of the current page and add active_page class to it
and remove that class from previously active page link*/
$('.page_link[longdesc=' + page_num +']').addClass('active_page').siblings('.active_page').removeClass('active_page');
//update the current page input field
<!-- the input fields that will hold the variables we will use -->
<input type='hidden' id='current_page' />
<input type='hidden' id='show_per_page' />
<!-- Content div. The child elements will be used for paginating(they don't have to be all the same,
you can use divs, paragraphs, spans, or whatever you like mixed together). '-->
<div id='content'>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
<p>Vestibulum consectetur ipsum sit amet urna euismod imperdiet aliquam urna laoreet.</p>
<p>and so on....</p>
<!-- An empty div which will be populated using jQuery -->
<div id='page_navigation'></div>
A while ago, I created pagify, a jQuery plugin to do just that. It detects page height by splitting elements into words and incrementally adding the words until the height reaches a specified height. I've given it some CSS to make it look like pages in the demo below, but you can style it to use 100% width and height. You can call it simply with $('body').pagify(options); The default options are as follows
'pageTag' : 'div', // the tag which surrounds each page
'pageClass': 'page', // the class of the page tag
'innerClass': 'page-inner', // the class of the inner page element
'pageSize': 'A4', // a class added to the page so that the size can be defined by css
'pageSizeClassPrefix': 'page-', // the prefix to the above class
'pageOrientation': 'portrait', // not yet used, but could be used to flip width and height
'splitElementClass': 'split-element' // elements which have been split across two pages are given this class
So to use 100% width and height:
html, body, page-screen-size {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
pageSize : 'screen-size'
Here it is in action: http://jsfiddle.net/nathan/nfHHE/
From what I understand this is very similar to the way an online reader works, where content is formatted into different pages or slides and it doesn't matter what the content inside it is, as this will adapt to its container.
In order to achieve your goal, I'd recommend CSS3 Multi-column layout (see http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-css3-multicol-20010118/)
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow: hidden; //Hide overflowing content
padding: 20px 0;
#div-inside-container //For padding and columns display purposes
position: relative;
-moz-column-count: 1;
-webkit-column-count: 1;
column-count: 1;
-moz-column-width: 50em;
-webkit-column-width: 50em;
column-width: 50em;
-webkit-column-gap: 0;
-moz-column-gap: 0;
column-gap: 0;
$(window).resize(function() {
//Resize container
$(div_content).height(Dimensions.TellMeHeight() - padding);
See example and code: http://jsfiddle.net/GLbXX/1/
you can use jquery accordion control, if you have multiple paragaraphs than you should divide then in accordion, it will improve the readabilty and look of your page
Read more from here
The Financial Times has developed a JavaScript solution for multi-column layout with special focus on complicated (i.e. newspaper-like) cases, FTColumnFlow.
If you set a container to the width of one column and do then some pagination, i.e. via jQuery UI tabs, this might be a solution, that caters most difficult cases.
I hope this code help you. Maybe there is some cases which are omitted or you can find a better alhorithm or you can optimize it. It is just a way to lead you.
var current_page_height = $(window).innerHeight() - $("div.pagination").innerHeight();
function createPages(page_height){
var current_page_height = 0;
var pages = [];
var current_page = [];
var cpt_page = 0;
$("div.content").children().each(function(index, element){
var el = $(element);
if(current_page_height + el.innerHeight() > page_height){
var height_over = (current_page_height+el.innerHeight()) - page_height;
var line_height_el = el.css("line-height").replace("px","")
if( line_height_el < height_over && el.find("img").length == 0){
var number_line_to_remove = Math.round(height_over/line_height_el);
var number_line = el.innerHeight() / line_height_el;
var char_by_line = Math.floor(el.html().length / number_line);
var content_el = el.html();
var pointer_substr = (number_line - number_line_to_remove) * char_by_line;
while(content_el.charAt(pointer_substr) != " " && pointer_substr > 0){
var new_element = $("<p>" + content_el.substr( pointer_substr, content_el.length-1) + "</p>");
el.html( content_el.substr(0, pointer_substr+1));
el = new_element;
pages[cpt_page] = current_page;
current_page_height = 0;
current_page = [];
current_page.push( el );
current_page_height += el.innerHeight();
if(current_page.length > 0){
pages[cpt_page] = current_page;
return pages;
function displayPage(page_to_display){
if( page_to_display >= 0 && page_to_display < pages.length){
$(pages[page_to_display]).each(function(index, element){
var pages = createPages(current_page_height);
var page = new Number($("span.page").html());
displayPage( page+1 );
var page = new Number($("span.page").html());
displayPage( page-1 );
You can find an example here
Sugar.js has a great .truncate() function that crops text to your specifications
try this jquery plugin
jqPagination or jPaginate
have a look at :before and :after pseudo-elements in CSS (sorry, I can't be more specific, I'm still on the discovery path myself)