Javascript Eval error with numbers having leading zeroes [duplicate] - javascript

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Number with leading zero in JavaScript
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
If I use the code:
string = '010';
write = eval(string);
I get 8 written on the page. Why?
This happens even if 010 isn't a string.

Because 010 is parsed as octal. Javascript treats a leading zero as indicating that the value is in base 8.
Similarly, 0x10 would give you 16, being parsed in hex.
If you want to parse a string using a specified base, use parseInt:
parseInt('010', 8); // returns 8.
parseInt('010',10); // returns 10.
parseInt('010',16); // returns 16.

Prefixing a number with an 0 means it's octal, i.e. base 8. Similar to prefixing with 0x for hexadecimal numbers (base 16).
Use the second argument of parseInt to force a base:
> parseInt('010')
> parseInt('010', 10)

If you'd like to output the string 010 to the document, you can wrap the value in quotation marks:
var octal = eval('"010"');
typeof octal; // "string"
If you want to parse an integer or understand octals, read the other answers.


How does eval work in JavaScript? Why does eval('011+011') not equal eval('11+11')

So my understanding is that eval() can take a string that is a mathematical expression and return the value of the expression. Why is it then that adding a '0' before a number e.g. changing '11' to '011' changes the result?
Because 011 is an octal literal which is equal to decimal 9 (9 + 9 gives 18). Removing the 0 prefix makes the value decimal, so the result is decimal 11 (11 + 11 gives 22).
You can try it from a node REPL
> eval('011')
If you enable strict mode, it wont allow octal literals. related

ParseInt() strange octal behavior [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why JavaScript treats a number as octal if it has a leading zero
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have to convert some input data to integer.
I found parseInt() function.
Everything is good if the input is string:
console.log(parseInt("123")) //123
Even if the string starts with 0:
console.log(parseInt("0123")) //123
But if a number starts with 0, it will give 83!
console.log(parseInt(0123)) //83 instead of 123
I heard about that's because octal behavior (Javascript parseInt() with leading zeros), so I gave a radix parameter to it:
console.log(parseInt(0123,10)) //83!!!
Still 83!!!
And then, the strangest of all:
I thinked: octal 123 must give 123 in octal!
But it gave NaN:
console.log(parseInt(0123, 8)) //NaN
Why this strange behavior?! And how can I fix it?
In this code, you can defined a number (rather than a string) in octal format, then passed it to parseInt. Then parseInt casts that number to a string ("83"), and parses it again.
If you pass a string to parseInt you will get the expected result:
You should use a combination of a string and a radix to get the correct value. Here's an example:
parseInt(01234) // returns 668
parseInt('01234', 10) // returns 1234

Leading zeros leading to wrong sorting answer using inbuilt sort method of javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Javascript - Leading zero to a number converting the number to some different number. not getting why this happening?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I was sorting a string/array of integers in lexicographical order. A case came when i had to sort a string containing "022" using array.sort. I don't know why it is equating that equal to "18" when being printed.
var l = [022,12];
(2) [12, 18] => output
What is the reason behind this and how to correct it?
I recommend to "use strict"; so that 022 will produce a syntax error instead of octal number:
This isn't specific to the sort. If you just type 022 into a console, you'll get back 18. This is because 022 is being interpreted as an OctalIntegerLiteral, instead of as a DecimalLiteral. This is not always the case however. Taking a look at the documentation:
Note that decimal literals can start with a zero (0) followed by another decimal digit, but If all digits after the leading 0 are smaller than 8, the number is interpreted as an octal number. This won't throw in JavaScript, see bug 957513. See also the page about parseInt().
EDIT: To remove the leading 0s and interpret the 022 as a decimal integer, you can use parseInt and specify the base:
parseInt("022", 10);
> 22

Number literal with leading zero does not result in expected value [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I work around JavaScript's parseInt octal behavior?
(10 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have this code:
console.log(066); // 54
Why does it log 54, not 66?
In JavaScript, numeric literals that begin with a 0 are treated as octal.
From the MDN docs:
Octal number syntax uses a leading zero. If the digits after the 0 are outside the range 0 through 7, the number will be interpreted as a decimal number.
Because add a prefix 0 will make the number to be considered of base 8(octal), as way 0x will make the following number to be of base 16(hexa)

Behavior difference between parseInt() and parseFloat() [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Javascript parseInt() with leading zeros
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Why is this behavior difference between parseInt() and parseFloat()?
I have a string that contains 08 in it.
When I write this code:
The following output is generated:
Why does parseInt and parseFloat return two different results in this case?
parseInt() assumes the base of your number according to the first characters in the string. If it begins with 0x it assumes base 16 (hexadecimal). Otherwise, if it begins with 0 it assumes base 8 (octal). Otherwise it assumes base 10.
You can specify the base as a second argument:
alert(parseInt(hfrom[0], 10)); // 8
From MDN (linked above):
If radix is undefined or 0, JavaScript assumes the following:
If the input string begins with "0x" or "0X", radix is 16
(hexadecimal). If the input string begins with "0", radix is eight
(octal). This feature is non-standard, and some implementations
deliberately do not support it (instead using the radix 10). For this
reason always specify a radix when using parseInt. If the input string
begins with any other value, the radix is 10 (decimal).
you should always include the radix param with parseInt() ex parseInt('013', 10) otherwise it can convert it to a different numeric base:
parseInt('013') === 11
parseInt('013', 10) === 13
parseInt('0x13') === 19

