How to initialize z object to use z.JSON.parse function in a code Zap? - javascript

I'm developing a Zapier zap. The source is Google calendar. I collect the event description. It is a json string. I want to turn it into an object to process it in a Zap code (in JavaScript). The doc recommends to use the z.JSON.parse() function. I do it but at run time the error z is not initialized is sent. How to JSON parse a string to make an object ?
I tried to add z = new Z(), but it didn't work.
var eventDescriptorString = {
codeEvt: 'ID-LGC-02/21/2019-testoon_mail',
appCible: 'SIB',
action: 'testoon_mail',
parametre: 'ID-LGC-02/21/2019-testoon_mail-presents'
var eventDescriptorObject = z.JSON.parse(inputData.eventDescriptorString);
console.log('action', eventDescriptorObject.action);
output = [{
'action': eventDescriptorObject.action
I expect action to equal 'testoon_mail'

David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
The docs you found are probably for the app scripting environment. While similar, it's got access to a separate set of functions (and the z object itself). Code steps (which is what you're using here) are "plain" javascript environments.
If you change z.JSON.parse -> JSON.parse it should work as expected.


How to get Model object metadata properties in Javascript AutoDesk

I am working with AutoDesk Forge Viewer (2D) in Javascript with Offline svf file.
I have converted the .dwg file to svf file.
How can I get Model Object Metadata properties in Javascript like we get using the api "{urn}/metadata/{guid}/properties" ?
I tried using viewer.model.getProperties(dbId,function,funtion), but this only gives me details of particular to that dbId but i want the list of properties.
Please help me with this.
firstly, the other blog talks about how Model Derivative extracts properties. In theory, if you get 'aka json (json.gz)' or 'sqlLite (sdb/db)', you would be able to extract yourself by other tools.
How properties.db is used in Forge Viewer?.
I believe you have known as you said you have downloaded SVF. provides you with the logic to download translated data, including json.gz and sqlLite db.
While if you prefer to dump all properties within browser by Forge Viewer, the only way I can think is as below:
function getAllDbIds(viewer) {
var instanceTree = viewer.model.getData().instanceTree;
var allDbIdsStr = Object.keys(instanceTree.nodeAccess.dbIdToIndex);
return { return parseInt(id)});
var AllDbIds = getAllDbIds(myViewer);
myViewer.model.getBulkProperties(AllDbIds, null,
console.log(elements);//this includes all properties of a node.
Actually, I combined two blogs:

calling JS function from orientdb through java API

I'm trying to call a custom JS function stored in OrientDB, from Java, through the OrientDB Java API.
I can use the function inside studio, and it works as expected.
This is the code used to connect to the db and get the function:
OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory(SERVER_URL, "user", "pass");
OrientGraph txGraph = factory.getTx();
OFunction functionObject = txGraph.getRawGraph().getMetadata()
The problem is that the functionObject returned is null, and inspecting the getFunctionLibrary() result, I can see the list of functions is empty.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Using the official Documentation example, gives the same null result.
LE: For anyone stumbling on this, the full working code is:
OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory(SERVER_URL, "user", "pass");
OrientGraph txGraph = factory.getTx();
Double response = (Double) txGraph.command(new OCommandFunction("functionName")).execute(functionParameter);
where response is the result the function gives and functionParameteris a parameter I'm passing to the function.
This will work for java functions only (and example in doc is correct because it retrieves java function).
In order to execute js/sql/whatever function use OCommandFunction. Something like this:
txGraph.command(new OCommandFunction("functionName")).execute()
Possibly it could work directly too (if you don't need to convert result to graph objects)
new OCommandFunction("functionName").execute()
But in this case db instance must be attached to thread (db connection object created before function call)

Transforming JSON in a node stream with a map or template

I'm relatively new to Javascript and Node and I like to learn by doing, but my lack of awareness of Javascript design patterns makes me wary of trying to reinvent the wheel, I'd like to know from the community if what I want to do is already present in some form or another, I'm not looking for specific code for the example below, just a nudge in the right direction and what I should be searching for.
I basically want to create my own private IFTTT/Zapier for plugging data from one API to another.
I'm using the node module request to GET data from one API and then POST to another.
request supports streaming to do neat things like this:
In between those two requests, I'd like to pipe the JSON through a transform, cherry picking the key/value pairs that I need and changing the keys to what the destination API is expecting.
Here's a JSON sample from the source API:
And this is what I'd like to send forward:
The transformed JSON in this case takes the keys from the value of each objects "attribute" key and the value from each objects "value" key.
So my questions:
Is there a framework, library or module that will make the transform step easier?
Is streaming the way I should be approaching this? It seems like an elegant way to do it, as I've created some Javascript wrapper functions with request to easily access API methods, I just need to figure out the middle step.
Would it be possible to create "templates" or "maps" for these transforms? Say I want to change the source or destination API, it would be nice to create a new file that maps the source to destination key/values required.
Hope the community can help and I'm open to any and all suggestions! :)
This is an Open Source project I'm working on, so if anyone would like to get involved, just get in touch.
Yes you're definitely on the right track. There are two stream libs I would point you towards, through which makes it easier to define your own streams, and JSONStream which helps to convert a binary stream (like what you get from request.get) into a stream of parsed JSON documents. Here's an example using both of those to get you started:
var through = require('through');
var request = require('request');
var JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
var _ = require('underscore');
// Our function(doc) here will get called to handle each
// incoming document int he attributes array of the JSON stream
var transformer = through(function(doc) {
var steps = _.findWhere(doc.items, {
label: "Steps"
var activeMinutes = _.findWhere(doc.items, {
label: "Active minutes"
var stepsGoal = _.findWhere(doc.items, {
label: "Steps goal"
// Push the transformed document into the outgoing stream
steps: steps.value,
activeMinutes: activeMinutes.value,
stepsGoal: stepsGoal.value
// The attributes.* here will split the JSON stream into chunks
// where each chunk is an element of the array
As Andrew pointed out there's through or event-stream, however I made something even easier to use, scramjet. It works the same way as through, but it's API is nearly identical to Arrays, so you can use map and filter methods easily.
The code for your example would be:
.filter((item) => item.attibute) // filter out ones without attribute
.reduce((acc, item) => {
acc[item.attribute] = item.value;
return acc;
.then((result) => request.put('', result))
I guess this is a little easier to use - however in this example you do accumulate the data into an object - so if the JSON's are actually much longer than this, you may want to turn it back into a JSONStream again.

Databinding to Windows 8 ListView

I'm having massive problems with databinding to a ListView in a Windows 8 app using Javascript.
Inside the "activated" event on default.js I have written some code to get some data from a web service and push it into an array. This bit works OK and the array is populated.
The problem I have is that the app won't recognise the data. I have this code in a page called inspections.html:
data-win-options="{itemTemplate: select('#imageTextListCollectionTemplate'),
itemDataSource: dataList.dataSource,
layout: {type: WinJS.UI.ListLayout}}
and then in the "activated" event I declare:
var dataList = new Array();
and push the data from the web service into this array. But at runtime I get an error that says something along the lines of "can't find dataSource on undefined dataList".
I've done some of the examples on the MS website and in one of them it creates a dummy dataset and references it from a namespace. I kinda think that what I'm missing here is a namespace too but I don't know what the namespace for default.js is. Or maybe I'm wrong and it's something totally different.
Please help - this is so fundamental (and should be easy) but I can't get my head around it.
Do you want to create datalist in HTML or javascript?
It seems you want to create it from JavaScript. Assuming that you have already pushed your data into array from your webservice, you only need to call:
var dataList = new WinJS.Binding.List(array);
now accessing dataList.dataSource is perfectly valid.
Also, to create the datalist you don't always need an array. You could probably start with an empty list and then keep inserting data directly into the data list from web services, like:
var dataList = new WinJS.Binding.List([]);
Hope it helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.
If you are getting troubled by assigning datasource in HTML side
Prefer js side like
var list = new WinJS.Binding.List(array here);
listView.itemDataSource = list.dataSource;
by using this you can easily go through the data which you are binding to ListView.

webOS/Ares : read JSON from URL, assign to label

I've used the webOS Ares tool to create a relatively simple App. It displays an image and underneath the image are two labels. One is static, and the other label should be updated with new information by tapping the image.
When I tap the image, I wish to obtain a JSON object via a URL ( The typcial JSON that is returned looks like this:
{"balance":{"amount":"0","amount_formatted":"$0.00","balance_id":"28087","created_at":"2011-08-09T12:17:02-0700","message":"My balance is $0.00 as of Aug 9th at 3:17pm EDT (America\/New_York)"}}
I want to parse the JSON's "amount_formatted" field and assign the result to the dynamic label (called cardBalance in main-chrome.js). I know that the JSON should return a single object, per the API.
If that goes well, I will create an additional label and convert/assign the "created_at" field to an additional label, but I want to walk before I run.
I'm having some trouble using AJAX to get the JSON, parse the JSON, and assign a string to one of the labels.
After I get this working, I plan to see if I can load this result on the application's load instead of first requiring the user to tap.
So far, this is my code in the main-assistant.js file. jCard is the image.
function MainAssistant(argFromPusher) {}
MainAssistant.prototype = {
setup: function() {
cleanup: function() {
giveCoffeeTap: function(inSender, event) {
window.location = "";
jcardImageTap: function(inSender, event) {
//get "amount_formatted" in JSON from
//and assign it to the "updatedBalance" label.
// I need to use Ajax.Request here."Requesting latest card balance from Jonathan's Card");
var balanceRequest = new Ajax.Request("", {
method: 'get',
evalJSON: 'false',
onSuccess: this.balanceRequestSuccess.bind(this),
onFailure: this.balanceRequestFailure.bind(this)
//After I can get the balance working, also get "created_at", parse it, and reformat it in the local time prefs.
balanceRequestSuccess: function(balanceResponse) {
//Chrome says that the page is returning X-JSON.
balanceJSON = balanceResponse.headerJSON;
var balanceAmtFromWeb = balanceJSON.getElementsByTagName("amount_formatted");[0]);
//The label I wish to update is named "updatedBalance" in main-chrome.js
updatedBalance.label = balanceAmtFromWeb[0];
balanceRequestFailure: function(balanceResponse) {"Failed to get the card balance: " + balanceResponse.getAllHeaders());;
Mojo.Controller.errorDialog("Failed to load the latest card balance.");
//End test
btnGiveCoffeeTap: function(inSender, event) {
window.location = "";
Here is a screenshot of the application running in the Chrome browser:
In the browser, I get some additional errors that weren't present in the Ares log viewer:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Refused to get unsafe header "X-JSON"
Any assistance is appreciated.
Ajax is the right tool for the job. Since webOS comes packaged with the Prototype library, try using it's Ajax.Request function to do the job. To see some examples of it, you can check out the source code to a webOS app I wrote, Plogger, that accesses Blogger on webOS using Ajax calls. In particular, the source for my post-list-assistant is probably the cleanest to look at to get the idea.
Ajax is pretty much the way you want to get data, even if it sometimes feels like overkill, since it's one of the few ways you can get asynchronous behavior in JavaScript. Otherwise you'd end up with code that hangs the interface while waiting on a response from a server (JavaScript is single threaded).

