Script not targeting certain elements by ID, works fine on others - javascript

If one of the identified DOM elements is empty, change the background color to red, if not, change to transparent. Why does this not work on the phone or position fields?
I have another script targeting elements like document.forms["pledge"]["position"] which also works on all other fields but phone and position. What am I missing?
function checkFilled() {
var fname = document.getElementById("fname"),
lname = document.getElementById("lname"),
email = document.getElementById("email"),
country = document.getElementById("country"),
zip = document.getElementById("zip"),
position = document.getElementById("position"),
phone = document.getElementById("phone");
if (fname.value != "") { = "transparent";
} else { = "red";
if (lname.value != "") { = "transparent";
} else { = "red";
if (email.value != "") { = "transparent";
} else { = "red";
if (country.value != "") { = "transparent";
} else { = "red";
if (zip != undefined && zip.value != "") { = "transparent";
} else { = "red";
if (position.value != "") { = "transparent";
} else { = "red";
if (phone.value != "") { = "transparent";
} else { = "red";
<form name="pledge" id="form">
<input class="input" type="text" id="fname" name="first_name" placeholder="First Name" onchange="checkFilled()">
<input class="input" type="text" id="lname" name="last_name" placeholder="Last Name" onchange="checkFilled()">
<input class="input" type="text" id="position" name="user_position" placeholder="Position in Government" onchange="checkFilled()">
<input class="input" type="text" id="country" name="user_country" placeholder="Country" onchange="checkFilled()">
<input class="input" type="email" id="email" name="user_email" placeholder="Official Government Email" onchange="checkFilled()">
<input class="input" type="number" id="phone" name="user_phone" placeholder="Office Phone Number" onchange="checkFilled()">
<input class="input full-width" type="submit" value="Take The Pledge!">
The script was failing because it was trying to handle the zip element which doesn't exist on this form. I mistakenly tried to handle that condition by checking to see if it existed and contained a value and then changing its background color if both conditions weren't true (OOPS)
Working Code
if (zip != undefined) {
if (zip.value != "") { = "transparent";
} else { = "red";

Your form does not have an element with the zip id and is therefore throwing errors trying to modify the zip style property in the else statement of your zip check since it is null. Since that error causes the function to fail, the position and phone based if statements don't execute.
If you remove the if/else block checking the zip variable, both of those fields work again.


Why the paragraphs arent showing up when inputs are empty

im pretty new to coding and i wanted to try to make a register form and use javascript to check if any of the forms are empty. I tried to make it using DOM but it seems that its not working. If anyone can help me i will be really thankful.
js code:
let btnCheck = document.querySelector('#claim');
let input = document.querySelectorAll('input');
let fname = document.querySelector('#fname');
let lname = document.querySelector('#lname');
let email = document.querySelector('#email');
let password = document.querySelector('#password');
function checkForBlank(){
if (document.querySelector('#fname').value == ""){
fname.innerHTML = 'First Name cannot be empty'
if (document.querySelector('#lname').value == ""){
lname.innerHTML = 'Last Name cannot be empty'
if (document.querySelector('#email').value == ""){
email.innerHTML = "Looks like this is not an email"
if (document.querySelector('#password').value ==""){
password.innerHTML = 'Password cannot be empty'
btnCheck.addEventListener('click', checkForBlank());
html code:
<input type='text' placeholder="First Name">
<p id='fname'></p>
<input type='text' placeholder="Last Name">
<p id='lname'></p>
<input type='text' placeholder="Email Address">
<p id='email'></p>
<input type='password' placeholder="Password">
<p id='password'></p>
Your code does not check to see if the form input field is empty currently. You would want to get reference to the input and check to see if that is empty.
<input id="fname-input" type="text" placeholder="First Name" />
<p id="fname"></p>
<input id="lname-input" type="text" placeholder="Last Name" />
<p id="lname"></p>
<input id="email-input" type="text" placeholder="Email Address" />
<p id="email"></p>
<input id="password-input" type="password" placeholder="Password" />
<p id="password"></p>
const btnCheck = document.querySelector('#claim');
const fname = document.querySelector('#fname');
const fnameInput = document.querySelector('#fname-input');
const lname = document.querySelector('#lname');
const lnameInput = document.querySelector('#lname-input');
const email = document.querySelector('#email');
const emailInput = document.querySelector('#email-input');
const password = document.querySelector('#password');
const passwordInput = document.querySelector('#password-input');
function checkForBlank() {
if (fnameInput.value == "") {
fname.innerHTML = "First Name cannot be empty";
if (lnameInput.value == "") {
lname.innerHTML = "Last Name cannot be empty";
if (emailInput.value == "") {
email.innerHTML = "Looks like this is not an email";
if (passwordInput.value == "") {
password.innerHTML = "Password cannot be empty";
btnCheck.addEventListener('click', checkForBlank);
Additionally, you need to pass a function reference to addEventListener instead of invoking the function.
btnCheck.addEventListener('click', checkForBlank()); // WRONG
btnCheck.addEventListener('click', checkForBlank); //RIGHT
Note: I would recommend to rather (or additionally) use the required property of html elements
There are multiple things that you need to refactor
It would be better to create a new HTML element for errors with different classes.
As you are wrapping the inputs in the form element, So you need to preventDefault.
For clickListener you need to pass the function reference only, no need to execute the function
let btnCheck = document.querySelector('#claim');
let fname = document.querySelector('#fname');
let lname = document.querySelector('#lname');
let email = document.querySelector('#email');
let password = document.querySelector('#password');
let fnameError = document.querySelector('#fname-error');
let lnameError = document.querySelector('#lname-error');
let emailError = document.querySelector('#email-error');
let passwordError = document.querySelector('#password-error');
function checkForBlank(e) {
if (fname.value === "") {
fnameError.textContent = 'First Name cannot be empty'
} else {
fnameError.textContent = ''
if (lname.value === "") {
lnameError.textContent = 'Last Name cannot be empty'
} else {
lnameError.textContent = ''
if (email.value === "") {
emailError.textContent = "Looks like this is not an email"
} else {
emailError.textContent = ''
if (password.value === "") {
passwordError.textContent = 'Password cannot be empty'
} else {
passwordError.textContent = ''
btnCheck.addEventListener('click', checkForBlank);
color: red;
font-size: 12px;
padding: 0;
margin: 4px 0 8px 0;
<input type='text' placeholder="First Name" id='fname'>
<p class="error" id="fname-error"></p>
<input type='text' placeholder="Last Name" id='lname'>
<p class="error" id="lname-error"></p>
<input type='text' placeholder="Email Address" id='email'>
<p class="error" id="email-error"></p>
<input type='password' placeholder="Password" id='password'>
<p class="error" id="password-error"></p>
<button id="claim"> check </button>

Form Validation: messages not displaying when all input fields are left empty

So I am practicing Javascript and right now I am trying to implement form validation.
One of the issues I am having is that when I click on the button when all of the input fields are empty, the first one (Full Name) only highlights and displays a message (Please checkout snippet). I was wondering is that how it works - can only one message be displayed at a time or is there a way to get all of the input fields to change color and display messages for each empty field?
function validateForm(e) {
const eName = document.getElementById("FullName");
const eMail = document.getElementById("Email");
const ePhone = document.getElementById("PhoneNumber");
const ePass = document.getElementById("Password");
const eCnfmPass = document.getElementById("ConfirmPassword");
const phoneno = /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;
const fullNameText = "Oops, please fill out your name";
const emailText = "Please enter a valid email";
const phoneText = "Please enter a valid phone number";
const passText = "Please enter a valid password";
const confirmText = "Please confirm your password";
//Name input validation - If input is left empty
if (eName.value === "") {
document.getElementById("FullName").style.borderColor = "red";
document.getElementById("FullNameLabel").innerHTML = fullNameText;
document.getElementById("FullNameLabel").style.color = "red";
return false;
//Email input validation - If input is left empty
if (eMail.value === "") {
document.getElementById("Email").style.borderColor = "red";
document.getElementById("EmailLabel").innerHTML = emailText;
document.getElementById("EmailLabel").style.color = "red";
return false;
//Phone number input validation - If input is left empty
if (ePhone.value === "") {
document.getElementById("PhoneNumber").style.borderColor = "red";
document.getElementById("PhoneNumberLabel").innerHTML = phoneText;
document.getElementById("PhoneNumberLabel").style.color = "red";
return false;
//Phone number input validation - checks to see if there is a missing number or character that is not a number
if (ePhone.value.match(phoneno)) {
return true;
} else {
alert("Please check your phone number and enter it again")
// document.getElementById("PhoneNumber").style.borderColor = "red";
// document.getElementById("PhoneNumberLabel").innerHTML = phoneText;
// document.getElementById("PhoneNumberLabel").style.color = "red";
return false;
//Password input validation - If input is left empty
if (ePass.value === "") {
document.getElementById("Password").style.borderColor = "red";
document.getElementById("PasswordLabel").innerHTML = passText;
document.getElementById("PasswordLabel").style.color = "red";
return false;
//Confirm password input validation - If input is left empty
if (eCnfmPass.value === "") {
document.getElementById("ConfirmPassword").style.borderColor = "red";
document.getElementById("ConfirmPswdLabel").innerHTML = confirmText;
document.getElementById("ConfirmPswdLabel").style.color = "red";
//Checks to make sure that both password and confirm passwords match
var passConfirm = function() {
if (document.getElementById("Password").value ==
document.getElementById("ConfirmPassword").value) {
document.getElementById("Message").style.color = "green";
document.getElementById("Message").style.fontWeight = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("Message").innerHTML = "Passwords match!"
} else {
document.getElementById("Message").style.color = "red";
document.getElementById("Message").style.fontWeight = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("Message").innerHTML = "Passwords do NOT match!"
<div class="container">
<form class="form" onsubmit="validateForm(event)">
<label id="FullNameLabel">Full Name</label></br>
<input type="text" placeholder="John Doe" id="FullName" />
<label id="EmailLabel">Email</label></br>
<input type="text" placeholder="" id="Email" />
<label id="PhoneNumberLabel">Phone Number</label></br>
<input type="text" placeholder="(123) 456-7890" id="PhoneNumber" />
<label id="PasswordLabel">Password</label></br>
<input name="Password" id="Password" type="Password" placeholder="Password" onkeyup='passConfirm();' />
<label id="ConfirmPswdLabel">Confirm Password</label></br>
<input name="ConfirmPassword" id="ConfirmPassword" type="Password" placeholder="Confirm Password" onkeyup='passConfirm();' />
<span id="Message"></span>
<button type="submit" value="submit">Sign Me Up!</button>
You have too much javascript code, you can simplify that, alot.
to check if any of the inputs are empty, you can first store all the inputs in a variable like that:
let inputs = document.querySelectorAll('.form input') //This will make a Nodelist array of all the inputs inside the form.
let labels = document.querySelectorAll('.form label') //This will make a Nodelist array of the label tags inside the form
after that you can loop through the inputs array to find if any of the inputs are empty:
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (inputs.value.length == 0) {
inputs[i].style.borderColor = 'red'
label[i].textContent = 'Please fill in this input'
Require your inputs. Why go through all that trouble making sure they're filled out?
<input required>

How can I verify form passwords match using JavaScript?

I have a basic html form with password and verify password fields. I want to only allow users to continue if passwords match. If passwords do not match, I want there to be a notification to the user.
I think that what I currently have is close, but the JS still doesn't appear to do anything.
<form class="ajax-form" id="pwreset" method="post" onsubmit="return verifyPassword()" action="/set-password">
<div id="userinput">
<label for="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username"/><br/>
<label for="new_password">Password</label>
<input type="Password" id="new_password" name="new_password"/><br/>
<label for="verifyPassword">Verify Password</label>
<input type="password" id="verifyPassword" name="verifyPassword"/><br/>
<input type="hidden" id="uuid" name="uuid" value="{{uuid}}"/>
<p><input class="button" type="submit" value="SUBMIT"></p>
function verifyPassword() {
let pass1 = document.getElementById("new_password").value;
let pass2 = document.getElementById("verifyPassword").value;
let match = true;
if (pass1 != pass2) {
//alert("Passwords Do not match");
document.getElementById("new_password").style.borderColor = "#ff0000";
document.getElementById("verifyPassword").style.borderColor = "#ff0000";
match = false;
else {
alert("Passwords match.");
return match;
There are some issues that can come from putting the javascript call in the HTML.
In your case, the function was probably defined after the HTML, so the element didn't have access to it.
You can use this instead:
function verifyPassword() {
let pass1 = document.getElementById("new_password").value;
let pass2 = document.getElementById("verifyPassword").value;
let match = true;
if (pass1 != pass2) {
//alert("Passwords Do not match");
document.getElementById("new_password").style.borderColor = "#ff0000";
document.getElementById("verifyPassword").style.borderColor = "#ff0000";
match = false;
else {
alert("Passwords match.");
return match;
document.getElementById('pwreset').onsubmit = verifyPassword;
<form class="ajax-form" id="pwreset" method="post" action="/set-password">
<div id="userinput">
<label for="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" /><br/>
<label for="new_password">Password</label>
<input type="Password" id="new_password" name="new_password" /><br/>
<label for="verifyPassword">Verify Password</label>
<input type="password" id="verifyPassword" name="verifyPassword" /><br/>
<input type="hidden" id="uuid" name="uuid" value="{{uuid}}" />
<p><input class="button" type="submit" value="SUBMIT"></p>
Here is an example. I created a passwordGroup constructor to centralize the information. This way it's easier to write tests also.
var form = document.forms[0];
var pass1 = form.querySelector('[data-password]');
var pass2 = form.querySelector('[data-password-confirmation]');
var submitButton = form.querySelector('button[type="submit"]');
// PasswordGroup constructor
var PasswordGroup = function () {
this.password = '';
this.passwordConfirmation = '';
// method to update the passwords values
PasswordGroup.prototype.setValues = function(data) {
this.password = data.password;
this.passwordConfirmation = data.passwordConfirmation;
// method to check the password's equality
PasswordGroup.prototype.match = function() {
return !!(this.password
&& this.passwordConfirmation
&& this.password === this.passwordConfirmation);
* Enable/disable the submit button if passwords do not match
function validateSubmit() {
if(passwordGroup.match()) {
} else {
submitButton.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
// passwordGroup instance
var passwordGroup = new PasswordGroup();
// objecto to store the current values
var passwordsValues = {
password: '',
passwordConfirmation: '',
// event triggered after enter a new value in the password's field
var onPasswordChange = function(e) {
var target =;
var targetValue = target.value;
if(target.dataset.hasOwnProperty('password')) {
passwordsValues.password = targetValue;
} else if (target.dataset.hasOwnProperty('passwordConfirmation')) {
passwordsValues.passwordConfirmation = targetValue;
// event attribution
pass1.onkeyup = onPasswordChange;
pass2.onkeyup = onPasswordChange;
input {
display: block;
<form action="" name='account'>
<input type="text" placeholder="name" />
<input type="password" data-password placeholder="password"/>
<input type="password" data-password-confirmation placeholder="repeat password"/>
<button type="submit" disabled="disabled">Enviar</button>
<p data-message></p>

How to validate length and match required character?

I want to hide the submit button if value does not match the required type, I m able to hide it on the length, but my match does not work.
JavaScript Code:
function submitChangej(){
var inputlastName = document.getElementById("lastname");
var inputfirstName = document.getElementById("firstname");
var inputmobileNumber = document.getElementById("mobilenumber");
var inputidNumber = document.getElementById("idnumber");
var firstname = /^[a-zA-Z-\s]{2,128}$/;
var lastname = /^[a-zA-Z-\s]{2,128}$/;
var mobilenumber = /^[0-9]{10,20}$/;
var idnumber = /^([0-9]){2}([0-1][0-9])([0-3][0-9])([0-9]){4}([0-1])([0-9]){2}?$/;
var inputSubmit = document.getElementById("apply");
var Container = document.getElementById('Agreement');
if((inputfirstName.value.length < 2 || inputfirstName.value.length > 128 ) || ( inputlastName.value.length < 2 || inputlastName > 128 ) || (inputmobileNumber.value.length < 10 || inputmobileNumber > 20) || (inputidNumber.value.length < 13)){ = 'none';
else{ = 'block';
var Container = document.getElementById('Agreement');
if((firstname.match(firstname) != null) || (lastname.match(lastname) != null) || (mobilenumber.match(mobilenumber) != null) || (idnumber.match(idnumber) != null)){ = 'none';
else{ = 'block';
HTML Code:
<form >
<label for="firstname"><span class="starRequired"><b>*</b> </span>First name:</label><br>
<input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" required autofocus="autofocus" pattern="[a-zA-Z-\s]{3,128}" onkeyup="submitChangej();" onkeypress="checkFirstname(this.value);" value="">
<br/><label for="lastname"><span class="starRequired"><b>*</b> </span>Last name:</label><br>
<input type="text" name="lastname" required id="lastname" pattern="[a-zA-Z-\s]{3,128}" onkeyup="submitChangej();" onkeypress="checkLastname(this.value);"
onblur="checkLastname(this.value);" value="">
<br/><label for="mobilenumber"><span class="starRequired"><b>*</b> </span>Mobile Number:</label><br/>
<input type="text" name="mobilenumber" required id="mobilenumber" onkeyup="submitChangej();" onkeypress="checkMobilenumber(this.value);"
onblur="checkMobilenumber(this.value);" value="">
<br/><label for="idnumber">ID Number:</label><br/>
<input type="text" name="idnumber" id="idnumber" maxlength="13" onkeyup="submitChangej();" onkeypress="checkIdnumber(this.value);"
onblur="checkIdnumber(this.value);" value="">
<div id="Agreement" style="display:none">
<input type="submit" id="apply" name="apply" value="Apply"
onclick="if(!this.form.terms.checked){alert('Please indicate that you accept the Agreement');return false}"/>
<input type="checkbox" id="terms" name="terms" >
<label id="accept" >I accept the Agreement</label>
<textarea name="textfield" id="textfield" rows="10" cols="105" readonly="readonly" >
1. Acceptance
1.1 I have read and accepted the above terms and conditions.
I than call my method submitChangej()on the fields that i validate.
The button should be hidden when match and length are invalid, if everything is correct than the button should appear. The length work good, but the match of required characters does not match
Change the final lines of your code to:
if(!firstname.test(inputfirstName.value) || !lastname.test(inputlastName.value) || !mobilenumber.test(inputmobileNumber.value) || !idnumber.test(inputidNumber.value)){ = 'none';
else { = 'block';
As it was already mentioned you're trying to find a match on a pattern itseld, which has no sense. Then, the match method is used to get a matching string, but you only want to test the string against some pattern, so use the test method instead.
I would suggest simplifying this and letting the browser do more of the leg work for you by putting this in a form on change listener: = (document.querySelectorAll('*:invalid').length)? = 'none' : 'block';

Individual error messages for empty form fields using JavaScript

I need to validate my form using JavaScript because iPhone / Safari do not recognize the required attribute. I want individual error messages to appear below each empty input field.
My code works, but the individual error message does not disappear when the field is filled in. Also, I would like all messages to appear initially, for all empty fields (not one by one). I am very very new to JavaScript, sorry.
<form onsubmit="return validateForm()" method="post" action="form.php" name="english_registration_form" id="english_registration_form">
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" aria-describedby="name-format" required placeholder="Name">
<span class="error"><p id="name_error"></p></span>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" required placeholder="Email">
<span class="error"><p id="email_error"></p></span>
<input type="tel" id="telephone" name="telephone" required placeholder="Telephone">
<span class="error"><p id="telephone_error"></p></span>
<button class="register_button" type="submit" value="submit">Register Now</button>
And my JavaScript:
function validateForm() {
var x = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["name"].value;
var y = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["email"].value;
var z = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["telephone"].value;
if (x == null || x == "") {
nameError = "Please enter your name";
document.getElementById("name_error").innerHTML = nameError;
return false;
else if (y == null || y == "") {
emailError = "Please enter your email";
document.getElementById("email_error").innerHTML = emailError;
return false;
else if (z == null || z == "") {
telephoneError = "Please enter your telephone";
document.getElementById("telephone_error").innerHTML = telephoneError;
return false;
else {return true;}
Thanks for your help.
Here is a solution that displays all relevant errors when the form is first submitted, and removes an error when the user modifies text in the relevant input element.
To get it to display all of the errors on first run, I used if statements instead of if else, and used a flag to determine whether the form should be submitted. To remove the warnings when the input is modified, I bound the onkeyup events of the inputs.
I ended up removing the required attributes on the inputs so that the demonstration will work in a modern browser that supports them.
Live Demo:
document.getElementById("english_registration_form").onsubmit = function () {
var x = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["name"].value;
var y = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["email"].value;
var z = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["telephone"].value;
var submit = true;
if (x == null || x == "") {
nameError = "Please enter your name";
document.getElementById("name_error").innerHTML = nameError;
submit = false;
if (y == null || y == "") {
emailError = "Please enter your email";
document.getElementById("email_error").innerHTML = emailError;
submit = false;
if (z == null || z == "") {
telephoneError = "Please enter your telephone";
document.getElementById("telephone_error").innerHTML = telephoneError;
submit = false;
return submit;
function removeWarning() {
document.getElementById( + "_error").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("name").onkeyup = removeWarning;
document.getElementById("email").onkeyup = removeWarning;
document.getElementById("telephone").onkeyup = removeWarning;
<form method="post" action="form.php" name="english_registration_form" id="english_registration_form">
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" aria-describedby="name-format" placeholder="Name"> <span class="error"><p id="name_error"></p></span>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Email"> <span class="error"><p id="email_error"></p></span>
<input type="tel" id="telephone" name="telephone" placeholder="Telephone"> <span class="error"><p id="telephone_error"></p></span>
<button class="register_button" type="submit" value="submit">Register Now</button>
JSFiddle Version:
First of all, we change your function validateForm so it can handle multiple validations.
Then, we create a DOMContentLoaded event handler on the document, and we call the validateForm function, so we validate the field when the page is loaded.
And to finish, we create input event handlers on the inputs, so everytime someone change any data inside them, the form is validated again.
Take a look at the code commented, and see the working version in action!
function validateForm() {
var valid = true; // creates a boolean variable to return if the form's valid
if (!validateField(this, 'name')) // validates the name
valid = false;
if (!validateField(this, 'email')) // validates the email (look that we're not using else if)
valid = false;
if (!validateField(this, 'telephone')) // validates the telephone
valid = false;
return valid; // if all the fields are valid, this variable will be true
function validateField(context, fieldName) { // function to dynamically validates a field by its name
var field = document.forms['english_registration_form'][fieldName], // gets the field
msg = 'Please enter your ' + fieldName, // dynamic message
errorField = document.getElementById(fieldName + '_error'); // gets the error field
// if the context is the form, it's because the Register Now button was clicked, if not, check the caller
if (context instanceof HTMLFormElement || === fieldName)
errorField.innerHTML = (field.value === '') ? msg : '';
return field.value !== ''; // return if the field is fulfilled
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // when the DOM is ready
// add event handlers when changing the fields' value
document.getElementById('name').addEventListener('input', validateForm);
document.getElementById('email').addEventListener('input', validateForm);
document.getElementById('telephone').addEventListener('input', validateForm);
// add the event handler for the submit event
document.getElementById('english_registration_form').addEventListener('submit', validateForm);
<form method="post" action="form.php" name="english_registration_form" id="english_registration_form">
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" aria-describedby="name-format" required placeholder="Name">
<span class="error"><p id="name_error"></p></span>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" required placeholder="Email">
<span class="error"><p id="email_error"></p></span>
<input type="tel" id="telephone" name="telephone" required placeholder="Telephone">
<span class="error"><p id="telephone_error"></p></span>
<button class="register_button" type="submit" value="submit">Register Now</button>
you have to use style.display="none" to hide error
and style.display="block" to show error
function validateForm() {
var x = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["name"].value;
var y = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["email"].value;
var z = document.forms["english_registration_form"]["telephone"].value;
if (x == null || x == "") {
nameError = "Please enter your name";
document.getElementById("name_error").innerHTML = nameError;
return false;
else if (x != null || x != "") {
nameError = "Please enter your name";
return false;
if (y == null || y == "") {
emailError = "Please enter your email";
document.getElementById("email_error").innerHTML = emailError;
return false;
else if (y != null || y != "") {
emailError = "Please enter your email";
return false;
if (z == null || z == "") {
telephoneError = "Please enter your telephone";
document.getElementById("telephone_error").innerHTML = telephoneError;
return false;
else if (z != null || z != "") {
telephoneError = "Please enter your telephone";
return false;
else {return true;}
function validateForm() {
var valid = true; // creates a boolean variable to return if the form's valid
if (!validateField(this, 'name')) // validates the name
valid = false;
if (!validateField(this, 'email')) // validates the email (look that we're not using else if)
valid = false;
if (!validateField(this, 'telephone')) // validates the telephone
valid = false;
return valid; // if all the fields are valid, this variable will be true
function validateField(context, fieldName) { // function to dynamically validates a field by its name
var field = document.forms['english_registration_form'][fieldName], // gets the field
msg = 'Please enter your ' + fieldName, // dynamic message
errorField = document.getElementById(fieldName + '_error'); // gets the error field
// if the context is the form, it's because the Register Now button was clicked, if not, check the caller
if (context instanceof HTMLFormElement || === fieldName)
errorField.innerHTML = (field.value === '') ? msg : '';
return field.value !== ''; // return if the field is fulfilled
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // when the DOM is ready
// add event handlers when changing the fields' value
document.getElementById('name').addEventListener('input', validateForm);
document.getElementById('email').addEventListener('input', validateForm);
document.getElementById('telephone').addEventListener('input', validateForm);
// add the event handler for the submit event
document.getElementById('english_registration_form').addEventListener('submit', validateForm);
<form method="post" action="form.php" name="english_registration_form" id="english_registration_form">
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" aria-describedby="name-format" required placeholder="Name">
<span class="error"><p id="name_error"></p></span>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" required placeholder="Email">
<span class="error"><p id="email_error"></p></span>
<input type="tel" id="telephone" name="telephone" required placeholder="Telephone">
<span class="error"><p id="telephone_error"></p></span>
<button class="register_button" type="submit" value="submit">Register Now</button>

