How do I convert a JSON string object value to an integer? - javascript

I'm tring to convert a JSON object value to an integer and calculate.
It shows representativeRow.DTA_VAL well but the value of total shows NaN.
I don't think this works because the other code works well.
datav= Number(representativeRow.DTA_VAL);
this is my code
var rows = resp.Sttsapitbldata[1].row;
if (rows) {
var representativeRow;
for (i = 1; i < 30; i++) {
representativeRow = rows[i];
// console.log(representativeRow.ITM_NM);
var sub =representativeRow.ITM_NM.substring(0,3);
var total;
var datav;
datav= Number(representativeRow.DTA_VAL);
itemNm2 = representativeRow.ITM_NM;
dataV = representativeRow.DTA_VAL;
//console.log(dataV);{locname: itemNm2, listshrs: dataV});
korea = webponent.visual.korea.init($(".korea"), style, options);
See JSON file code below.
{"Sttsapitbldata":[{"head":[{"list_total_count":88},{"RESULT":{"CODE":"INFO-000","MESSAGE":"정상 처리되었습니다."}}]},{"row":[{"STATBL_ID":"T183673021266818","DTACYCLE_CD":"YY","WRTTIME_IDTFR_ID":"2016","ITM_ID":10001,"ITM_NM":"계","CLS_ID":50033,"CLS_NM":"강간","UI_NM":"명","DTA_VAL":5155,"DTA_SVAL":null},{"STATBL_ID":"T183673021266818","DTACYCLE_CD":"YY","WRTTIME_IDTFR_ID":"2016","ITM_ID":10002,"ITM_NM":"서울","CLS_ID":50033,"CLS_NM":"강간","UI_NM":"명","DTA_VAL":1129,"DTA_SVAL":null},{"STATBL_ID":"T183673021266818","DTACYCLE_CD":"YY","WRTTIME_IDTFR_ID":"2016","ITM_ID":10003,"ITM_NM":"부산","CLS_ID":50033,"CLS_NM":"강간","UI_NM":"명","DTA_VAL":314,"DTA_SVAL":null},

You should initialise total=0. You can't add to a null value on the first iteration. Although looking at it, I suspect you'd be wanting to initialise total outside of the loop


Google App Scripts find text in spreadsheet and return location index

I am a novice here to google app scripts and my JavaScript is also not very strong, but neither of these seem to be the problem here as my code works the first time I run it but then when I try to call it again it fails.
Simply I am trying to have a function that will dynamically find a given text in a given range. While it looks like there might be a built in package that does this I cannot figure out how to implement it. And the documentation is not helpful for someone new.
Option 1: was to implement the following:
Since that has not been sucessful in finding out how to do it I moved to creating the following simple two functions, Option 2:
function findIndexRow(range,fText){
for(var i = 0; i<range.length;i++){
for(var j = 0; j<range.length;j++){
if(range[i][j] == fText){
var fTextRow = i+1;
var fTextCol = j+1;
return fTextRow
function findIndexCol(range,fText){
for(var i = 0; i<range.length;i++){
for(var j = 0; j<range.length;j++){
if(range[i][j] == fText){
var fTextRow = i+1;
var fTextCol = j+1;
return fTextCol
It takes in a range that I defined like:
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('the-gsheet-id');
var CurrSheet = sheet.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var SHTvalues = CurrSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
So the above works when I call it once in my main code but the second time it returns null, help here as to why re calling the same function does not work.
var text1Row = findIndexRow(SHTvalues,"text1");
var text1Col = findIndexCol(SHTvalues,"text1");
var text2Row = findIndexRow(SHTvalues,"text2");
var text2Col = findIndexCol(SHTvalues,"text2");
I can't understand why my logs return the correct values for text1Row and text1Col but when it is called a second time the text2Row and text2Col both return null
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to search a text value from a sheet in the Google Spreadsheet, and want to retrieve the row and column numbers of the found values.
You want to achieve this using TextFinder.
For this, how about this answer?
Sample script:
var findText = "text1";
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('the-gsheet-id');
var CurrSheet = sheet.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var SHTvalues = CurrSheet.createTextFinder(findText).findAll();
var result = => ({row: r.getRow(), col: r.getColumn()}));
About my logs return the correct values for text1Row and text1Col but when it is called a second time the text2Row and text2Col both return null in your script, if there are the values of text1 and text2 in Sheet1, text1Row, text1Col, text2Col and text2Row has the values. If only the value of text1 is put in Sheet1, text1Col and text2Col has the values. But text2Col and text2Row has no values (null). Please be careful this.
But in this case, when 2 values of `text1 are put to the cells "A1" and "A2", only "A2" is returned. Also please be careful this.
In this sample script, please enable V8.
createTextFinder() in Class Sheet
Class TextFinder
Here's a script that I used for searching through my spreadsheets when I'm having trouble finding the sheet I want. It does read another sheet to get a list of spreadsheets to search through.
function regexSearch(sObj) {
var ass=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var startRow=2;
var msrsh=ass.getSheetByName('MultiSearchResults');
var sh=ass.getSheetByName('SelectedSpreadsheets');
var hA=sh.getRange(1,1,1,sh.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var getArrayIndex={};
var rg=sh.getRange(startRow,1,sh.getLastRow()-startRow+1,sh.getLastColumn());
var ssA=rg.getValues();
var matches='';
var n=0
for(var k=0;k<ssA.length;k++) {
var fileid=ssA[k][getArrayIndex['FileId']];
var filename=ssA[k][getArrayIndex['FileName']];
var filepath=getFilePathFromId(ssA[k][getArrayIndex['FileId']]);
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openById(fileid);
var tf=ss.createTextFinder(sObj.pattern).useRegularExpression(true);
var all=tf.findAll();
for(var i=0;i<all.length;i++) {
matches+=Utilities.formatString('<br /><b>Path:</b> %s <b>Sheet:</b> %s <b>Cell:</b> %s <b>Value:</b> %s<hr width="100%"/>',filepath,all[i].getSheet().getName(),all[i].getA1Notation(),all[i].getValue());
if(matches) {
sObj.message=Utilities.formatString('<p>Pattern %s was found in %s spreadsheet out of a total of %s</p>',sObj.pattern,n,ssA.length);
sObj.message=Utilities.formatString('No Matches found for %s',sObj.pattern);
return sObj;

Can't convert Array to Object[][] error

I'm trying to make a simple script in google doc, but when I run it stops at line 15 with error as in the title. It works if only I remove that line. Can you help me please?
function influencer_update() {
var sheet1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Influencer');
var dzis = sheet1.getRange('O1').getValue(); //today date
var lista = sheet1.getRange('Q2:Q').getValues(); //list of values
var lista_st = sheet1.getRange('D2:D').getValues(); //list of values to update
var daty = sheet1.getRange('O2:O').getValues(); //list of dates, when value was last update
for (i in lista) {
if (lista[i]>0) {
daty[i] = dzis
I believe setValues() and getValues() always uses 2d array. When you do daty[i] = dzis, it converts daty to 1d array. Hence it gives you the error message Can't convert Array to Object[][]. If you change the line
daty[i] = dzis
daty[i][0] = dzis
daty[i] = [dzis]
should fix the problem.

JavaScript Array.shift not working

I have been programming a system that is supposed to delete the first index of an array. Instead of changing an array from (i.e) "1,2,3,4,5" to "2,3,4,5" the console gives an error: "Uncaught TypeError: num.splice is not a function". I have heard that num.splice is not a function, it is an operation (or something) to delete the first indexed value of the array. I am confused that when I use an example code from w3Schools, there is no outputted error in the console. I don't understand why this happens.
(I have given the entire code just in case it has to do with syntax issues)
function dCrypt() {
var num = document.getElementById("demoin").value; // ex: a127
var key = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"];
var mod = 0;
var out = 0;
var prep = 0;
var pre = 0;
mod = num[0];
pre = key.indexOf(mod);
for (i=0;i <= pre;i++) {
prep += 26;
out = Math.floor(num + pre);
document.getElementById("demoout").innerHTML = out;
Thanks in advance!
When you split 'num' you have to reassign it
num = num.split("");
Referring to your link from w3schools:
The splice() method adds/removes items to/from an array, and returns the removed item(s).
As you can see the var num is string(and not an array) and has the value of the element with id demoin.
Since you are trying to splice a string and not an array. The error shows up in the console.
Either store the value of your split in an array(it could be num itself) and then splice that array.
num = num.split("");

JSON string from local storage changes value after it's parsed to JSON object

I use this function so I can save my old values from the DOM, compare the to the new ones and display a specific sign if the values differ. I am far from expert in JS, but I think something really strange happens when I convert the var retrievedData to json object using JSON.parse and save the result(json object) to var productsRetrived.
As visible from the picture below I in the first row as a JSON string coming from console.log(retrievedData );. Then on the second row I get the object which is supposed to be just a converted version of this string.
I don't know why but instead of that I get an updated version of the string with the NEW value instead of the old one.
Can someone explain why this happens?
Here is the code :
function isInArr (id, price){
var retrievedData = localStorage.getItem("tempThumbnails");
var productsRetrived = JSON.parse(retrievedData);
console.log(retrievedData );
console.log(productsRetrived );
for (var i = 0, len=productsRetrived.length; i < len; i++) {
//if product is in the local storage compare prices
//if prices match rebuild the json in LS
return 0;
}else if(productsRetrived[i].price>price){
return -1;
}else if(productsRetrived[i].price<price){
return 1;

trying to iterate data sets

I'm new to javascript, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to loop through some code so that it will basically create an array that I can then pass on to my plot variable.
I'm not really sure where to start. Right now I have a chunk of code that takes my first dataset (dataOne) and formats it so that it can go into my plot variable. I basically need to do that three more times for the other data sets - hoping to include the example.getDataSets function to loop through somehow.
Is there a good way to do this?
Here is my code:
var example = {}; = {
dataOne: {data: [{"date":1333238400000,"data":23},{"date":1333324800000,"data":37},{"date":1333411200000,"data":49},{"date":1333497600000,"data":54},{"date":1333584000000,"data":30},{"date":1333670400000,"data":19},{"date":1333756800000,"data":15},{"date":1333843200000,"data":19},{"date":1333929600000,"data":145}],
dataTwo: {data: [{"date":1335830400000,"data":63},{"date":1335916800000,"data":77},{"date":1336003200000,"data":66}],
dataThree: {data: [{"date":1341100800000,"data":24},{"date":1341187200000,"data":50},{"date":1341273600000,"data":43},{"date":1341360000000,"data":39},{"date":1341446400000,"data":56},{"date":1341532800000,"data":66}],
dataFour: {data: [{"date":1333238400000,"data":71},{"date":1333324800000,"data":46},{"date":1333411200000,"data":66},{"date":1333497600000,"data":73},{"date":1333584000000,"data":105},{"date":1333670400000,"data":84}]}
example.getDataSets = function(){
return ['dataOne', 'dataTwo', 'dataThree', 'dataFour']
example.getSeries = function(month){
example.processData = function(data){
var newData = []
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
newData.push([data[i].date, data[i].data])
return newData;
My script in the HTML page:
.done(function() {
var b = example.getSeries('dataOne');
var d = example.processData(;
// first correct the timestamps - they are recorded as the daily
// midnights in UTC+0100, but Flot always displays dates in UTC
// so we have to add one hour to hit the midnights in the plot
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; ++i)
d[i][0] += 60 * 60 * 1000;
var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), [d] , options);
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
You're passing the string literal 'b' to example.processData not the object stored in the variable b. Its should be
var d = example.processData(b);
Also example.getSeries returns an object not an array. The array is in the data property of the object.
Also your data has syntax errors in it, missing ]} at the end of the arrays in the first 3 objects.
var d = example.processData(b);
won't log your data (in the b variable) as well, but the string :-)

